
Friday, January 11, 2008

10:17am Update

Tricia is the same as yesterday. They tweaked her vent a little. I just spend a few minutes praying and talking with her, as did her father, Don.

Gwyneth was moved to a larger room with at least 2 other preemies. I went to visit, but they were in the middle of an EKG, so I'll check in again in a bit.

I'm still waiting for a break of a few hours to sit down and write out the story of the day of Gwyneth's birth. In the meantime, you MUST read the accounts of the day as recorded by her two sisters, Megan and Janet.

I want you to know that I'm doing my best to read every single comment. I missed some from a few days back, but I'll catch up eventually. I would love to respond to each one, but I obviously cannot (maybe someday). Every comment is sent to me in email form, and I've saved every one (as well as the personal emails people have been sending us) since Tuesday in a folder so that Tricia can read them when she wakes.

Tricia's best friend, Gabby is flying into town today for a few days. Tricia will be so excited to hear her voice.

Tricia's sisters are flying home to NJ today, and Megan will be back again in a few days.

My parents and Tricia's father are traveling home today to take care of some things and will be back by Monday at the latest (assuming nothing major takes place until then).

Our good friend, Erin is traveling driving down from NJ today.

Please, as you remember us today, say a prayer for all of our friends and family who are traveling in an effort to hold us up with their love.



  1. Continued prayers from Long Island New York.

  2. Prayers for you beautiful people.

  3. Tricia

    If you are reading this, please know that it is being written with much love.

    You are a very amazing lady and you are an awesome mommy. Little Gwyneth Rose is very fortunate to have such a wonderful mommy.

    You have the most incredible husband. He has shared your story with us all and we have been blessed to be a part of your journey.

    I have been personally moved to welcome Jesus back into my life. I had been having my doubts but now feel a renewed spirit. I once again have a relationship with God. I owe this to you, Nate and your little baby girl.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  4. Since we are all praying for Trisha's healing and Gwyneth's continued progress, you and your family and friends are all in for a long haul. I wrote something on my blog a couple days ago prompted by Nate talking about holding the pager. As "not normal" as your life is right now, I would encourage you to the best of your ability to embrace and enjoy each day. Though fatiguing, these are special times drink deeply. We are praying and rejoicing in the progress.

  5. Nathan, you needn't be concerned that you are not responding to each of us personally. You have done an amazing job of keeping us informed and helping us to feel that we are right there with you. You have given new meaning to the words "chosen by God." You were chosen to be the husband of this fragile, gentle, beautiful, strong woman so that He could use your love and talents of music and media as a magnificent testimony to the whole world. We are all better for it and I, for one, have made a commitment to Him that I will not let your family's suffering be in vain. Thanks to your tireless spirit, I have had my eyes on a miracle and I can't wait to get my hands on the miracle family. Love, Barbara Kay

  6. Still praying feverishly from Tennessee. Your story has warmed my heart, and I continue to check several times a day for an update. The pictures are beautiful, and I can not wait for the day that I find an update that Tricia is awake and seeing her beautiful baby girl for the first time. Oh what joyous moments that is going to be. Nate, I hope you are getting as much rest as you can under the circumstances. Its trying times like these that cause us to worry more about our family members and we forget about ourselves. Keep holding Gwen's beautiful tiny hand, as that is going to be the hand you hold and cherish the rest of your eternity. Beautiful family, you are in my prayers always.

