
Thursday, January 24, 2008


Please, continue to pray for Gwyneth. The x-ray at noon showed there is still inflammation in her bowels. They're watching conservatively right now, but it is serious if it doesn't work itself out soon. The next xray will be at 8pm tonight.

I spoke with the doctor and nurses, and they're told me that she has Distention and could possibly have NEC (Necrotizing Enterocolitic) (although, which is common among preemies/babies, but can be very harmful and even deadly. It could be caused by an infection, by normal bacteria or by a plug somewhere.

They've got her on several antibiotics as precautions. It could work itself out withint the next 24/48 hours, or it could lead to so much pressure that it could cause a leak in her intestines which will cause some serious issues.

This is the first major issue, so of course, we're very concerned. But, this another opportunity for God to show Himself.

Tricia has had another good but tiring day. Two sessions of PT, and now she's off the vent and breathing on her own with some extra O2 for a few hours of trial without the vent!



  1. Sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way.

  2. Praying and praying and praying for all of you..

  3. Prayers coming. :)
    Great news about Tricia, though!

  4. We will continue to lift you all up in prayer! May the Lord strenthen both the girls and bring complete healing. May the Lord continue to wrap you in his love and comfort!

    Blessings from Arizona

  5. We will be praying for your girls!

  6. I have not stopped praying for you and your beautiful girls...I pray for Gwyneth to fight and gain Strength.
    Congratulations for Tricia she has come such a long way in just a short time!
    Hugs to you...and Meka too!

  7. We are praying for your girls! Thanks for the thoroughness of your post that let us know how to better pray. Even though we've never met, our family is in love with these girls!

  8. I'll be thinking of your family. Congratulation to Tricia... sounds like being off the vent is a HUGE step! Thanks for keeping us updated. -Jenny

  9. I will continue to pray! So glad to hear that Tricia is doing well!

  10. Continuing to lift your family up in prayer!

  11. Sending prayers & thinking positive thoughts towards Gwyneth & Tricia.

  12. Oh Dear Jesus, Please bless Gwyneth today. May your loving hand heal any illness in her body. May she grow strong and healthy!

  13. Prayers for Gwyneth. Hopefully it is not NEC.

    Wow, Tricia is doing great! SMILE

  14. I will be praying for your family.
    Caroline Mays

  15. Praying and I'll update the band.
    Good to hear about Tricia's trial run off the vent.

    Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

  16. Praying that this is not NEC. We know how serious NEC can be, and we are sending up lots of prayers for Gwyneth!

  17. Praise God for Tricia's good day! Gwyneth and her caregivers are in my prayers today. Praying for wisdom for the nurses and docs as they try to help baby G and for peace and patience for you and tricia.

  18. My little guy was a 1lb 12ouncer and as soon as I read your previous update I began to pray that Gwyneth would not end up with NEC. Connor was able to just avoid it and it was with so many prayers!!! With that I said I will continue to pray for you, Tricia and especially Gwyneth's gut! (I hope it will bring you some solace to know that my little guy is now 16 months old and 22lbs, walking and talking. Miracles do happen through prayer!!! And it is honor to pay it forward so to speak to your family!) Take Care!

  19. Praying for both of your girls and asking God to keep them safe. Tricia off the vent for a bit, now that is good news. Praying Gwenyth heals. Asking Him to give you continued peace with all that is going on.

    Laurie in Ca.

  20. Sending lots of prayer and love to both the girls!

  21. Praying for Gwyneth and the doctors who are treating Gwyneth and the nurses that are caring for Gwyneth.

    Praising that Tricia is off vent for a short time.

    God Bless.

  22. Praying for your little darling!

  23. My son had the same scare in the NICU (27 weeek preemie), and it did work itself out. It is very scary, but we will continue to pray that God shows himself. I am praying. Glad to hear Tricia had a great day!

  24. Praying for that sweet baby girl and her amazing mommy! Tell Grandma Agnes that I send my thoughts, prayers, and love for her, too.

    Agnes'old friend Judy
    in Philadelphia

  25. nec is scary stuff indeed.
    definitely praying.

  26. Praying for your family!:)

  27. Praying so hard for your girls and for you!!!

  28. we all know that gwyneth is everyone's "white rose". God is watching over her as he cuddles her in his awesome hands.

  29. Praying right now that Gwyneth will be completely healed! We're also rejoicing with Tricia being off the vent ~ great news! Praise the Lord!

  30. Continuing to pray for your little baby!!1 As soon as I read she had inflamation my heart stopped. My little one passed of NEC. I'm praying to God and begging him to let Gwyneth's issues work out and it not be NEC


  31. Wow, off the vent awesome Tricia. Will pray for sweet Gwynie's tummy.

    Lots of prayers going up for both your girls.


