
Thursday, January 17, 2008


FINALLY! Tricia is fully awake! She is still weak and very tired/sleepy, but her mind if fully awake! Still having a hard time focusing her eyes, and she can't do much with her hands, but we're having a much easier time reading her lips.

I just spent about an hour with her (they're doing her chest PT right now). When I arrived, she told me that she wasn't clear on where she was and why she was there. The last she remembers, she was still down on her usual hall (7800). She even thought that she was in a different hospital. I assured her that she was at Duke, and spent about 10 minutes giving her the outline of the past 3 weeks.

Then, I showed her The Video of Gwyneth and we both spent some time crying tears of happiness together. We also watched a few minutes of the video of Gwyneth that my parents shot for us last Wednesday. I hadn't seen it yet as I was waiting to watch it with her. I'll be posting that video here soon.

I also showed her the map of everyone who has been thinking about and praying for her, and told her that we've had about 200,000 hits and about 4000 comments since she went to sleep 9 days ago...she was as amazed as I have been.

The Road Ahead is certainly not easy, but we've got this big hurdle behind us (waking up).

Gwyneth Rose is doing well. Her white blood count was up, so they sent a culture to check for an infection, and resumed her antibiotics just to be safe. Otherwise, she was sleeping peacefully when I checked on her a few minutes ago.

Her CF screening should return tomorrow, and the scan of her head revealed no bleeding (can't remember if I mentioned that).

Thank you so much! I'll be spending more time with Tricia today, and I'll be sure to tell you all about it.


PS. I just talked with My Dad and Andy and they told me that this blog has been blocked at our OBX hospital because too many people were spending too much time checking for updates... (that makes me smile)


  1. Oh wow such beautiful news!! The no bleeding is FABULOUS news.

    Oh it's so great that you are finally able to talk to Tricia and she understands. I bet it's such a weight off your shoulders. You have your wife to communicate with now.

    I'm praying so hard...

  2. What wonderful news! Praise to the Lord!!! I'm so excited for all of you. Continuing to lift you up in prayers.

    Vicki Bougan
    Castle Rock, CO

  3. Praise God for sure!

  4. Hi Nate, could u PLEASE email me at PLEASE??
    Thanks. Waiting to hear from you soon.

  5. I have been lurking for a few days now but I wanted to come out and say Thank you Lord!!! What wonderful news. I will be continuing to pray for you all.

  6. What a mighty God we serve! You and Tricia are where you are because of your unwavering faith. Thank you for allowing the rest of us a glimpse into your lives. Blessings and prayers for you and your girls!

  7. Awesome, awesome news!!!! I am so glad to hear that Tricia is awake/alert and that she got to see video of Gwyneth!
    I continue to pray for you guys and that the road ahead won't be too bumpy for you. I pray you 3 will be back home in June/July like you projected.
    Praise God for this day!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Such wonderful news! And I think that's hilarious about the OBX a good way, of course. :) Enjoy time with your family!

  10. Praise God!!! I'm so amazed by your spirit and strength. Lots of us in the panhandle of Texas are praying for you, Tricia, and baby Gwyneth!

  11. YAY Praise God! Joe and I will be there tomorrow, can't wait to see you all! Still praying!-Carolyn K.

  12. Yayyyy! Nathan I am SO excited to hear that Tricia is finally awake! What an amazing answer to prayers!

    I'm praying that Gwyneth does not have an infection and that she and Tricia continue to do well.

    Have a fabulous day with your wife! :)

  13. hey nathan, i'm so glad to hear that things are looking up. i can't fathom all that you're going through. wish i could do something for you guys. i haven and will keep praying for you. vince

  14. Praise the Lord! I'm so happy to hear that Tricia is awake and that you are finally able to share the joy of parenthood with her. Your post brought tears to my eyes as I tried to imagine what it must be like for Tricia to have missed the first 9 days of her daughter's life. Continuing to pray...

  15. That is beautiful!

    Wishing you all baby steps of health & happiness.

  16. THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear this wonderful news!!! I prayed so hard all day yesterday and this morning that she would wake up and she has!!! Praise God!!!

