
Monday, December 31, 2007

Prayer at Noon Tomorrow

Our Nags Head Church pastors are driving up tomorrow to lay hands on Tricia in prayer for her and the baby. If you can, please take a few minutes between noon and one PM to pray with us. Thanks.



  1. I will be praying for Tricia and the baby. You both have been so kind to us. I had no idea ya'll were going through this. Thank you so much for the prayers you have been sending for Dameron. He is doing well and thriving.

    God Bless,


  2. I'll be praying with you guys. . .

  3. I have you guys on my electronic calender that will even chime me a reminder.

  4. Praying all night!

    You guys need one of those map-things so people to id where they are when they check in here. I bet there'd be pins all over the world tomorrow!

    Love you two so much!

  5. I am a friend of Janet's. We as a family are praying!!Especially for the peace that only Jesus Christ will give.

  6. We are praying...and have asked our church to pray as well. We love you guys!!!

  7. I cannot sleep once again, so I finally updated my blog with more prayer requests!


  8. Nathan & Trish,
    Thank you so much for the witness you are to so many people to include me. Your lives speak louder than words about the faith you two share in Jesus. Everyday I am amazed and filled with joy to know that no circumstance can sway or dampen the faith you have. God bless you both and know that we are praying for the day the three of you will share with the world the amazing grace of our Lord.
    Know also, that our prayers are with the amazing parents you both have.
    With great love and admiration,

  9. Nathan&Trish.I just want you guys to know that Claire and I prayed at noon yesterday as I am sure many othera did as well.I'm heartened to know Trish felt some better.I've been praying for her this morning and for you and the rest of your family as well.Know God will always give you the strength you need even when it seems like the weight's to heavy to bear.You are all constantly in our thoughts and prayers.We love you and I truly believe the best part of your lives is yet to come.As you continue to live in God's will His abundance of blessings for your lives will be revealed. Tommy

  10. Nathan,Tricia and little one,
    My husband's grandmother and mother are members of Nags Head Church. My husband and I have attended your church many times and we are deeply saddened by this trial you and your family are going through. We are adding your family to our church prayer list and we will be faithfully praying for you all. You and your wife possess a divine strenghth that can only come from God. Our human minds cannot fathom God's infinite grace,love, and strength but by telling your story it makes it tangible for us to understand God's strength and grace through you. Thank you for sharing, May God continue to bless you and provide all your needs.

  11. PS. I didn't mean to be anonymous, I am new at this stuff.

  12. Praying, Praying, Praying. God will see you through.

  13. Dear Nate...........

    Oh my gosh. I am a member of the CF forum... I have TWO daughters with CF Kari almost 27, who has had TWO lung tx's and Holli Jade 22 who is relatively healthy. I happened upon your "journey" tonite and well, to say the least just..........WOW. My daughter Kari gave birth to our precious Mayah (now 6 yrs) while on the "list" for her first tx. She was 6 weeks early weighing in at 4 lbs. 12 oz and she is the LIGHT of our lives especially her moms! Gwyneth is gorgeous and an ANGEL from above. Sadly Kari is terminally ill at this time neither tx worked out......LONG story...BUT, our higher power gave her the ONE thing she wanted MORE than ANYTHING all her life the JOY of motherhood. BOTH my only children have cf as I said and I was devastated that I would probably lose them both at a young age and would be left all alone. Kari's pregnancy was the BIGGEST surprise ever especially since she had been listed already and it was difficult for us ALL to say the least. Mayah had a rough start but is now a normal (except for some speech difficulties maybe from all the TOBI???..) little girl and we give thanks each day for her. I will pray for you and your beautiful family and wanted you to KNOW,...that I think you are so AWESOME. Tricia is so lucky to have you BUT you as well are SO LUCKY to have her because after all ALL with CF are so very very special. Thanks for "listening", I will look forward to hearing more. Take care. Lisa from Reno


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