
Thursday, January 24, 2008

3 Things

Continue praying for the Stanfield Family. Maddox was born today and spent a few moments with his family before passing away.

Alice continues to do well with her new lungs. Hopefully she'll be awake soon and moving around to begin her rehab.

I got a fact wrong earlier in This Post. Thanks to Rose for correcting me. Lungs are only good for 4-6 hours after leaving the donor's body. (I'm going to have to have a talk with the transplant surgeon who told us the info that I previously passed onto you...either both Tricia and I were on something that day, or he heard a different question than we asked)



  1. Thanks for keeping us all so updated Nate... you have so many captivated and it is such a blessing to know how prayers are being answered when you're praying especially for people you don't even know!

    Tricia, I know from experience what a blessing these websites can be when we are going through trials. When my little boy Ricky was sick... the internet was such an incredible source of encouragement as words and prayers from friends and strangers flooded his website. (

    I trust you are sensing God's movement throughout the world really... as your vulnerability and story reaches so many. God bless all of you - I know He is holding you safely in His hands.


  2. Thanks for the update Nate. I've been praying for baby Maddox and his family since you posted the info on your site... and also for Alice.

    Eagerly awaiting Tricia's healthy report and placement back on the transplant list.

    Believing with you in all things of the Lord.

  3. I have Maddox and his family in my prayers since i learned of them through Nathan...GOD BLESS THEM

  4. Praying for you guys and all the prayer requests you share with us. Thank you for continuously updating us on everything (yourselves and others you've met along your journey). God's love and peace, Amy

  5. Looks like things are getting back to "normal" around there!

  6. It looks like both of you are having a great time goofing around. Tricia, you look GREAT!!!! Continuing to pray for you all.

  7. This little place that I call "my little bubble" has been broadened and it's only through God that it has. Thank you, for reminding me, and the world, to pray for others who need to be lifted up. It's been a tremendous blessing.

  8. You guys are such goofballs! I Love it! Your zest for life and deep concern for others amidst your own trials is heartwarming and eye opening. Thank you so much just for sharing your life and giving us the oportunity to pray for not only yall but many other families! Your a blessing.


  9. Thank you for the update, and for posting so much information and resources about organ donations. My Dad was an organ donor 7 years ago and was able to save two lives through this - one of which was a man his age with 3 kids, 2 boys and a girl the same ages as me and my brothers - so I have always felt it was a good thing but didn't know much about it since I was 14 at the time.
    Anyway, always praying for you and your family. Just wanted to say thanks again for the opportunity:)

  10. Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth and family-

    Thank you again for the prayers for our family! The Lord blessed us so greatly with our time with Maddox and thankfully He knows our hearts better than we do. Although we are heartbroken at our earthly loss, we are REJOICING at his life with our Lord and that we are certain we will see him again. As one of our pastors told us, Maddox's life was created for so many reason, but most importantly for him to be ushered into the presence of the Lord.

    Thank you for lifting up our family,


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