  7. It is so wonderful to hear and see the love you have for Tricia and for Gwen. If only everyone knew that type of humanly love. You are a great inspiration for all of us. We are praying for you and can't wait to see you all. Love The Polands

  8. we don't know each other, but i wanted you to know that my family is praying for your sweet family. we walked through the darkest times of our lives last summer and early fall, and now it is our honor and privilege to carry our brothers and sisters who face trials and tribulations of many kinds. we are praying, faithfully and diligently, for healing and speedy recovery, and for all the paths you must tread from here on out to be made straight. as i type, i am listening to the old song from "the sound of music" called "my favorite things." it's strange, to hear songs with such joy infused into them when the world can seem so joyless. but i encourage you not to let Satan rob you of that precious gift Jesus offers even in this moment - joy. i have no idea how He can extend it to us in the greatest darkness, but He can. wrap it around you and breathe in the sweet fragrance of hope. as emily dickinson once wrote, "we dwell in possibility." who knows what grandeur God has in store? with much love and deep blessing,
    conor and boothe farley

  9. Thank you so much for your frequent updates. I, like hundreds of others, am checking in many times each day. First thing in the morning, every hour or two during the day, last thing at night, during the night when I can't sleep. Each "visit" is followed by a prayer for Tricia, beautiful baby Gwyneth, for all of you. Miracles are happening. God's love surrounds you all. You are shining examples for the rest of us.

    Love from Agnes' old friend Judy

  10. From: Seths Angles CF Walk Team from the OBX 07 walk.

    Trisha, Nathan, and little Gwyneth,

    We have all of you in our thoughts and prayers during this very trying time. May god continue to bless and heal you and your beautiful new baby girl.

  11. Praise for Gwyneth's health and for Tricia's being stable. Our God is a good God!

  12. Hi Nate and Tricia! You don´t know me, but I heard of your story through a friend of yours on the TripletConnection. I just wanted to let you know that I´m praying for you and little Gwyneth, and to thank you for letting us share in your story and wonderful testimony.

    Dionne Medina (Bogotá, Colombia)

  13. Checking in on you all... thanking God for His work! Nate, you are doing an awesome job at keeping us updated and being an incrediable husband and father!!!

    Houston, Tx

  14. Praying for the comings and goings of each person this day. No responses needed here Nate. Answered prayer is all that matters and He is faithfully answering each and every one in His time, perfectly. Hold on to your joy and hope and get rest when you can. You are held and rocked in a hammock of prayers out here. Tricia and Gwenyth are with you. May His peace and joy fill you hearts today.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  15. Nathan,

    We have been praying for your beautiful family and will continue to do so.

    With love,

    Klak Family
    TJ, Jill, Corey, Dylan and McKenna

  16. every time you write I am so moved with emotion...our God truly is HOLY. And I wanted to let you know, even though I allready am a believer, your story is challenging and changing me, and I am praising God for you, His faithful servants. Still praying for you all in Mexico...and I receive tons of emails from friends of mine who are praying.

  17. We are continuing to prayer for emotional and physical strength for all of you. Praying that each day will be a new miracle waiting for you to discover.

  18. Dearest family,

    Thank you again for continuously updating us all. As many have said, what an honor and priviledge to be able to join together in prayer for you all. We will continue to storm the doors of heaven with our prayers for you, Tricia, Gwyneth Rose, medical team, everyone traveling to be with you, everyone praying for you, and everyone blessed by your amazing testimony.

    God's love and peace to you,
    Your cousins Amy and Casey

  19. Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth,

    It is such an encouragement to our family to be able to lift your family in Prayer. Our prayer list is growing to include all your family and the doctors and nurses. What a witness! We heard of your situation through our friends John and Susanna in Mexico. (my husband grew up with the Cummings family). God is Good and He is Faithful. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. My husband and two kids (Jared 8, Jess 7) pray for your family every night at dinner.
    I was so happy to know you could finally touch skin to skin with your daughter! What Joy! That will make her growth and healing so much better! I have read that preemies do better when they are held and touched more often. Human contact. God has made each one of us and knows exactly what we need when we need it. : ) She is so precious!
    Mental HUGS to you and your family. Take care of yourself so you can continue to be strong.

    Psalm 23
    The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.
    He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
    You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
    Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
    and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

    Be encouraged and know that God is carrying you and your family right now. Praise be to God our Lord and Savior!

