
Thursday, January 17, 2008

5:28pm Update

After spending a few hours this morning talking with Tricia, she's spent much of the rest of the day sleeping. She's in good spirits, even in her current situation, which is incredibly encouraging to me.

Gwyneth continues to be the miracle that she is.

To answer a good question: most CF patients must receive a complete double lung transplant. There are exceptions, but not in cases like Tricia's.

To answer another good question: I'll be blogging soon about how I am praying for Tricia's future donor and the donor's family. In the meantime, rent the movie, "Return To Me", a sweet love story revolving around a heart transplant (one of our favorites).

I received a phone call from my dad this afternoon that a local OBX organization gave him a check for $5000 for Tricia's Trust Fund. How awesome is that!

I received the following email a few hours ago from the person in charge of printing off the ECards for DUMC.
"Hope all is well...sorry we just don't have the resources to print all of these."
The attachment included over 150 new ECards!

For those of you who are being blocked from viewing the blog at work:

> Shame on you for goofing around at work... ;)
> Two ways you may be able to get around the block:

> Sign up for Google Reader and subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog.
> Join the Facebook Group.

I've blogged a lot today, so don't be a crazy fool by not continuing to read below!



  1. i absolutely love that movie... we own it! such a good and clean movie too. that is incredible about the $5000! God is so good and faithful. i'm continually amazed... amazed! thanks for all of the updates.

  2. Return to me is such an awesome movie! I cry everytime at the beginning after she's died and he goes home. I have a feeling that God is going to do something very special for Tricia's donor and/or the family and friends. I was so thrilled to hear the good news that Tricia is doing well coming off the vent. Praise God!

  3. PS - What does OBX stand for?

  4. Praying for both of your girls this afternoon, asking God to continue His work in healing Tricia from her surgery and growing Gwenyth healthy and safely. If I were at work, I would get fired for the amount of times I check in:) Thank you so much for the updates. They are so encouraging as God holds your girls in His hands. Praying for you too!!

    Laurie in Ca.

  5. Glad to hear that the day is going well!!!!

  6. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl.. Best wishes and thoughts to you, your wife, & daughter.....

  7. "Hope all is well...sorry we just don't have the resources to print all of these."

    They get so much money and they don't have "resources." I hope they are going to continue to print off the E-cards.

    For the person who wants to know what OBX is ... I think it's shorthand for the Outer Banks (aka the beach).

  8. Forgot to say, "Whoa .. way to go OBX business. 5,000 dollars. awesome." Our God provides!

  9. God is sooo Good....


  10. that is so guys are awesome and the way God provides is awesome!

  11. I love that movie! It brings tears to my eyes. I am an organ donor all the way. Organ donation has touched my life personally. My 13 year old son received a heart transplant when he was 8 months old. Praises to God for all the miracles in your lifes.

  12. How wonderful Tricia is awake. I have been gone all day today but I have thought about you, Tricia and the baby several times today. You guys are so special to so many people.

    Love in Christ,
    Melody in Florida

  13. Are you kidding? I don't think you have to tell anyone to keep reading below. I think we all refresh about every five minutes and can't wait for the next post. Or is that just me the crazy sister-in-law? :) That is so great about the donation from the OBX!!! Whoohooo!

  14. My dad watched Return to Me 20 times one summer. :)

    How sly of you to think of ways for people to keep up with you guys at work--it's kind of like you're smuggling Bibles or something.

    I'll pray for the donor's family too. I never thought of that.

  15. Your families story is a modern day miracle being performed by our Lord. You are in my prayers & thoughts throughout the day.

  16. Janet - it's not just family. My housework is falling by the wayside lately as I am so sidetracked with this journey! Good thing I'm self employed!

  17. I have been praying like I've never prayed before for your family. You also have convinced me to sign up to be a donor. I've been ignorant about the process, and this blog has opened my eyes. I never knew how many people pass away while waiting for transplants. :-(

    Forgive my naivity with double lung transplants, but when I was researching today, I came across this article:

    Is this something that is or has been routinely done?

    Thank you for sharing your family with the world.

  18. Good to hear both girls are doing good today. I haven't been on much lately...sick boys at my house! We are still praying and how awesome is the $5000! God is so good!


  19. Nate, Tricia, and Gwyn --

    Keep up that positive energy... the amount of support behind you is amazing!

