
Wednesday, December 5, 2007


> I'm going to be a father...

> I changed the label of this blog on that lieel blogrush widget over there --> to "Pregnancy".

> Tricia is probably staying up here this weekend. I'm probably going home on Friday to get some work in and clean soem slothes and brings some more stuff back up, and her mom will come up and hang while I'm gone.

> Thanks, Patience and Jordan for bringing over a load of maternity clothes...we haven't had the time to shop for anything for Tricia yet.

> Thanks again to all of the thousands of people (most of whom we've never met) who are all of a sudden praying for Tricia. That means a lot to us, because we know God is real and hears and answers prayer.

> We sat around the hotel tonight playing card games and watching tv (which is cool with me). We thought about going to church, but Tricia wasn't feeling completely up to it.

> Looks like we'll probably be celebrating Christmas here in Durham.

> I felt the baby move again tonight...she doesn't like to move much for me.

> Tricia has not been sleeping well the past few weeks. She got an echocardiogram today just to check on things, and everything looks normal. Please pray that she gets some good sleep (me too).

That's all for now. Thanks!



  1. Hello! my name is christi and I learned about you two through Patience on facebook. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family and I look forward to updates about tricia and the baby! hang in there and always remember to smile :)


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