  32. As a CF mom, I know the anxiety of praying over my child and hoping for healing. I know these are anxious times for Gwyneth as well. My daughter, Megan, and I are praying for healing for Gwyneth. Praise God that Tricia is off the vent. She looks amazingly good. I hope she will have the strength to transplant soon. I also hope she is keep her muscles exercised, so she'll be strong and ready. God bless your whole family. Margaret Payne

  33. I will be praying extra prayers for Gwyneth.. and will continue the prayers and thankgiving for Tricia.... Danielle

  34. I know you've got great doctors there, and I have no doubt that they are doing everything they can for Gwyneth. I'm only sharing this because we went through this, and it turned out just fine for us. They caught Rowan's NEC very early on, which it sounds like the caught Gwyneth's very early too. They started Rowan on some very powerful antibiotics, and it did end up taking care of it. I just wanted to share our story, hoping it will bring you some hope. Oh, and Rowan weighed the exact amount that Gwyneth does when she had NEC. ;o) They're little fighters, there's no doubt about that.

    I'll continue to pray for her!

    Kristi and the triplets

  35. praying in Ohio for The Great Physician to heal Gwyneth's bowel. As a mom of a miracle baby myself, we prayed literally one organ at a time for our son. He too had thousands of friends, family and strangers praying for him. I am honored to pay it forward and lift up your girls--even though we will likely never meet this side of heaven.

    I am asking God now to move in a mighty way, and surround you all with His peace.

  36. I'm praying for Gwyneth, that she does not have NEC, and I praise the Lord that Tricia is off the vent! My son had NEC, and it was scary, but he is now nearly 20 years old and it had no lasting effects on him. You are all in my thoughts and prayers often, even though we've never met.

  37. Good to hear good news from Tricia's end..... and will continue to be praying and asking God for another amazing miracle on Gwyneth's behalf. I know God can do it!!!! We are expecting a GOOD report and one from the LORD! Many blessings to you all, Meredith/Orlando FL

  38. We will continue to pray for Gwyneth's strength and healing. Praise the Lord for Tricia's good day! No wonder she is tired- she is making great progress!

    Every time we see the pug (Pugsie) on Kyle's bed, we think about precious baby Gwyneth and lift up prayers for her growth and strength. :)

    Love in Christ,
    The Edwards family

  39. Praying for you mighty three,
    lots of extra prayers for Gwyneth Rose...I love her is beautiful and the meaning behind it even more so...
    Tonight we will be praying the night away...
    Showering the Mighty Three and families with Prayers & Love
    Long Island New York

  40. Praying for Gwyneth's little body to heal!
    Glad Tricia continues to improve!

  41. Hoping you just have a gassy girl and no major problems. Either way though, she is in the Lord's hands.

    AWESOME!!! that Tricia is breathing on her own for a while. One of many, many, prayers answered.

    The prayers will continue - God Bless You ALL - Ashley Black

  42. Prayers for everyone, especially Gwyneth.

  43. Loved the 1:30 AM antics!! may as well have some fun and great to see Tricia smiling... Both girls in my prayers--every day will be praying extra hard for Gwyneth... Thanks to your blog, my prayer list grows daily!! Hang in there...lots of folks praying for all of you!

    Shari in FV, NC

  44. We'll be praying for your girls as well. My little Noah was born at 32 1/2 weeks and had NEC. He ended up having to have surgery and is doing fantastically well now. This verse is one of my favorites and I held it close to me during Noah's ordeal "Be confident of this. He that began a good work in you will continue to perform it until it is perfectly complete." Philippians 1:6

  45. Prayers for baby Gwyneth. I also celebrate and praise that Tricia is trying out without the vent. Amazing progress!

  46. God is so great so strong and so mighty there is nothing our GOD cannot do....praying for you sweet babe...this song rang through my mind.

    Kristin in Seattle

  47. Prayers still coming for both girls!!

    Some encouragement: When I was a baby, I was in the NICU because I was partially detached from the placenta. My intestines got distended MANY times, and my belly blew up so much that it literally almost ruptured. The antibiotics worked with me, and I know they'll work for little Gwyneth, too. My mom and dad seriously thought my belly was going to explode!!! They were so scared to even touch me.

    I'm glad there's brighter news on Tricia's end, and I know that in the next couple of days, there will be brighter news for Gwyneth, too!! Thanks for keeping us updated.

    Praying Constantly with Love,

  48. Praying for Gwyneth...happy about Tricia.

    Angela in central Ohio

  49. get better gwyneth! go tricia!

  50. We are praying for sure. So wonderful to see the great pics of you and Tricia. I am so proud of her determination. Your family is such an inspiration and we are so proud of you all.

