
Friday, January 4, 2008

Friday Update

(I left my Mac with Tricia last night, so I haven't been able to update)

Tricia's CO2 levels went down from 59 to 54 last night. 60 is the danger zone when they would be forced to place her on the ventilator. Thanks you for your prayers!

They're checking the baby's heartbeat twice a day, and everything looks great!

They're having problems getting a "central line" in Tricia's body, so please pray that they can figure that out today.

We have lots of family here and coming. Tricia's parents, my parents, Tricia's two sisters (Janet and Megan), and my sister Sarah and Terry are all here. Two of Tricia's brothers, by grandparents and some uncles and aunts are all headed into town the next few days. It's wonderful to have family around.

Some friends have come by and are coming as well. Thank you!

Tricia does not like the ICU room. This is her first visit there, and it's very different than her normal hospital rooms. The security is much tighter, and she can only have a few visitors at a time, and no visitors at certain times. It's much more sterile, and it's very cluttered with all the equipment they'll need for an emergency. She's got at least 6 different tubes and lines running into her arms, chest and tummy.

Some specific prayer requests for today:

> Her CO2 levels need to stay down, and as long as they do, they can keep her off the ventilator. Being intubated to place the ventilator will put her at risk of needing an emergency c section.
> Her central line to be placed soon. This will be a semi-painful procedure, so she's hoping to get it over with soon.
> The baby to stay healthy and kicking.
> Her oxygen level (breathing) to stay above 95.
> Her stress and anxiety to remain low.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to spread the word about Tricia. This blog had almost 3000 hits yesterday (compared to the previous high of 900). I would love to respond to each post individually, but I simply can't, so whether you're a stranger or a close friend, thank you so much! We love you all!

If you are in or close to Durham, feel free to come by the hospital, but let us know in advance. You may not get to see Tricia, but just being here will mean so much to her and our family. Thanks!



  1. Praise God!!! I've been checking all morning for an update!!!! Still praying in MD!

  2. Good news about the C02 levels going down! We were praying late last night and early this morning. Heard from friends in Birmingham Alabama, Orange County California, Seattle Washington, Elizabeth City NC, Norfolk, and Chesapeake Virginia that they and their Church prayer teams were praying for Tricia, the baby, and Nathan last night. God is good all the time. You are powerful witnesses to His Greatness. We are with you in spirit all the way.

  3. So glad hear this good news. We will continue to pray for those specific prayer requests. Please give Tricia and the entire Lawrenson and Kirschner family our love. Love you guys.

    T, Allison and Colin

  4. So happy to hear a good report. Praise God!

    Still praying in TN.

  5. praise God for her c02 levels going down!!! we are still praying here in Tx!!

  6. What an awesome God we serve who says "the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much." There are certainly many fervent prayers on behalf of Tricia. The Baptist High faculty continues to keep you before the throne of grace.

  7. Praying for you, your wife and the baby.

  8. Wonderful news! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

    from Agnes's "old old" friend Judy in Philadelphia

  9. We're continuing to lift you all up to our Awesome God! We have heard from many friends and family who are also praying for Tricia and your family. Praise the Lord for the answers thus far!
    May you all continue to "rest in the shelter of the Most High" (Psalm 91) even as you are surrounded by so much medical equipment. We know Tricia and the baby are safely guarded under His mighty wings!
    Love and prayers,
    Greg and Laura Edwards

  10. Yea for the CO2 levels! Tricia and Nathan - hang in there! We have not stopped praying and thinking about you guys all day! We love you guys!! :) ~ Lisa and Mike (in NJ)

  11. I have never left a comment on this blog... well, maybe I did. Your wife responded a few weeks ago. My kids and I went to church with the Leino's and prayed through that whole experience with them. We feel honored to get to pray through this with you. I had a friend 15 years ago that had cyctic fibrosis before all the new medications, so I know a little of her condition. We are in the Raleigh area and would love to come visit sometime. Let me know if there is anything a local church or just us as a family can do.

    In Him and His healing power,
    Gina and family

  12. Praise God for the lower co2 levels! And for your baby girl's heart beat being strong.

    The ICU does sound very isolating for you Tricia...but safety is fist and foremost at this point. We may not be there with you, but we are praying our hearts out for you. God just won't let me get you guys out of my head and off my I keep praying! And the reminder on my electronic calender helps too!

    Nate, you too are in our prayers, especially as you guys face decisions and now not being with Tricia a much as when she was in a room.

    God is good, and I am praying BIG for His healing for Tricia.

  13. Thanks for the update and encouraging news! Been checking blogs all morning! Hope all of the family arrives safely and everyone gets a chance to see Tricia. Will keep praying constantly.


