
Friday, August 31, 2012

Mauli Ola Foundation

There is a big surf contest this weekend on our beach.  The charity sponsor for this event is the Mauli Ola Foundation.  Tricia and I first heard about Mauli Ola from our dear friend Emily might remember me posting a few photos of us with Emily from a several years back whenever her family would vacation here from California.

We again heard about Mauli Ola today from another CF family (the Whiddons) who have become friends of ours recently...they told us that some of the surfers and MMA athletes who work with this organization were in town for the event this weekend.  We found out that they were going to be at one of our favorite local restaurants tonight, so we took the kids and met our friends for dinner.  The Whiddons introduced us to Kala Alexander and Nissen Osterneck.  They were both super nice...Kala remembered all of our names, and they both signed autographs for the kids and talked with Tricia a while about her CF.  We're hoping to hang out with them tomorrow during the contest, maybe even do a little surfing with them if the waves are up.

 Make sure you check out this video and see what Mauli Ola is doing for kids with CF!  And, see our friend Emily, who passed away a few years ago, around the 1:27 mark.

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