
Friday, January 11, 2008

Joe & Kendra

I just met this couple in the NICU waiting room. They delivered via c section triplets about the same size as Gwyneth, two boys and a girl. The girl passed away a few days ago, but the boys are hanging on. The parents are in pain and mourning while trying to stay strong for their boys.

Please, take the time to speak with God about this couple and their babies. It would be incredible if I could tell them that thousands of strangers are lifting them in prayer.

I'm sure I'll have many other posts like this as I meet other parents in the NICU.



  1. I'm in! I'll be praying for you all.

  2. Praying for Joe, Kendra and their little boys.

  3. I am certain that your presence will be helpful to both Joe and Kendra.

  4. We are in, Joe, Kendra and boys!


  5. I'm praying for Joe and Kendra and their boys.

  6. praying in salinas, Ca -MO3

  7. When our twin boys were delivery early and our older twin, Logan, passed after 5 months of fighting I searched for meaning/answers… Where does this make sense? This was shared with me:

    John 9: 1-2
    As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"

    "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.

    Psalm 34:18
    The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

  8. Jesus, I lift Joe and Kendra up to you. Wrap your loving arms around them in a way they have never known before. Heal their hearts. Protect their boys. Amen

    praying in SC

  9. I will add Joe and Kendra to my prayer list. Stay strong.





  11. Praying in Northern California for Kendra, Joe and those "friends of Gwyneth's" in the NICU!!!

  12. Please let them know we're praying here in Mexico!

  13. You can count on me to pray for their boys and your girls too.

    I am in awe of the pictures that you have posted! They are incredible! Little Gwenneth is such an angel!!!!

    Much love and support to you and your family!

    Bless you all!

  14. I'll add them to my prayer list.

  15. Praying for this family....

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Rejoicing and offering prayers of thanksgiving for you, .... will lift up Joe and Kendra and their babies in prayers.

  18. Just said a prayer for Joe and Kendra and their boys. Praying that they will feel God's peace.

  19. We will be praying for Joe, Kendra and the boys!

  20. Nathan, yes I will pray for them too. I am so thankful to God you are in place for them and others you will be able to witness to. Keep strong, we are there for you! Steve & Judi

  21. I will definately keep Joe and Kendra in my prayers.


  22. nate,

    esma and i have been glued to your blog (along with your dad and uncle andy's blogs) since we met you in duke hospital's "lawrenson corner" on tuesday. we continue to pray for tricia, gwyneth, you, and your family and will add joe, kendra, and their boys to our prayers.

    i stopped by lawrenson corner this morning to see how you were, but no one was in the room (probably means you were downstairs with gwyneth, a very good thing). the picture of that sweet little gal holding your finger is one of our favorite pictures of all time - so precious.

    God is good; we praise Him for all He has done, is doing, and will do. please let us know if you need anything, we are only a few minutes away. -clay & esma holley

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. a pray-er in Ohio -
    Please let Joe & Kendra know that prayers are coming their way from the midwest....and Nathan, I continue to lift you, Tricia and Gwyneth in prayer for strength and healing. May God be your rock.

  26. Sending all the Love, Hope & Prayers we can, to You, Trish, Gwyneth, Joe, Kendra and their baby boys. May God hold you all in the palm of his hand.
    Gina & Teagan (McHenry, IL)

  27. Praying in Fort Worth, TX...

  28. Yes, we'll add them to our prayers. Praying for the next 24 for Gwyneth as well. God is good.

  29. As I pray for your precious baby, I'll pray for theirs too.

  30. Saying prayers for Joe and Kendra and the babies.

  31. this is such an amazing site. to read your trust and praise of our God through these times you are going through is such an inspiration. i prayed for the three of you lastnight and couldn't wait to get the updates today. it's really encouraging to get good news right along with you. i'll continue to keep you in my prayers, that God may bless you more than He already has.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. The NICU has a way of becoming your second home and you'll likely make lifelong friends there. I know we have! There is no place in the world so yielded to God or open to prayer as the NICU. I am praying that God uses you and your two beautiful girls as the missionaries you are. I can't speak for the rest of the thousands, but you can tell Joe and Kendra that a mother in KY, whose little girl went home to Jesus six months before their precious girl, is lifting them up!