  17. Praising God for such wonderful news!!!!! I'll pray that today will be a fabulous day of communicating and celebrating for all of you!!!!

  18. we are aso thrilled to hear that tricia is awake - I can niot imagine to not be able to talk to your spouse with them right in front of you- i am so happy that you can communicate with each other! I am also so iverjoyed to hear that tricia is now fully aware of waht a beautiful daughter you two have created, this is something that parents love and remember for the rest of your lives and now you can do this together- please spend as musch time with tricia now that she is awake - i am sure i speak for all readers when i saw we understand if you might not blog as much for the next few days because you have tricia to talk with now and catch up on the last 9 days. Please take care and know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers. Oh and about the obx hospital- too funny- i have to admit though if my work knew how much i was checking this i would probably get blocked as well

  19. I am so excited to hear that Tricia is fully aware now...Kept checking the blog for new news.....It must be so strange to be asleep for 9 days and wake up to her prince and beautiful baby....(I grew up with fairy tales) Can't wait to watch the video of Gwyneth. We will keep praying that the baby poops....and so much more that needs prayer.Love you guys....Beth David and Nick

  20. Praise God! Such wonderful news to hear this morning! Congratulations!

  21. Rejoicing with you!!!!!! Praying she will soon get to touch her sweet baby.
    Love and prayers from TX

  22. PRAISE THE LORD,for GREAT news on both Tricia & Gwyneth today. I check for updates thru out the day & night when i can't sleep.
    My late husband received a heart transplant in 1988 & we had him until the Lord took him home in 2001.I am definately 100% for organ donation.Nate you're a great husband & dad.
    Bonnie Meyer
    Washington, Missouri

  23. Great news! We are praying for you!!

  24. I have been following your story since Jan. 7th and have been in total awe of the wonderful way our Lord works.

    Praise God for your beautiful girls and I'll continue to pray for all of you as continue your journey.

    My 4 year old neice has CF. She has wonderful parents who I feel share the same beliefs that you do. There is a reason my neice has CF just as there is a reason Tricia has it. Some of those reasons are evident through your blog. How many people have renewed their faith or have begun a journey with God because of your story!

    God Bless your beautiful family and thank you for sharing your faith and family with the world.


  25. Great News!
    Welcome back, Tricia! God has answered your prayers, and you are a MOMMY!! This is a BIG answer to so many prayers, and we Praise God that you have finally seen your beautiful little girl! Keep resting to store up your strenth, but rest assured that Nathan is taking care of things beautifully. We will continue to lift you all up in prayer, and we wait expectantly to hear about the progress you and Gwyneth are making.
    With Praise and prayers,
    The Edwards family

  26. That's great news, I'm so glad that you are awake Tricia and I can't wait to see pictures of you with your precious baby.Sending prayers from Kentucky.

  27. What wonderful news! Blessings to you and Tricia today. Take care

  28. Oh happy day:) You guy's have a lot of catching up to do. Continued prayers here in the Pacific Northwest! Melissa

  29. Praise the Lord!!! Happy you can be parents *together* finally! -Mrs. D

  30. Nate & Tricia,
    Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!! Good morning Tricia!!
    My husband and I had the oppurtunity to pray for you with Patience and Jordan Leino's small group and we haven't stopped yet!
    I wanted to let you know... I am the art teacher at a Christian school in Raleigh. I have printed pics of Gwenyth and taped them to my wall beside my desk in order to remember to pray for y'all. I did not realize the affect this would have on my students! They have been so interested in knowing who this little one is. I have been talking more about your daughter as of late than I have my own children!! I continue to post the newer pics so that I can update them. Y'all have become part of SO many lives! Thank you for sharing your life w/ us!!

  31. That is SO great! I will continue to pray for her and for Gwyneth--that she is free from infection and/or complications. We love you guys

  32. a BIG WOO HOO and PRAISE GOD!!!!

    cracks me up that your blog has been blocked from OBX hospital. I'm just glad my husband hasn't blocked you from my computer. THAT would be bad for our home :)

    still praying in SC

  33. Praise God! What wonderful news!

    I will continue to keep all 3 of you in my prayers.

