
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Chatting Live Right Now

Tricia and I are chatting live with you right now about CF at



  1. So much fun hearing you live... thanks for the heads up.

    Each time I read/hear things I am constantly amazed.

    Hearing that Tricia defined herself for the better... as she embraced her CF... I am even more in awe.

    I was recently diagnosed with Sjogren's... and I am trying to figure out how to deal with my disease.

    Thanks for the positive impact you have had in my life.


  2. You two were great speakers. Nathan, I love your humor. I don't want to bother you, as I know you are both very busy. Please contact me whrn you have a chance. I am getting very nervous about my Duke evaluation on the26 and 27th of this month. Especially just coming out of the hospital for 4 days with an acute exacerbation. I feel I,ve lost ground on my re-hab.
    Lynn from Wanchese


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