    Thank you for letting us catch a glimpse of the sacred ground you are walking on.

  34. Praying from Michigan in agreement with all of above! Continue strong in the Lord and His mighty power, Nathan!

  35. I'm praying for Joe and Kendra. God be with them.

  36. Will be praying for Joe, Kendra and their boys everyday. I wanted to let you know, that I'm praying for your extended families as well. I'm sure this journey is full of many different emotions for them too. I'm praying for strength and peace. God Bless!

  37. Praying for Joe, Kendra and their boys from Cardiff, UK. xxx

  38. you can count us in.. we will be praying for joe & kendra & their children as we pray for your & yours
    showering you all lovingly with prayers
    long island new york

  39. I will lift them up in prayers as wll. Yes, you are going to meet many parents and familys over the next few months as you make this incredible journey.

  40. Oh, how sad for them. I'm praying for Joe, Kendra and the boys.

    Angela, central Ohio

  41. Yes, we will pray for Joe, Kendra and the boys. We have your names and will be adding theirs to our prayer board right in front of the computer.

  42. So many lives are being touched by you, Tricia, and the wee one- and it's not just your family, friends, acquaintances, or faithful readers- but the people you come across and ask for prayers for. I think it's remarkable, and bringing God to so many out there.

  43. Praying for Kendra, Joe and baby boys in Nashville. My deepest sympathy in the loss of their baby girl.

  44. Praying in Toronto, Ontario.

  45. Nathan you are an amazing testimony!! God bless you for thinking of others while going through your own situation!! Let Joe and Kendra know that our office at Liberty University Law School is still praying hourly for you, Tricia and Gwyneth, and will certainly pray for them as well. Amazings pics by the way!!

  46. joe and kendra are in my prayers!

  47. Joe and Kendra are in my prayers...thank you for reaching out to this hurting family!

  48. As the parent of a NICU graduate, I can understand your connection with other NICU families. It's something you can't understand unless you've "been there, done that." May God continue to bless your family and medical staff. We'll add those little boys and their family to our prayers! Hoping for good progress today!

    Praying hard in Pennsylvania!

  49. we have added them to our prayers
    bud and heather

  50. I'll be praying for Them as well! Your story has touched me SO much!

  51. I am praying for Joe & Kendra and their babies. May they feel Jesus' presence in a mighty way.

    ~Heidi~ mom to five~ three have CF~

  52. Hi Nate, thanks for sharing this with us.

    My daily calendar today says:

    O, Lord -- I need help to remember that I am here to serve and not to be served. So open my heart to those who cry out to You for help. Amen.

    God brought you to Joe and Kendra's lives to be a blessing to them at this time. God uses even the bad circumstances to bless His people and bring glory to Himself. As we know, nothing happens by accident.

    Stay strong ...

    Will be remembering you all in my prayers.

    Sister in Christ
    Annapolis, Maryland

  53. We will be praying for Joe and Kendra as well as their two little boys. Praying that you can be the light that guides them to Him.

  54. We'll keep Joe and Kendra in our prayers as well. I hope that your faith in God offers them comfort at this difficult time.

  55. Praying for Joe, Kendra, and their little boys. They are in for a long road ahead of them with their boys and forever mourning their little girl.


  56. Praying for Joe, Kendra and their precious ones.
    I'll pass them onto our prayer team.

  57. Immediately sending prayers for them.

  58. Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.
    Psalm 145:3/NIV

  59. Please have Joe and Kendra go to this blog: This is a wonderful Christian family who had the same thing happen to them over a year ago. It could help to have some support from someone who went through the same thing.

  60. Praying for Joe and Kendra and their boys.

  61. We join with all those who will be praying for Joe and Kendra...thanks for including us in.

  62. I am so sorry this is happening but all things happen for a reason and I know god is with you. Always know that.I am 16 years old and have been through so much, and I know what its like to be scared. Just keep believing and all will turn out just fine. I will always have you and your girls on my mind and in my prayers. Also your whole family, as well as that other family who's girl died.. God bless you and all will be fine!

  63. I have prayed for Joe & Kendra. I will continue to pray for you.May God daily strengthen you as encourage Gwyneth & Tricia. What beautiful pictures of you with Gwyneth. What an awesome Creator we have!

