
Monday, January 21, 2008

9:03pm Update (And a fun story)

First, a cool story:

I ventured out into "the real world" today for the second time since Gwyneth's birth. Had to run some errands, including swinging by the photo shop to get some pics printed off for Tricia's wall. I went to Southpoint Mall (which is basically the coolest mall ever).

As I was standing at the photo shop counter, and out of the corner I noticed the woman standing next to me was staring at me... This is not unusual, as most people can't help but stare at physical perfection. But, I could tell that it wasn't my good looks that was attracting the attention of this woman.

So, I turned and looked at her and smiled, and before she even opened her mouth, I knew what she was going to say..."Are you Nathan?"


"And you have a wife and daughter..."


So, after a five minute conversation in which I discovered that Laura and her church, etc. in Henderson, NC have been praying for me, I quickly made a phone call and hired a bodyguard. :) Just kidding.

Seriously, I'm not surprised that somebody out there recognized me, but it's still crazy. And, I'm glad she spoke up because, otherwise, she would have been second guessing herself for the rest of the day, and I would have been watching my back while I ate lunch at Chic Fil A...

Thank you again, for all of the strangers in the real world who are praying and thinking about us whom we will never meet!

Tricia is doing great! She sat on my Mac for several hours today, checking email, updating Facebook and basically catching up with a few lost weeks. It will take her a long time to catch up on everything, so if you've contacted her, just have patience.

She's down to 50% on the newfangled vent they've had her on (not like normal vent settings), and tomorrow they'll try a "trach collar trial" which basically invovles taking her off the vent and placing an oxygen mask over her trach for as long as she feels comfortable. This is HUGE! If all goes well, she may be off the trach and back to a CPAP in a few days. She also spent a few hours off the bed and sitting in a chair, which is also great!

Gwyneth Rose is doing just as well. They moved off the jet vent and back to the regular vent this afternoon. I'll head down to check on her in a bit.

No poop yet. Levels are all good. No infection.

I brought a blanket that Gwyneth had been laying on for a few days up to Tricia today. It has that preemie smell (those who know), but Tricia can't smell because of the trach/vent (no airflow through her mouth/nose). Tricia is still on contact isolation, so I can't take anything from her down to Gwyneth, but hopefully soon.

I'll be sleeping here tonight (per Tricia's request), so I went home today for a few hours for a nap.

Thanks for the correction (I'll blame it on my lifestyle at the moment)...there is only a 25% chance that a child will have CF with two CF carriers for parents.

We would love it if people in Jerusalem were praying for us! Thank you!

I have thought about placing ads to the blog, but have chosen not to cause I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of anyone, and I like the fact that I have total control over the content (no matter the ad). Thanks for the suggestion, and I certainly don't look down on anyone who does take advantage of making some money from their blog traffic.

And, YOU MUST LOOK AT THIS! My dad posted a picture of me as a newborn next to Gwyneth and it will blow your mind!

And, here's a surprise...only lasted for a few minutes, but enjoy! (the sound kicks in during the second half, so make sure you have it turned up!)



  1. Oh her voice is beautiful - Thank you Lord...

  2. Wow...great to see and hear are loved.


  3. Ok - you made us cry. We love you, too! Tricia, you're doing great! The girls will be thrilled to "see" you in the morning as they have gone to bed.
    Eric and Andrea Anderson

  4. Thank you for that wonderful update and the fabulous video! Praise the Lord for His goodness. :) Continuing to pray for your "girls". :)

  5. Wow - there are some happy tears here. Praise God for all that he has done!

  6. Made me cry, Tricia!
    Even though I don't know you - it's so good to see you doing so astoundingly well!
    Praise's been a total privilege to pray for you...

  7. Made me cry, Tricia!
    Even though I don't know you - it's so good to see you doing so astoundingly well!
    Praise's been a total privilege to pray for you...

  8. How can you not comment on that beautiful sound? INCREDIBLE - How Great is Our God?

  9. I'm pretty sure that is the best thing I've EVER seen. Tricia you sound amazing! I am in awe of the power of prayer. I continue to pray for you all and I keep mentioning you guys to everyone I know!!!!

    And Nate, I think a bodyguard would be a great idea -- haha!