  20. What great updates today!!! I get so excited with each new update and all the great news. I work late tonight so it keeps me going!!! AWESOME GOD.....$5000...AWESOME GOD...all those ecards!!!....AWESOME many thousands upon thousands of people praying!!! Here's a question...can a person designate who their organs will go to in case of death or do they have to go to the next person on the transplant list?

  21. My workplace blocks facebook entirely! Good thing I only spend 16 hours a week there, huh? I will have to check out "Return To Me". You guys aren't the first ones who've suggested that it's a good one.

  22. Just wanted to let you know I'm still praying for all of you. That is incredible news about the donation! God is so wonderful!


  23. 1. If your employer has blocked the site and you circumvent that by finding another way to view the site while you're being paid to work, I hope you have an alternate plan for employment. And if you're a believer, what are you saying about your work ethic? (Sermon over)

    2. The big gift was from a foundation, not a business, although businesses can also contribute!

    3. OBX is the Outer Banks of North Carolina, where we live. Google it. You'll want to live here, too.

  24. I hope they can at least give you the E-Cards a PDF form or something...

    Fabulous news about the donation!d

  25. Like so many others, I can't wait to get home to read your updates. God is so good and so amazing. Continuing to pray for the 3 of you.

    kathy in Chesapeake

  26. I there a chance we might an updated picture or Tricia, if she will allow it? It would be great to see her. God IS Good!

  27. I just saw the link to tricia's website and was reading her story from her view, when I saw these sentences:
    "The Lord can do awesome things through weak people, and I am truly an example of that. He can take unordinary life situations and make them into extraordinary experiences. He can do the unimaginable at the most unexpected of times. (...) How can a loving God allow such a terrible disease? Well, as I look back, I know that I am glad He made such a decision for me. My life would not be the same had He not. My disease is a blessing to me in disguise."
    That's what she wrote at the end of her entry. WOW!!!
    Just wanted to encourage you, nate. maybe these words touch you as they did to me...

    be richly blessed with all the wonderful blessing and all the grace that our daddy in heaven has prepared for you and tricia and your baby!!!

    Corina from Zurich, Switzerland

  28. Let's try this again... with all of the letters and words this time

    Is there a chance we might get an updated picture of Tricia, if she will allow it? It would be great to see her now.

    God IS Good!

  29. What a wonderful post to check in and see. Both girls being the miracle that they are. I have been reading since Tricia went in the hospital . I am a mom to a 30 week preemie who spent over 100 days in the nicu with many infections, we were told Landon probably had CF, however after all the testing they were wrong. We though are mody likely going to be looking at a lung transplant down the road, he deals with a different Disease of Mitochondrial Disease. I feel that God will bless us when that time comese, and i pray each day that he will give us the strength that he gives you and everyone in your family to get through this. Your Family is truly an inspiration to us.
    What a blessing to hear about that generous donation to Tricias Fund.
    Our god is such an awesome God!!!

  30. I love "Return to Me."


    Thanks for keeping us posted.

    We love you.


  31. Praise God that Tricia is finally awake! I immediately noticed a difference the "mood" of your blogs! You seem to have a lighter spirit!
    My prayers are with you and your beautiful family every day! I will also add Tricia's future donor and their family to my prayers!
    In Him,
    Steph G.

  32. I love that movie!

    WTG to the OBX people that gave that money!

    Thank you for the reminder to pray for the donor and the donors family, I have known several people that have become organ donors, and while the loss of their lives was hard on all who knew them, knowing that they would live on in many others was such a blessing, and a way to keep them with us.

  33. "Return To Me" is a wonderful movie! I have seen it countless times, but I am touched each time I watch it.

    Still praying for you, Tricia & Gwyneth. It is amazing to see how the Lord's plan unfolds in your lives. Thank you for sharing your miracles with the rest of us. You & your family are a blessing!

  34. Corina, thanks so much for reminding us of Tricia's story as told by her on her page. The awesome part of her story is that is what she believed and lived her life accordingly. Tricia is one of six fantastic sibblings that the Lord allowed us to shephard in our life time. My wife and I have felt blessed as we see each one care for the other in so many ways. Thanks for all your prayers and kind comments.

  35. It is too cool that the hospital doesn't have the resources to print all the ecards! How neat!

    I'm so excited that someone donated $5000 to Tricia's fund. I know they'll receive major blessing for that.

    Glad to hear more good news. Still praying!!!