  34. Our God is a MIGHTY GOD, Nate & Tricia!

    We are praying for you both and your precious baby girl, too!!

    -Tricia in VA

  35. GOOD MORNING TRICIA!!! We love you,
    cousin Jenn

  36. I've been reading your posts for awhile now, a friend on another web site posted a prayer request for you, Your strenght in God has amazed me through all of this! I just wanted to say me and my family are praying too...
    Aberdeen, SD

  37. Hi..this is my first entry and I am happy to see that your beautiful wife is more alert and your daughter is coming along great. I mentioned this blog to my wife last week and have been on it ever since to catch any type of update possible. Just know that we are praying for you also from Gilbertsville Pa. If prayer really does stengthen us then your family is one of the strongest that I have met. We are all praying for your family. Your a stonger man than I think I could ever be. God is good. God speed to you all !!!
    Bob Barbi and Dylan

  38. How exciting! I cannot wait to hear the story of Tricia finally meeting Gwenyth. What a proud, special moment that will be.
    Glory to God!
    We continue to pray...

  39. Amazing! God Bless Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth! Your family is in my prayers this day and every day! Sandy (April's mother)

  40. What blessings!!!! Praise our mighty Savior! I'm so excited for you guys! Praying that the day gets better as it goes!

  41. Wonderful, wonderful news. Oh, bless Tricia Lord. How overwhelming all of this information must be to her sleepy head. Prayers continuing for her to recover in Gods tender time and for her to be able to hold her baby very soon. You must be so relieved to see your girl back!!!!!
    One step at a time and one day at a time with Jesus holding you up. This is great news. Praying non stop for all of you.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  42. Praise the Lord! I am so thankful. Continuing to pray.

  43. Praise God..........We look forward with so much excitement for what God is going to continue to do! What a miracle! Bekah has been asking me all the time...."Is she awake", "Is she awake." God is good......all the time! Praying for strength for both your girls!

    The Weigners
    Ephesians 3:20 and 21

  44. Praise God! And Hi Tricia!!! Welcome back!

  45. Yahoo!! Yippee ki yo!!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! We'll keep the prayer cover going.... here's the link to the childhood story I remembered, but it's not White Rose, it's Snow White, but there are roses....

    Mari in Floyds Knobs

  46. Praise God, I am so glad she is fully awake, another prayer answered, thank you God! Thank God for video and this blog, you have great documentation to share with Tricia, what a relief this must be for you, praise God!

    About my work The Outer Banks Hospital, whats up with that?? I was there till midnight last night, and I went to every computer in our department trying to get an update, what a bummer, I only checked during down time....maybe I can petition with the president of hospital....:)Maybe they could designate one computer for updates, I'm usually there for 13hr shifts. Oh well I can still check at home for now, and there is always the phone......Love you guys, and I'm thinking God today for answered prayer for Tricia being awake! Continued thoughts and prayers....


  47. Oh Thank you Jesus!! I just want to hug her! Enjoy your precious time with her.

  48. Hi Tricia, glad to hear you are awake and got to see video of your beautiful little girl.

  49. awesome! go Tricia!

  50. Awesome news about brought tears of joy to my eyes. I'm praying that Gwyneth doesn't have an infection. God bless you!

    Angela in central Ohio

  51. Yaaay! I'm rejoicing with you that Tricia is awake today and that she got to see that amazing video of Gwyneth.

    Mary Rogers
    Trenton FL

  52. Wow.. thanks Nate for this great news.. My eyes are full of tears of JOY.... Welcome back Tricia, you are one very blessed Mom... My hugs to all of you. We have an amazing God who hears our prayers.Love ya, Baba

  53. Wow! Amazing! Thank you, Jesus, for a smooth transition into wakefulness! Will be praying for continued improvement and peace. Again, take all the time you need and can to enjoy your sweet wife...we can wait for updates.

    Love to the three of you.

