
Friday, January 25, 2008

I Find This Amusing...

So, one of Tricia's Attendings (big time doctors) today looks just like Matthew Fox from the TV show, LOST. soon as I saw him, that's what I thought probably didn't hurt that he was wearing a doctor's coat (Fox plays Dr. Jack Shephard). I just thought you'd like to know...


Make sure you read below for the latest update!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Almost makes you want to get sick. :-) Okay this comment is for Tricia. Nathan, you might not enjoy this guys as a doctor as much as us girls would.

  3. Huh. I haven't noticed that guy. Must be I'm blinded by my adoration for my husband. ;)

  4. Is he a Critical Care doctor (or a "cowboy" as I like to call them)?

    Intensivists often are very attractive :0) More attractive than Pulmonoslogist, IMHO. I think that's where the turf war come into play... :)

  5. So many good things. (Not just the hot doctor!). But the daily ways God is showing himself. Praying for you and your girls.

  6. THAT'S why you're going to make sure and stay with Tricia tonight. J/K. So glad to hear the good report. I hope Tricia gets some good sleep tonight!!!

  7. I continue to pray for your precious girls. I thank God that He is bringing them to full and perfect completion. I pray that Tricia and Gwenyth will soon be reunited to spend time loving on each other as mother and daughter. Blessings to you, Dad!

    With love, Lynne B.

  8. If it had been a Sawyer lookalike I would have been applying for a visa.....
    Lovely to see some new piccies - Gwyneth's little hairy shoulders are so cute. Christian was only 5 weeks prem but he had really hairy shoulders too.
    I'm thinking of you all.

    Audrey (CF UK)

  9. I remember my stay at UNC hospitals during 1995. I had the HOTTEST intern ever. He was only a few years older than me and I thought "hmmm wonder if HE'S available. Bet he'll make tons of money and he'll be able to figure out what's wrong with me."

    He seemed to spend a lot of time in my room and told me I had the best hair of anyone he had ever seen with a week long EEG machine attached to it. :D He said the next week he would be with the adults and I was the only "adult" on the children's wing so he wanted to spend a lot of time with me. (uh huh now that I think back on it, maybe he just had a "thang" for me

    I am so glad that Tricia has hot doctors. It makes the whole stay worth while (Oh wait .... according to Nathan ... Tricia's husband is the hottest thing ever). :o)

  10. ha! yay for cute doctors! my daughter's cardiologist looks just like denzel washington! it makes the appts. much easier to deal with =)

  11. Hey Nathan, beyond a shadow of a doubt that Doc has NOTHIN' on YOU
    =) =)
    Long Island New York
    still praying praying praying

  12. No wonder Tricia feels better!

    Praying all day for you in Michigan...

  13. Nate, No biggy, but please ask my permission before you use my picture again.
    Uncle Scott

  14. Wow! We're supposed to be praying that Tricia LEAVES the hospital and that's kinda hard if her doctor looks like that! Tricia, fix your hair... do your makeup! :o)

    Sorry Nate... got sidetracked!

    The pics would have filled me with tears if I hadn't read about Doctor Hotty first!

    Sweet, precious Gwyneth is God's gift! I just want to wrap my arms around her and give her a kiss. Thank you so much for sharing this little miracle!


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