
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm a Daddy!

1lb 6oz

She is stable, and I'm waiting to go down to NICU to see her. The delivery doc brought us a picture...she has hair (go figure with the two of us). That's all I know.

Tricia is sleeping in ICU. The next 24 hours will be critical for Tricia. She's doing well on the vent, but until she's awake, we won't know fully what the future looks like. I spent 5 minutes with her before they kicked me out to do some things.

I'll give more details later, but 75 people in the OR tells you something of the miracle that today has been so far. Lots of tears, both of fear and of joy.

Your prayers over the next few days will be the most treasured.



  1. we are praying for all three of you. we love you guys and can't wait to see that beautiful girl of yours

  2. And a good looking daddy you are, just like your uncle.


  3. Congrats to mom and dad, many prayers still going up for all of you.


    The three of you are in my prayers (and hopefully of those that read my blog, too)!!!

  5. Awww - we're all praying down here in South FL!!!!

    Much love to Mommy, Daddy & sweet baby girl Gwyneth!

  6. Wow - just wow as the tears of joy are flowing. Thank you God!

  7. So relieved--will still keep praying here in VB. God is good.


  8. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. . .

  9. Still praying, congrats!
    Was saying on your dad's blog that my nephew was born about the same size 5 years ago and he is now a crazy energetic little boy. He is also very spiritually minded and is already telling all his friends in Day Care about Jesus. Will pray the same for your little girl. Will also be lifting Trish in prayer!

  10. Congrats to you both, it truly is a blessing in so many ways- and my prayers will continue!

  11. Congratulations to both of you!We'll continue praying! And thanks, again, for taking the time to keep us all updated.

  12. Prayers for all of you. I pray that God would wrap his healing arms around both Tricia and Gwyneth and keep them both safe. Help them to come through the next 24hrs with a strength that only God can provide.

  13. Congradulations! I am continuing to pray for the three of you in CA. Praise God and all of his blessings!

  14. Congratulations! Im praying for the 3 of you!!!

  15. Congratulations, Nate! Congratulations, Tricia!
    Welcome to the world, baby girl!

    I'm still praying, and I've posted with links to both your blog and your dad's.

    Prayers will keep coming.

  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! How wonderful! You and your family are all in my prayers! All Praise and Glory to God! Ugh.. the tears won't stop! I can't wait to see pics!


    Your families testimonty has been a blessing to us! We will continue to cover you, your wife and your daughter in prayer

    In HIS love,
    ( Mooresville NC)

  18. Congratulations Daddy! We continue to pray for all of you.

  19. the 3 of you consume my thoughts and prayers. praise God for taking the 3 of you miraculously thru this day. we will continue to ask God to intercede for both of your girls.

  20. Soli Deo Gloria! To God be the glory for the things He has done and will do!

    Congratulations and will be continuing to pray for Tricia, Gwyneth and your family.

    Thanks for the updates ...

    Sister In Christ
    Annapolis, MD

  21. Congrats to the new Daddy! You all have been in our prayers all day long and we won't stop now! "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:7

  22. Congratulations! I'm elated for you all and I'm just praising God so much for you and your situation. I will continue to pray fervently for you......

    *amazed at God*

    "for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you a hope and a FUTURE!!! Jeremiah 29:11 (paraphrased)
    I have come to give you Life and to give it to you ABUNDANTLY!
    Our Lord is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow! We serve a God of Miracles!!!!!!
    STAND FIRM in your fight for LIFE!
    Continuing to raise your Family up to the God of all Creation, the Giver of Life, the "confounder" (is that a word) of the "Wise"

    HE is the Very Air that We Breathe!!!
    Praying for God's Amazing Healing Power to flow through every cell of your beautiful wife and daughter's body - from the sole of their feet to the tops of their heads.
    we agree with you in prayer for continued Miracles!
    We love you!
    Cindy/Greg Wise

  24. How Great Is Our God! Not only to bring Gwyneth into the world and stabilize so quickly, but also to have so many medical folks there to witness His awesome power and love for His children. What a Great God we serve! We continue to pray for Tricia's safe and strong recovery!

    Danny and Suzy

  25. Congratulations Daddy. Prayers will not cease.

    Psalm 139

  26. Congratulations!!! Loving thoughts are going out to you and prayers of healing for Tricia and Gwyneth!!

    -Sophia, Jenn, and Erica
    The Staff at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

  27. Amazing - what a journey!!

    I'm on holidays but am still reading your blog while I'm away. I will post updates when I'm back to the office this week.

  28. Congratulations!! Praying for rest and recovery for Tricia, and a good report for Gwyneth. Praying for you too, Nate, to be able to love and cherish your girls. :)

    What a mighty God we serve!

  29. Congratulations! Although we've never met I have felt the need to check for updates on your blog. You & your wife's story is truly inspiring. My coworker put out a "9-1-1" in her prayer chain and we will continue to pray that both Mommy and Daughter gain strength. Children really are a gift from God and I wish you and your family all the best!