  64. Got it !! Everharts

  65. We have added Joe and Kendra to our prayer list. Praying for strength and patience.

  66. I'm praying for Joe and Kendra's family

  67. I am a mother of BBG triplets born at 31 weeks. Praying for that family as well as yours.

  68. My prayers are with them.

  69. I will include this couple and their little boys in my prayers along with my prayers for you. You are the eyes and ears for us for the hurting in there. I'm praying.

    Laurie in Ca.

  70. I just clicked on your blog after connecting through another. I've been crying as I read all that has happened to you. We know that trusting Jesus as our Savior does not guarantee us a life free of pain, but we also trust that someday you and your wife will be blessed for trusting in Him and choosing life for your daughter! We had a 25 week preemie last February and he is doing wonderful. The NICU journey that will start to ride is not an easy one, but our God is always bigger than statistics!!! We will be praying for you and your family!

  71. I just checked the cluster map. Continental US is just about completely covered. Hawaii has grown to the point you can't even see the islands yet I'm sure they are still there.


  72. Count me in! Praying with tears and supplication!

    God, have mercy on and bring comfort to this little family! Surround them with your presence and make yourself known to them...May they feel your physical presence with them....and may you strenghten their little ones who are still with them, and assure them their daughter is safe in your arms...


  73. Praying for Joe, Kendra and their sweet babies!

  74. Send them our way

    There are moms therre who have also lost 1, 2 or all of their triplets as well. Maybe the sharing of their story would help. You should also know that we at triplet connection are also praying for your wife and your little one. Hang in there Daddy!

  75. May the Lord continue to keep you, Tricia, & Gwyneth strong... part of the trials we go through on this earth are so that God's glory and splendor can be displayed.

    My husband and I will be praying for Joe & Kendra and their family as well.

  76. I will be one of a thousand strangers for Joe and Kendra and their boys.

  77. Having miscarried twins and then miscarrying again just 10 months later, I have but a glimpse of the anguish they must be experiencing. I will definitely be praying for this family and that the two boys will grow up to be healthy little boys. And I sent out an email to my entire email list (which includes people from 24 different states and also Bosnia) telling them your story and asked everyone to be praying for you. My missionary friends in Bosnia were the first to respond. They've read your blog now and they are great prayer warriors! So you have friends in Bosnia praying for you...and now for Joe, Kendra, and their boys.

  78. Joe and Kendra are in my prayers along with you, Tricia, Mighty Gwyneth, your entire families, and all of those who are already believers but might be encouraged in their walk through your testimonies and those who might stumble upon this blog who are not believers but might come to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
    I am amazed at how much JOY your story has brought. So many in similar situations would be calling out WHY ME? and you seem to be calling out USE ME!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. My baby was 5 weeks premature, and spent 1 week in the NICU (I know it was *nothing* like your situation!) however contact with other parents in there was nice - there was this common ground that you don't have with many people at that point.
    Will pray for their twins, and the parents grieving their little girl, and for your witness to them.
    And still, of course, for your dear wife and your own baby girl.

  80. Praying for Joe, Kendra and their precious babies. Please let them know people all over the world have lifted them to God.

    Amy (in Germany)

  81. We are still continuously in prayer for you guys, and have added Joe, Kendra, and their family to our prayers as well! We love you guys!

  82. Will do, and still praying for you all as well. PLEASE keep us updated on the boys.

    Devin in Illinois

    p.s. The pictures of you and Gwyneth are soooo beautiful. Beyond words....Keep them coming!

  83. Tricia - I am thinking of you today. I found out of your site from a friend of a friend and I am not sure who down the line really knows you but we are all family in Christ and your family is own my mind daily. I will be praying for you and your husband and precious baby girl. I will also pray for your friends you met there also , Nate. You are an awesome family and just reading your story is a blessing to me. Please know I will be praying for you. Also, Tricia...your Bible verse on your blog site, Jeremiah 29:11 is also my family verse. I knew then we had a bond. "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Keep that close to your heart.
    Praying for you, Alycia

  84. You can tell Joe and Kendra we are part of the thousands praying for them also. I will also pass this along. You are so selfless in all your endeavors Nathan. Blessings from Florida.