  36. WOW...All this good news in one day. I am so glad Tricia is awake, I have been praying she would be soon so you too can share the birth of Gwyneth. It is only too wonderful about the donation. God truly provides for those in need when needed most. Dylan's birthday is Saturday and he said he asked for God for his birthday for Tricia & Gwyneth to get well soon. He wishes he could see them but he knows the risks and he does not want any thing to jeopardize their health. He reads with me every day and he was so happy to hear Tricia was awake he danced & sung WoooHoo! We go back to CHKD next Friday & we are praying that they will not hopitalize him again. That will be the only way I will not see you on Saturday. I pray things continue to progree & as always, I am praying now three times a day for you all. So is Dylan, Chris & Marc. Take care & Blessed Be. With all our love OBXunicorn & her OBXClan.

  37. Been praying for a few weeks for you guys (when I first discovered your blog). Thanks for sharing your story with us. I have been blessed. Have an extra special evening with your two precious girls. I have been meaning to link folks from my blog to yours but just got to it tonight....I want more and more to pray for you! Here is the link to the post about praying for Tricia and your family:

  38. Praising the Lord with you for a great day for Tricia! Looking forward to seeing the picture - or video - of her holding baby Gwyneth for the first time!!! You are awesome, Nate, and doing such a great job with everything! Praying for you all...

  39. I am so excited that Tricia is awake and in good spirits. Glory to God! I have been pretty much in walking prayer for your family over the last 3 days (since I was directed to your blog). I will continue to lift the girls up to the Great Physician. May He wrap you in peace and comfort.

  40. What a precious day you've been able to share with your girls. We'll be praying for many more. Lord bless and keep all of you.


  41. Praise God that Tricia is finally awake! I immediately noticed a difference the "mood" of your blogs! You seem to have a lighter spirit!
    My prayers are with you and your beautiful family every day! I will also add Tricia's future donor and their family to my prayers!
    In Him,
    Steph G.

  42. Hello! I was recommended here by an acquaintance, and have been obsessively reading!

    My son, Anthony, is a liver transplant recipient; he received the left lobe of my husband's liver four years ago when he (my son) was three months old.

    I remember asking my father, whose faith amazes me, how to pray for my son to be spared when it meant that a mother had to lose her child. What made my son special? Why did she have to lose her child? What he said to me struck deep.

    "You are not praying for a parent to lose their child. You are praying that when a mother DOES lose her child (because we know it happens) that she makes the decision to donate her baby's organs."

    That message from my dad has stayed with me, and I offer it to everyone who has a loved one waiting for an organ. I finally felt at peace when I had something I could pray for.

    I am praying, now, for your family, and will continue to do so.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. We'll have to rent that one:) My best friend is a NICU nurse- she posted about your family. We will be praying and checking your blog expecting our Father to do what only HE could do. You are a beautiful husband and father Nate!

  45. Continuing to pray for you in CA! Your blog is the highlight of my day as I read how both of your girls are continuing to progress!

  46. This is for kristen hamilton.

    OBX = Outer Banks it is our "airport" code

  47. Dear Nathan,

    Continued prayers for your beautiful girls!!! Keep up the wonderful postings....I love the updates....I love your messege, hope, faith and humor. Tricia and Gwyneth couldn't have a better man in thier corner!
    All God's Blessings....
    Trisha, San Diego

  48. wow. Tricia's strength amazes me. it must be torture for her to not be with the baby right now. At least you can and tell her all about your sweet angel.

    I was going to send another card but I guess I will wait. lol.

  49. Nate,
    Your strength, determination, faith and sense of humor are absolutely inspring. I pray that you continue to have these resources through your families long road ahead, as they are sure to be your biggest assets. Continually praying....

  50. For Anonymous (P'cola):
    I'm sure you're familiar with these words. "If a believer does something wrong,go, confront him when the two of you are alone. If he listens to you, you have won back that believer."

    I hope a word to the wise is sufficient.

  51. Praying for you, and I just have to say that I am sorry for any negative comments anyone would make right now. I am sure you can't sweat the small stuff or even begin to be a 100% right in all you do right now. You have so much on your shoulders, and I personally think you are doing an amazing job handling it all the while bringing honor to the Lord. I am amazed at your faith and endurance. Thank you for encouraging me! :)

  52. You are all truly blessed and now we are all blessed by your words. Thanks for all the updates,insights and your sense of humor as you invite us to follow your journey. I feel priveldged to be able to follow Tricia, Gwenyth and your story.

