
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hospital Fun at 1:30am

No wonder Tricia can't sleep...



  1. I can see you're not running out of entertaining things to keep you busy! :)

  2. Even though I've never met Tricia it still feels so good to see her smiling and being silly. Have a great night!
    Still praying and praying!
    Love, Leslie :-)

  3. I see you are getting practice for those late night feedings when Gwyneth goes home!

  4. PS: I fixed the link to my blog... you can click on my name now or go to:

  5. I am so pleased to see you both looking so well and happy. God bless you both!

  6. Y'all are nuts - and it's wonderful to see.

  7. Wow-it is soooooo good to see that smile on Tricia's face. Even though I do not know you guys those pictures just put joy into my night (I work night shift)!!!! I can't wait to see Gwyneth Rose included in the fun you two seem to be having!!!

  8. Keep smiling guys, it makes me happy to see both of you enjoying each other, may god continue to bless you both and bring you joy. Keep getting stronger tricia, you both have a beautiful baby. prayers continueing for both of you and gwyneth.

  9. Brilliant pic's, laughing is something the doctors can't prescribe but its just as important as all the meds. Keep smiling guys, Nate how the heck do you get your eyeballs to do that!

    Much love and God bless.

  10. Its first thing in the morning in England and it is a lovely way to start off my day to see such great pictures of you two. Tricia, you are such an inspiration to fellow CF'ers like me and I want to thank all three of you for sharing your story and letting us peek into your lives.

  11. You guys are soooo cute! Laughter IS the best medicine;)

    amanda in MB

  12. It is so neat to watch you guys enjoy your time together. Tricia has always been one to see the joy in life and to see the positive side of life. It is really cool to see how God brought such a wonderful husband for you, Tricia!

    Danielle Davis

  13. You guys totally rock!

  14. Shame on you Nate for keeping the poor girl awake :) It's good to see you looking so well Tricia! That smile of yours is beautiful!

    Sarah - Queensland

  15. I love your wonderful blog! You all have been such an encouragement to so many different people. You are a fantastic example of having joy in all things! Thank you for allowing the rest of the world to read about your life!

    I love the fun hospital pics! I couldn't help but grin when I saw them. It's great to see you enjoying yourselves!

    I have 2 daughters (ages 6 & 9) who ask me every day about the little baby, Gwyneth Rose. She is their prayer project. Thank for your frequent updates.

    Praying in Maryland,

  16. Well of course your awake in the middle of the night, you have a newborn. Musn't get out of practice. Praying for you all to be together.

  17. Nate, Tricia, and gwyneth (for reading later, when older), How cool is it that during this temporay displacement, One can have parents that really know how to make "fun" with each other. It appears to take the edge off of things, and is a Blessing from God while he does his work.

    You three have so captivated me with the sharing of your story, I have taken a new perspective and view of life in general. The understanding and general uplifting that each of you demonstrate in your daily activities, is certainly a sign that God is working through you to reach the masses.

    Continued prayers for the three of you, and for the current stability and health to continue.

  18. Ditto's to all the above. You guys are crazy! It is good you love and enjoy each other so much you can even enjoy life in the hospital! Still praying all the time.

  19. No wonder Tricia wants you to hang around at night, Nathan! It's Party Time in the ICU!! And what a wonderful breath of fresh air you are for the those nurses are fighting over who gets to take care of you guys. If Gwyneth has any concept whatsoever of what she is missing out on, she is going to start chugging that milk when she gets a chance, so she can grow like a weed and join in the fun ASAP! May the joy of the Lord continue to be your strength!

  20. As I left the beach in the morning darkness, my internal smile would have brighten any dark road. They will have to move Tricia to 7800quickly before the ICU loses all it's dignity. Great pics!

  21. I LOVE the pics of Tricia! She is so amazing!!! Our prayers are with you two and your sweet baby girl!!!

  22. You crazy kids look like you are having a blast! Glad to see Tricia smiling!
    Now... put the camera away and get some SLEEP!!!