    You guys don't know me, but I keep praying! I have a cousin with CF, so CF touches my life in many ways. This spring I will be doing the Great Strides Walk and cannot wait to make a difference. Thank you for being such an inspiration!

  10. Awesome Video!!! So happy Tricia is improving....You are SOOO Blessed!!! Continue to pray for strength and healing for Tricia and Gwyneth!!! Thanks again for the video. You look and sound GREAT Tricia!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  11. tears of joy here - what a beautiful sight!!

    praying for continued progress for Tricia and Gwyneth!!!

    -beth r : )
    waukesha, wi

  12. That's so awesome! God is so awesome to bring Tricia to this point. I can't wait to see how else he will show up and make himself known in unexpected ways.


    Karen in TN

  14. Yes, I'm crying!! Tricia is so beautiful, it's so nice to hear her voice. Will continue to pray for you all.

    God Bless You!

  15. Tricia,

    It was SO great to hear your voice! And, of course, you were flashing that beautiful Tricia smile! Our God is truly AWESOME, and tonight's post is just further testimony of His love, grace, and healing. Hope you will sleep well snuggled with the blankie from your little white Rose.

    Keep up the great camera work, Nate!

    We love you,
    The Edwards family

  16. I dont know you Tricia , but you are making progress its great to see and you have a beautiful baby girl....take care,from Tawny a mommy of 5

  17. Happy tears here too! How great to hear your voice again! You look so beautiful!

    LOL@the woman in the store...that doesn't surprise me at all!

    We are so thrilled to hear how well Tricia and Gwyneth are doing - Praise the Lord!!

  18. My nephew was born 7 weeks premature and spent only 1 week in the NICU...but I do know and LOVE that preemie smell!!!

  19. WOW! She looks soooo good!

    Tricia, you make my heart smile!

    Love you guys...all three!

  20. Your right - what a wonderful surprise...... it has been my pleasure praying for you and I will continue to do so..... these prayers ARE working!!! Danielle Voss

  21. Yet another complete stranger, I found your blog today somehow, I can't remember who had the link up, and I've been praying today, and I can safely say I'll be back many times in the future. I'm so glad that everything is continuing to go well. God is truly the Great One, expecially to people that have such a good belief in Him. My prayers will continue. God Bless you and your family.

  22. I just showed this video to my husband and he said: "Wow...she's special!" ;)

  23. Haven't cried in a couple days...until now. I'm covered from head to toe in God bumps (goose bumps). Praise the Lord! That was an awesome surprise!
    My little guy was 7 weeks early...I didn't realize his scent was not exclusive to him! I told people if I could bottle his smell and sell it, I'd be a millionaire! All newborns smell so good to me but he was just particularly yummy.

  24. My Tricia! Despite it all, you're still "you"! :)

  25. Hey, it's great to see Tricia talking. I was able to lipread and the captioning was also very helpful. I am wondering but think it might take up too much of your time... but when you post videos that include talking like several previous videos, could you include captioning? It would be great if I could understand what you are saying. Again, if this takes up too much time, no worries, because your posts are very informative by themselves! :-)

    Glad to read that Tricia and Gwyneth are doing well! :-)

    Marissa :-)

  26. Oh Tricia you are so beautiful! I am in awe of your strength. You are a tremendous example of God's love. God Bless You!
    With love and constant prayer, Leslie

  27. That brought tears to my eyes! Your family is a miracle! :) Great to hear you! *muah* right back at ya!

  28. Tricia and Nate ~ Thank you for sharing your life with the world!!! God is using every minute! And Tricia your voice is beautiful!!! Way to go!

  29. Amazing! So glad to see Tricia doing so well. It has been such an honor for me to pray for your family and to share in the miracle that God has performed in your lives.

  30. Oh, Wow! That was awesome! She looks so wonderful! So, I know, some nurse or respiratory therapist came and put a couple of cc's of air in her trach cuff...and that was the end of the voice for the day. But what a great gift while it lasted!! :) I'm just so glad that you are seeing such tangible and measurable progress in both Tricia and Gwyneth every day! Thank you, Lord!

  31. We love you guys! Still praying in NYC!!!!!!! (and nothing could stop us!)

  32. You really know how to make somebody cry. Wonderful to hear her voice and to see that beautiful smile.

    That is so cool that someone recognized you from the blog.