  85. Praying for Joe, Kendra, their boys and their little girl already with Jesus. A NICU is a place no one wishes to be or "dreams" of being...yet brings about so many millions of blessings and miracles every year! Keep the faith Joe and Kendra...we lift you and your boys up for complete healing!
    Nate, Tricia and little Gwyneth (I smile every time I see her beautiful name...)~
    Lifting you up hourly today...may any changes in numbers, gasses, levels, rates, etc. be good and steady!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Nate, for your constant contribution to your is an encouragement to thousands of us all over the God be the Glory!
    Claire Adams <><
    Raleigh, NC

  86. I am praying for Joe, Kendra, and their precious boys and well as for you, your sweet wife, and your precious daughter.
    Thank you, Nate and Tricia, for sharing your story and allowing us to see real faith in action.

  87. Adding them to my prayers. God will certainly use you to minister to them, I'm sure.

  88. I'm praying for your new friends as I continue to pray for the three of you also.

  89. Joining the prayer force for Joe and Kendra, their boys... as well! You all are so loved! Thanks for being His hands and feet where you are placed!

  90. Joe and Kendra and their family will be in our prayers. Thank you for sharing their story with us.

    Love you,
    Amy and Casey in Wilmington

  91. Joe and Kendra are in our prayers. What an awesome oppurtunity to reach out to others that are in need.

    Danielle Davis

  92. Already praying for those "room mates" of Gwenyth. Smile!
    You are right where God has placed you, Nathan for such a time as this.

  93. Lifting up this family, like so many others going through hourly struggles with tiny ones in the NICU. Please let them know they are being greatly prayed for!

  94. Praying for our new friends, Joe, kendra, and the boys! What an impact and on so many people this little girl of yours is having, cool:)

  95. Also praying for this couple and their little one, as well as you guys!

  96. We will pray for all the families in the NICU and ICU. Thank you for keeping us updated, Nathan. You are a such a strong person. God bless you!

    Sending love and prayers,
    -Matt, Mary, Hannah & Elijah-

  97. I'll pray for Joe, Kendra and the boys, and continue to pray for you, Tricia and precious baby Gweneth. Your story has just touched my heart

  98. Still praying for you all and will add Joe and Kendra along with their loved ones to our prayers.

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of sympathy and the God of every comfort, Who comforts me in every trouble so that I may also be able to comfort those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort with which I myself am comforted by God. 2Corinthians 1:3-4

    Many wonderful blessings to you today, Meredith Rosser/Orlando Fl

  99. Prayers from Clinton Township, Michigan

  100. Nate, I am a friend of Scott & Gayle's so prayers from Virginia are being lifted up for your precious new baby Gwyneth and your life partner Tricia. I know God is hearing all these heart felt prayers and is surrounding you with his love and wonderful presence!

  101. I'm adding Joe, Kendra and their boys to my prayer list. It is so amazing to see God's plan at work. Through your blog, we can now lift up others in similiar situations. We would have no way of knowing that Joe, Kendra and their boys are in need of our prayers had God not placed you in their path. God is soooo amazing!

  102. I have 2 babies that where preterm. my little girl didnt go into the NICU but my son did when he was born at 28wks and only 1 lb 15oz.he was breathing on his own and didnt need any help for anything. I was so lucky and that is when my faith came back 110% in God. I met alot of people in the NICU and felt so bad for them but all I could do was pray just as I am for you and your family and everyone else

  103. I will add Joe and Kendra and their precious baby boys to my prayers. Still praying for you, Tricia and Baby Rose for many more miracles to happen!
    In HIM,
    Charlotte, NC

  104. I am praying so hard for this family and for you and your two girls. The sun is shining beautifully here in Tampa, Florida and I am hoping that angels bless this little girl who has gone on to heaven. I am lifted by your strength and your faith in God.

  105. I am praying for them and you all!

  106. Praying for Joe and Kendra and their little boys...
    Praying in Charlotte

  107. I haven't left a comment in many days. I'm trying to find the right words to say. Every time, I think of something, they just seem so insufficient. I have followed your blog for about a month and a half. I have been humbled in every way possible by the testimonies you and Tricia have. It's incredible to see the faith you have.... to see it played out. And I just stand in awe as I read the updates of what God is doing in your life. It is my continued promise to you that I will continue to hold you, Tricia, Gwyneth, your famlies and the many other families you meet. I pray that God will just show Himself to you... even more real as each day passes.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story, and allowing thousands to walk with you in this journey. I've become quite attached to you guys!