  23. I'm coming over there today with your grandma to straighten you two out. Hospitals are bleak, sterile, serious, sad places - not for having fun.

    What do you want, people to think you're strange or something?

    Oh, yeah. They already have that one figured out.

  24. Does Gwyneth know that you're having so much fun 3 floors away???

    I'm glad to see you're both relaxing and enjoying this time together. It makes me happy!

    Keep your strength up, Tricia, so that your ready for those new lungs when the Lord blesses you with them!

    Refreshing in Ohio

  25. I found this blog linked from a friend who ministers in Wales and I spent an hour at work yesterday reading through all your posts (yes, I may soon be one of those who is blocked from your site :)

    Thank you for your transparency to share about this journey you've been on. I've been in awe of and encouraged by your strength, faith and hope. I'm praying for each of you and Gwyneth, and for the many, many readers who find your blog.

  26. Are you sharing meds with Tricia?
    Suzie- the eyeball thing is a genetic skill. You simply cross your eyes and then move one back out to normal position. Can't everyone do that?

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  27. Look at y'all goofing off late @ night! Hope you look JUST as cheerful when Gwyneth is at home SCREAMING for her 2am feedings! LOL! Still praying for a speedy recovery...

  28. So this is what being in a hospital does to you:)
    Sooooo glad to see you being crazy!!!
    Nathan yellow is for sure your color:)

  29. I learned of your trials and triumphs thru Meghan, the LU Alumni DC Chapter. I was at LU 89-95.

    I will be praying for you all and also will keep checking in here for updates and I have alot of catching up to do with reading previous posts.

    God bless you all. Gwyneth is beautiful!

    Gentle hugs,

  30. It's great to see you both smiling. Your story has certainly brought encouragement and a renewal in my faith that God is greater than any difficulties we face. Have a very blessed day.

    Praying always.

    Tara Cromp

  31. I've never had fun at all in a hospital and I was usually the one getting the meds. You guys continue to amaze us all. It's great to see you making the most out of a hard situation. We're still praying for you both. Your brother in Christ, Tommy

  32. We could have all thrown a party. My daughter fell asleep at 8pm for the night and woke up WIDE AWAKE from 12:30-2:00am.

    Apparently I am not nearly as fun a person and I made her tuck away in bed, no lights, no cameras and NO smiles. :) It didn't help her back to sleep however.

    Glad to see the Joy of the Lord in the two of you.

  33. Tricia! It's sooooooo good to see you back to your goofy wacky self! I'm glad you're getting your strength and energy back!!! =)
    Sheryl, Jarod and Charisma

  34. You guys are such a kewl couple! I love these new pics! >:0)

  35. Who needs words? Not you. All you need to do is check out the picture of Tricia that is under the one of you with your fingers around your eyes. The second I looked at it, I was struck with the LOVE in her eyes. You guys are lucky to have found each other.

    Oh, and keep up the late night silly sessions...laughter is the best medicine. And as previously stated, you'll need that skill for all those 3am feedings. ;)

  36. The meds are for Tricia, Nate.
    Hope you get some rest before your Grandmother shows up. She's mighty excited about the visit and can't stop talking about how she will react when she sees that "precious little baby." Have a blessed day.

  37. You goofy kids! Glad you are keeping yourselves entertained and that Tricia feels well enough for being silly.
    Still praying! Debbi (Aspiemom)

  38. I really enjoy seeing Tricia awake and smiling and being silly. I also love the picture where she is just looking over at you, her obvious love for you is captured in that picture! To God be the glory for this story of miracles and hope. Still praying!

  39. Good Morning...What a way to start the see the 2 of you havin fun "in the middle of the night" well let's just say some more prayers have been answered... I know myself and some a few others who have been praying for some "lighter moments" for you both...
    The 5th pic down..the way Tricia is looking at Nathan say's more than any words could ever express..
    Showering you with Prayers
    Long Island New York

  40. Praise God for a post about just having fun together!! Now tell us which one of you kept the other one up, or are you just both so glad to be spending fun times together you can't help yourselves. Smiling with you all!!!