  33. I am soo proud of you girl!! You make me cry everytime look at this page. Hopefully we can all come visit again soon!!

    Love ya,

  34. She brings tears to my eyes. With a smile.

  35. Oh so amazing to hear her voice!!!! Im crying lol.

  36. How beautiful to hear and see you, Tricia. What a wonderful God we serve.

  37. Yet another random stranger, who has found you from another blog. I have been following your blog for a few weeks. It is nice when you can see God's anwer to His prayer. I also liked the pictures of you and your baby girl, on your dad's link. I found this page link, it is a fun thing to do. Thought you all might enjoy it too.

  38. Thanks for the surprise video!!! Got the pregnant girl in Wi crying!! Tears of joy of course!!! It is so great that she is able to start talking again :-) Praise God!!! Enjoy one another!!!

    Much love,
    Bridgette Anne

  39. I'm sure you'll hear this alot from people who read your blog, but it's like I've "known" you for a long time and to see you awake and to hear your voice, it's amazing. I think of you and your family so much and pray for you often and check for updates all the time! Thank you for that little "shout out" :) Your voice is beautiful...praise God for this miracle unfolding before us!

  40. That made me want to cry (in a very good way!!!) we can't wait to come visit!!!

  41. CRAZY... she still sounds better than you sing nate..... Jk love yu both see you SAT


  42. You go, girl! ;)

    Tears and chills as I witness this miracle live. Thank you, Lord Jesus....

  43. PRAISE BE TO GOD! Tricia you are truly an inspiration to me. The fact that you are ALWAYS smiling (and what a GREAT smile too!) just shows you're love and gratitude to our Lord for the wonderful miracles he keeps sending your way. I pray that he keeps sending them and you can see your baby girl REALLY SOON!

  44. WOW! What a trooper! Both of your girls are just absolutely AMAZING! I have not posted a comment yet, but have read many of your updates. I came across your blog from a friend's blog. I continue to pray for the ever so "famous" Tricia and Gwyneth (LOVE that name!). Feel free to visit my son's page, whenever you find the time. I can't imagine how busy you are right now!! The link is below.

    ((((BIG hugs to all 3 of you)))))

    Kristin Carepage: GavinCannon

  45. Tricia, SO good to hear your voice again!!! You're doing an awesome job through this & I can't wait to see you again :)

  46. Tricia! So nice to finally see and hear you! You are beautiful :-) Congratulations on all of your progress, and I hope you get to visit baby Gwyneth live and in person soon!

  47. What a beautiful video, made me feel a little choked up and I have never met any of you. I hail from New Jersey though, so we have that in common.
    Still praying!

  48. Thank you Jesus for this miracle!

    Wow Nate, talk about bawling like a baby. Her voice is such a miracle to hear! It has always been amazing to me to "see" prayers answered and I can't help but be choked with tears because of this amazing blessing.

    Tricia, you're such an inspiration! I'm so excited to be able to address you in these comments now because you can read them!!! :) Wow. You'll never really understand just how much your life has touched me, a complete stranger, but still your sister in Christ. If we never meet in life, I look forward to having many conversations in Heaven. Stay strong sweetie and rest assured I'm still praying hard for you and your baby girl!!

  49. Wow! Praise the Lord!! God is SO good! Tricia, we are thrilled! Tears in my eyes!!! :)

  50. That made me cry...I check on your girls every day. Praying for you and amazed at God's handiwork in your little Rose...She is indeed beautiful and I can't wait for her mother to touch her! Colleen in Ohio

  51. Praise God....awesome, awesome, awesome! So happy to see you doing so well.

    Trisha J. San Diego

  52. After reading a few of the comments I don't feel strange that I am sitting here crying too. Seeing you (Tricia) there and that you are up and even able to talk... I just sit in awe of God. Now I know for Him that is not a big deal, he could have healed you and you could have had a normal birth and gone on with normal life... but then you wouldn't be touching the world, and inspiring those of us to live life as we have seen you live... and Nathan also. Nathan, I have not sat and read many comments over the past few weeks, but thank you for putting yourself out there like you have. You have opened yourself up so much, and it appears have gotten some criticism and tough questioning here and there, but you have not quit sharing your life with us and have responded with such grace and love... just another way God is using you to show us in normal life to respond in tough situations. You guys are just an absolutely amazing family... and you have not even left the hospital yet. :-)

  53. Wow! God is so good. Tricia, you are beautiful and your smile brings tears to my eyes. We continue to pray! It's so crazy to be commenting directly to you and not your husband! You are a miracle. Praise the Lord.

