
Monday, January 14, 2008

Gwyneth Rose Pictures


  1. She is so beautiful! I'm still praying for all of you.

  2. Love her precious wee touche!!! Praying so hard today that she stablized ok and that mama is coming around as well. You look tired Dad but so very full of love!!!

  3. Beautiful. I love the pic of you guys in her layette. SO sweet. How is Tricia?

  4. what a beautiful little girl!!! I love the picture of her looking at your pic! So sweet!!

  5. Glad that you were able to get the ubiquitous "naked baby on a blanket" pic even though she's in the NICU :-D

  6. The third picture looks just like her daddy's baby pictures. Still praying for all three of you,also for the other families.

    the lees

  7. She is soo pretty. Thanks for sharing pictures.

  8. She is so, so precious! I'm praying she gets to see her mommy real soon. Praying your girls continue to strengthen and that you get some well needed rest. It must be hard when all you want is to be with your sweet girls. God Bless you!

  9. She is so precious. I cannot get over all her hair!!! I know she is warm and snuggly in her little cubbie, but dontcha just want to cover her little body with a blanky?
    I also love that there is a picture of Mommy and Daddy right there for her to see when she opens her eyes. God job Daddy!

  10. What a strong and proud Dad I see in these photos! Hang in there... your precious girls are extremely fortunate to have you protectively keeping watch. Praying for your "sleeping beauties" here in Texas.

  11. Nate, she's just so beautiful!!! Definitely gets her good looks from her mama :)

  12. Oops. meant to say GOOD job Daddy......but somehow God job Daddy seems appropriate!

  13. the pictures of you both looking in at her...thanks for sharing...

  14. She is just amazing, simply the most beautiful little miracle I have ever seen. Such a tiny little touche! Praying for poop from there soon for her. Praying for both of your girls as God continues to hold them in His hands, watching over every breath. Praying for all of your NICU families also. Wake me up when Tricia wakes up.:) Praying for it to be gentle and completely perfect in His time. Get some rest Nate, you look a little worn out.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  15. oh she looks so great! somebody i haven't seen in a long time asked me about you guys in the rot tonight. people are praying for y'all.

  16. Great pictures Nathan...keep them coming...we pray constantly

  17. She's SO cute! My 2 year old sleeps like that w/her legs tucked under her and her rear in the air LOL!

  18. I love how you taped a picture of you and Tricia on Gwenyth's bed...she is a Lucky Gal to have such amazing Parents! and a Cute Pug for a sibling!

  19. I find myself coming to your blog several times a day in anticipation of an update and more good reports and praises! These pictures are gorgeous - and I love the one of her looking at her mommy & daddy. Precious. God bless you.

  20. Thanks for feeding the addiction I now have to your site! The pictures you are taking are amazing! Your Gwyneth is so beautiful! We don't know each other but from one (past) NICU parent to another I am praying so hard for all things I know you are feeling. Besides praying there is hardly more that will help Tricia and Gwyneth get strong than with you being there with them. When my son came off the CPAP machine and I was able to hold him I saw an immediate difference in his improvement. The nurses were amazed. I know you can't hold Gwyneth just yet but you being there and touching her as much as you can help so much - she knows who you are! (I'm sure the nurses have already told you that though!) We'll be praying for that poop! We jumped up and down when they allowed us to change the diaper and there it was!

    I just can't wait to read the post where Tricia is strong enough to see her sweet baby and be near her. What a great day that will be for the both of them!

    P.S. We're also praying for the parents and babies you have mentioned but also for each of the other NICU babies that you haven't.

  21. WOW your daughter is gorgeous! Look at all that pretty hair! I pray for the day that we get to see pictures of you and Tricia holding her!

  22. Hi, my name is LaToya, and I got the link to your blog today through a friend who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at 26 wks gestation a few months ago. I read a few of your entries, and I am so touched by your faith and devotion to God and your family, be assured you all will be in my prayers.

