
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pray For The Girls

Tricia woke up today with a slight fever, and although her temp is back to normal, she doesn't feel as good as she did yesterday. Please, pray that she does not have an infection and that she'll continue to feel better every day. She did some PT today, and everyone continues to be impressed with her progress.

The doctors and nurses are watching Gwyneth very closely today...her intestines are inflamed, which could simply be gas that will work itself out, or it could be something very bad. She has been pooping a little every now and then, which is a good sign, so they not sure what the issue is. They'll take an x-ray every 6 hours until they figure it out. This is keeping her from being fed and from being moved to the CPAP.




  1. Father, please strengthen Tricia's body to resist any form of infection. Please strengthen Gwyneth's body as well and give the doctors wisdom as the search for the cause of this issue. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  2. Nate & Tricia,
    We're praying NOW!

  3. Praying for your girls.

    Angela in central Ohio

  4. On our knees praying for your precious treasures.

  5. Praying for both girls.

  6. Praying that both Tricia and Gwyneth are able to fight off any infection that may be there!

  7. Praying right here in VB! May God send his healing power to get rid of the inflammation and fever.

  8. Praying that this to shall pass Quickly!

  9. Praying for the 3 of you
    this morning,right now,and always
    showering you guys with prayers
    long island new york

  10. Praying for your girls....

  11. Nate and Tricia- Praying for your family right now that God will quickly heal both Tricia and Gwyneth.

    Love, The Hagers in Michigan

  12. praying for your precious family in Ohio!

  13. Nathan - quite familiar with the digestive issues with our quads...just know that they are VERY precautious in the NICU which is a GREAT thing.....hope they are erroring in the side of caution! Thanks for allowing us to pray specifically for this request!
    Lifting up the girls,
    Tha Murray Quad Crew

  14. Prays continue from GA

  15. Praying healing over your girls...

  16. Tons of prayers going your way!
    May both your girls feel better soon!

  17. I am so thankful that we serve a God that hears our every prayer!! I am praying fervently for you all!!

  18. Praying and hoping they feel better as quickly as possible!

  19. Praying that the Lord wrap His healing arms around both of your girls as well as a sheild of protection from infection or something worse.

  20. Praying for your girls!
    May the issues resolve themselves.
    Looking forward to seeing God answer your prayer requests.


  21. My daughter Carissa and I are praying in Philly for you -- for no infection for Tricia and for healthy intestines for Gwynneth. And for a continued transcending peace to guard your hearts & minds in Christ Jesus. Even for Gwynneth's little heart & mind.

  22. Praying for both Tricia and Gwyneth!!

  23. Praying for no infection in either of your girls, while I have no experience with what is going on with Tricia, I do remember all to well the issues with Kellars intestines and the watch and wait..Praying that Gwyneths will clear up..Surgical nec was actually one of the scariest things we went through with Kellar, praying for the girls!!!

  24. Oh My? Sorry to hear this. I hope and Pray for Trica to be infection free and to gain strength...I hope and Pray for Gwyneth to show improvement and has nothing serious. Your Beauties are fighters!

  25. I'm praying for them both, as well as for you, the doctors and nurses, and all who are involved in their care.

    I just saw this on Yahoo and thought of you guys...

  26. We are praying for you here in Pa!

  27. Just prayed for both of your girls.


  28. hoping things get better quickly with no complications.

  29. Praying so hard for your girls. I remember when my boys were in the NICU (they were born at 30 weeks) The NICU thought one of my sons had intestinal infection (NEC). Thanks to my best friends parents, who were on a spiritual retreat, praying so hard for this intestinal infection to be gone, and all of our family and friends praying also. And two days later, he had NO signs of NEC. THANK YOU, JESUS
    I know the power of prayer, I know our God heals. Your daughter WILL be fine.


  30. Praying here in Raleigh, NC

  31. Praying for your precious girls!!!

  32. My preemie had that same thing.....and they scared us ended up being Gas. I will pray like crazy that it's nothing! And pray for your wife too!

  33. Love you all and praying! Lori in Haiti

  34. Thank you for sharing specifics...praying, and will continue!

  35. we are praying for you! On another note, what kind of camera are you using? I can't decide if the gorgeous pictures are b/c of the subjects, the camera operator or the camera...or even all 3. :) Thanks!

  36. praying for continued strength, recovery and peace

  37. I'm praying for Tricia and little Gwyneth. May the Lord heal each of them of their complications.

  38. Praying now from England

  39. Praying for both of your sweet Girls to be healed and infection free. May they continue to recover on the path to reuniting with one another.
    Rachel in PA

  40. Praying for you all....

  41. i've been reading your blog for a few weeks now (jana forwarded it to me), and you and your girls are definitely in my prayers. God is good and awesome and your faith is such a light in this dark world. my family and i will continue praying for yours.

  42. Praying now. Love yu.

  43. we are still praying.loved the pictures below. you guys are so cute. blessings from Florida.

  44. Praying right now for Tricia to have no infection and for Gwyneth's little tummy.

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  45. Praying for the 3 of you & the entire medical staff. Expecting God's work to be evident once again! What an encouragement to know that so many people all over are praying together for you guys! So cool!

