
Friday, January 4, 2008


It will truly take a miracle, but the goal our doctors have given us is to make it to 26 weeks, which, by their calendar, will be January 18. The baby's chances will nearly double from where we're at now. Circle that date on your calendars and pray with us.

Also, Tricia will have another go at getting an arterial line placed tonight. I will be with her, and beyond a little pain, it should not be anything. But, they need to get it placed to keep a close watch on her vital signs.

We (our families) have truly been amazed and humbled at how fast the word has spread around the internet. Take a look at the map to the right --> to see just how far-reaching your efforts to share Tricia's story have taken us! Thank you so much!


PS. I've got new pics that I'll post tonight.


  1. Praises to God for the answered prayers. Our family will continue to pray for yours. Our daughter is also expecting a little girl, just one week older than yours. When I pray for my granddaughter i'll also pray for your sweet girl.
    Much love in Christ.

  2. I'm praying for your wife, daughter and for YOU too!. The faith and strength you have is just amazing and I'm praying for God to wrap his loving arms around you and contiue to comfort you in this stressful time. Your wife is so lucky to have you and it's no doubt you will be a wonderful Dad to this special little girl.

    Love In Christ,
    Melody (from Florida!)

  3. I'll pray the arterial line goes well and that the pain is very minimal.
    Love you guys! Sent you some pics via e-mail a few minutes ago.

    Uncle Andy and Aunt Misha and Cousin Ty, the play doh master.

  4. Nathan,

    You don't know me, but I am friends with Megan Scotti. I have a strange question for you. I don't know if the timing is appropriate right now, but would you like for a harpist to come into Trish's room and play some hymns for you all? I'm a harpist and I would do it myself but I currently live in NY. I have found a harpist who is willing to come.

    This might sound strange, but I know for a fact that harp music has a calming effect, especially if songs of praise and encouragement are played. Harpists have played in rooms full of premature babies and they have shown signs of improvement as a result.

    I just wanted to do something, and God has helped me find someone to do what I cannot.

    Please contact the harpist if you are interested. Anita Burroughs-Price
    She can come Saturday (Jan 4th) or Tuesday (Jan 8th) and will need special permission from a doctor for her to be allowed to come.

    We have been praying and have sent your requests to our church, here in Horseheads, NY. I pray for peace as God works His will.

  5. Don't know if it is possible, but sometimes there is an ointment that can used prior to IV insertions. I don't know much about what your wife is having, but could they use this on Tricia. It's a creme that sort of numbs the area.

  6. I love a time line...always keeps me moving forward. So the 18th it is!!!

    three years ago I was praying for a friend that was carrying triplets. My prayer was June 1st. June 4th it was!

    God is good and will protect and heal your family.

    I also had the honor to pray for a Micro-premi this summer...born at 24 weeks. He is home and growing like a weed now with his forever family.

    Love, hugs and prayers in Jesus' name,

  7. Just found your website a couple days ago (I can't remember what blog sent me here!) but I wanted to say that I am thinking about you and your girls!! 26 weeks would be awesome! Hang on!

  8. Nate and Tricia,
    My name is Emily Jones and I was a member of the youth group at Harmony Baptist in Atoka, OK, when your Uncle Andy was youth pastor there. I met both of you one summer when we came to the Outer Banks on a mission trip. I wanted to let you both know that you have been on my heart and mind everyday since I heard about your situation. Please know that my family and I are praying for you and your baby girl in these difficult days. May the grace and peace of God be ever present in your lives.


    Norman, OK


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