
Friday, December 28, 2007

Little Boy with CF Needs Prayer and Help

Please check out This Blog and post something there if you can help.

Pray for little CFer, Dameron!



  1. Nate and Tricia, you guys sure do know how to make a girl cry!

    It's people like you two that give hope to my heart for this world. It's times like this that I KNOW that there are Christ followers putting feet to relational living.
    It's times like this that I can't wait to get to Heaven with those that have accepted Jesus as their savior so that I can "hug your neck"

    There's so much to do in such little time, so I don't claim to desire to see everyone this side of Heaven. I just pray that in Heaven there will be time for talking with all my blog friends that are also Christ followers.

    Livin' Out Loud for Jesus!


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