  23. Hi Nathan & Tricia. I love the pictures. I looked twice at the pic of you two in her bed (I honestly thought it was you and Tricia in real time)!. My arms are just aching for you to hold her. Oh my goodness what a day that will be! Hang in there Nathan. As a mom and grandmother I am so proud of you & Tricia. God Bless all of you. We continue to hold you all in our prayers. My oldest son Jody calls me nearly every morning and barely gets out "Hi Mom" before he asks about updates! Take Care. We love you guys, Steve & Judi

  24. Oh thank you thank you thank you for sharing those beautiful photos with so many of us ... the prayers continue to up for you and Tricia and Gwyneth!

    My heart is just singing How Great Thou Art!!!

  25. These pictures are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing. It is so nice to have a clear picture of who we are praying for. You are an awesome Husband and Father Nate!

  26. I have been following your blog for a few days now. I stumbled upon it through another blog that I have been following. I am so glad that I was led to your site. I am inspired by your devotion to God and your faith. Through sires like these, I find that my faith grows deeper and deeper. I find it easier to count my blessings, but through all of this have learned to give glory to God for all things. I beleive that he is working a miracle through each of you, perhaps to draw people like me deeper into our faith. Nathan, you a have a beautiful family. Your love and devotion is obvious and moving. I will continue to pray for your family--Tricia, Gwyneth, yourself, and all your loved ones. Prayer is so powerful and I will continue to lift each of you up. God bless you all. And before I forget, your daughter is beautiful and demonstrates a brightness in her eyes that could warm the coldest of hearts! God bless you.
    Trisha J., Ca

  27. What precious pictures! So tiny, but so perfect. I love the one with her little eyes open. How sweet! Still praying for all 3 of you.

  28. As always the pictures are just beautiful! You three are in my thoughts and prayers. It's just beautiful that she gets to see her Mommy, even if for now at least it is just in a picture. My husband and I have been in the process of adopting a little girl for 9 months, and while she was with her foster family she would sleep with mine and my husbands picture of her crib. We only got to see her every few months and just for a couple of hours at a time, but because of that picture she seemed to recognize us when we did see her. She finally came home for good on December 5th, and we are hoping to finalize our adoption in the next few months. I know that this as not at all like your situation, but miracles happen and I truely feel in my heart that both your wife and daughter are going to full and happy lives together with you as a family. Looking forward to hearing more on their progress.

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  29. I love these photos. Thank you for sharing.

  30. BEAUTIFUL pictures - I love that you have a picture of you and Tricia for her to see. I pray every day for your family.

  31. Wow the pictures of your precious little girl just melt my heart EVERY time. Babies are a miracle in themselves, but this little fighter defines MIRACLE. She's so small and so precious, but yet has impacted SO many lives. Please know that my family is praying and will continue to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth's health and recovery, and Nate for you to continue to have this amazing faith and strength. Your family and story is truly a blessing to all who read it. I can't wait to see what else God will do in your lives.

  32. PRECIOUS!! To God be the glory!
    I just love seeing her sweet little eyes and all that hair! She's so beautiful!
    Praising and praying,
    Tanya and family

  33. Oh, those photos are SOOOO beautiful. I'm almost in tears. :) Its so encouraging to see pictures of little Gwyneth and to know that she is doing well considering the circumstances. Our Lord is good!

  34. She has the prettiest hands and long fingers!!! Beautiful pictures.
    And as a pediatric nurse, I will gladly pray for the poop!! Great news about the PDA!

  35. still praying for y'all (even the poop - especially the poop - ha!) :)
    thanks for all the updates & pictures! so great!
    your girls are beautiful!
    (K.T. in NC/The Trasks)

  36. she looks so wonderful!! I LOVE the picture of her back looking at her mommy and daddy -- priceless!! Thanks for sharing! Danielle Voss in MO

  37. Oh my goodness! She looks so precious and perfect.

    We told our church group about your story so now you have even more great prayer warriors on your side.
    -Julie & Seth Nickerson

  38. What a proud papa you are!! Your pictures are amazing. Tricia is lucky to have someone with your talent to capture the most precious moments while she is unable to see them first-hand. I pray that everything is going okay with Gwyneth and that Tricia is waking up as planned. I am anxious for you to get to share all of the wonderful moments you have had with your sweet baby!! Thanks for allowing the works to walk through this journey with you...