  54. Oh wow. I am in tears, and in awe. Tricia, you are amazing, and such an inspiration.

    God is so good.

  55. Thankyou for the sweetest blessing!Your voice is precious as are you!!

  56. Amazing! Thank you for sharing your girls with us Nate. It brought happy tears to my eyes to hear Tricia talking. God is amazing and faithful. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!

  57. Happy Tears here too. So good to hear your voice and hear the good report. Prayers continue for you all.

    ccfh blog addict

  58. Praise the Lord for all the good that he's doing in your lives.

    Yours in prayer,

  59. Good morning! Glad to read the upbeat update. Have just sent out a note for contact info for churches in Jerusalem (and forwarded your blog info--hopefully you will end up being added to a gazillion Jewish prayer groups).


  60. How beautiful! So good to see your beautful face and hear your voice.

    Love and Prayers from VB,

  61. She is SO beautiful and it was so sweet to hear her voice. What a strong woman!

    Thank you for the updates!

  62. Ok, that made me cry!! Praying for you guys!

    Kerry in Omaha

  63. Tricia -

    Muaw to you. I'm really feeling emotional hearing and watching you speak. You are a beautiful person and we love you all so. I continue my prayers for you, and for so many more people that I have, because of you and Nate, become aware of in this world. This update has been such fun! I have a feeling people will come up to you all for years to come - in a good way. Heading off to bed now and will say my final prayers for you for this day - its nice to head to bed with this update on my mind.

  64. Kisses to you too Tricia, that was Amazing, thanks for that, we are smiling ear to ear and cant wait to show our girls in the morning! Have to get to bed, glad to see this before bed, Praise God!
    Wade,Bari and the Girls

  65. We love you and your family, Tricia! We are praying, and we are watching God work. Thank you all for sharing such personal moments with us.

  66. Oh I'm bawling my eyes out like a baby!!!! It was so so nice to hear Tricia's voice!! Praise God!!

    Continuing to pray for all of you guys!!

    Love and God Bless

  67. Hi to you too!! Good to hear from you :)

  68. Sorry! (me again) I didn't even congratulate you and tell you that your baby girl is adorable! That last video of her brought tears to my eyes, she is just amazing! God is SO awesome!

  69. It's not hard to see why you're in love with her!?!? What a beautiful woman!

  70. What a brilliant post to wake up to this morning, its great to hear Tricia talking and also that Gwyneth is doing well. It made me cry a bit, good tears though.

    Thank you God...

    Thanks for the comment on my blog Nate, that made me cry as well.

  71. That's amazing, just sent chills down my back to see her talking! I'm so happy for you all. God is good!

    Prayers and Love coming from KS... and my Chelsea send big fat wet slobbery kisses to Gwyneth (it's her trade-mark kiss!)

  72. Sitting up and talking . . . and smiling too! Absolutely amazing. You have the most amazing determination, strength and faith.

    Like mother, like daughter. :)

  73. That video brought the biggest smile on my face!


  74. So good to hear your voice, Tricia! You look to be doing amazingly well, keep up the hard work. I can't wait to hear more about the progress you are making each day!

  75. Tricia, your voice brought tears to my eyes. Praying every day!

  76. Another family that you have never met, but we have totally fallen in love with your family. So wonderful to see Tricia smiling and talking!! God is so good and we are honored to lift your family to him daily! I also love little Gwyneth pictures, just such a beautiful little girl. Thank you Nate for so diligently keeping everyone informed. May God continue to be with you!!

    The Nichols Family, VA

  77. Tricia:
    I've been following Nathan's blog for weeks (and your web site long before that)and I am in awe at your faith and strength. It is so wonderful to be able to see and hear you. Wow! My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter!
    from you mom's old friend Judy

  78. So thankful to see you Tricia! Love to all of you and miss you guys - hope to see you soon.

    T, Allison and Colin

  79. Yaaaaay! That made me cry tears of joy. We love you too total and complete I'm so glad Nate has a sense of humor. Seriously, I'm so glad you have your voice back Tricia. It's wonderful too see you sitting up in a chair and knowing that you're able to talk with Nate now. GOd Bless you all, and I pray that you have a WONDERFUL day today.