    Sara in MD

  46. Praying for both of your girls.

  47. I came across your blog today--My prayers go out to Trisha and Gwyneth. Thanks for sharing your stories, thoughts and pictures. The pictures of Gwyneth are so precious--what a little miracle. The support you have from family and friends is incredible. Your unwavering faith is also such an inspiration. I will continue to pray for your family and look forward to seeing Gwyneth getting bigger than the pug :) Trisha--praying that you are able to resist infection and continue to get stronger.
    Kristie in Minnesota

  48. Praying right now! Remembering Phil 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!"
    Keep your focus on Him!

  49. Praying for you all!
    God's love and peace,
    Cousin Amy

  50. I love to read the comments people post on this blog! Nate, your girls are being prayed for around the clock and around the globe! God is certainly at work here. We are continuing our prayers for you here in MN.

  51. Me and the kids prayed for Gwyneth and Tricia this morning and will continue to pray for them. God's hand has been in this since the beginning and he will not abandon you now!

  52. I'm praying right now! And I will continue to pray for them.

  53. As always, in my prayers! Loved the pics of you & Tricia from last night. Gwyneth will surely have a good sense of humor!

  54. Here in TX am praying for your girls and for you too. God Bless you all.

  55. Addicted to your blog, from Bethlehem, PA. I love that you update it so often. I just found your blog on Monday night. I am a born again, RN, Pastor's daughter from Bethlehem, PA who is just a month younger than Tricia. When I found that out, I was even more hooked. There is something about knowing someone going through this that is only my age. I also am 25 weeks pregnant with our second child, so this blog is really an inspiration to me. Your daughter is beautiful. I am just amazed at the faith and love of your family. Praying, praying, praying.

    Lisa R.

  56. Thinking and prayer for them harder then ever today.

  57. When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father,the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth.I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.
    May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
    Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Eph 3:14-21

  58. I've been following your story via, and you all are such an inspiration. Thanks Nate for keeping us all up to date, up to the minute. It's not like you don't have other things to do, I'm sure! I think about you all everyday and pray that Gwyneth and Tricia remain strong.


  59. I've been following your story on and am inspired by all of you. Thanks Nate for keeping us all up to date, up to the minute on what's happening there at the hospital. It's not like you don't have other things to do, I'm sure! I think about you all everyday and hope that Tricia and Gwyneth remain strong. My prayers are with you.

    41 w/CF & CFRD

  60. Praying harder than ever!!! I'm praying that there is no infection, that it is just gas, and that the Lord will guide the doctors to know exactly what to do with both of them!! He has seen you through SO many other things so far, this is just another miracle waiting to happen! Keep your head up! God will see you through.

  61. Praying in Indianapolis right now

  62. This happened to us a few times in the nicu as well. The boys it always turned out to be nothing, but Rowan did turn out to have NEC, but thank God the antibiotics took care of it.

    I will be praying for both of your girls today.

  63. We are praying for both, Tricia and Gwyneth. Take care of yourself also.

  64. Prayers are coming your way!

  65. The Hamiltons are praying double-time for your girls.

  66. I just found out about the three of you through a friend on Facebook. My 5 year old daughter has a friend with CF so I was drawn to your story. I was up past midnight catching up on your lives through your blog. My 5 year old wants me to tell you she is praying to Jesus RIGHT NOW!! and so am I. Sending prayers from Vancouver, Canada.

  67. Praying for your girls!

  68. Praying for the three of you (and for EVERYONE else connected), that God will have HIS way, that He will make Himself known to all involved, and that it be His will to keep Tricia and Gwyneth whole and in His care -- and continually amazed at the AWESOME GOD we serve!
    I'm so grateful to you all for giving all of us the opportunity to pray for and bless you, God's hands are all over this situation and it's amazing that you've allowed so many strangers to have a part in it. I feel so blessed by that :)

  69. super big prayers for Tricia and Gwyneth!

    Dear Father in Heaven,
    I'm extremely frightened in hearing Gwyneth's intestined are inflamed, please reach down and heal her body lord.

    In your loving name

  70. Praying for mommy and baby girl.

  71. Hope its not bad news Ill be praying for u guy
    love Skye

  72. praying in the obxxx :)

  73. Nate and Tricia,

    There is a little guy in Texas, named Coy. While he may have to get over the fact that Gwyneth Rose outweighed him by two ounces, he's already sent her a shout out by sign language. Seven weeks in and he's about 2.5 lbs. and gettin' that double chin look. I believe firmly in the power of prayer and the more the merrier. Specifically praying that Tricia's immune system strengthens and fights any kind of infection. Praying that Gwyneth's intestines are just gassy and it passes. Take care, Jeri

  74. Nathan and Tricia, I have spent the last three days reading your story after I discovered it on the Leino's blog. I have prayed with each passing post and have been blessed to see God has answered so many prayers along the way already. You inspire with your faith and courage. May God continue to bless you both with His best each and every day.

  75. Nate, I'm writing from Josh's computer on behalf of the Honduras team. We've received your comments and have shared them with Team Helene. Everyone is out in the "field" completing projects, having band practice for a service tomorrow night on the prayer deck and preparing dinner. I will spread the word about your prayer request for the girls--maybe by the time you get this there will be good news about their progress. We pray for you, Tricia and Gwyneth every day. We love you, Barbara Kay

  76. Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth and also for you to be given extra strength as its sometimes very hard to be the one who is upholding.

  77. I hope that Gwyneth's intestines begin to heal. I have a question. Can she eat? Do they feed her formula from a little eye dropper since Tricia cannot hold her to feed her.

    I also hope Tricia gets strong and healthy,

    Cheryl from Virginia


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