    In Christ's love your Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
    Joel, Jolene, Jared and Jessica Harrison

  20. I am once again in awe of the many miracles God is doing in your girl's lives. I am praying expectantly for another day filled with good news.

    It is such a privilege to lift your sweet family to our Father in prayer.

  21. Thanks for the update and for letting know of these needs we can pray for - all of the people traveling.

    No need for responding to everyone personally. Just your updates have meant so much to all of us and we appreciate them so much.

    I'll continue praying for you all throughout the day. I know this is an important day for Gwyneth!

    Love you guys, Debbi (Aspiemom)

  22. We are praying for you every single day and it's an honor to witness how God is working through your lives.

  23. Nate you are truly a blessing to many people around the world especially me. We think that things are bad for us and then God gives us someone else to pray for someone else that needs to feel his love around them. The road is not the best but God did promise that he would get us through everything that we go through. He also promised that he would never leave us or forsake us. I pray for a miracle for Gwyneth and Trish. God can do anything for us we need to have faith. Our faith only has to be the size of a mustard seed. Wow. I look forward to reading your updates about your wife and daughter. God will give you strength to go through this. He is our rock and our strong tower. God Bless you and your family and your extended family.

  24. You have touched me so much with your story. I have been checking back a few times a day to see all the wondrous things God is doing in your lives and the lives of the people who are reading your story, commenting and praying for you. It has to warm your heart knowing there are so many people who care in a world that the news would have us think is so self centered and falling apart.
    I know God has your lives in the palm of his hand and His will is being done. No matter the outcome, God is an awesome God.
    You have strengthened my have brought me a little closer to God....
    God bless you and keep your family lifted up on angels wing!!!!

  25. We have experienced "life" in the NICU four times ~ and empathize with your anguish, anxiety and exhaustion ~ but also, we can vouch for the fact that you will come through this with an amazing abundance of strength and grace, from the Creator who is walking through this with you, and from the support that comes from the most amazing places, and from the other families you meet hanging over the bassinettes. Bless you! Please just know you are all in our prayers!

  26. Praying for all these requests. What an incredible Spirit, your presence brings into the NICU, and ICU. In the midst of all you are going through you are able to encourage others. You are a picture of 2 Corinthians Chapter One, which I focused on from the time Bekah was diagnosed with CF, 11 years ago! You are the power of God at work! One day we'll see all of this tapestry together in one amazing piece of work God has been planning from the beginning of time.
    Thanks for the updates......

    "princesses in PA, simply because we are daughters of the KING!"

    2 Corinthians 2

  27. Hi Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth~
    I hope you don't mind me responding. I am a member of Triplet Connection and a post was made (on TC) asking for prayers for your family with the link to your website. Your story just touches my heart and I have been praying for your family and check the site often. I am blown away by your unwavering faith in God, despsite the trials you are going through. I love that you are seeming to find the beauty amidst it all and continue to trust the Good Lord with all your heart. I am a Christian as well, and am very inspired by your story. I see too that your beautiful story has enouraged people to recommitt to their faith! Thank you so much for sharing your lives.

    One reason your story touches my heart is b/c my best friend from High School also has CF. Last year, she and her husband gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, their first child. Also, I am a fellow NICU parent. I have triplet boys who were 8 weeks early. While not quite as early as your daughter, I am familiar with the ups and downs of NICU life.

    So, again, I know I am a complete stranger to you guys, but just want to thank you for sharing your lives, and your incredible faith with the world. Undoubtedly you have touched many more lives than are even responding.

    May God continue to bless you richly. I will continue to pray for your family.


  28. The Martineau family on Vancouver Island, British Columbia are continuing to pray for you guys! May God bless you and your family richly!