    Trenton FL

  80. Amazing. Still praying everyday!

  81. Absolutely amazing. We are praying without ceasing Tricia.

  82. I join in with all the other criers - tears of JOY...OUR GOD IS AWESOME!!!

    Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this moment with us. Prayers are continually going up for all of you....

  83. Awesome!

    Tricia - it is so wonderful to hear your beautiful voice - and you look marvelous!

    Gwyneth Rose has gorgeous feet! (but you already knew that...)

    Nathan - get that bodyguard because, the next time you are in NENC you may be mobbed like Kevin Costner! :)

    We pray for you all daily - and especially think of your family when my son and I sing the Veggie Tales song "God Is So Good". :)

    -Kelly in Elizabeth City

  84. Your video brought tears to my eyes! I am so glad that you are doing so well. We are praying for you all!

  85. Wow- I haven't seen you in years, dear Tricia, but your spirit is the same infectious, glowing spirit that you had in GCCHSA! Praising God and praying much for your miracle family! -Kelly

  86. It's a girl thing! We'll find a way to talk no matter the cirucmstances!

    I'm sobbing with joy! Thanks for showing us the reality!

    Refreshing (and praying) in Ohio!

  87. Amazing! Still praying hard for all of you! So glad to see you are making progress! Take care!

  88. Ok, so, I haven't cried at anything on here yet - sat in awe, praised the Lord and got welled up, but this made me bawl. We love you too Tricia and are SOOOOO thankful to see you and hear you again. You are in our prayers daily - many times. Our God is an awesome God!
    Sheryl, Jarod and Charisma =)

  89. Nate and Tricia,
    I have been following your blog for a few weeks-since right before Gwyneth was born. I have been praying everyday and seeing you sitting up and talking made me cry this morning. Congratulations on coming so far and I pray that only good days are in your future.
    Hampton VA

  90. ahhh! so fun :) Hope the trach collar trial goes well... we use the exact same type of ventilators at my job so I think of you while I'm at work :) So good to see you starting to feel better... praying always.

  91. BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Praise the Lord. We continue our prayers for all of you. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

    Nate, have you thought about posting a picture guestbook?? I have seen it on other blogs. The WORDS we can all share are WONDERFUL. I just thought that you and Tricia may like our faces as well;) Just a thought!!! You do such a great job keeping us informed. THANK YOU!!!

    Thank you Tricia, you are such an INSPIRATION!!

    Blessings, Angela

  92. What a sweet video of Tricia. I loved the story that you told about the woman at the mall. What an amazing, encouraging thing about the body of believers. How people who are pretty much strangers (like myself) can feel so close by uplifting each other to our Heavenly Father. And we all will meet someday, when we are all singing praises to Him together in heaven!
    ~Denise (friend of Susanna Morrison-Cummings)

  93. You and your baby look a lot alike! My girls both look just like daddy and they are beautiful girls- I am not just talking about looking through mothers eyes- they are hehe ok ill quit but you may be surprised how beautiful a little girl can be and look like daddy:) Pryaing

  94. for all its worth you wont offend me to make money from my visits

  95. Hi Nathan, Tricia, and Gwyneth,
    I am in Israel, not far from Jerusalem, and I will be praying and spreading the word. I will try to make it to the Wailing Wall as soon as I can, this week or next, so there will be a prayer tucked into it for your family. I will also send some information to the Jerusalem Baptist Church, and the Bible Study Fellowship that meets here (the only one in the whole Middle East). I just learned of this blog a few days ago, and have been so touched by God's working in your lives. He is so faithful.

  96. We love you too, Tricia!

    Hearing your voice brought tears to my eyes. Our God truly is an awesome God. *hugs*

    Lizze & "Ladybug"

  97. I stumbled across your blog yesterday and spent nearly my entire afternoon reading all of your posts from December til now along with random older posts as well.

    Your story is so inspiring and I am in awe of the amount of strength and courage you and your sweet family all have.

    It was wonderful to see Tricia speak. What a beautiful and amazing woman.