  41. Hey Tricia....
    Nothing like sharing "the real you" with all those strangers out there. May God continue to grant you hope, strength, peace and joy.

  42. Nothing says fun like the ICU at 1:30am. Oh, and a few hundred miracles helps. :) Cheers to you both for making the most of each breath.

  43. It's fun to see you all make the hospital fun!!

  44. I am glad Tricia feels up to being playful!


  46. You guys are crazy...I love it. LOL
    Angela in central Ohio

  47. I love these pictures, just love them. Someday Gwenyth will look back on these in pure amazement. I love your Dad's and Uncle Andy's comments.
    Humor is rooted deep in your family lines, truly a God given gift that brings such joy to the soul. Gwenyth is in for the ride of her life when she gets to spend time with the two of you. I pray it will be really soon. Your energy will make her grow!
    Love you guys and prayers continue here for all of you. Jesus loves you sooooooooooooooo much.

    Laurie in Ca.

  48. GREAT to see you two having fun even during this hard time. I have always believed that laughter is the ONLY way!! Sandy

  49. AWWWWWW You guys are soooo cute!!! Love the pictures!

  50. Our good ole Tricia! Glad to see you coming back to your "normal" self! So funny that anyone would label those pictures "normal" but it's true! Love you, goofy girl!

  51. Looks like you two are having fun! That put a smile on my face!

  52. I've been reading and Praying for a while now but I'm not much of a commenter. But this post made me smile. Your all so cute!

  53. it's so good to see her smiling face!

  54. it's so good to see her smiling face!

  55. Prayed for you this morning! :)

    Amber from Ohio

  56. Your spirit and faith are so obvious if you can put the words "hospital" and "fun" in the same sentence! So happy to see your positive attitudes and to see Tricia's radiant face. You're an inspiration to me!

    Melissa in PA

  57. You are an amazing couple. May God bless you and keep you strong, and smiling. What a lucky little lady Gwyneth is that God chose you for her parents. Your smiles have made my day.

    Somewhere on the Coast of Texas

  58. I'm happy to see you two having fun together.

    Praying for you today.

  59. I have been reading your story from the beginning of January and praying for you since then as well. When I see all the little red dots get to be big red dots and new little ones popping up all over the map it blows me away that so many people can be effected all over the world by one little family in North Carolina. What a revival the Lord has started with you! You will never know all the lives you have touched and encouraged. You are such a blessing to me, I find myself in front of my computer every morning checking on you and praying that all is well and Tricia is getting better and your little Rose is growing and will one day be running over the sand dunes and playing in the ocean and being a blessing to all who meet her! Oh my goodness, I am in tears just thinking about you and prasing God for you. Thank you for sharing your story and blessing us who read and pray for you. Nate, I pray that God will continue to give you strength and the gift of faith and wisdon for your family and that God will heal Tricia and protect little Rose. Blessings from a fellow Outer Banker.

  60. You guys are hilarious! Glad to see your happy at this hour since your White Rose will have you seeing this hour a lot! Blessings, Brianna

  61. Okay, promise when you do those late night feedings you will not freak out the baby with those eyes. hahaha

    Good to see you both in good spirits.

    Interesting item in the news regarding organ transplantation. Did you see it? They are giving bone marrow transplants (of the donor bone marrow of course) with the donor organ and it's reducing the need for anti-rejection drugs in some studies! I tell you Nathan, I think God has you covered!

    Love and prayers,
    Melissa, Mike, and baby Brendon

  62. You guys are great! What a testimony you are showing God's-giving joy in the mundane!

    Nate - you made me laugh last night before I went to be with your Purpose of the Blog post - I will keep praying for poop! And here you are again making me laugh first thing this morning. Can you tell I'm one of those that can't get enough of your journey???

    May the joy of the Lord remain! Have a great day.


  63. You two look GREAT! Good to see you laughing and sharing fun moments together! See you later today!

  64. Awesome pictures!! They brought a huge smile to my face this morning. So glad God has blessed you with the gift of laughter and fun!