  14. I don't know you, but am praying. We live in Va Beach now and have been touched by your story. We're praying continuously for Tricia and your precious baby girl.

  15. Continuing to pray...thank you for taking the time to update us...we love you all and have shared your requests with our family in PA who are praying as well.
    Remembering that God is good! All the time...
    All the time, God is good!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I'm a perfect stranger, and stumbled across your blog today. You can count my prayers in for you, Tricia, the baby, your family and friends.

    Take care.

  18. Thanks for the update!! Still praying here in Shelbyville, Tn.

  19. We're praying for you here at Philadelphia Biblical University! Hang in there!

  20. Great news!!!! Praying for you all!

  21. What you guys are going through has some people thinking about prayer and how prayer works. God is in control. Wish we could be there with you now, possibly I'll sneak out for a day next week.
    Tell Tricia and all the family we said "hey".
    Talk to you later.
    Uncle Andy

  22. I'm praying for the both of you & your miracle baby!!! So glad you got good news on the numbers going down!! - Joni from Ohio

  23. I know Tricia from FBC during Jr. High/High school. I'm praying for all of you!

  24. praise the Lord! we are praying constantly and will not stop...we love you all so much!!!

  25. Our God is an Awesome God.

  26. i wanted to let you know too that i continue getting emails from all over the world that you are being prayed for!!! and of course we're praying for you in Mexico...and TONS of our friends here are!!

  27. Continuing to pray for Tricia, the baby, and you.
    Stephanie in CA

  28. We've been checking in all day waiting for update. Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
    The kids have been working on mail to send Tricia. You've been very much a part of our day. Laura Edwards certainly said it best earlier in her post! Nathan,I so wish we could be there for you three like you were for us so unexpectedly when Abigail was in the Burn Unit a couple of years ago b/c that meant more to us than you could ever know! Be strong and of good courage for the Lord your God is with you. Praying for the specifics you are sending out and I'm also praying that the Lord remind you- Nathan- to eat, both physically & of the Word.
    Standing in the gap with you,
    Andersons in TN

  29. Oh Yeah! This is the God we love & adore..."I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing". What a witness to all! We love you guys. "Those who wait upon the Lord, will renew their strength". In constant prayer for you, Steve & Judi Ps: Hello to all the family.

  30. So glad to hear about the CO2 levels going down...
    Keeping you in our constant thoughts and prayers!!!
    ~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

  31. Great news! Thank you Lord!
    We'll keep praying for those CO2 levels and everything to stablize. We're looking forward with you to see what else our precious Lord is going to do!
    We love you.
    The Capano's in NJ.

  32. my goodness...i jsut got the link to your page from a xanga post.
    You guys are amazing to keep going. We have an almighty God who heals today just as miraculously as He did in the bible. He is all powerful and I am praying for you all.

  33. Thanks for the update. Praise Him, the CO2 levels are down. We know He's listening and will keep praying for all of your specific needs. You are both amazing. Love, Sue and Mark

  34. We are still praying for you guys. There's lots of people at Liberty praying too. We love y'all so much! You are such an encouragement through your faith and attitudes. Many, many prayers and praise God for the ones already answered!

  35. I am so glad her levels are going down. I will be praying for your family and their safety.

  36. Happy to hear the update - This story is helping me to keep on witnessing to those that don't yet know Jesus - I Praise God for the both of you and your servants' hearts - still praying for you each and every hour - Love - Denise of the Dale family

  37. thanks for the update...sending my prayers and love from CA

  38. Just want to tell you your wife and baby (and you) are in my prayers.
    I am the mother of 2 CF boys. They are 3 and 1 year olds. I have another boy without CF, he's 5. And, we have a girl on the way...due mid-Feb. We don't know yet if she has CF or not.
    So, even though we're on the otherside of things, your story and journey are of special interest to me.
    My husband is a youth pastor here in Lakeland, FL. I'm a stay-at-home mom (also in Lakeland, FL). =)
    Please tell Tricia our prayers are with her. I'm encouraged as I read both of your blogs. I hope that my kids with CF (and even the ones without it) will be able to see God's hand in it and honor Him.

  39. My thoughts & prayers are with you all. We serve a Mighty God who can do anything!! May you find the peace and encouragement that our loving God gives abundantly.

    God Bless,
    Your Praying Friend in Granite Falls, NC

  40. Greg and I are praying for your family, please let us know if there is anything atall that we can do for you.

    We love all three of you!


  41. I'm checking this blog daily and hoping Tricia feels better soon. I've passed the link on to some friends and they are praying for you all.


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