  54. Glad to hear Tricia is awake. We can't wait to see you guys on tuesday. We will be up there for Cindy's follow up.

    Sandra and Cindy

  55. Praise the Lord! So happy to read the news that Tricia is awake-God is Good!
    Sending prayers from Kansas

  56. Praise God!

    I've been following your blog for a week or so, fervently praying for your family. And sharing your story with others, asking them to pray as well!

    Your experience is truly inspirational, thank you for sharing your faith and your story!

    Enjoy updating your wife on every bit of Gwyn's life thus far!


  57. Rejoicing with you and continuing to pray from Houston, TX!

  58. Have a wonderful day with your wife and daughter! Though there are steep challenges ahead, there is much to celebrate too!

  59. I just found your site through my friend Kelly Hallahan and realized I knew your wife a long time ago. (I was homeschooled too and she graduated her senior year when I was graduating 8th grade). I want you to know I will be praying for you, Tricia, you, and your beautiful baby girl every day. And I will add your family to my church's prayer list here in kansas city.

    Love and prayers,
    Melissa Munro

  60. Praise God Tricia is awake!!!
    When will Tricia get to see her daughter? Or is that still way too early to tell??

  61. It's wonderful that she's awake! I am praying for the moment to come soon where the three of you get to spend some family time together! Tell Tricia Congratulations on the birth of her beautiful daughter! (and you too, of course!).

    Love and prayers,
    your Gators in Florida :)

  62. What wonderful news!! The Lord is SO awesome!! I know she has to feel overwhelmed with getting catching up with what's happened and thrilled that her precious baby girl is making great strides as well. I hope the Lord continues to bless you all!! And the situation with the OBX Hospital is funny!!

  63. Best news ever!!!!!!!
    Johnson City, TN

  64. I've just started reading your story yesterday. I just want to let you know how happy I am for Tricia, I am so glad she is finally awake. And for your sweet baby to be doing very well. I look forward to checking your site for updates, I just can't seem to stay away.

    Hope there are many more good news coming your way.

    Jenn, mom to 3 beautiful boys
    Sudbury, Ontario Canada

  65. It is so exciting to hear that she's fully awake. Continued prayers for all of you.

  66. WOW, oh wow what great news! I have been thinking and praying for you all, all day. Now I can finish getting ready for my interview with a smile on my face!

  67. How exciting! Enjoy catching up. I am sure you have so much to tell her. Praying for a smooth transition off of the ventilator when she is ready.

  68. YAY! i just had to say that again...i am soooooo excited for you and the fun that is ahead!

  69. What a special day!!! Enjoy sharing this time with your wife - tell she is our hero now, too! Kiss that baby from all of us!
    Stay strong, Nate!

  70. Two more miracles and still counting!! I can't wait to hear more!! At least you have pictures and documentation to show her to bring her up to speed!! I can't imagine waking up and lacking time from one point to the other.
    Thank you Lord for the continued events.....:0)

    Stacy in Va Beach

  71. Praise the Lord! I have been following your blog for a few weeks now. What a testimony you and Tricia are. I had a close friend pass away from CF. It is awesome to see the Lord working in your lives. God bless.

  72. I'm so stoked right now! I had to get up from my desk and go wash my lunch dishes just to soak it in.

    Can't wait to get there tomorrow and see her awake with her eyes wide open for myself.

    What a huge prayer answered. Now praying hard for her to leap over the next hurdle.

  73. Thank you Lord for answering prayers and letting Tricia wake up!!!!

    I'm so happy to hear she's finally awake and aware of the miracle we have been priviledge to witness! :)

    I'll continue to pray for her and Gwyneth's improving health!

  74. Praise to Jesus for waking Tricia! Welcome back mama! God bless you! Praying for you today, with a heart that believes in a mighty God!

    You have no idea what a blessing you have been, even while you rested, your faith and love for Christ has encouraged the broken and fueled the fire in the faithful.

  75. How exciting for you to FINALLY be able to share Gwyneth with Tricia!! I'm sure Tricia can't wait to be able to touch her herself!
    I would venture to guess that not ONE person could come away from this blog without thinking that our God is an awesome God. Your story has touched hearts and lives all over the world, and we all wait in wonder and awe to see what other miracles God has in store for your family.