  53. Nathan -

    What a JOY and PRIVILEGE it is to follow your blog! Each time I check in, I continue to be inspired! I would sincerely like to say - THANK YOU - for allowing ME ... and the rest of the WORLD ... to see the power of GOD as he works in your family's life!

    Virginia Beach

  54. Praising God for the good news today about Tricia...continuing to pray for you all! And PTL about that donation! Wow!!

  55. "What a JOY and PRIVILEGE it is to follow your blog! Each time I check in, I continue to be inspired! I would sincerely like to say - THANK YOU - for allowing ME ... and the rest of the WORLD ... to see the power of GOD as he works in your family's life!"

    DITTO from Missouri!!!

  56. Praise God for the amazing gift you have received! Praying for you and your girls!

  57. I firmly believe the devil will use any means possible to get a foot hold....especially when such AWESOME amazing God things are happening. I know we in the blogging world will continue to praise Him and encourage you and not dwell on a few bad seeds.
    That said. WHAT A GREAT DAY! PRAISE THE LORD! TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THIS AMAZING JOURNEY! I am so happy you are getting prayer support, physical support (friends and family visiting Duke) as well as financial support. It is so refreshing to see what can hapen when a body of believers...FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD come together in the name of Jesus to support our brother and sisters in Him!!
    Again I say for the umteenth time today...WOOHOOOOOOOO

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Hi Nate - I found your blog late last year through the Leinos' blog (my wife and I are friends of friends of theirs) and have been addicted ever since...hopefully my work doesn't block it. I can only imagine all of the people - blog readers, e-card printers, hospital staff and patients, etc, etc - who have come to know Christ or grown more in their faith through Tricia and Gwyneth's story. I fit in that second category. I know jealousy isn't a good thing, but I must admit that I'm jealous of your unwavering faith in God. Know that for as much strength as you get from reading all of the positive comments, you provide just as much strength to us readers. Without even knowing it, you've definitely challenged me to be a more Godly husband and father. Thank you! The three of you are in our thoughts and prayers constantly.

  60. Your dad said in his post yesterday I believe, "I'm wondering, after a week or so of reading comments from believers from around the planet if a revival is not being birthed. " I agree with the comment before me. A revival is exactly what God wants from us. He wants this story to continue to reach the outermost parts of the world and to lead others to a saving knowledge of Him. That said, we know as God's children that Satan wants the exact opposite and he will use whoever/whatever he can to discourage us. I'm praying for those who are negative towards you or are attacking you...they need it.

  61. What great news both girls are awake and doing well! Many prayers they both grow stronger and stronger with each passing day!

    Sarah and family

  62. Praying for you and your precious family in Memphis, TN. Sharon

  63. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your girls up here in Milwaukee, WI. ~Emily

  64. No negative comment could put a damper on what your real" fans "have gone through with you...We all love and support you and have the utmost respect for you....

  65. WOW! Doesn't Gwyneth look so much better, amazing to see how she has changed already. What a gorgeous girl. Hi Tricia, nice to have you back. Hope you will be feeling much better soon.

  66. LOVE THAT MOVIE! It's actually in my VCR right now because I just watched it a few days ago! God is good! I'm keeping you all in my prayers. I got up and did a little dance when I heard that Tricia was awake!


  67. Praying for you in South Dakota. What a beautiful family! I wanted to Thank You for giving us a glimpse of your life.
    Tracy in SD

  68. Praying for your family. May God continue to protect and heal. I pray that the Lord will provide for Tricia's health needs and continue to grow Gwenyth and keep her healthy and strong.

    A friend of mine has a precious three year old daughter who received a quadruple organ transplant this past July, and also received a liver transplant nine days after her first birthday. Before this little girl was born, I never thought about organ donation. Now I can't imagine NOT being one. I truly believe it is the greatest gift you can give to someone and their family.

    My prayers are continually with you.

  69. Praying and rejoicing for you...What a miracle that God has allowed thousands to see

  70. I didn't see the negative comments but just saw the references to them.
    Take all the positive ones and all the prayers and wrap them around you like a shield of armor.
    Satan knows what's going on here and is trying to stop it. But there's no stopping God!!

    Okay, here's a silly little thing my husband and I do if we hear something negative toward us--- like water off a duck's back-- we just say "quack". Kind of gets a weird look but it works for us!

    Be strong!! Your girls are beautiful!


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