    Luke and Tara

  51. Lots of prayers coming your way!!

  52. Nathan you are such a strong husband,your wife is a woman who's strength surpasses all,
    you are father to a daughter who has the strength of both of her parents, which makes her a fighter
    like no other ! ! ! !
    Showering You & Yours With Prayers
    Long Island New York

  53. Continually sending up prayers for your girls, Nate. Praying that the Lord keep showing the world all that he can do. Praying that you and Tricia are comforted with knowledge that He is holding Baby Gwyneth in His arms as she is confronted with this possible infection. Praying for His healing power to take over. Praying that your sweet wife continues to improve and breath on her own. Praying that tomorrow finds you three full of God's grace. >:0)

  54. Nate,

    My wife and I have twins in the NICU now (born 26 weeks, almost 7 weeks old now). The smaller has had a huge potbelly for weeks, and several NEC scares from inflammed bowels, heme-positive stools, and gastric residuals.

    Yet, so far, no NEC -- just lots of scares.

    Also, one of the neighboring babies (30 weeker) had a terrible x-ray a week ago that, as of now, is nothing at all!

    From what I know, the x-ray is the main way in which NEC is diagnosed, but there are plenty of other signs (like grossly bloody stools, which we hope that Gwyneth doesn't have).

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for the 8pm xray.

  55. I'm praying hard and often for your beautiful little girl.

  56. Many prayers going to you, Tricia, and Gwyneth

  57. Praying so hard tonight that whatever is going on with Gwyneth will be miraculously gone by morning and that she will be happy and healthy. Prayers for Tricia and you tonight as well that you can both have peace and rest tonight.

  58. I'm so so sorry to hear about Gwyneth but it is good to hear about Tricia hope to hear good new that Gwyneth is doing better in the next 24/48hrs praying a lot for you and your family
    Love Skye Robertson

  59. Praying for healing for Baby Gwyneth


  60. Praise God that Tricia is breathing on her own.. I will be praying for God to show us his power through sweet little Gwyneth!!

  61. Heard an old cheesy 1980s song on the way home from church last night on Delilah's syndicated show. For a Man, Woman, and Baby on the way they played 'Nothin's gonna stop Us', and it made me think of you guys. Your faith is a lighthouse to the rest of us. All God's blessings to you and your Girls

  62. We're praying for healing for Gwyneth and thanking Him for Tricia's ability to breathe on her own.

  63. Praying the ultrasound shows/showed a decrease in the distention and no NEC or any other serious complication.

    Great news about Tricia. :) She's Wonder Woman!

  64. We will be praying!!!

  65. Keeping both of your girls in my thoughts & prayers. Hoping especially for good news from the most recent X-rays.

  66. Going before the throne of Grace....may God continue to care for all of you!

  67. As the mother of a preemie that had NEC my thoughts and prayers are with you, Gwyneth, Tricia and your family.

  68. Wow. So proud of Tricia. That is great news and I will pray specifically for little Gwyneth over the next day or so. Keep us updated.


  69. Praying that God will heal every tiny bit of infection and complication in sweet Gwyneth! So glad Tricia's doing better and better! May God continue to bless and keep you and your girls each and every night.
    Love, Leslie

  70. Gwyneth is a precious little fighter! She will be in our prayers extra tonight! We are expecting God's hands to rest on her and His healing power to be evident in her!

  71. We were told most preemies had a 2 week *honeymoon* period. We were on NEC watch many many times.. it is scary.. you will continue to be in our prayers!

  72. Elizabeth and I said extra prayers for you all tonight.

  73. I'm praying for you guys! Hope Gwyneth will be better soon. Glad about Tricia, though! :)
    God bless you guys.

  74. we are praying also. blessings from florida.

  75. Praying and thinking of you and your beautiful family :)

  76. I try to hop on here a few times a day to know exactly how to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth. Thank you for keeping us updated even in the midst of chaos.

    Praying for Gwyneth's tummy issues to resolve.

  77. I'm praying hard for God to clear up what's going on with Gwyneth's bowels. I know it's concerning, but God has shown that He has His hand in this. :)

    I'm happy to hear Tricia is doing well and even breathing without the vent. What a blessing!

  78. We continue to pray daily but will be specific that Gwyneth's inflamation goes away and that Tricia does well without the vent! How exciting!!!

  79. I'm on an internet/media fast from Friday morning to Monday morning for you guys (can't do food. I'm nursing a baby.) But my hubby will be given instructions to check in and let me know how are are doing! Esp Gwyneth now. . . DEF praying.