  98. Tricia, you are beautiful, inside and out. To hear your voice and see you moving and sitting up is so touching. Take your rest and regain your strength, we are all praying for you, your precious daughter and your fabulous husband!


  99. Tricia we all love you, Nathan and Gwyneth too. It is our pleasure and our priviledge to pray for you and your family and to share in God's miracles for you!
    Now I am off to get a tissue as seeing you looking so great and talking has made me teary.

  100. AMAZING!!!!

    Still praying here in Clayton, NC.

  101. Thank you Jesus for the miracle we are all witnessing. My heart is full of joy seeing that Tricia is awake and alert and able to see her precious baby. I pray in Jesus's name for continued healing as this beautiful faithful family shares their faith in God with the world.
    Tricia welcome to motherhood.

  102. What a blessing to be able to pray for both Tricia and Gwyneth (and Nathan too!). I wanted to thank you for letting all of us share in the incredible miracles that God is working in your lives.
    God has used you to help me grow in my faith. I am praying for you and I have passed your blog address on to many others who are praying for you.

  103. Hooray for finding your voice, Tricia!!! You look beautiful. I can't wait until we can see some pictures of you and Gwyneth together. What a blessed day that will be!!

    Prayers as always...

  104. Oh wow. The video is just precious, and has got me all out of sorts now! >:0) Praise God! How awesome is that? Wow! Your beautiful wife is an amazing woman and I am so happy to have had the chance to have read her story, gotten to know you guys and watched this awesome, awesome video today! As always, I stand amazed!

    Continuing to pray for your girls! Can't wait to see what other miracles God has up His sleeve!

    P.S. The pictures of Gwyneth are AMAZING! You are truly talented.

  105. Tricia,

    So brave, so beautiful, so loved! You are an inspiration and a hero to so many people, especially the ones who have not had the pleasure of meeting you personally.
    Continuing to pray for all of you. Thank you for letting us share in your life.

    God is good!!

    Liz in NH

  106. Beautiful. Tricia, I am so glad you are finding your voice again, not just the vocal one. Praying it won't be long before the three of you can be together!

  107. I have been reading for a couple weeks now and I have never commented but I just wanted to let you and Tricia know that someone in Springfield, Missouri is praying for both of you and amazing little girl.

    Love in Christ,

  108. Through our happy tears we thank you for that video and thank God that you're doing so well. We will pray for an easy transition from the vent. We love you. Mark and Sue

  109. It was amazing to log on and see the video of Tricia ~ her smiling face and sweet voice. :) We continue to pray for all three of you here in Houston!

  110. "MWAW" back to you Tricia!!!!!!

  111. I started sobbing in my morning coffee!! Haha! It was so great to see and hear Tricia! I feel like you three are a part of my family. I love you all! The prayers will keep coming! God bless

  112. Ohhhhh...loved hearing from Tricia. Keep sharing.


  113. Oh Tricia

    It is so wonderful to hear your beautiful voice. Wow, I continue to be amazed by God's work.

  114. Finding the tissues again! Wow! She speaks! How wonderful! Continueing to pray here in Raleigh...

  115. Great video :-) Thanks for sharing it with all of us.

  116. Hi there... I've been visiting her for quite a while, but never wanted to bother ya'll with a comment (I know there are so many all the time!). But I just saw Tricia's video, and I had to say that I'm praying for ya'll - it was so good to hear her voice! It made me cry, but in a good way - I think of ya'll often as I go about my days, and though we've never met, I just wanted to let you know you'll always be in my heart. Thanks so much for letting all of us {strangers!} be a part of your journey.

    Hugs & Blessings!

  117. Wow, look so great!
    What a treat to see you and hear your voice!

  118. Hi Tricia! Glad you have your voice back! :D

  119. What an awesome God we serve!! Great surprise for this morning!! Praying for all of you daily!!

    Paula in Jackson, MS

  120. YEAH!! You amaze me Tricia!!! You are so strong! Keep fighting and remember the prayers never cease! Love, Julie in Texas

  121. Tricia is so beautiful, the sweetness of the Lord is definately what I think of when I see her.

    We will be in prayer.
    Love, krista & family in Ohio

  122. Tricia - you are amazing! What a beautiful voice!

    You always have a smile on your face.

    Continued prayers for you and that sweet baby.