  39. Those pictures are PRICELESS!!!
    She is just beautiful. The picture of her looking at her mommy and daddy is beautiful! Still praying long and hard!

  40. what an amazing and perfect little sweetie, so young and already so strong just like her mom. I hope mom gets to see her really soon. Still praying for both of your sleeping beauties.

  41. she's so sweet! :)

  42. Glad to see new pictures posted. Hang in there man...we're lifting you all up in prayer. Continued prayer for renewed strength and endurance and healthy girls!

    (and my warped sense of humor just said "poop baby, poop!") Hope that made you laugh or at least put a smile on your face.

    Mary Rogers
    Trenton FL

    P.S. Your post about not being "sad" was truly an inspiration to me today....keep the faith. We indeed have many things to be thankful for each day! Praise God.

  43. Wow. Her hair is beautiful. Her little body is perfect. I got tears in my eyes. I can't wait until you can hold her and mommy can hold her.

    My love is with you all.
    Apryl in NC

  44. Is it just me, or does she look amazingly good (color, everything) for a 25 weeker?

  45. She is so precious. You look exhausted, I hope that you are remembering to get enough rest so that you stay healthy to take care of your girls. I know that the hospital staff knows how to get a hold of you if they need you and you take some time to recoup. If we lived closer I would come and sit and pray so that you could rest.
    How did the visit with the transplant team go? Was that today, or am I imagining things?

  46. She is precious. I bet you were so excited to see her beautiful eyes! Again I will remind you she is a peanut now, but it goes by like a flash! Continued prayers.

  47. So precious! I just posted yet another request for prayers for Tricia and Gwyneth on my blog. Thank you for your faithful updating. I'm sure it takes a long time to do all of this, and I really appreciate it, so we can all keep up with them, too.

  48. Those are so precious. How amazing.


  49. I think one thing that inspiresme about Tricia and Gwyneth's story is how it has untied people from all differnet denominations and stories to approach the throne of grace. Philippians 2 talks a great deal about HOW Christians shouldbe united, and I believe God isusing your girls to give us a modern day example. Thanks for sharing this journey with us...

    Blessings from Seoul,


  50. "I trust in God's UNFAILING love for ever and ever. I will PRAISE You forever for what You have done; in Your name I will HOPE, for Your name is GOOD." -psalm 51:8&9 when i read this passage this morning, i thought of you and how your trust in the Lord is so very real and evident to all. you have truly praised Him in all circumstances, and hoped in His good name. like thousands of people out there... we have not stopped praying for you, your girls, and all you meet in the hospital.

  51. a story of love, faith, peace and joy...
    a story of devotion and determination...
    a story of coming together and still being soo far apart...
    this is your life; i am honored to have shared in this most precious time in your family's life.
    Prayers lifting up higher and higher.
    Much Love!

  52. She's so beautiful. I love the pic of you and Tricia "watching" her. Reminds me exactly of my niece one year ago at 1 lb. 9 oz. Their skin is almost transparent and wrinkly. Almost like a shar-pei dog. I cannot wait for Tricia to see her miracle. That will be a picture for the scrapbook.

  53. Good evening Nathan,Thanks for sharing these great pictures of your beautiful daughter with us.I love her looking at the picture of her mom and dad.Babies are attracted to black and white colors.When I was working in the nursery, we would make signs using the colors of black and white and their eyes would follow them.I love how cozy she looks resting on her tummy..You are the first person I check on my blog in the morning..We are behind you with all of our care and concern.Blessings to all..

