
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Us At The Hospital



  1. I'm praying for you two! I hope her sinuses clear up quickly so she can get plenty of oxygen to her precious lungs!

  2. Love and prayers for you three!


  3. Hope you are ready for some visitors bc there are two crazy pre-teens coming your way :) I sent them with some games to keep you all busy.

  4. Nate and Tricia... praying my heart out for you guys and your baby girl down here in SC.

    Now I need help from you... PLEASE read the post on my blog today (Friday, Dec 28th) It's about a grandma who is adopting her infant grandson who has CF....they need info quickly....and thought that you guys might be able to help from the hospital room!

    God is good and will be glorified in ALL things!

  5. you guys rock!!! I can't tell you how THANKFUL I am for your info.

    If only more folks would see that we are in this crazy game of life together! God created us to be guys are living it...THANKS A TON!


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