
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Another Big Day

385 hits yesterday. 723 the past two days.

193 came from Jordan & Patience.

84 came from (I don't even know who this is).

Lots of other hits have come from lots of other people asking lots of other people to visit us and pray for us. Thank you so much! Please, let us know you came by posting so that we can say thank you.



  1. Hi, I saw your site from Jordan and Patience site. I've been following their site and came across yours! I just thought I would leave a comment and tell you that I will be praying for you and your family! I can't imagine what you're going through and how hard it must be, but just remeber that God is an AWESOME God and he will hold you tight through this rough time! Keep your focus on him!

  2. I too saw your site from Jordan and Patience.

    I am praying for you in Nashville.

  3. Hi, I found your site on I am 27 with CF, and hope that the three of you stay healthy!

  4. Hello! I found your site doing the infamous chain reaction from a friend's blog. It is amazing how the Lord uses so many people in ways we don't even know, and probably will never know until we meet in Glory! My prayers are being offered for you and your wife. I pray God continues to keep you and Tricia and your baby healthy and safe. Until then, keep us posted and let us know how we can pray.
    Pottstown, PA

  5. Hello - I am the Mom of Eva Janette ( I just stopped by to check out your page. I found the prayer request posted on Isaac's site and reposted Patience's post on our blog. I know the power of prayer and felt called by God to get your story out there to the many that have been praying for us as we face an uncertain and unpredictable prenatal diagnosis. I hope that me doing this has not upset you in anyway. Please know that the 3 of you will be in my thoughts as well as my prayers! Keep the faith and He will see you through! Prayers from Pittsburgh, PA! Chrissy

  6. Stopping by from Jordan and Patience. I am adding you guys to my prayer list. . . !

  7. Hi Guys! Both Meg and I sent out your prayer requests and blog address to our SS classes and friends. Wouldn't it be amazing to get an actual count of all that are intervening to Christ for you three?

  8. I found your site from Eva Janette's blog. I'm adding you to my prayer list. We serve an AWESOME God who is totally in control.
    Johnson City, TN

  9. Thank you all. We will never be upset when people are willing to pray for us and tell others about us. Thanks!

  10. Hi! Also found you through Jordan and Patiences' site. Have added you to my prayer list!


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