  54. Nate, i have been praying for your family ever since i read the prayer request on another blog.You have two precious girls there. I've also been praying for the prayer request you have posted.
    We serve an awesome God.
    Bonnie Meyer
    Washington, Missouri

  55. She is a beautiful little girl. I hope that she continues to get stronger and stronger.

  56. What a beautiful angel! Tricia is going to really appreciate all the pics and documenting each day you are doing. As the Mom of a baby in the NICU at one time all those little details get so overwhelming and you forget them. How I wish I would have kept track of everything.

    Praying for you ALL!

  57. shes beautiful!
    gods working a micracle!

    hang in there!

  58. Gwyneth Rose is absolutely stunning! And continues to be in my prayers - just like her mom! You are so blessed!!!

  59. Praying for you, too, Nate, that you get plenty of PEACEFUL REST and have a great sense of comfort from our Gracious Lord!

  60. What beautiful, precious pictures. She looks so healthy for a 25 weeker! Praying for poop (my kids think that is the funniest prayer request in the world). We were driving in the car and my three year old said "Mommy can we pray right now for the baby to poop?" So we did! Praying for your sweet Tricia too. Cyberspace will be rejoicing when you post those first pictures of Tricia and Gwyneth! Wow! I can't believe this hasn't been on Good Morning America or the Today show (yet!) Praying for a restful night for you as well.

  61. What beautiful hands attached to a beautiful baby! Such exquisite fingers. I will join those who are praying for poop, which is sure to make our God chuckle!

  62. Such a sweet, sweet baby girl- so tiny, yet perfectly formed.....what a miracle.
    Hope she and Tricia are doing well tonight.
    Also, I always thought that babies' eyelids were fused shut until 28-29 weeks.....Gwyneth looks so alert and wide awake!

  63. Just so you know, the world of being concerned about her poop is just beginning. Maddie is 2.5 and Matt and I still check in about her poop schedule, it doesn't end, then comes potty training talk...AAHHH the joys:)

  64. What a precious, beautiful little miracle!! And such a sweet idea to display the pic of mom and dad. Praying hard each day...Jennifer

  65. Again...awesome pictures! I had to laugh at the one of her holding the wires. When my son was in the NICU, he would hold the wires between his toes...LOL!

  66. She is beautiful!!! And her precious eyes are opened. God is good.

  67. Nate I'm so happy to hear that Tricia is slowly responding! I'm also happy to hear how well Gwyneth is doing. I love the pictures! I've shared your site with many people, but just yesterday, for the first time with people at church. You now have even more people praying for you and your girls! :) Thank you again for sharing all of this. It means alot to for you to be so open with everything!
    Much love!

  68. Nathan, I have posted about your two girls on my blog.I want others to pause in their daily lives and see the love and power of prayer...

  69. Beautiful, sweet, adorable, amazing, wonderful, absolutely remarkable...just a few words to describe your beautiful daughter Nathan. Wayne, the kids and I were looking at these pictures with a lot of oooo's and awwwwww's. As always, I choke up and say a prayer right there for you all.

    ~Tina and the Hughes Crew

  70. Thanks for the pictures and the updates! She's gorgeous! We are praying hard in Ohio! I just can't wait to see the pictures when you finally get to hold her! We will all cry tears of joy with you on that day!

  71. Beautiful photos. I love the one with her eyes open. She's precious. My family is praying for her and for your wife. I was thinking that if your voice calms her heartrate, maybe you have some recorded tape of Tricia's voice and you could play it for Gwyneth. She would recognize it from being in the womb and maybe it would help her additionally. Kathy H

  72. Precious! I am praying for you in GA.


  73. The comments that have been left regarding prayers for poop made me smile. When my daughter was born with meconium illeus we prayed HARD for poop so that she could avoid surgery. I teach at a Catholic school, and a fellow teacher asked all 400 students to pray that Emily would poop. They were at mass and they all prayed together. Well, kids know poop, and God heard them. About 20 minutes after the prayer was said Emily pooped and there was no need for surgery to releive her blockage. I remember thinking, "God is up there chuckling," I'll add the poopie prayer to the prayers I"ve been saying for you daily. Much love coming from Wisconsin.

