
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose!!!

Our Gwyneth Rose turns four today! So excited to celebrate with her! If I can find the pug toy, I'll take a photo for you.



  1. I remember that day like it was yesterday, through the grace of God and a good friend I found your blog and then your dad's. I remember constantly refreshing both and praying so hard for all of you. Every time anyone asks if I believe in God's work or in miracles I tell them that I have seen them daily, but the best example that I can use to show them is through your, Trisha, and G's story. I have said it multiple times, your family led me back to God, and back to worship.

  2. I remember that day too - I think I checked the blog about fifty times that day. Keep up with my more via facebook now. It's hard to believe it's been four years. Wow! What a mighty God we serve!

    Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose! God has already Blessed you with so much more than you can ever understand. I know you will have an amazing birthday!


  3. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! To your Dad: what do you mean with "if I can find the pug toy"? How can you not know where it is?? Ha, keep looking, I hope you'll find it, curious to see how much bigger she's become - I do know she's still as beautiful though and what a pretty smile she has, just like her mom and dad!

  4. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! I too remember that day an the ones subsequent as you watched both your loves fight for their lives. What a miracle! God is so good!!

  5. Happy happy birthday Gwyneth! It's hard to believe it's been four years. I'd love to see a picture with the pug.

  6. 4... WHOAAAAAA! Happy birthday little miracle Gwyneth! Hope today is simply fantastic!

  7. Happy fourth birthday Gwyneth! Can't believe its been four years already! I was expecting a little girl when your mommy was expecting you and I remember praying so hard for both of you. God bless you!

  8. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!!!
    It's been SO AWESOME to watch you grow up into a little girl!! God has immensly blessed me through your family! :) What a mighty God we have!
    Amy Anderson

  9. That means that I've faithfully prayed for your family for more than four years now. It's been an extreme privilege! Destiny

  10. Happy Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!!!!!

  11. Happy, happy birthday sweet girl! I've followed your story since before you were born. God is doing mighty works through your family and He loves you SOOOOO MUCH!!! Have fun being 4!

  12. Happy Birthday Miss Gwyneth! What a beautiful and precious girl you have...doesn't seem possible that the little sweetheart is four years old already! I remember looking at all of the pug pictures...and my entire family was decked out in our brown and pink today, as always! Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  13. Can't believe its been 4 years already! Happy Birthday sweet girl. What a minister of Gods love and power you are and what a tremendous privilege it is to watch you grow. Praise the King of King and Lord of Lords for you and your family. Xo

  14. Wow, amazing! We have enjoyed watching your miracles unfold. Happy Happy and Eat Cake!
    From Vancouver, BC, Canada

  15. Happy Birthday to Gwyneth! I can't believe it's been four years already. What a blessing she has been to so many lives! <3 Chelsey

  16. Reader comments have humbled me, knowing that prayers are so deep, faithful, everlasting and pure.
    Happy Birthday princess Gwyneth.
    You are doing so well and give courage to others too.
    Much love

  17. Happy birthday!!! I can't believe it's been 4 years.

  18. Four years have flown by! Happy Birthday, Gwyneth!♥


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