
Friday, May 31, 2013

Possible Discharge Saturday

If all goes well, Tricia will be discharged tomorrow (Saturday).  She has been walking a mile consistently and has all but the last two small chest tubes pulled.  She is still in some pain and is still very week, but we're excited about having her "home" with us after a little over a month in the hospital.  She'll be back to The Center For Living on Monday to begin her five weeks of physical therapy/rehab, and depending on setbacks and another possible procedure the team may demand, we could be home as early as mid-July.

We are so thankful to God for Tricia's donor and the team at Duke.  These lungs seem to be an absolute perfect match for Tricia, and we know that without the amazing surgeons, doctors, nurses and other staff, she would have never made it this far.  Tricia still needs prayer, as she's certainly not anywhere near "healthy" as we'd like her to be, but we are excited about how well she is doing and are so thankful for your support.



  1. So happy for this wonderful news! Thank you for the update. Praising God and praying that Tricia's recovery continues to go well.

  2. Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth,
    so very thankful for this wonderful news. We serve a mighty big God.
    God Bless

  3. I am so happy to hear this. It brings tears to my eyes. I continue to pray for Tricia's continued and speedy healing.

  4. Thanks so much to the generosity of the donor family for making this extra life possible for Tricia!!' I will continue to pray for them during their grief filled days.

  5. I've been overjoyed following your blog the last couple of weeks. I've been a reader since the beginning, and it touches so much closer to home now that my husband, with CF, is getting listed for a lung transplant within the coming months. You guys have been such an inspiration to me, thank you for that. We have two little kids, so I feel connected to you guys! I pray everyday for your sweet family. Thanks for the updates!

    Meet us at:

  6. Praise God! Love from sunny San Diego Lisa and Ty

  7. Rejoicing and continuing in prayer!

    Nana Judy

  8. I am so happy for your family!!! I pray that things continue to go well for Tricia!! My brother passed away very suddenly this week and he was a registered organ donor. We of course honored his wishes and he was not able to donated vital organs, but he was able to give skin, veins, tissue, bones, eyes and corneas. I thank God for people who choose to donate. My brother will live on in the people that needed what he was able to give. Diane Carson, Iowa.

  9. Your whole story is one of amazement, awe and wonder at how God has had his hand on Tricia, Gwenyth and you through all this saga. It is a wondrous story of love, faith and never giving up. I am so thankful to know your family and be able to pray for you all!

  10. That is wonderful news! Our family is keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.

  11. Praying for increasing strength and health for Tricia. Every breath we breathe is a gift from God.

  12. WOW so cool I have been praying always for her and your family.

  13. Happy for Tricia and Gwyneth. Don't really care about you since that despicable behaviour of yours on Free Jinger. It's weak by the way. Noticed that in a few of your updates.


  15. Wonderful news! Thank you God, Thank you for Dr Lin (and all the rest of those wonderous medical team members at Duke)!


  16. Amazing news, I can not believe how quickly she was able to be discharged. Hope you get to enjoy some summer back on the Outer banks.


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