    Tami (izemmom on
    mom to Emily, 2yo w/cf

  74. Simply. Breathtaking. God bless all three of you. So amazing. Lots of prayer and love! Hope to visit again soon.

  75. she is so beautiful! i can't imagine how much hair she would have had at full term! i guess we'll see. :) my daughter was over a year old before she had hair like that! ;)

    much love to you three. and, as always, many prayers.

  76. Beautiful baby! Praying for all of you.

  77. The picture of your daughter facing the picture of you and Tricia is so sweet!!

    I was at the hospital today for an appointment and I was misdirected and ended up right by the NICU doors, where my baby spent the first week of his life. (Funny, I'd forgotten which floor it was on! And when the elevator doors opened and I stepped out I didn't realize where I was for a second.)

    I was surprised at the overwhelming mixture of feelings I had - remembering the pain and the unknown, the joy of knowing there was a room full of little babies God had created and God was caring for. And knowing that your own sweet daughter is laying in a NICU room somewhere right then - the entire time that I was at the appointment your family specifically, and other NICU families in general, were being prayed for.

  78. Oh my, i just signed on and saw that wonderful picture of her with her little eyes is totally amazing to me that she really "should" be still in her mommy....and that she is surviving and thriving....praying for a continued miricle...

  79. A friend in Florida came across your site and passed it on to me (in Kansas City) to pray for you and your girls.

    Please know that I am praying for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth and I have passed your site on to many others that are praying as well. Nothing is impossible with God, He is working in the very midst of you and your girls. I don't even know you guys but you are on my heart almost non-stop and so I pray.

    Thank you for keeping us up to date. God Bless you and your precious family.

  80. SO beautiful! You can save those pictures to show her the first time she straps on a snorkel and mask =)

    May I offer a quick tip/bit of advice? That picture of you two on her isolette is awesome, but I bet she could see it better if you printed it out in black and white, which newborns see more easily and prefer to look at. (I've heard that there are even books of pictures just for that purpose, to tape on the sides of cribs.)

    You guys are amazing. Still praying for you here in Escondido and not gonna stop!

  81. I think she's looking more and more like me all the time. What a babe!

  82. I love the new pictures! She is so adorable. She is now my desktop background - every time I see her sweet little face, I pray for her.

  83. She is just perfect Nate.

  84. praying and holding you hand via the web -

    all 8 of us - the JuJu Crew

  85. Don't know if you are able to read all your comments as you are getting so many these days. I too, am an addicted follower of your story and praying for a beautiful end (or should I say start) to it all. I have to tell you I absolutely LOVE to see pictures of your sweet baby. Having had 4 full term babies it is just amazing for me to see how perfectly perfect they are at only half way through the gestation. What a miracle and precious gift from God!!!

  86. What a beautiful gift from God she is. We are still praying for your girls.


  87. Ahh.. these pictures bring back such memories! My 28 week old son had this look too. We put lots of pics in the isolette too. There were parents around us who played music for their babies as well. Maybe if you are allowed - some quiet praise/worship music would soothe her too.
    Still praying for poop - been there, done that! Still doing it at 2 yrs old! HA!

  88. You little lady is so beautiful, we're praying for you all :)

  89. Your daughter is so precious. We continue to pray for all of you. It is people like Tricia that are true heros. And your love for her is amazing. I have obviously never met either one of you but I can tell that you live your life according to our Heavenly Father's word. There should be more men like you.

  90. The photos you are taking are so priceless!

  91. My husbands best friend passed away of CF in september... and his friend with CF was married to another CF patient who had passed away back in May. They were married a month and a day exactly before God took her home. Anyway, I am so glad you two were able to experience the joy of having a child! :) That is a wonderful miracle and I hope God truly enriches your lives.

  92. She is so beatiful!!!

  93. How awesome GOD is. The photo of her looking into her mother and father's eye brought tears to my eyes. I stopped right there and prayed a special pray for you guys. Dad hang in there GOD is with you everystep of the way.

  94. she is truly a miracle...what a beautiful baby. We're still praying for you all.


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