  108. Definitely praying! God does miracles. My younger brother was born prematurely with lung issues, and I remember being 7 years old and worried. He is a healthy 16 year old today. Thank God that he has a good report even when the doctors aren't sure. And he is always Faithful! Keeping your and this family in prayer.

  109. I am a NICU nurse, and I heard about you, Tricia, and Gwyneth a couple of weeks ago. I just wanted to tell you how much your family's story has touched me. You, Tricia, and Gwyneth have been, and will continue to be in my prayers. As a NICU nurse, I realize the struggle ahead, for your family, for Joe and Kendra's family, and for all other families in your difficult situation. I am touched by the devotion you obviously have to God and your family. You have shown enormous strength in your posts! God bless all of you, and I will continue to lift you up in prayer.

  110. Our daughter spent 4 weeks in the PICU (Pediatric ICU) when she was only days old. Real hurting goes on in the ICU, and opportunities to wrestle with God were all around -- both for us, and for the other families there. May Jesus be praised, and many more call on His name as a result of your presence there, and your willingness to walk alongside the others there.

  111. We are praying for Joe and Kendra here too.


  112. Nathan, I haven't been able to put in words how much we love you and Tricia and now Gwyneth. As you know our team in Helene has been praying ever since we were told of the pregnancy. The last week has been an incredible experience in prayer and faith. but for some reason, I felt ready to email you when I read about Joe and Kendra. Please reassure them that we will be praying for them and the boys along with Gwyneth, even as we return to the island of Helene. We have some strong prayer warriors on that island that will stand beside us at the throne of God as we return. I also pray that one day Tricia will accompany you as I know you so wanted her to experience a mission trip. It will be a thrill to introduce you to the islanders as they remember the answered prayers of this week, and the prayers to come.

    What can we say? God has put you in an extraodinary place at an extraordinary time in your lives. It is painful to leave the Outer Banks and not be near, but I believe yours and Tricia's story has miles yet to reach many who are in need of our Hope in a miraculous God. Love to you all, sheila benson

  113. Nate I am SO excited for all the wonderful things that have happened in just the short time I've been at home without internet!! I just caught up on all your posts from today and am humbled to tears by the amazing love our Father has for us. Such love that He touches our lives with miracles and has strengthened Gwyneth so much in just a few days that she is now in a shared room. Hallelujah! I am dumbfounded and almost speechless!
    I am so happy you were able to finally touch Gwyneth and she could hold your finger. Definitely a "kleenex picture" for sure. Thank you so much for sharing this experience. I am so so grateful to you for sharing this whole journey. As a pastor's granddaughter (like Gwyneth, yay!) I have been in church my whole life, and have always been a BIG prayer warrior, but this story, yours and Tricia's and Gwyneth's story has just touched me beyond anything I've ever heard. I've become even closer to God and am in prayer constantly for y'all. I find myself sitting at home attempting to watch tv, but ending up praying again. I look forward to each update and each new day in your lives. Thank you again so very much for allowing God to draw me even closer to His side through your life. Thank you Nathan.
    Praying for more miracles...

  114. I'm so sorry...I WILL be praying for Joe & Kendra too! :)

  115. We will be in prayer for Joe, Kendra and their boys. If they had to be in the NICU what a blessing for them to meet up with you.

  116. I am praying in Oregon for you all! Bless you all!!

  117. count us in and thanks for sharing

    the dale family

  118. Praying in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

  119. I'm a triplet mom myself. Prayers are with your family, as well as Joe and Kendra's.

  120. Praying in Canton,Ohio

  121. Nate, thanks for helping Joe and Kendra connect with the support of so many loving, faithful people. I pray for them and their baby boys. We pray for wisdom for their doctors, comfort for their families and miracles for their babies. I lost my first one, too, and I know... that's the one that makes you know how much you can love the ones you get to keep.