  80. Gwyneth and her amazing parents are very much in my thoughts and prayers tonight.

  81. I'll certainly be praying for little Gwyneth, for healing in her intestines and wisdom for her drs. Glad Tricia had a good day and hope her fever is gone!
    Debbi (Aspiemom)

  82. Abba, Daddy I know that your ways are not our ways. I ask Lord that you would reveal yourself in a big way tonight in the life and health of baby Gwyneth. You know her needs, you know exactlty what is needed to get her past this latest hurtle. You are faithful to your children and we trust you again for the unknown. We love you Lord and praise you for what you have done, are doing and will do in the life of this family. Thank you Jesus that you love this little one even more than her partents do. Thank you Jesus that you go and make intersession for us to your Father when we don't even have the words to pray. Hear us O Lord and come to the aide of this little precious baby.

  83. I had twin preemies and know all about the roller coaster ride of the NICU:) I will be praying for Gwyneth to have healed intestines and no NEC and for Tricia to feel better again! Praying for you all!!

  84. We're still praying! We love you guys!
    ~ Lisa and Mike Wehrle (in NJ)

  85. Hi- I check your blog every few days for updates. I totally cracked up at your reference to "reality tv." I felt that same way when people were so obsessed with our blog a few years ago. My husband and I laughed over that one! Many blessings to you guys. I pray for you often.
    Riverside, CA

  86. Prayers continue for all but extra ones for Gwyneth. Way to go Tricia!

  87. Praying for all 3 of you! You are an amazing and strong family,

    God Bless,

  88. I am sending lots of prayers for Gwyneth. I have a preemie son who survived N.E.C twice in the Nicu! Praying that she will get through this. She is a fighter!

    Great and wonderful news to hear of the good day that Tricia had!

  89. I am praying for you, your wife, and your little girl. The only one who truely knows your heart and this journey is the LORD alone. I think its so awesome that you are sharing this with " us"..
    I am a RN nurse, i work at a hospital in north Florida. I see sickness every day but i know who the THE PHYSICIAN is and he is on his throne.
    In Christ,
    Laura Russell

  90. Prayers that Gwyneth's belly will begin to show positive signs of healing soon. How exciting for Tricia to take some breaths on her own. Hurrah!!

  91. praying tons for you all here in mexico...miss and love you so much...especially praying for God to grant you peace that PASSES understanding

  92. De-lurking to say: As a Mom of a preemie born just a few weeks ago, who spent much time in the hospital, I know where your coming from. Sending prayers upon prayers for you and yours.

  93. Praying for sweet Gwyneth tonight...

  94. Before I started reading your webpage I was pretty scared of where the world is heading. On the news everyday we hear scary stories of how people are doing horrible things to eachother. Your webpage has given me so much hope. So many people are touched by your story and are praying so much for Tricia and Gwyneth. It amazes me. Throughout the day I am constantly reminded of your family. Listening to songs on christian radio - I think of your faith. Everytime I pray my thoughts return to Tricia and Gwyneth's struggles. My life has become so much more focused since I've been following your webpage. It is amazing how God is using your journey to bring so many people closer to Him. Thank you for sharing with us and thank you for sharing other inspirational stories/people with us. It has forever changed the outlook I have on life.
    -Becky in Texas

  95. Praying so hard for little Gwyneth - that the inflammation goes away and that it's not NEC. And for strength for all of you.

  96. Praying this works itself out on its own Nate. Sending positive thoughts to your family. Great news about Tricia.

  97. praying for you guys. isaac had some scares w/nec, so we're praying real specifically for your little rose.

  98. I continue to pray for your precious girls. I pray that Gwenyth's issues will resolve without a lot of intervention. I pray that Tricia will continue to grow strong to be able to spend time with your baby girl. Blessings to each of you.- Lynne B.

  99. I will be praying specific prayers for Gwyneth. My son had the most severe form of NEC and his bowel was perforated in 2 places. He lost over 3/4 of his small bowel and ileocecal valve and has done miraculously well considering he had such poor odds to survive at all. Transplants and NEC are two subjects close to my heart and I have been praying for your family.

  100. Praise the Lord for Tricia's good report! I'm continuing to pray for Gwyneth, to the One who knit her together in the womb....

  101. This is my first time signing.....but I've read the entire blog. I found your site from Haley Palmers two families are the only ones I've ever known of with CF so I'm new to learning about it and its awful! I've always donated money and not known what it is! I like the roses calenders they send:) Sounds shallow but I give with a good heart:) Anyway....I love your posts and you guys are amazing and I LOVE your spirit, faith in God and attitude. I am praying for your family! I know they will both be fine, how could they not? I'll be reading and praying for you!

    Shannon n Kyle

  102. Praying for you three and the complications that you face on this road...

    Loving your family!

  103. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. You are a beautiful family! A very close friend of mine has a 24- weeker and she is now thriving at 1 year old!


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