
Monday, December 31, 2007

Stupid People Riding Elevators

Seriously, if you're going to ride an elevator (especially at Duke University Medical Center), please, follow these four basic rules:

1) When waiting for the elevator, do NOT stand immediately in front of the door...

2) When boarding the elevator, do NOT try to get on while other people are trying to get off...

3) When I ask you what floor you want because I'm closer to the buttons and I'm a nice person, do NOT tell me the wrong floor...

4) Please, for the love of all that is sacred and holy, do NOT wear a heavy amount of cologne, perfume or hairspray...

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.



  1. those are some very good suggestions!!

  2. I was thinking of a scene from "The Return of the Pink Panther".

  3. Oh my--I could have written that post. We go to a mall in Arlington, VA that only has one elevator in it..unless you use one in a dept. store. On each side of this elevator are going up, one going down...obviously. Well, I typically have my little one and his stroller, so obviously I have to use the elevator. I TOTALLY don't get why there will be a line of teenagers (and really lots of others) who are totally capable of using the escalator. To top it off, they are extremely rude when you go ahead and pile in because you don't want to have to wait another 10 minutes for the elevator.....not to mention the fact that your oldest son and husband are waiting for you on another floor because they used the escalator to save the elevator space for people that NEED it!! Another thing, the way they have the elevator set up stinks. I have to practically push the people getting off out of my way because the door closes so fast and they almost have it in a small hallway. If I try to push the stroller in, it never fails that the door will close. I've learned that I have to back the stroller in so that I am closer to the door to catch it before it closes!!

  4. Oh--I forgot to mention that another place you will run into this...and it isn't even on an elevator.....the D.C. metro!! It's really fun to go at rush hour and people know exactly where to stand for when the train stops and the doors open. Boy do they get MAD if the train pulls slightly forward. It means they won't be first!! And then, they get in and stand right at the front so that others can barely get in. Boy do they give you dirty looks with your stroller. Typically I avoid using it during rush hour, but we were going to a Christmas party at the Pentagon with my husband.


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