  76. Nate - I will probably have a goofy grin on my face the rest of the day thinking of Tricia's first glimpse of your sweet baby girl. What a moment it must have been. Looking forward to continuing good news and thanking God for His wonderful grace and mercy He is pouring on your family.

  77. Praise God the good news!Continuing to pray, AEM

  78. Praise God! How wonderful it is to hear that Tricia is finally awake and doing well. God is faithful!

    Still praying...

  79. Keep Smiling and Smile BIG!! Wow our God is awesome!!! Tricia I am so happy for your waking and still praying for your strength to return!! Our entire office has been tuned in hourly as well for updates (he he) Wow -again what awesome news!!
    Thanking God for you and your family and HIS GREAT WORKS!!
    Love you all
    Tina Elizabeth Mike

  80. So glad to hear that she is awake now! I have been praying for you and asking others to pray for you as well. Praise the Lord!

  81. Glad you are awake and get to see that beautiful Gwyneth on video - she is precious! Constantly praying for you all.

    Lots of love,

    T, Allison and Colin

  82. This is wonderful news Nathan!! I'm so happy to hear that Tricia is finally fully awake.

    Will continue to lift you all up in prayer.

    God Bless You!

  83. Nathan, after you talked to Andy he called me at work to tell me the great news about Tricia, (he was all choked-up when he told me about Tricia watching the video of her little Rose).
    We can't wait to see you all tomorrow. Ty is excited to see you too, and Meka. (he had a brief meltdown when i told him he won't be able to see Baby Rose) all was better when i told him about the huge fish tank on the 5th floor.
    Love you, all three!
    Auntie Misha

  84. I have just read your whole story Nathan while I was lurking I have to admit and I just wanted to say that you Nathan are an incredible man and your wife and daughter are so lucky to have you as a husband and a father. Your are very true when you say "our god is an awesome God" and know that I will keep on praying for a full recovery from Tricia and praying for Gwyneth to stay strong with that little body of hers!

  85. Prais God!!! Both for Tricia waking up to the wonderful news of her beautiful daughter, and also for the wonderful news of no bleed in Gwyneth!! Thank You God!!!

  86. Awake!
    Hi Tricia!
    Your baby girl Gwyneth Rose is a beauty!
    Nathan has been awewome keeping us up-to-date on what's going on.
    I love you!

  87. I have been following your blog for the last few days. I too stand in awe of our God who is allowing your girls to be such wonderful witness tools to millions of people. WOW!
    Praise the Lord for Tricia's awakening; this is awesome news!
    And for your daughter's continued strength. They are both miracles - May the victory be HIS!
    I am praying for your family.
    Beth, in Michigan

  88. Send the OBX hospital the Facebook link, or something! We need those prayers!!!

  89. Praise the Lord!

    I can't wait to update all of my friends and family who have joined me in praying for your precious girls!

  90. I was about to post and ask you to post more about Tricia's current condition. And when I logged in here it was! I am overjoyed to hear that she is awake and able to see the pics of her daughter. You are an incredible example of what a husband should be. I thank God for my husband and other husbands like you that cherish their families in the way that God teaches. My prayer is that more people will be inspired to live the Godly example that you provide.

  91. That is so awesome that Tricia is awake and you are able to communicate with her! It is also really exciting to see the progress with your little rose!! We continue to daily bring you before the Lord!

  92. YAYAYAY!!!! Such fantastic news!!! Please let Trisha know that so many people in the UK are thinking of her and praying for her. You and Trisha are such a special couple and Gwyneth is one luck girl to have two such fantastic and loving parents xxxx