  123. Wow!!! Tricia sounds amazing! After hearing so much about her, it is wonderful to finally see her and hear her! What a miracle!!! I am crying here!!! Tears of joy of course!!! God bless you all! As always, praying and thinking of you all always!
    Melissa Morris

  124. I have been out of touch for a few days with the blog, but am playing catch up. The video of Tricia just flooded my eyes with tears of happiness and filled my heart with praise for the One and Only! What a miracle both of these girls are, what a perfect reminder of how precious life is! Thank you for sharing Tricia, we love you and continue to pray for you!

  125. Tricia,


    What a great video. You made this big ol burly man cry too. Tears of absolute joy!

    Mwaw! Backatcha,

    Bert in Moyock

  126. TRICIA!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. You sweet, beautiful girl! Thank you for that... It's wonderful to hear your voice and see your smile!!

  128. Wow... no i didn't actually expect to see her in the end. But boy am i crying now. God is so good! I just praise Him for the wonderful day-by-day miracles He's working in your "girls." That was more exciting than any "movie" i think i have ever seen. With a surprise ending that just blesses my(our)hearts! ***** & *****
    Love & Prayers, Heather T

  129. I pray that some day, I have a daughter whom is as strong and brave as you, Tricia... So proud of you!!

    Oh, and you, too, Claurice... ;0)


  130. Tricia!!!!!!!
    Great to see and hear from you!! You are beautiful - Thank you so much for being you! You are doing great things for the kingdom:) Prayers and tears of joy with you, Nate and Baby Rose
    Love ya
    Mike, Tina and Elizabeth

  131. Tears are streaming down my face. It's so wonderful to hear Tricia's beautiful voice. What a great surprise this morning. We love you too Tricia!


  132. What an amazing post! Tears of joy flooded over! I am so thankful that God is doing such miraculous things in your family's lives. It's truly amazing, and it's a blessing to be able to experience it with you even though I don't know you!! Thank you so much for letting us into your lives, to help support you, and to lift you up to Our Great God in prayer!! It's obviously working :)


  133. You really know how to make a girl cry happy tears! Many prayers being said for you and Gwyneth!

  134. Tricia, It's so awesome to hear and watch your message. You're looking great! Muah to you too! Still praying for you, Gwyneth and Nathan.

    Angela in central Ohio

  135. That made me cry- tears of joy! Talk about a miracle...I think this is a family of miracles! I'm so thankful to hear her sweet voice again, and will keep praying for strength and recovery.

  136. Wow, that's awesome! Thanks for sharing. Our God is in awesome God.

  137. Now the next video we want is of Tricia and that beautiful little Gwyneth together!!!

    Great to see her looking so happy. You have so much to be happy about!

  138. Praise God! Thank you for allowing us to witness such a great testimony!

  139. love you too, tricia!
    tear of joy are such odd things... I and many here at my church and school are continuing to praise God for what he's done in and through you, as well as praying that he'll complete the good work he's begun and heal and bless both you and Gwyneth.
    much love,

  140. WOW God is so good!!! I am sure her sweet voice is music to your ears. What an amazing miracle she is. I love it!!!!

  141. Awwww that made me cry! Tricia is so beautiful and I already care about her (and all of you) so much, despite never having met her or even exchanged an email! Sending you big hugs Tricia xxxx

  142. wow! i, like many others, have been following your amazing story and blog for a while now but didn't feel like i should post. but seeing your video and hearing tricia totally made me cry!! you are all so amazing! i'm so glad to hear everyone is doing well!!

  143. OH! I think you need to add a disclaimer before that video that watchers should have tissues ready! I don't even know you guys and hearing Tricia talk was about one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.

    Keeping your girls and you in my thoughts and prayers!

    Jill in WA

  144. Oh my goodness! I stumbled across this blog while working on my own for my daughter ( a few weeks ago, "pre-Gwyn" and have been following it and praying for you all since. You are all amazing people! Thanks for sharing your lives with me. Hearing Tricia's voice brought me to tears... I'm an RN and a mom and a sister and it was very touching.

  145. We love you too Tricia!!! You are an inspiration to us all.

  146. OK. So I'm minding my own business eating my lunch. Enjoying some chicken stew and a nice roasted pepper hummus pita and then BAM!
    I hear Tricia speak!

