
Monday, January 14, 2008

12:26pm Update

> A little unstable this morning, but with a replacement of her vent tube, she seems to be doing great again.
> Her PDA closed sometime in the night (just after I asked for your prayers), which is a great thing. This also means they'll be able to take her off a few drugs. (my warped sense of humor finds it funny that my 25 week, 6 day old preemie has done more drugs than me)
> Still haven't heard back about the CF screening.
> Still no poop
> Brain scan today to check for bleeding...not common at this early age, but just staying safe.

> Weaning off some more of one of her sedatives, which means she'll wake some more. That may take place in just a few minutes or over several, and I'll be in there to hopefully tell her more about what's been going on.
> Waking up also means coughing a lot more, which will be hard because she can't cough...they literally have to stick a tube down and suck it out for her, which is uncomfortable.
> Transplant team is coming by today...pray that they will see improvement and be encouraged for Tricia's future.

I've posted several times already today, so make sure you read below.



  1. I have checked ur blog a few times today!! I heard about u from Danny P. from Lenoir NC... I have been in pray for u since!
    I hope your 2 miracles will fully recover... and i have faith they will!!
    P.S. keeping me busy at school!! :D

  2. praise God for the PDA closing - how cool.

    May you and Tricia have some wonderful moments together today!

    Still praying...

  3. I found your blog through a fellow parent of a preemie, and I have been praying for your family since I read it. Our son was born at 26 weeks, and suffered a severe grade IV brain bleed...I am happy to say that he is doing great. God is working in an amazing way, allowing you to serve others during our own suffering, what a wonderful tangible example to those he has so purposefully placed in your path so that His mercey, grace, and oh so miraculous ways can be seen by many. A co-worker told me shortly after we found out about our son's brain bleed, "people are praying for the baby, people who have not talked to God in a very long time". Through our heart ache God was being glorified, it was like a big ol God hug, reminding me that he has a plan.
    Thank you for sharing your story, I will be sure to pass your blog on, so that God can continue to use this story and perhaps get to hear from some of His children who have not talked to him in a very long time as they pray for our sweet baby girl and gorgeous wife!

  4. Just wanted to stop by and introduce you to Asher
    This little guy (who's not so little anymore!) was born as a twin gestation at 24 weeks 3 days. They both weighed 1.5 pounds each. Sadly, his brother Jacob passed away about 7 weeks later. But Asher turned one on May 9, 2007 and is doing wonderfully. He is still on some oxygen that they continually try to wean. He got his coloctomy reversed several months ago and is growing like a weed. Thought you might like to take a peak into Gwyneth's future if you have time between taking care of your girls. Thinkning of you all.

  5. Praying that Tricia will be more alert and comfortable today.

  6. I am still praying for your girls and your family!

    On a side note, I wanted to let you know that I absolutely LOVE your header for your blog. That is a very beautiful picture of Tricia!

    Raleigh, NC

  7. I found your blog through my adoption board. Your strength amazes me. I'm praying for you and your family. I can see God working through your life. It's these times that it is so hard to see him, but we all see Him working here. I'm speechless, your faithfulness has taken me to my knees.

  8. Hi there!
    Just wanted to let you know that I have found your blog (friend of a friend of a friend kind of thing :) and have been praying for Tricia and Gwyneth. I also wanted to let you know that my Dad recently underwent a heart transplant over at Duke. He was very sick and spent a good while there before getting the transplant. The transplant team is really great there. I will be praying that Tricia will remain (or become again?) a candidate for the transplant.

    We also have a preemie... Although not a micropreemie (32 weeks) and not born at Duke - we can definitely relate to that situation on some level as well! I'm going to post a link to your blog on ours sometime today. Your family's story is such an amazing picture of what it means to trust God!

  9. Still Praying, And can't wait to come down this weekend!-Carolyn K.

  10. I've been following you guys since the a few days before Tricia went to the hospital. I received an email from a friend asking for prayers for an AMAZING family. And I've been hooked on your blog since!!

    Prayers being sent form VA... She's a beautiful girl!!