  122. Congratulations to you and Tricia on the birth of Gwyneth Rose - what a beautiful name! I am praying for all of your family as well as those you meet in the NICU. Your faith is such a powerful witness to other parents with preemies as well as to the staff who are caring for all of you. Blessings to you and your girls. -- Lynne B.

  123. Our family prayed together tonight for Joe, Kendra and the boys. We pray the boys will remain healthy and strong as well. We pray that Joe and Kendra and Nate can comfort each other while there as well.

  124. I knew Trish from High School- my sister Larissa was a friend of hers. Just wanted to let you know that your entire family: you, Trish, and Gwyneth are in our prayers daily.

    -Erik Swanson

  125. Watching this sute is inspriational to those of us who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose...keep up the good work, Nate...we are praying for you all.

  126. Words that I construct don't seem to adequately say the sentiments that I want to express.

    My prayers are not only with your family, but with Joe & Kendra along with all the other new parents in the NICU unit that you meet along your journey.

    Jennifer A.

  127. i have twins and i often wondered throughout pregnancy how it would be to lose one and still have one...can't imagine their pain, we are praying for everyone here in barrington, nj (next door to haddon heights!)hope things continue to improve tonight...

  128. Oh my goodness! Is it bad to say that I am so happy for you? Well, I am. You have a absolutly beautiful baby and the most angelic wife! Love and faith are healing powers that will pull you through (although the meds are help, too). I am so humbled. Having just been through an abusive relationship, an awful divorce while raising an infant, a new marriage, and being 28 weeks pregnant right now--I would choose that than going through what you are. You are as much of a hero as your wife, family, friends, and beautiful baby. I live in MD--not too far from you guys--if you need anything--even though i know you have a billion people offering--you have another friend here. Much love and remember to smile--life it still with you, your wife, and your baby!


  129. I too will be praying for Joe and Kendra and their Southern Arizona.
    Thank you for sharing your family with us is a blessing to be able to pray for all of you and watch God work. Trudy

  130. As the mother of an 8 year old boy and triplet boys who are 4, I will pray for this couple. I know their pain because we lost our only daughter in June of last year. I will pray that God gives them peace and assurance that He is in control. I am praying for you and your sweet family too. I check here every few hours for updates.


  131. Prayers coming from Wisconsin, too, for Joe, Kendra, their family, the Lawesons and everyone in the cf community.

  132. You are all in my prayers. My Nephew was born 2 1/2 years ago at 26 weeks and today he is as strong and as active as any other toddler out there. Keep your hope and your faith, God is Great!

  133. Thanks for sharing their need and I'll keep praying for them.

  134. we've not officially met, but i work in the MICU at duke. i've not cared for your wife personally, but i am praying for her and your new daughter.

    the pics of your daughter in the ICN are incredible. she's cute!

  135. I'm praying and I will pass it on to others. Be stong...God will walk you throughout this crazy life.
    Praying and Loving the Lord,

    Alie in TN

  136. I am one of the youth leaders at Liberty Christian Fellowship in Colington. I want you to know that we are praying for all of you. My grandson had open-heart surgery right after he was born in June at Duke. I can't say I know how you are feeling but I do know halls you walk and the uncomfortable chairs you sit on in the picu. I was so thankful to be in such a good hospital. Thank you for this post it helps us to know how to pray.

  137. We will pray for them and their precious boys.

  138. We will pray for them and their precious boys.

  139. Congratulations Daddy. Your daughter is incredibly beautiful and your wife has an inspiring amount of strength and courage. Your lives have touched mine and I will be forever changed. As a mother of 3 NICU graduates I know how vital faith is for the journey that lies ahead. I will be praying for this family and their triplets, but please know that yourself, Tricia and Gwyneth will also be my thoughts and prayers.

  140. Praying in Ohio and hoping for an update soon.

  141. we are praying for Joe and Kendra.

  142. God has been showing us how awsome He really is in the last few days. It is tough to get to the computer when Nate is updating so quickly as he does. We appreciate his willingness to share his family's story with all of you. I shared on Sunday at NHC that I was trusting that they could be a blessing to others as I saw the tough road all three had traveled to get to this fantastic day. I had the privledge of having Gwyneth grasp on grandpop's finger also.Just amazing! Thanks for all the prayers and visitors to our corner. Please continue to pray that Tricia will respond positively as she is removed the remaining sedatives. It is great to see her responding more and more to our voices. Love to All who are caring and praying.

