
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Back on the List!!!

Tricia has had several good weeks, including increased strength and an extra pound or two, and today we were informed that she is officially back on the transplant list.  Her allocation score is higher than it was back in the fall when she was listed, which means she is higher on the list, so we are praying that everything will fall into place before she has another setback.  She begins a new med tomorrow and needs to show no signs of an allergic reaction, so you're welcome to pray about that as well.

Thank you so much for your prayers that have helped so much to get Tricia back to where she needed to be to be relisted!  And thank you to the Duke team...even when we were both nearly ready to give up several weeks ago, they continued to tell Tricia to hang in there and give us hope that she could be relisted.



  1. We are thrilled beyond words. Praying for health an that she continues to do well while waiting. God is answering our prayers!

  2. Thanks be to God!!!! Wonderful news. Praying for transplant soon! Will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I am so happy for your family! This is such great news! I will pray for continued good fortune for Tricia

  4. We are doing the happy dance around the Throne here in little old Idaho! We've been praying for Tricia and all of you for years~I've been lost without Twitter updates but have continued to pray! Thank you for updating the blog! Under the Mercy!!
    Nana Judy

  5. Wonderful news!!!!! So happy to hear it! Always praying and hoping here-

  6. Glory to God in the highest- and thank you Jesus! This is what I have prayed for- now for lungs and super health. : )

  7. SO SO HAPPY!!!!! WIll be praying for the new meds!

  8. Such great news! Praying for all of you.

  9. Thank the universe!!!I'm so very happy for all of you ~ and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!!!

  10. That's wonderful! What fantastic news!

  11. Wonderful news. We will continue to pray.

  12. SO very happy for your family---praying---I foresee lost sleep praying all night soon! YAY

  13. This is wonderful news! I will continue to keep praying for healthy new lungs for Tricia.

  14. Great news! I've followed your blog for many years and am so excited she is back on the list. Praise the Lord!

  15. Hi we Lifted you up in prayer just this morning,bringing you and your family before the throne of grace! I know he has you and Tricia and little Gwyneth in the palm of his hand Love from Ca

  16. Oh my goodness!!!!! Praise God! THRILLED for Tricia and your family.

    Celebrating with you in WI. And continued prayers.

  17. Wonderful news!! Praying for new lungs for Tricia!!

  18. I got a text from a friend telling me the news and I was jumping up and down with excitement! And just thankfulness to the Lord! Praying so hard, Nate. I am so happy for all of you!!!

  19. wonderful news!! Prayers for continued strength and no reaction to new meds!! Praying from KY.

  20. So incredibly happy for all of you. This is wonderful news, something I needed today! Time to keep praying!

  21. Thank you so much for the update your family has been on my heart for weeks and I was getting worried...but im sooo happy to see this today. Amen prayers coming your way

  22. Praise the Lord for a good update.

  23. Wonderful news!!! I'm praying for that miracle. This story is not over and those babies need their mother!

  24. So happy for you all! I have been praying everyday for God to help Tricia gain new strength & more weight every day! YAY!!!
    Praise the LORD for He is the One & Only Almighty!

  25. Jumping up & down!! We are SO THRILLED!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. incredible news!!!! praying for medication tolerance and a short wait for those new lungs...and of course, praying for the donor and their family.

    congratulations. you must both be overjoyed at her new status.

  27. Praise God!!! I will continue to pray for Tricia and your family.

  28. YES!!!!!!! Thank you, Jesus! This made my night! Continuing in prayer.

  29. ECSTATIC to hear this news! Praying and rejoicing with you.

  30. Thoughts and prayers coming your way

  31. Praise God!

    The B Family in Louisville, KY
    (Southeast Christian Church)

  32. So happy and praying!

  33. Thanking God with you all! And continuing to pray!

  34. that is fantastic news!! Praying that she gets new lungs soon :)

  35. Absolutely WONDERFUL news! Praising God with you, and continuing to pray for surgery very soon!

  36. YAY!!!!!!! This is the best news ever!!!! Totally made my day--no, my WEEK!!!!! Thank You, G-d! Continued prayers that a donor will be found quickly!

  37. Prayers coming from Wisconsin!

  38. Yay! Happy for you all!! Yes, prayers for the donors family also. Praying she tolerates the new meds well. Stay strong both of you!

  39. Continued prayers for Tricia, you and Gweneth. God Bless!

    Stephanie S. Stl MO

  40. oh that is wonderful news!! so happy for your family. praying that she gets the transplant that she so desperately needs soon! thanking God that his answer is "yes" to so many prayers

  41. So wonderful, will be keeping your family in our prayers.

  42. We've been praying daily and I'll continue to do so; rejoicing alongside your beautiful family.

  43. this makes me so happy!! Praise God!!!
    I went to bed Monday night with Tricia on my mind--I had asked friends for updates but no one had heard anything. Oh, how I prayed for God's will--but I really wanted to hear this news!!!
    Praying for continued strength until her new lungs come--also praying for whomever the donor family will be!