    Continued prayers for you, your girls and your family

  11. I will continue to pray for your family. Praying that each day finds you closer to sharing the news with Tricia. What a wonderful time that will be!

  12. Sounds like these girls are keeping you busy! Hope and pray that the positive news continues and that Tricia can wake peacefully and see the beautiful life she carried very soon. I also pray that the transplant team gives you positive news for the near future. I've never prayed for poop but I find myself joyfully doing so now!! I just pray that your girls continue to find the Lord's strength in you and each other, even separated by 3 floors, and that they both exceed all of the doctors expectations in their recovery and devlopment. You and Gwyneth are going to have such a unique bond because of this. I'm so glad that you are documenting all of these special moments for her and Tricia to cherish for many years to come!!
    Love, The Gallop's

  13. YAY for Gwneth's PDA closing on it's own!!! That's wonderful news and saves her from potential surgery to fix it!! Praying for the CF test to come back negative and for baby to POOP!! Come on little miss you can do it!

    Continuing to pray for Tricia and for her as they have to suck out the stuff from her lungs, that just sounds horrible, praying Tricia can wake up soon! Praying for you all!

    God Bless

  14. Praying for both of your precious girls Nate and praying for "poop" for Gwenyth. And the PDA closed, how great. May Tricia's waking up be gentle and not too uncomfortable with coughing. Praying for miracles, miracles and more miracles.

    Laurie in Ca.

  15. I found your blog by "random" luck! I was linked to it through many other blogs. I cannot tell you how much your story has affected me. It was hard to hear that some see your story as "sad"—I find you and your loved ones to be true testaments of God’s love—You are all truly inspiring!!
    I work as a nurse and graduate student chasing my dream of becoming a nurse practitioner. I have always had a soft spot for CF, now I feel deeply touched and drawn to someday help others like Tricia. My five year old daughter was tested for CF one year ago--I pray your daughter's results come back soon with God's strength behind them.
    I will be praying for all of you and cannot wait to continue to follow your journey.

  16. Duke is a great place. They took care of my daugther 23 years ago. I think it is wonderful how they take care of the WHOLE family. You have a beautiful wife and daugther.
    In God's love, JoJo

  17. Praying for less drugs and more poop. :D

  18. Praying for you, Tricia & Gwen today! Loving the good news and progress they are both making. Praying more than I think I ever have before... and out of a new found faith!

  19. I will be praying for a good report on Tricia today. So glad to hear that little Gwyneth is doing well.

  20. C'mon POOP!!! Praying in California for that diaper to need changing soon!! Praying for Tricia's smooth transition to a HAPPY, calm, wakeful state so she can see her precious husband and beautiful baby girl. Can't wait for THAT update!!!

  21. I found you through a fellow micro-preemie mom and I am thoroughly awed by your story and your positivity. I have twin girls, Holland and Eden, who were born at 24 weeks 3 days back in July 2004. Check out our blog on a day that you are looking for a smile to brighten your day! Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  22. Let's all chant it now. "We want poop! We want poop! We want poop!"
    See Nate the warped sense of humor is genetic.

    Praying for Tricia to do well as she wakes. A whole lot has happened while she's been sleeping.

    Praying for Gwyneth to do well today and that the new tube helps.

    Ty has been cooped up all morning so after lunch we went out back started a fire in the outdoor fireplace and played in the yard, then went out front for a walk and to kick the soccer ball.
    My prayer is that those type of days are in store for you and Gwyneth.

    Great Uncle Andy

  23. Still praying! We love you guys and continuously praying for amazing health and healing! ~Lisa and Mike (in NJ!)

  24. Isn't it fun just to be able to type poop. Funny how as adults we don't usually say poop till we become parents and then all of a sudden poop is a common word in our vocabulary. Poop poop poop, Gwyneth! POOP. And the more you say it the funnier it sounds....

  25. That's awesome about Gwyneth's PDA! Hooray! I have tried looking for your email on the blog but I can't find it. Would you mind placing it on there again?