  29. I have been following your story for a few days now. I followed a link from a friend of a friend's blog and came to your site. Your faith in God is an inspiration and has me in awe of all of you. I struggle with my faith and I pray for your kind of strength and devotion. Your story humbles me and is a reminder that miracles do happen. I am glued to my computer checking for updates constantly. You, Tricia, and Gwen will continue to be in my prayers.f

  30. Hi, I am Wendy Norris a chaplain and the administrative assistant for the Federation of Fire Chaplains. I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you guys along with the rest of the staff at the FFC. I am praying for peace, comfort and healing!

  31. I don't know you and your family, but please know that I am praying for them.

    Your story has touched my heart and I have shed many tears reading your blog.

    Your girls are fighters. Peace to you all.

  32. That is wonderful how good Gwyneth and Tricia are doing. Im having problems to with my bones.I am 9 years old and live in Haddon Heights NJ.I'll have been praying for your family and friends that travling.You also have the cutest baby.My family is also praying for you and your family.I love to meet you guys in person. Mrs.Prentice is my moms friend and you r so luck to have her as a sister and sister- in- law.My family daily sees GODS power.We r praying and hoping you get well soon love Skye Robertson

  33. hey nate, i just wanted to say that if you have a little let down this weekend go with it and don't feel bad about it. you've been in overdrive mode and probably need to take a break. your body might force ya too. i'm sure all the hospital staff is still totally on top of everything but things are probably not as fast paced, and action feeling. God will keep things moving along. Trust he knows the best pace. I brought this all up because sometimes on the weekends things are different feeling in hospitals. some of your favorite staff probably won't be around. I'm glad to hear Tricia's bf is coming in. Keep company. Remember you need support and REST.

  34. I just wanted you to know that I found your blog through a blog, and that I am going to be praying for your whole family.

  35. After moving from OBX last February, we've tried to keep up with what has been going on there. We've been praying for God's will in your lives & we're truly believing God for a miracle with Trisha & the baby. Our prayer request for you all has also been extended to those in the church we now attend in Grifton, NC. Although you are in the midst of a hurricane, lest someone confuse this with a simple storm, just remember to praise God through it all and embrace the journey that He has chosen you all to encompass. Just like the great man who wrote "It Is Well" did after he lost his only 2 daughters in a shipwreck, he still clung to God for peace, comfort & understanding. Just imagine what a testimony of God's goodness you & your gals will have forevermore. My husband & I along with our 3 boys will continue to lift you all up in prayer, along with those who travel so far to visit with you 3. We ask God to provide you with a victorious ending to this amazing story.

  36. God is good, all the time. I will be praying for all of you. What an encouraging and courageous blog. Thanks for writing to share your journey.

  37. Your testimony is awesome!

    We have two children with CF--one not much younger than Tricia. She has emailed (I think) with Tricia once or twice. As soon as we learned of you, Tricia and Gwyneth, we have been lifting you all up in prayer. Our God is mighty and we pray He will desire a miracle for all of you.

    As we mentioned your story to others, they have all wanted to know names so they too could be praying. Many here in VT send blessings your way.

    Continue to stay strong, Nate.

  38. Hi Nathan. I just found your blog through a fellow blogger. I just want you to know that I'm praying for your family. Your faith is amazing and inspiring. Our son was also born at 24 weeks. He will turn 14 in a few months! I couldn't have walked that road without faith and the peace God gave me. I know from experience how difficult those days are. But I was blessed to be right beside him. Just knowing how difficult that was, I can't imagine what you are experiencing. I'm so thankful your faith in God is so strong. I truly don't know how those who don't believe get through something like this. I am praying and believing that you will be holding both girls close to you very soon, with Tricia holding your precious daughter in her arms. I've been moved to tears reading, and I will be following and waiting for the day we see a beautiful family picture with both of your girls strong and healthy! I know your faith is touching so many lives. Thank you for allowing us to pray with you.

    I hope you don't mind, I shared a bit of your story (and a link back to you) on my blog. I believe in the power of prayer, and I want all my friends and family praying with you too!



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