  143. Praying for Joe, Kendra and their boys, asking God to give them comfort. Thanking God for your reflecting His presence to them!

  144. We, too our praying for Kendra and Joe. We went through the same thing 15 months ago. We delivered our 25 week old triplets (2 boys and 1 girl) on Sept 19, 2006. Our precious Breckin went home 3 hours after birth.

    We also will be praying for your precious family! You have an amazing outlook on life! You have two beautiful ladies in your life! I think you already know that! :) Keep trusting in our Loving Father Above!

    JoEllen Hummel (Ohio)

  145. We will be praying for Joe, Kendra and their baby boys.

    If they are looking for support from others who have "been there", can you please direct them to this website:

  146. I'm praying in Ohio.


  147. As a mom of a preemie my heart goes out to other parents who watch their children struggle to survive. Huge hugs to you all and prayers for Joe and Kendra and their miracles.

  148. It has been said, "A prayer read, is a prayer said". The 152, as of this post, that have posted probably doesn't come close to the number that are praying, but not posting.

    Praying for Joe, Kendra, and their boys in St. Louis.

  149. Yes, I'm praying for Joe and Kendra and boys. God bless you.

  150. We're in Michigan and praying hard for Joe, Kendra and their little boys. And as always.....praying for Tricia, Gwyneth, yourself and your entire family!

  151. Joe and Kendra, I am praying for your boys and for you. May you be filled with peace and hope. Love in Christ, Barbara

  152. Joe and Kendra, I am praying for you and your precious little boys. I'd like to share right here:
    Dear Heavenly Father,
    Please be with Joe and Kendra. You know the loss they have just experienced, for their daughter is now with you. Please comfort and shelter them, bring them peace and healing that only You can provide. Please also protect their little boys and help them to grow healthy and strong. Thank you Lord for this and all things. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
    I will continue to pray this prayer. We all love you, just as He does!
    Love, Leslie

  153. I'm praying for Joe, Kendra and their family.

  154. I'm praying here in Virginia Beach for Joe and Kendra whenever I think of Nathan and Tricia--which is often. God's blessings on the little baby boys!!

  155. sending you love & light during this hard time.

  156. Pryaing for your precious family, Joe and Kendra. God bless you!

  157. Joe & Kendra, we are praying for you! Jesus is taking good care of your sweet girl!! We will be in prayer that your little boys will stay healthy! Hang in there!

  158. Joe, Kendra and their boys are in my thoughts and prayers...may there little girl watch over them all.

  159. y'all are in my thoughts and prayers!

  160. Joe and Kendra, it was such an honor to meet you in NICU with Nate the other morning. My heart was touched as you shared your situation with us. You may not remember but when Nate stated he would ask pray for you on his blog, I stated that will an amazing event if he did that for you. I just knew that would mean thousands of prayer warriors would be bringing your name before the Heavenly Father. We know that pray changes things . Remembering you always. I did come down to share with some of the comments that had come in right after Nate mentioned your request but missed you. I trust you will find a good church in your area also.

  161. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. You are truly an inspiration.

    Joe, Kendra and baby boys, may you also stay strong in faith and may ALL of you hold your children soon!

  162. Joe and Kendra...I'm still praying in SC for your family.

  163. We are praying for the peace that passes all understanding for Joe and Kendra. Also praying for their boys health and strength. Love from Ohio.

  164. Joe & Kendra, I love the words toward the end of Psalm 23, "Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life ..."

    I pray that God's love will pursue you and your boys all the days of your lives!

  165. Thank you for sharing Joe and Kendra's story so that so many people can lift them up in prayer!

    Joe and Kendra- I will definitely be praying for you as you grieve the loss of your daughter and have a long road ahead of you with your two sons. Praying that God will grant you His amazing peace and strength to get thru each day! And praying for your boys, that they will get stronger and stronger every day!

  166. Praying for Joe and Kendra in AL! God bless!

  167. For Joe and Kendra-
    Our God is a miracle worker. He is able to do above all that we ask or think. We believe in His healing power and pray for His healing power to blanket you and your family. God Bless,
    Luke and Tara Jackson

  168. Praying that while your hearts are being pulled in so many directions with so many emotions, you'll be comforted in knowing Who is holding your hearts through it all. We are lifting you up to Him, and will continue to do so.

