Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Another Surgery

Tricia will be having surgery next Tuesday at Duke to remove her gall bladder. The way it has been explained to us is, her gall bladder is basically not functioning. This could be the cause of the stomach pain she's been experiencing, and we're hoping that this surgery will take that pain away. This is not an emergency surgery, as we've known about it for several weeks now. She's been told to expect to be in the hospital for at least one night, maybe more.



Jenny said...

Praying it all goes well and she heals quickly. Thanks for letting us know so we can pray. :)

Jimmy said...

We'll be praying! You know you're in great hands!! Heather had hers removed @ 15 and it helped her. I know everyones different but it really did! We live in Durham so if you need ANYTHING, please do not hesitate to ask!!
Jimmy Bailey

Growing Up Rutledge said...

too bad they couldn't give you a family deal when you had yours done! I hope it goes smoothly.

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

My grandmother had this done when she was in her 80s, and basically she didn't turn a hair! She was absolutely fine. Hope and pray Tricia will be, too - please keep us posted.

Judy said...

Thanks for the heads up so that I can be praying for her!!

Deb said...

I'll be praying! I know a lot of people who have had theirs out and they all have felt tons better when it's over.

Skye said...

You'll be gallbladder-free together! I'll be thinking of Tricia, wishing her a speedy recovery and a relief from pain.

LA said...

Do you get a 'buy one get one free' deal on gall bladder surgery? (I'm guessing probably not).

Hope all goes smoothly.

Sharon said...

I do not miss my gallbladder and certainly not the pain that was associated with it!
Goodluck :)

gena said...

Ugh, poor kid ! Hope this solves the tummy trouble and she feels better soon !


Jane said...

Praying for the medical team and a speedy recovery!

Carol Jackson said...

I'm praying for smooth surgery and speedy recovery.

Lisa said...

Praying for a super good and fast healing and recovery.

Chris said...

Oh darn that sucks on the bright side it is a pretty normal surgery, my hubby just had his removed he stayed overnight just because the painkillers made him very woozy.
Hope all goes well! Will add Trish to my prayers.

... said...

I dispatched mine in May 2009. She will feel SO MUCH BETTER after surgery. I was very careful to ease into eating again after surgery, for about 4 months. Now, I can pretty much eat what I want. I feel a million times better, and hope it works out for Tricia as well as it did for me.

Ashley Gregg said...

My husband has cf and had to have this same procedure done a few years back. Surgery is always scary, but even with the cf he did really well. Praying for you! You're blog has been an encouragement to both of us...thanks!

Jani said...

After I had my son the same thing happened to me. No stones or anything, it just wasn't working. The pain was the worst thing I have ever felt. I felt immediately better as soon as I had the surgery and the recovery was pretty easy and quick. I will pray for the same outcome for Tricia.

Dee Dee said...


Amy said...

Hope all goes well!! I had mine out in March after not feeling well for a few months. I didn't have any stones but it was just non-functioning; I feel much better now.

Anonymous said...

Had this done this year and feel much better, Praying for quick healing and resolved issues.

JWags said...

Just scanning through various CF Blogs and came across your blog. I had my gallbladder out this past July and it has been the best thing ever. I have been having problems for the past 6 months and finally figured out what it was. I look forward to reading your blog.

By the way....I am 29 years old with CF, married and looking forward to get the green light to start trying to have a baby once we get genetic testing results for my hubby!

CF hubbies are the best.....you rock!