
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Continued Improvement

Tricia is continuing to do incredibly well.  She spent all of yesterday off any kind of supplemental O2, meaning she is breathing completely on her own for the first time since early October.  She also walked thee laps around the hall without any O2.  Her saturation did drop during the night while she was sleeping, so she may be given a little bit of O2 for the next few nights.  She has been sleeping well the past 48 hours, which is very important to recovery.  She had one chest tube pulled and has had some of her bandages removed.  All tests and bronchs have shown no signs of infection or rejection, which is great news.

Both of our kids are here with us this weekend, so I've been busy.  Sorry for not being able to update the blog as often, but I am able to update Twitter and Instagram a few times a day from my phone.  Different family members are coming and going to spend time with Tricia, so I've been able to spend extra time with the kids, which has been nice.  They like to hang out in Tricia's room and play on the extra large window sill when we're all at the hospital together.  We have a great view out the front of the hospital and get to see lots of helicopters and ambulances.

I'll try to post another update ASAP about what needs to happen in the next few weeks for Tricia to be discharged, although it's basically the same as five years ago if you want to go back and read.  Thank you for your continued support and prayer!



  1. Excellent news and answered prayers. I am so happy to hear things are going well. Enjoy the time with your kids.


    mrs pam

  3. Keep the great news coming!!!!! So wonderful at both of the children are able to be there!!!

  4. There really isn't a word in the dictionary to describe how fantastic this is.... I think the whole world is cheering for Tricia!

  5. Such wonderful news...praying from London, England

  6. Delighted to hear about Tricia's progress and we continue to pray! So grateful you've had the children with you, and are returning to this precious season of 'normalness' even though you are still in the hospital! Children lighten up everything! Thank you for your effort in updating the blog!

    Continuing in prayer!

    Nana Judy

  7. Thank you for the update! What a lovely thing to read!

  8. More answered prayer! Praise Him!!

  9. Our prayers are with the donor family as they grieve their loss. Glad Tricia could benefit from someone else's loss.

  10. Great news, Nate. So thankful and happy for all of you!

  11. Youhou!! I prefer reading some great news now and then, knowing you get time to spend with your beautiful and kind wife as well as with the children!
    Thinking of all of you and keeping my fingers crossed, as always,
    Jade from chilly Belgium

  12. Please don't worry about how often you update... We'll be here.

    YAY on how well Tricia is doing ~

    Hugs ~~~

  13. continued prayers for full speed ahead to make it home to enjoy life and her family again very soon! So happy for you all.

  14. So very pleased for the family!! The kids, I'm sure, help speed the recovery!! Prayers for continued fast and furious recovery :)

  15. Nathan, can you clarify something in a future post? I know you've got a lot to worry about right now, so this is definitely not top priority, but I have a question. :)

    I thought, back in the Fall, y'all had decided that you would have to let your foster kiddo go live elsewhere b/c Tricia's health was so poor and it was becoming clear that she'd have to go to the hospital soon. Or maybe I misunderstood that and y'all were just THINKING about it & I lost track somewhere along the way.

    Obviously, since you said here that your kidS were both there, I misunderstood. I'm so glad that he/she's been able to stay!

  16. I shed tears every time I read your wonderful news! Miracles do happen!!

  17. Thanks for the update Nathan. I am so very pleased to hear that Tricia's recovery is going well. I continue to hold you, Tricia and your children up in prayer. Healing prayers and strength for the journey. Enjoy your time with the kids - they can be so healing just by being kids! :-)

    Kim in Canada

  18. Great news Nate. Funny, last night I was thinking, I haven't been on FB much this weekend, I wonder how Trish is doing!

    We are praying for you all and are so thankful for the good news!

  19. how great to hear the improvement she is making.
    nothing outside of God's healing hand can we contribute to this remarkable recovery!
    still praying for her, your family, doctors, nurses and of course the donor family.
    reading and following your journey encourages my faith and i am able to witness to others how marvelous our God is.

  20. Continued prayers for you all. Glad it's going so well. Praise God!

  21. May she continue to heal and be able to go home soon. God Bless Her.

  22. Praise God, continuing to pray for all of you.

  23. I'm glad to hear things are going well!!!!

  24. Hoping no new news is good news and that things are still going amazingly! Continued prayers for Tricia and your beautiful family!!!!

  25. Praying for your family and the donor's family here in New York.

  26. Thank you, Lord! God is in charge and he wants Tricia to have more time with the family. How wonderful and what a merciful and loving God we have. Our best: hugs, and prayers.
    Oconomowoc WI

  27. Thank you for the update! Our prayers continue for Tricia, all those who love her, and all those who care for her.


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