  44. I am so happy to hear this great news!! You all have been in my prayers and I will continue to pray.

  45. Praising HIM for all His many blessing for Tricia!

  46. thanks be to the one and only God! so happy for you and your family. praying this will happen soon and she will be back in good health, you will be able to return home and be with your family once again.
    much love & prayers!

  47. What wonderful news---God is so good all the time! Hopefully the wait will not be long - many thoughts and prayers for continued blessings.

  48. Wonderful! Prayers continue!

  49. Praise God! Continued prayers for both of you.

  50. That's incredible news. I hope she gets new lungs quickly!

  51. My heart is jumping for joy and is full of prayers sent to our God above. Stay strong.

  52. Praise God for his infinite mercy. Tricia has worked so hard for this day. Praying for transplant soon.

  53. AWESOME NEWS! :D I'm very glad to hear this, especially since things looked so glum for a while there, in terms of Tricia ever being relisted. Here's to a FAST location of new lungs for her and a SUCCESSFUL transplant!

    You and I are polar opposites in our thoughts on religion & politics, but that doesn't mean we have nothing in common. :) We both are wishing the best possible things for Tricia! And we both dearly wish for a CURE for cystic fibrosis!

    BTW, the reason I found your blog (and later, your Twitter) in the first place is because a close, longtime friend of my has a son with cystic fibrosis. I've known her son since he was a baby. He's 17 now. Through my friend and her son, I've also become friends with 2 other folks w/ cystic fibrosis, both of whom had lung transplants. One of them is no longer alive, but one is alive and thriving!

    Thinking GOOD thoughts for Tricia as always!
    Cheers from Redwood City, California,
    Shari K.W.

  54. Wonderful news! Will continue to pray for Tricia and your family.

  55. Praise God! Me and my family are praying for you and yours!

  56. God is good! What a wonderful blessing He has granted. Our prayers will always continue.

  57. Praise God!!! Continuing to pray!

  58. Praise be to God the Almighty! This is such welcomed news. Will be praying she tolerates everything okay. Also will be praying for families who have tough decisions to be made when tragedy comes. You guys have taught me so much about transplantation.

  59. This is wonderful news!! prayer galore sent your way!!! Patty

  60. Amazing news! You are wonderful people, and I am so happy to read this.

  61. Wonderful news! I will continue praying!


  62. We are lifting your family up in prayer. This news is great to hear!!!!. Our God is so Wonderful...

  63. AWESOME You are in my prayers.

  64. I'm so happy and thankful that she's back on the list!

  65. Praise God!! What wonderful news!! I'll continue praying for Tricia & your family.

  66. Very good news Nathan! I will continue to hold you and Tricia in my prayers.

    Kim in Canada

  67. The best news I have heard all day!!!

  68. God is the Great healer; I'm so thrilled for Tricia and her Love Bugs, prayers continue!

  69. Wow - this is awesome news! Praying in Idaho. God bless.

  70. I am so happy to hear your good news! I pray for your family every day. Thanks for updating your blog!

  71. Wonderful news!!!
    Praise the Lord!!

  72. This journey is not over. Prayers for Tricia to continue fighting with your love and support.

  73. WOW! What an awesome God we serve! AMEN to answered prayer! I'm glad to see the blog back up & running too ;) many blessings & prayers coming atcha xOx
    New Zealand

  74. Wonderful answer to prayer. Will continue to hold you all up to our Great Creator. We are also holding up the donor and donor family for thier future decision. God bless.


  75. Tears! Lots and lots of happy tears! Praying that she stays listed until she gets her new lungs!

  76. Praising and thanking God with tears of joy for your family! Praying that Tricia receives her new lungs very soon.

  77. Hope she continues to feel better and to gain weight! May her transplant come very soon, and her recovery be as problem free as possible!

  78. Been following your story and praying for you since your story aired in the N & O Easter weekend after Tricia's lung transplant and the birth of your beautiful gift from God :) We will continue to check in when we can but please now our Raleigh family prays for you. We have a friend here whose daughter, Angelica has CF and when we contribute to the CF walk here in May we also do it in honor of Tricia! Thoughts and prayers!!

  79. God is good - all the time. Will continue to pray for Trish and for the donor family too.

  80. Praise the Lord! Been following your blog and praying for you guys since almost your very first blog post. Have been eagerly awaiting news - and what wonderful news it is!

  81. Fantastic hoping for a short wait.

  82. That is wonderful news!!!! So happy to hear :) You guys have been in my prayers and will remain there. XOXO

  83. Oh, my goodness! What a lovely bit of news. Prayers of praise, and prayers for healing continue! Hooray for you guys!


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