  93. Dearest Nate,

    I’m Pam in Florida. You don’t know me and I don’t know you, that is, we’ve never met. I found you quite by accident – a link in the comment of someone else’s blog.
    However, for me your blog has created somewhat of a knowing, even an intimacy, with you and your dear family. You’ve captured my heart and I find myself celebrating and crying with you over each victorious milestone in this January journey. Several times a day you and your precious ladies are the subject of my prayers. Your Flesh of my Flesh post had me in awe of our miraculous God – and I gasped when I saw your wedding band around Gwyneth’s little arm. I’m amazed at God’s goodness and gentle care. Then, today, you shared the wonderful news that Tricia is awake and you have been able to share the joy of the birth of your daughter; my heart leaped. I can’t imagine what you must be feeling – I’m sure your heart can’t contain it! My personal reaction/response to your story has made me ponder God’s absolute care and concern for us - how intimate He is with each of us. You know how it is when you hear of a prayer need… for a moment your heart breaks with sympathy and you offer up a sincere prayer, but then life marches on. In your case, though, I’m captivated; drawn in. And that’s how it is with God, He never is sidetracked from our needs by someone else’s circumstances. Awesome. I’ve learned a lesson about His omnipotence and about the peace that passes understanding. Tricia is the age of my daughter, Kristiina, our only child, who was born May 3, 1982. I’ll continue to pray for all of you and keep checking in for your updates. I envision doing this into next year when I anticipate Tricia will be breathing easily with new, clear lungs, and little Gwyneth Rose will be toddling around with mom’s infectious smile and the pretty soft curls she inherited from daddy. With love in the Lord…

  94. Wonderful, Wonderful News! Praise the Lord! WooHoo!!!!

  95. Praise the Lord!!! I am so excited to hear of Tricia waking up, and the good news about the baby is awesoome.
    My family and I will keep on praying for you.

    Love Jennifer
    Arlington Tn.

  96. Praise the Lord!!! I am so excited to hear of Tricia waking up, and the good news about the baby is awesoome.
    My family and I will keep on praying for you.

    Love Jennifer
    Arlington Tn.

  97. Yay! I'm so happy for you both! I'm sure it's an extreme relief and joy to finally be able to share all of this with one person you'd like to the most. =)

    Thank you God for hearing our prayers and taking care of Tricia!

  98. PRAISE THE LORD! OUR GOD IS SO GOOD! we are celebrating with you as Tricia has overcome her first big hurdle! And we will be celebrating with you as she overcomes ALL the rest!!!

  99. Well good morning sleepy head!!! Great news that you are awake now Tricia. Best wishes for a full recovery. The world has been taking care of Nate while you recover!

    We continue to lift up your family to the Lord in prayer. Everyone everywhere has been using your circumstances to bring glory to God.

    Our one year old son knows Gywenth's picture on the computer and requests "BABY" when he wants to see it!

    from "S. Jersey"

  100. I am SO happy to hear that wonderful news!! GOD is SO good! Tricia.... you have lifted my faith SO much!

    You amaze me! I can feel the love between you and Nate. Made me hug mu husband a little bit tighter last night.


    Wisner, Louisiana

  101. Praise the Lord!!!
    We are so excited to hear that Tricia is awake! Wonderful news!

    I can only imagine the relief you feel at being able to see Tricia. What an amazing moment to get to share that video with her. Many more moments to come!

    Praising and praying!!

  102. Praise the Lord!
    Praying for continued progress for both girls.

  103. That is the best news I've had all day! Thank you for the updates Nathan! Give your beautiful wife a huge hug from our family!

  104. Praising God that Tricia is awake, communication is going better and that she is fully aware of little Gwyneth, now you can look forward to the day when your two girls can look into each others eyes and touch one another again.
    Praying that Gwyneth continues to do well and has no bleeds or infections.

  105. Woohoo!! Thank you Lord!!
    Our God is an Awesome God!

    Hello Tricia! I look forward to meeting you one day when you get better and come home. You are an inspiration to us all.

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
    Bert in Moyock

  106. So happy to hear Gwyneth and Tricia are doing well! Does anyone have any idea when Tricia will be able to see her baby? Days, weeks, or longer? Will she have to be well enough to be wheeled to the NICU or when the baby is stronger can she come down in an isolette? I ccan't imagine how hard it must be for Tricia to know her baby is a few floors away. I will be praying for her strength and patience!