    Ever cry with a mouth full of hummus pita sandwich?
    It ain't easy.

    Tricia it was great to hear your voice and see you sitting in a chair. What a huge improvement and leaps and bounds above this past Friday.

    Praise the good Lord!

    Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

  147. Praise God! So glad Tricia and Gwyneth are doing so well! Brings tears of joy to my eyes!

  148. That just melted my heart! God is Wonderful!

  149. She has a beartiful voice! This video made my day!

  150. Oh my word!!! Tricia! You have a beautiful voice! You made me cry!!! You and your baby girl remain in our hearts and prayers! Praying that your strength will amaze the doctors and your double lung transplant will happen before anyone would have imagined! You and your little one are the highlights of our day (and your hubby's awesome posts!)!
    God bless you guys!!!

  151. What a sweet sweet sound to hear today! You all are so heavily in my prayers, and in my thoughts! God is doing a mighty work here, I know it! Hang in there girls...God is so good!

    Love, Kathy

  152. Hi Tricia!

    Love, hugs and prayers to the three of you and your families!

  153. Still praying. Your a strong mommy. I love you my sister in Christ-

  154. Just to encourage you guys -- Emmanuella (Emma), my daughter, now 6 weeks old (but also born at 24 weeks) was on a jet respirator for awhile, too. she is off it now, praise God :) and was on CPAP for awhile too but was moved back to the regular ventilator. she's been back on that for awhile now, but is doing good. i pray for Gwyneth whenever i think of you guys. i pray both our girls will grow up to be strong, healthy, young women of God one day :)

    Love from AZ,
    ~Shannon Stewart

  155. Ok seriously crying here now! Its great to have a voice to put with Tricia's beautiful face. :)

  156. Awesome, absolutely beautiful...this made me cry!!!! Tears of Joy! Offering up prayers of Thanks!

    Praying in Maryland

  157. Oh Tricia, I am almost in tears.

    Jennifer A.

  158. Wow! That's so wonderful for Tricia. Brought tears to my eyes. She's so special.


  159. Hey Tricia,

    How awesome to hear your voice. SOOOOO many are praying for you girl! You look great. God is doing miracles, right through you, just what you prayed for. How cool is that. Our God is a big God!

    Much love to you!

  160. Was off-line for two days and came back to Tricia talking and poop! Incredible! Praying you will get to hold your little girl soon (and maybe even get to change a poopy diaper or two as well!) May God continue to bless your family and your ministry!

  161. Tricia, So wonderful to see you and hear you. I love you bunches and cannot wait to hear you in person.
    Our office rejoices as we keep up with you and Nathan and Gwyneth.

  162. Dear Nathan, Tricia and Gwyneth,
    My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you. Nathan: you are incrediblely blessed to have 2 of the most beautiful girls to have and love. Tricia: There would never be enough words to express how I feel about you. You are a very lovely, kind, sweet, compassion, and of course very beautiful women. I could go on and on and on, but as I said there are not enough words that I could use to show, just what I'm trying to say. Gwyneth : You are one lucky little girl to be blessed to have a mommy and daddy that you have. Your beautiful, precious, adorable, sweet, and so so so cute. I could go on, but please know I am so lost for words beyond belief. Sorry to ramble on, but I wanted to let you know that your never far from my thoughts and prayers.

  163. You don't know me, But i have been reading your blog and I wish you and your family the best of luck with everything your future holds, god is watching over you and your little girl, My prayer's are with you

    Stacey In canada!

  164. We love you too Tricia. It's an honor to pray for your and your family. Stay strong and keep smiling!! Lori in Haiti

  165. Your voice has left me speechless, Tricia ~ How Great is Our God! We continue to pray for you all

  166. Wow, I can't believe I missed this one!! That's so awesome that she is able to speak some!! Nathan, I know it has to be the best thing you've heard in a couple of weeks. I know they still needs lots of prayers but this video was absolutely awesome!! Thanks for sharing!

  167. She has the most Beautiful voice

  168. I have been reading this blog, and Tricia's, trying to catch up to now, so I don't make a silly comment. However, I got to this post, and watched the video, and now I am crying. I have never met any of you, and I am keeping you in my thoughts, and I'm already this attached. Wow. That was great.


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