    **I am really excited for you three, like, my friends are wondering what's going on and I can't do anything but to blurt it out. :)

  26. I think this is like the 15th time I've checked your blog today...just adding to your counter! :) I get so excited when I see an update! I know you are probably going crazy waiting for Tricia to wake up fully. I know you are just dying to tell her all the exciting things that God has done!!! I hope you will get to share more with her today and she will be so encouraged to hear how well her sweet Gwyneth is doing.

  27. My boys and I specifically prayed for the PDA this morning during devotions. I can't wait to tell them that God had ALREADY answered their prayers. What a faith building example of the sovereignty of God.

  28. "Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can't tunnel thru? God specializees in things tho't impossible - He does the things others cannot do." -Oscar Eliason

    We continue to pray for you and your family daily. I shared your circumstances with a patient of mine today, hoping to get on the topic of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ...

    Giving Glory to God in all things,
    from "S. Jersey"

  29. Our GREAT LORD and SAVIOR NEVER ceases to amaze me! So glad to hear good news! We are still praying and our hats off to K Byrd!! God truly is working in mysterious ways. Will add Tricia's friend Gabby to our prayer list for peace and comfort. Many more blessings to you and your family today, Meredith/Orlando FL.

  30. Hi - I heard of your family through my daughter in law who was in the same home school group as Tricia when she lived in NJ. I have been praying for everyone since right before Gwenyth was born. God is awesome and so faithful. You have blessed my life with your love for God and your family. Your openness and desire to be used by God is such an inspiration. We are standing with you in prayer and trusting God with you. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think.

  31. I think what makes us all love Tricia is that not only is it apparent how much of a fighter she is- but the love that radiates from her even when she's asleep. There is so much love going around, and it's not just for family and friends, but for God and the world. I'm happy to offer her (and you and the wee one!) love because I see and FEEL how much you guys are producing! Need to replenish the love stock!

  32. Nate,
    by God's grace, I was brought to your blog. Your story has enhanced my faith and brought peace to me. As a mom and nurse, this story touches my life in many ways. I was especially moved by the post about the nurse who prayed during surgery. I will continue to lift up your wife and daughter in prayer and praise God for all that he has given to you and pray that he continues to uplift you and your family. I do believe that God has choosen you and your family to spread his word and be a modern day mircale, so that those who do not yet believe can see his works and those who already believe can have their faith strengthened. Thank you for sharing your testimony with "the world". You are a true disciple of Christ. The world needs more people like you.

    May God's peace continue to surround you,

  33. Thanks for the update on the girls. It seems like it has been a while since we got word on them. Thank the Lord for Gwyneth's little heart closing up. We'll keep praying for the other needs!

  34. Still praying. Praying for poop and for Tricia to wake up smoothly.

    And as I was pooping today, I thought... "hmm God give Gwyn a poopy"


  35. Have you noticed your counter is over 200,000? Whoa.

  36. breath girls, breath!

    And your warped since of humor. But then again, that says something awesome about your life!

    I was out doing some much needed shopping today and found myself praying all over town for your family.

  37. I had to peek in and see how the best beloved are. Liberty is abuzz with you. I told my best friend about you, and her son said all his friends, students at LU, already know. So wow- you're famous. May God be made famous in your lives.
    I want to meet Tricia. I want to see that smile for myself.
    Praying for a the lungs to be transplanted, the babe to say DA DA, and all of us to get together and have a giant praise party on Jockey's Ridge State Park!

  38. Just found your blog and read lots of it. Just wishing you, Tricia, and your gorgeous baby all the luck in the world. Get better soon Tricia, looking forward to reading that you are chasing your daughter round a garden. Nate, make sure you rest too, you can't be a dad when you are exhausted. Praying for all of you.
    Rosie in the UK

  39. Praise the Lord for the PDA closing! Praying for poop! Continuing to pray for both your sleeping beauties.

    Your Sister in Christ

  40. Wow, fast work on the PDA!! (Now, WHAT IS A PDA???)

    I will continue praying for you all and thanks for the udpates. Debbi (Aspiemom)

  41. Praying for you all!!! May God keep you in His palm all day long!!!!

    Looking forward to another positive post!