  107. GREAT NEWS!
    We rejoice with you and will be sure to thank our Father.
    When will Tricia get to see/touch Gwyneth?
    Still praying...
    Lots of Love, Dana and Wil Haupfear

  108. PTL! Your testimony of faithfulness moves me every time I check for an update! No wonder your friends in OBX have caused a your blog to be blocked.

    There might be a way for the friends at the OBX hospital to still view the blog without actually visiting the blog. Tell them to logon to Google Reader and add into the subscription. This should allow Google to go read the blog and deliver it into the reader.

  109. YAY GOD!!!!!!!!! YAY TRICIA!!!!!!!!! YAY GWYNETH!!!!! YAY NATE!!!!! What a mighty God we serve....I can just imagine how incredibly happy you are to FINALLY tell Tricia what has happened. WOOHOOO. I don't even know you guys and I want to call everyone I know to share the awesome news! I am laughing out loud! WOOOOOOOOOOOO

  110. Oh happy day! KEEP FIGHTING GIRL! I KNOW you have it in yah! oxoxoxoxo

  111. Praise God!!! That is amazing and wonderful news! I am crying tears of joys for you both reading this! I am so incredibly happy to hear that Tricia has woken up! God bless you all! I am keeping you all in my constant thoughts and prayers!
    Melissa Morris
    Cary, NC

  112. That is fabulous news!! Ever since I stumbled onto your blog 2 weeks ago I've been praying hard for your entire family.

    This is the 1st time I've commented, but please know I'm thinking of you and spreading the Word in regards to your family every chance I can get.

    I'm a registered nurse and I've seen how the power of prayer works miracles 1st hand with my job working in Obstetrics.

    You're the reason I've been picking up my dusty Bible each night. Thank you!

  113. GOD IS AMAZING!!!!! This is such a happy day. Praise the Lord. We have been waiting for those words. Still praying...keep fighting. Blessings from Florida.

  114. Tricia and Nate and Gwyneth,

    What wonderful news!!!! Cant wait to see you on Saturday!

    Uncle Scott, Aunt Julie, Bree and Carly

  115. "Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the King of Creation, oh my soul praise Him for HE is thy health and salvation. All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near, join me in glad adoration!!!!!!"

    We will keep up the prayers until you are all home!

  116. Our God is an awsome God!!!! Thank you Lord. I can't wait till Tricia starts blogging again, to hear about her first experience seeing Gwenyth. I pray that is soon.
    No bleeds, that is great news too!


  117. Hallelujah!

    Love you guys! See you soon.

    God's love and peace,
    Cousin Amy

  118. Welcome back Tricia! I'm so happy that she's awake and can learn about her beautiful daughter and hopefully see and hold her soon. The prayers continue.

  119. Welcome back Tricia! I'm so happy that she's awake and can learn about her beautiful daughter and hopefully see and hold her soon. The prayers continue.

  120. This is wonderful news! Great is the Lord's faithfulness to us. We will continue to pray for all of you.

    Tara Cromp
    Sterling, VA

  121. What GREAT news!!! I am sooo glad they are both doing so well!!!!

    Sooo excited!!!!

    Lots of love from VA!!!


  122. Congratuations! We're continuing to pray for your family here in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. May you continue to be shown the greatest of God's love for us!!

    PS: Do you have a paypal account set up for donations? Thanks!

    Tammy/Saskatoon, SK

  123. Praise the Lord! Great news on Tricia and baby Gwyneth... I'm so glad the brain scan came back good!

    Still praying.

  124. Also, thanks so much for sharing your life with so many strangers around the world. I know that it is uplifting to read encouraging words from others, but I know that it could be overwhelming at times- greeting your waiting public!

    God bless you for being so transparent and for allowing God to move through you and what's happening in your life. It shows the world what being a man/woman/family of faith is all about.

  125. YAY sweet..we will continue to pray for gwyneth and the long road ahead

  126. Praise God! I am so happy to hear this news upon coming home today! I know you really enjoyed your time with Tricia sharing all the pictures and videos and emails from all of the Tricia & Gwyneth supporters and prayerers (is that a word?)