  65. Good to see y'all smiling. Just imagine how delirious you'll be with poop.

  66. How wonderful to see you having some kooky fun in the wee hours of the morning! Still praying for all of you daily.

  67. Tricia, you look much so healthy and happy in these pics!!! I can just see God's love shining thru you!!! I wish I knew you in person, because you just seem like the coolest girl! Praise God for life! :)

    Rebecca in KS

  68. Just wanted you to know I've been following your blog and have said many prayers for you, Tricia, baby Gwyneth, and all others in the NICU.

  69. Love the pics. You all are nuts. No wonder we love visiting so much.

  70. i can't believe how normal tricia looks and seems, not that i know her or anything. ;) i'm so glad she has you there with her and that you are finding time for silliness. you guys are adorable!

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Good to see you both laughing and enjoying each other. Like the sparkle in Trisha's eyes. Praying that you'll soon be the three of you enjoying each other! ;)
    Lesley England

  73. Great to see you two being goofy, not hard for you Nathan. Love you guys.

  74. It's so fun to see you are enjoying each other! How awesome is our Lord :-) I found out my friend Courtney from college knows you and Tricia and she works at Duke. She and I went to college together and if you have a chance to know her she's an amazing women of God!

  75. LOL! You two look like such a fun couple!
    It's great to see Tricia smiling and goofing off!

  76. It is so great to see that Tricia is up and being silly! I don't know either one of you personally, but it makes my heart smile when I see the two of you enjoying your time together even in such trying circumstances. Keep up the good work, both of you. And thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us. My prayers will continue to be with you, Tricia and Gwyneth!
    Catherine Midgett Christiansen

  77. I'm just glad to see the two of you entertaining each other and having a great time! Keep smiling and keep loving one another!!!!! Praying for y'all!!!!

  78. Shouldn't you both be sleeping? Leave your poor wife alone!

  79. Y'all are crazy and absolutely precious! You crack me up!

    Thanks so much for the pictures. Tricia looks beautiful!! :)

  80. No one quite wears "ICU" like you, Tricia. :)

  81. It's so nice to see a smile, even with all the things that are going on in your lives.

  82. Tricia

    You are beautiful inside and out. I am happy that you are having some fun again. A smile is sometimes the best medicine.


  83. I have been reading your blog over the past couple of days and finally finished! I am so inspired by your family and will continue to pray for you. I would like to share your story on my blog if that is okay with you. I know many are touched and blessed by your story and your strength.

  84. i have never met nate or tricia. but i have been following her story and it brought tears to my eyes to see her and nate having a good time. im glad to see she is awake now. i keep you in my prayers everyday and hope she wil soon be feeling much much better. thank you for letting everyone in on your life, and keeping people informed on what cf can do to someone.

  85. It is so good to see fun! And Tricia is showing more and more vitality and physical strength each time you post pictures. No wonder the transplant people are so impressed!!! Whee!!!

  86. Love these pictures!!!! I bet she is a ton of fun to be around!!!

  87. You two are dorks! Glad to see you're making the best outta the situation. You guys make me laugh. I think ya'll should put a few of those pic's in Gwynie's isolette! Wink....


  88. So glad to see you both smiling and having a good time. Still praying!

  89. Turkeys!!!

    From "S. Jersey"

  90. Your silliness blessed me! Keep having fun - we are still praying.

  91. Psalm 56:3 I have had 34 surgeries in my 36 years, and that verse and it has helped alot.

    I have cerebral palsy and use a wheelchair.

    I also love the verses in Isaiah 41:10, and 13. God bless and keep you.

  92. Hi there my name is Erin. I've been following your story for several weeks now but have just never left entry. Your story has really touched me. I'm praying for you all as a family. You both seem like tons of fun. I'll continue praying for you guys.

  93. You two are beautiful! Love, Ellen

  94. Glad you two are having some fun!!!
    We're praying for you all and especially for Gwyneth right now.
    Tom & Connie

  95. You guys are nuts... in the best possible way! :)


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