  42. Hi--I found your blog when my niece-in-law asked for prayers for your family on HER blog. (Her micro-preemie who is now 22 months old was in the hospital with RSV.) Anyway, I've been praying for you and your girls, and will continue to do so. Just heard "I will Praise you in this Storm" on the radio and was reminded how much it meant to us when my niece's little preemie was first born. It's such a beautiful reminder that God is in control, no matter what the circumstances look like, and we can praise Him for that. The other song that came to me while praying for her during this last hospitalization was "Breath of Heaven". I realize that all of the words don't really fit the situation, but seeing the Holy Spirit as the breath of heaven, and visualizing Him breathing in and thru the lungs of your girls, bringing healing, is really powerful.
    Breath of heaven,
    Hold me together,
    Be forever near me,
    Breath of heaven.
    Breath of heaven,
    Lighten my darkness,
    Pour over me your holiness,
    For you are holy.
    Breath of heaven.


  43. Continuing to pray today and checking in for updated requests! I can only imagine how difficult it would be to know you have a little baby and be unable to see her and touch her.

  44. How many of you other shoppers find yourselves in various infant departments looking at itty bitty tiny girlie preemie clothes????

  45. We're praying for all of you here in Texas. God is faithful.

  46. Hi, Nathan, Tricia Gwyneth.
    I'm another one of those people who has found your blog through others. I'm the aunt of an ex-24 weeker who is almost 18 months uncorrected and doing well, other than some speech and physical delays, as well as small size. (Partially because of her, but other reasons as well, my desire is to do NICU nursing at some point in the future.)
    But now, back on topic. I was listening to Christian music earlier, and I heard the song 'Bring the Rain' by Mercy Me. It reminded me of y'alls situation. (I'm sure you've heard it, but if you haven't, here is a link to a youtube video to the song: )
    I am praying and will continue to pray for both Tricia and Gwyneth's continued strengthening and recovery, and for you, Nathan, that you will stay sane and healthy so as to provide support for both of your girls.
    a sister in Christ.

  47. Hi Again.
    I've been following your blog since you announced that Tricia was pregnant, and I have been praying ever since. So glad to hear that both girls are doing well. Still praying.

  48. Check out the song "Ten Thousand Kisses" by Suzi Shelton, wonderful inspiration for your little girl by her Daddy.

  49. Nate,

    My family is praying for your family. Hold fast. God is still in the miracle business.

  50. May God bless and deliver good health to Gwyneth and Tricia. We are praying for you as well Nate. Your love for your daughter and wife is apparent and God will work His will.

    Got your info from Emily's blog for Miller Grace.

    You've got thousands praying for the three of you as well as your extended families.

  51. I am a LU student and I stumbled across your blog from a friends facebook page and I just wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you, your wife, and your precious daughter and have been so encouraged by your amazing strength and faith in the Lord. Our God does amazing things!! I pray that he gives you strength to make it though each day and puts his miraculous healing hands upon your wife and your daughter! God bless you and your family!

  52. Gwen is so pretty!! My prayers are always with you.

  53. I have been following your blog for just a few days but was hooked immediately. I have to check in on your girls each and every day. Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful! Those pictures you posted show her so much more clearly. She is wonderful. ...and I can tell that her mommy (and daddy) are too!!!


  54. Hey there. I just wanted to email you something concerning the test and examination about the brain bleed.

    My son, 10 years ago, was premature and they did the scan. It did not come back with good news. In fact, it was devestating news. They told us it was a grade 3bleed.

    HOWEVER, I tell you this for the following reason (it is not negative):

    They gave us all the "bad" with this news. With this was decisions about shunts and that he may never walk or talk or ......

    The good news is Coming ...

    The bleed healed itself (well, we believe God and prayer played a part) and he is walking/runnin/talking. He is doing everything they said he would not do.

    THUS, if you happen to get a "bad report", do not let it get you down!! It can be overcome.


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