    God Bless your precious family.

    -Jules in Utah

  169. I'm praying for Joe and Kendra, too, in their joy and their sorrow. May God continue to strengthen those little boys.

    Genevieve in OR

  170. We will be lifting Joe and Kendra up to our Heavenly Father, praying that He will surround them with His peace, strength, and grace as they travel this unfamiliar road. Praying for their precious little boys to gain strength and remain free of complications. May God reveal Himself to them in a very real and powerful way!
    Thank you, Nathan, for allowing us the privilege of praying for another special family. We will continue to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth, and we praise God for the way He is answering all these prayers in such a miraculous way!
    Love and prayers from Va.Beach,
    The Edwards family

  171. Joe and Kendra, We lift you and your sons in prayer. God bless you and keep you.

  172. Add us to the list of people praying for your beautiful gifts from God!!! We pray that your boys will grow in strength each day! Also that you as parents grown in strength and take comfort knowing that God is holding each and every one of you!!!

    Bridgette Anne and Jason

  173. Joe and Kendra,

    I lift up you and your boys to my mighty and grace giving Lord, a God that is so in control of all that is happening, may His hands rest deeply on your hearts during this time and provide you with comfort, encouragement and peace. May divine healing from the great "I Am" come in his perfect timing. This week I have heard from Him time and time again to "Be still and know that I am God". My prayers are with you!

  174. Praying for Joe & Kendra and their babies. Do you know what the babies names are?

  175. I am praying for Joe and Kendra and their precious little boys.
    Lord, may your peace that passes all understanding flow over this family. Hold them in your loving embrace. Bring strength and healing to these boys. Leave no doubt that you are working a miracle Lord. Amen

  176. Praying for Joe,Kendra and there family.... God Bless you now and always!!

  177. Our prayers are with Joe, Kendra, and their boys - may God give their family comfort and show His power in a mighty way.

  178. I'm praying for Joe, Kendra, and their babies.

  179. Our prayers are going up!!!

  180. Joe and Kendra you and your boys are in my thoughts and prayers. My prayer is that God will continue to give you the strengh you need to get through these difficult days ahead, and for peace in this uncertin time.

    Also Nathan I will be praying for you and your girls.

  181. Joe and Kendra:

    I am praying for you and your daughter and your little boys - praying that that when you need to, you can give your cares to God and can take comfort from Him and the loving friends He sends your way. I know you will always love your daughter and I pray that each day finds you and your boys with greater strength.

  182. Praying for Joe and Kendra and their boys. May God be with each of them and you as well Nathan. From Jackson, Mississippi.

  183. Lifting up Joe, Kendra and their children in prayer.

  184. I have been praying for you, Joe and well as for your two little boys.

  185. Thank you for sharing your inspirational story for everyone to read. You, your family and everyone on this site are in my prayers on a daily basis.

  186. Joe and Kendra, may you be home with your healthy strong sons soon and looking back on this time with a feeling of it having been just a movie or something.

    Love to you and your children from Apryl in NC.

  187. Joe and Kendra,
    Praying for you and your sons. I also pray for you as you grieve the loss of your daughter.
    Philippians 4:6-7
    Coburg, OR

  188. Lifting up Joe and Kendra and their precious boys...

    With Love, Jenna

  189. Prayers from TX!

    The James Family

  190. Praying for your precious family, and will pray for Joe, Kendra, and their boys as well. Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

  191. Keeping Joe, Kendra and their boys in my prayers from Illinois. May they be wrapped in the embrace of our loving God.

    Joshua 1:9
    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

  192. All of you continue to be in my prayers, and I have been praying for Joe and Kendra since I got the news. I'm praying for comfort for them and for strength and health for their boys. Thank you for being such a witness to Christians and non-Christians alike as you go through this difficult time.

  193. Joe and Kendra,
    Our family will be praying for you. Daily.
    Thanks for sharing your family's story with Nathan. Indeed, we are all one family through the Lord. And, as we remember Tricia, Gwyneth, and Nathan, we will be praying for your two guys! And for you as you go through this season of your life.


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