
Saturday, February 4, 2012

In The Hospital

Tricia is in the hospital.

On Tuesday she was diagnosed with RSV after a trip to our local ER. She had a fever and other symptoms. RSV is a common virus that is not dangerous for most adults. But, with her low immune system and weak lungs, Tricia is at a much higher risk for more severe problems. RSV could cause lung damage and has been known to bring on rejection, both of which could be deadly for Tricia.

We arrived at Duke yesterday and she began her treatment last night. She is placed in a "tent" for 6 hours while she is sleeping and given an inhaled medication, every night for five nights. She is on contact isolation, which means she is not allowed out of her room, and visitors must wear masks and gloves and gowns. She should be discharged on Wednesday if everything goes well.

I am driving home today to get back to Gwyneth and our foster child and work. Tricia will be lonely and is frustrated to be in the hospital after being so healthy for so long. I know it would make her smile to receive an ecard from anybody who would like to encourage her. If you would like to send her an ecard, go to This Link and type "Patricia Lawrenson" for her Name and "N/A" for her Room Number.




  1. I am sorry to hear Tricia is sick, and am praying for her full and speedy recovery! Just sent her an e-card!

  2. Card sent with love and prayers...

  3. I have been a long time reader but have never posted. I felt compelled to let you know that I will be thinking of her and your beautiful little girl as you make it thru this next phase. Many good wishes!!

  4. Set backs are so very frustrating! My husband is a kidney transplant patient and was recently hospitalized with acute kidney failure. He went through grueling treatments; but is not back to himself! It was a week from you know where, but we made it through and my message to you today is that my prayer is that Tricia will also make it through just fine and it will be nothing more than a not so fond memory!!

  5. praying for you all... card has been sent. thank you for keeping us informed.
    peace to your hearts

  6. Gentle, healing thoughts from us 4
    Brad, Karen, Lauren, Dana
    Vancover, BC

  7. I have only ever commented once on this blog, but woke this morning & prayed for Tricia not knowing she was in the hospital. I am a long time follower as well and am praying for your family.

  8. Card and prayers from California<3

  9. Nate:
    Praying for you and for Gwyneth and for your foster child, and for Tricia. I sent Tricia a card yesterday and today, and will keep doing so daily until you post she's home. I didn't know Duke had an ecard program like this... it seems like such a germless way to give folks tangible evidence that they are remembered. :)

    God bless all of you.

  10. Card Sent. Its really for your whole family though as all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for a speedy recovery. Tricia is an amazing woman and I know she is going to kick that darn virus's butt. Hope you can all be reunited very soon.

    North Dakota

  11. Feel better soon, Tricia!

  12. Sending Tricia an e-card and keeping all of you in my thoughts. I'm glad you got to Skype (saw it on Tricia's blog)!

  13. I know Jennifer (MckMama) could use some prayers too. Can you do a blitz for her? She was just in a car accident.

  14. Get well soon Tricia! My 5 daughter has a trach. The only two times she's been seriously ill in the 5 years were both RSV. It's a tough virus, but I'm sure she'll come through it because she's a fighter!

  15. Big hug for all of you, all the way from frozen Belgium

  16. Card sent, praying for you guys.

    Jenny in FL


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