
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just In Case I Haven't Convinced You Yet...

Watch this from the UK...


(Make sure you read the updates below)


  1. Nate & Tricia,

    We are praying for you both and your precious baby girl, too!!

    Thanks for raising awareness of the Live Life & Give Life campaign!

    -Tricia in VA

  2. We'll have to revisit this issue. In the past we've declined designating ourselves as organ donors because we've heard stories of doctors and medical staff not give a patient their 100% effort because they knew they were an organ donor and their organs were needed. And we've heard people raise questions about what organ donation will mean in the rapture - but we haven't really figured that one out yet. Anyways, your family has definitely caused us to re-think our decision. Praying for you guys and spreading the word. Hope to write more soon!
    Kristen (NJ)
    PS - My Aunt Joy & Uncle Ken lead Tricia's sister's SS class at Haddon Heights :)

  3. I'm an organ donor and so are many members of my family. I just wanted to share with you someone who was a very special part of my life and was able to change many lives because of his organ donation.

    Here is the memorial site for Jeremy that his parents made after he passed away:

    I believe he was able to touch at least 4 or 5 lives through his donations. :)

  4. I have been an organ donor for 10 years, and couldn't think of doing it any other way. My favorite quote:

    "Please don't take your organs to heaven, heaven knows we need them here!"

  5. I am proud to say that I have been an organ donor since I got my license...I have let my family know that donating my organs is my last and final wish- they have all agreed to donate them if the time comes!

    I continue to pray for you, Tricia, and the your sweet baby girl!

  6. Wow, that video was awesome!... and praise God for Tricia waking up and not panicking, and being able to see the video of Gwyneth. I can hardly wait to see the video of her seeing Gwyneth in person. Tell her hello and that there are thousands of us who have her and you on our minds all day every day. I am also going to post that video on my blog. I pray it will open some peoples eyes to the impact they could make in many families lives.

  7. Wow, that video is inspiring, even though it breaks my heart knowing people are waiting. I had a close friend who died while awaiting a liver transplant. And I used to work on a CF unit and had several patients patiently waiting for a transplant, it must be so hard.
    I'm happy to say that I selected to be an organ donor when I got my driver's license and my husband has done the same!
    Praise God for Gwyneth's negative brain scan and for Tricia waking up!

  8. thank you for sharing this video--i've never liked to think about organ donation but this has definitly softened my heart towards those who are in need. thank you for changing my mind!

  9. Awww thanks so much for putting our video up on your blog Nate, it means so much! Still thinking of you so much. There are more posts here from people for you to read: xxxx

  10. That was really powerful. Thanks. My husband and I are both organ donors and proud of it. My mother also and when she died 4 years ago was able to help several people. Thanks for keeping us in the know. Blessings from Florida.

  11. Emily, who featured on the UK clip got her lungs in January last year. She is now married and loving her life with a passion. More lives are being saved because of the campaign, so get signing!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing this. All these precious lives are exactly why I have always been and will remain an organ donor. Will definitely spread the word of the need for donors. We keep praying and praising Him! God's love and peace to you all, Cousin Amy

  13. I registered in the UK as an organ donor after stumbling upon Emily's blog a few months ago. I've yet to convince my husband to register, but at least he has promised to carry out my wishes after my death. I'm still working on him and won't give up. Still paying for you alland hoping things are going well :o)

  14. I'm so happy to hear Tricia is awake! I hope she starts to gain strength and can go see your daughter soon.

    The youtube about organ donation brought me to tears. I have given blood several times in my life, and used to be an organ donor, then I heard the very myth you talked about and didn't check organ donor next time I got my driver's license.

    Now that I know it's untrue, I will be checking organ donor next time I get my driver's license. I will look it up online too to see what else I need to do to make sure I am an organ donor.

    When my dad died my mom donated part of his eyes. I always thought that was neat, that someone could see better or see because of my dad's eyes.

    Apryl in NC

  15. I have donor on my license but since I have a bleeding disorder I am not sure if I would really pass..just in case. Also remember that being a blood donor if you can also helps:) I know from experience.
    I did try to donate blood for my son's surgery before I knew about my disorder, and the woman asked me never to come back...I was upset then she put it in perspective for me. She said anyone who passes out every time they donate must have a different call in life. I believe her .
    By the way the movie you list, I weep buckets every time!!!
    I am so happy for your wonderful blessings today. I am excited to see more unfold!


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