  127. Praying really hard in Marietta GA!!

  128. Praise the wonderful that Tricia is fully awake!! Also so thankful that Gwyneth doesn't have bleeding in the brain!

    Continued prayers coming.

  129. I have been visiting for a few days, but finally got the chance to leave a comment. I'll be mentioning Tricia and Gwyneth on my blog today too. I have a prayer list on my sidebar that I'll also add them to. Praying so hard for strength and healing. God is so good. Hang in there glad you're awake!

    Love, Kathy

  130. Praise the Lord! I woke up this morning wondering if Tricia was awake and I came to find this wonderful update. I am so hopeful for all of you. I started my own public CF blog... click through to find it. We need to get the word out about CF and transplantation. Thank the Lord that your girls are doing so well... remember I want to hear all about your first walk through the Duke Gardens together, no matter how long from now it may be.

  131. Nathan, Yeah your blog has also been blocked at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital as well! I was so mad yesterday when it wouldn't let me on, but now I just wake up a few minutes earlier so I can check it before I go to work. So glad Tricia's AWAKE!!! Can't wait til Zach and I can come back and visit and see Gwyneth also this time!
    Love ya, Zach and Brandie

  132. It made me mad that they blocked us from the blog - I guess I'll just have to spend more time receiving personal phone calls like the one I got from Tina today -

    The news made me smile and please tell Tricia that even though I can't read the updates at work I am still praying for all of you!!!!!

    Love ya, Denise

  133. Praise the Lord!! All your faithful followers are blessed today too. Thankyou for sharing so diligently with us..even the tough stuff...We have all fallen in love with you all! Can't wait for the video of " our" sweet baby...and pictures of sweet Mama Tricia!!
    Still praying in California!

  134. This is the best news I've heard all day. I will continue to pray for you and your family. God is with you at Duke, my friend!

  135. REJOICING at the Andersons !!!!

  136. that is such great news about Tricia! Go God! He is good all the time! I will be praying for quick recovery time for her so that she will be able to get her new lungs.
    Prayers for Gwyneth to continue to grow strong!

  137. Tricia is awake!!!! On this day we give praise to our awesome God for this answer to prayer. Welcome back to the world Tricia. Congratulations, your baby girl Gwyneth, is absolutely beautiful. We continue to lift you up in prayer, asking for continued health and strength for your family.

  138. What a mighty God we serve! Praise You, Father, for this wonderful news!

    Still praying...

  139. Welcome back Tricia! So much has happened while you were sleeping!I pray that the time you spent asleep will give you much needed strength for a quick recovery. I know that Nathan is so glad you're back. We were praying so hard for him because I know he has so much to tell you about! You have a beautiful little girl! Congratulations! We're praying that your recovery will be speedy and that you will be ready for your transplant soon. Also praying that you will get to see that precious baby soon in person.
    Love and prayers,
    The Ramos Family

  140. What a great update! So glad to hear that there was no bleeding in the brain!

    It warms my heart to read that Tricia is awake and has seen the video of Gwyneth. Praying for many more days of progress ahead.

  141. Wonderful, wonderful news...we pray that the joy of seeing Gwyneth will be a great comfort to Trish and that she will rest easier now that her little girl is here. Thanks Nate for sharing your lives with those of us who are your church family
    Much love to you all,
    Carol and Les

  142. Praise the Lord! I am so glad to hear Tricia is up and you were able to show her the video of Gwenyth. Continuing to pray for you all.

    -Jackie in MN

  143. Let me first say, I don't know if you guys remember me. I am a friend of Susanna Benson. I've been home with her a few times and met you guys. I have been praying for the whole family and asked other people to pray, too. I check several times a day to see how things are going and I am so glad that everything is going so well. You guys are such an encouragement.

    I'll keep praying and checking for updates!

    Kelly Carson

  144. YAY! Tricia, we have all been praying fervently for you and will continue to do so!

    Melissa Roark from Cystic-L and a fellow mom of a preemie baby boy (now 3 year old wild man)

  145. "My health may fail and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart." -Psalm 76:23

    God surely has a high calling on yours, and Gwyneth's lives!

    Stay Strong, I am praying for you both!


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