
Friday, October 7, 2011


Tricia and Gwyneth and I are spending a month in France...yes, we have already arrived and are into our second full day. You might remember that we came to Grenoble, France for a week with my church band two summers ago on a mission trip. I've been on several overseas trips, but France is the first place I've ever been where, as I got on the plane to go home, I began trying to figure out how I could return as soon as possible. We loved the people, the culture, the food! And, my specific skill set with music and creative arts is something that can really be used.

So, after over a year of planning, we have returned. I am working with a few local Grenoble churches and their musicians. We'll also be looking to serve the local Cystic Fibrosis community in any way that we can. We are also scheduled to visit Rome for a few days to scout out another mission trip that our church is planning for 2012!

We have good internet access at times, so I will be posting photos and updates from time to time.

au revoir



  1. Hope you guys have an incredible time in France. If you do go to Rome next year, would love to help if I can (assuming you except Christians from outside the USA)! :-)

  2. Have fun in France. Just an FYI: the vocabularies of ASL and modern French Sign Language are approximately 60% shared. So that may be another way to communicate with people while you are there.

  3. Bienvenue en France!

    I am from Grenoble but currently live in Toulouse. I hope you get to enjoy the city and surroundings with your family


  4. Wow, that is just amazing. Is your church paying for your month long trip? If so, you are way lucky to have a dad for a pastor! I cannot even imagine affording a trip like that and not working for an entire month! I hope you enjoy yourselves immensely and eat up a lot of that yummy French food! I'm jealous!

  5. @Jessie

    I know you're a troll, but I thought I'd respond anyway.

    No, my employer is not paying for my trip. Actually, I am working in France and the churches I am serving have helped to get me here, an awesome family is giving us a small apartment to live in, and Tricia and I are paying for other expenses out of our own pockets. On top of all of that, I am still working for my home church while in France.

    My trip has nothing to do with my does have to do with an employer (every person who is a member of my church) having a heart for the world and allowing me to spend a period of time using my skill set to help local Grenoble churches.

    And yes, the food is very yummy.

    If you try to slander me, my church or my family again, don't bother coming back. I will delete any more of your comments.

  6. What a great opportunity! Hope you all have a great time and update your blog with lots of pics!


  7. Wow! Just to visting your blog to see how you are all doing, and so happy for you to have this opportunity to work in France and for you all to be together. Enjoy your time there xx

  8. Wow! What an amazing way for you and Tricia to minister others. It sounds like an amazing opportunity for everyone involved. Honestly, how you got there, is not important, but what your doing there is; and that is great! We are of totally different faiths but I sure can appreciate those that want to so such good in the world. Safe travels to all of you! It will be pretty cool to see all the changes when you go back next year (not that I am trying to rush this year--LOL).

  9. How exciting!!! Praying that you three are still having a very blessed trip, and serving the Lord well, in France! Can't wait to see pictures and "hear" all about it!

  10. If you ever have the chance to meet up with believers in Marseilles, they are fantastic. I spent a summer with them, and ohlala, what a beautiful country, culture & people. Every time I've visited that country, I have that same feeling when leaving -- how can I get back here?!? May the kingdom come more & more through your work there.

  11. Hi Nate and family!
    You're probably almost returning to the USA... hope the three of you had an awesome time and also hope you'll share some of your adventures here... I sure do miss your blogs.
    Love to you and your precious family from theNetherlands (pretty close to you, compared to the usual distance, haha)!

  12. It was so great to meet you guys!! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony with all of us!
    Hope your trip home went well.
    Holli and Family.
    (We were the family with the twins that sat so nicely and didn't make a sound at your concert! ;-))
    Thought I would share to that this is the girl I grew up with with CF that I was tell Trica about at the park.
    We look forward to following you and praying you keep spreading His love!

  13. I have followed your blog for a long time. I have not made to many comments, but I have prayed for your family a lot.
    I am happy for you and your family to be able to serve in France, what an opportunity! The reason I commented today is because of the wonderful news on TV last night about a new drug that sounds so promising for people with CF. Did you see it?

  14. What a great way to spend a month! Hope you have had a blast! I love France. :) I had not checked in on your blog in a long time. I thought of you and Tricia when I watched this story of a friend of mine. You may have already seen it, but if not there is a clip on CBS. My friend's boyfriend (now fiance after the end of the race) ;) has CF and ran the NYC Marathon.

  15. Hi Nate, thought you are Trish might enjoy this article about this CF guy proposing to his girlfriend after running NYC marathon!

  16. Hi Nathan,

    My name is Pat Dryburgh. You and I met years ago at a worship conference, back when I was working at a church as a music director (which I believe you were also doing at the time).

    I was just going through some old archived posts and came across your name, and remembered it has been years since you and I spoke. I believe at the time, your wife had just given birth to your beautiful daughter.

    I remember even as I left the church, my mom continued to follow your story with great interest, and kept me updated with how you were doing. Even up to a couple of years ago, when she was diagnosed with mesothelioma.

    It's been a long, hard road these last two years, and unfortunately we're losing the battle. I don't know how long she has. I know you didn't ever speak to her personally, but I wanted you to know that whenever she spoke of you and your wife she had so much care in her heart for you both.

    Anyway, I hope you are doing well. All the best to you, your wife, and your daughter.

    —Pat Dryburgh

  17. As a young single woman with a disability & multitude of health problems, I appreciate your comment to pat robertson. have a great trip!
    Have a good day!

    Thinking of you…
    Take care,
    Ones Who Care

  18. Hoping you are back in NC, and will soon update the blog with all the stories of your wonderful adventures in France.

  19. Hi Nate,

    So glad to see all of you are doing so well. France - WOW! Don't know if you remember us but we met at Duke. We had 2 boys in the NICU (Nicholas and Matthew). Both are doing great.

    Joe and Kendra


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