  30. Congratulations Nate and Tricia!
    Welcome Precious Gwyneth!

    The 3 of you have been in our prayers all day, my children keep asking about you and we keep stopping our day to pray and will continue to do so. Praising God for all He has done today and will continue to do!!

  31. Our office here at Liberty is still praying for all of you and will continue to do so!! Congratulations and God Bless you for your decision for life!

  32. Praise God! Let the miracles continue!

  33. Praying!! I just picked up my 16.9 oz water bottle and realized that your baby girl doesn't weigh much more. Insane, but proves what a miraculous God we have.

    I'm going to tell everyone on my site to pray for y'all!

  34. praying praying praying for all of you!!!

  35. CONGRATS!!!
    You will both be amazing parents.
    We are still praying. :)
    We love all 3 of you!
    ~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

  36. congratulations!
    your pride is seeping out of my computer screen! as it should. precious! we are keeping you all in our prayers. thank you, jesus!

    much love to your sweet family!

  37. You don't know me, but I have a little boy with cf and started reading trish's entries awhile ago. When I read that she was pregnant, I was so happy for her. When I found out there were complications I started praying and thinking about both of you all of the time. I have been following all your up-dates since trish went in the hospital. I pray every day for the three of you. Today, I have been on here all day waiting for some word. I feel like I know you and you are a part of my family.

    Congratulations on the birth of that little miracle. I will continue to pray for her and her mom and her dad too. I can't wait to see pics. Tricia is an amazing lady!!!

  38. Continuing to pray!

  39. Congratulations, Daddy Nathan! We are not slowing one bit in our fervent prayer for you three. Just cherish your moments w/Tricia, Gwyn, & family.

  40. Praise God!!! Congrats...and we are still praying!

  41. CONGRATS!!!!! More prayers coming your way for Tricia and baby girl!

  42. Congratulations! Prayers are still being said for you and your family.

    I will continue to pray for you all throughout the night x x x x

  44. congratulations. my prayers are with you and your family throughout this. best wishes for you and your family!

  45. Hello,
    I recieved an email from a fellow blogger friend to read your blog and pray for ya'll. I am in Rocky Mount NC and just want you to know that we serve the Ultimate Healer and your whole family is in my prayers. Reading your blog has amazed me. I love my God and am thankful that he uses people like you to be witnesses for Him.


  46. Congratulations on your precious little girl. Our prayers are with Tricia as she rests in ICU, that HIS healing hands will touch her and her body will strengthen. Our prayers are with you as you wait, that HIS peace and comfort surround you and HIS assurance rest in your heart. Your and Tricia's lives are an AMAZING witness!

  47. Congratulations on becoming parents. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family.
    Pam and Matt Landrum

  48. Why is it that I cry every time I read your and your dad's posts???? I'm so happy that things have gone well and will continue taking you and your family to the throne. (Aspiemom)

  49. Our prayers are with you. Congratulation on being parents.
    Matt and Pam Landrum

  50. Our prayers are with you. Congratulation on being parents.
    Matt and Pam Landrum

  51. Our prayers are with you. Congratulation on being parents.
    Matt and Pam Landrum

  52. Congratulations Daddy! I'll still be praying for Tricia and Gwyneth as well as strength for all of you.

  53. Praying fervently for your sweet wife and tiny baby girl (and you and your families as well)! The Lord is gracious and is walking before you in all of this!

    Blessings and prayers,

  54. Nate and Tricia, congratulations on the birth of your precious little princess

    Happy birthday Gwyneth Rose

    My thoughts are with you all

    Love, Marjolein
    23/CF/from the Netherlands
    member of

  55. Congratulations Daddy and Mommy. Praying for all three of you continually and that Tricia wakes up from this with no complications and perfect. Praise the Lord for his promises and protection. Praying for Gwyneth to be strong and perfect. May this be the first of many miracles to come. I think you have earned them.

    Laurie in Ca.

  56. Congratulations to all!
    Praying through tears of joy here in VB! We will keep you uplifted to the Great Physician!

    The Edwards family

  57. so exciting!!! P.T.L.A.T.P. (praise the Lord, answer to prayer). that's one of my favorite sayings. me and margot are at work and have been checking every ten minutes and praying for y'all. we are so happy for you and will continue to lift up tricia and the baby. you're going to be a great daddy, a funny one too!

  58. To all who follow this story & have known Tricia, please be sure to scroll down the main blog page the the entry "For Tricia" & leave encouragement for her when she wakes.

  59. Congrats!!!

    Still praying in Michigan!

  60. Congratulations Daddy!!! The prayers aren't stopping!

  61. Congrats to both Mommy and Daddy. We are all still praying on the OBX.

  62. Congratulations! your family was the first on my mind when i woke up this morning at 5am PST (Earlier than usual). Prayed for you guys for a long time this morning and have continued praying all day long. Prayers from Washington State. God bless you, Tricia, and baby Gwyneth! Our God is good!


  63. Thanking Him that He is a God of miracles. ((Congratulations Mommy and Daddy!)) Birthday Blessings to Gwyneth........keeping you all in prayer. Thank you for your updates. They mean so much to us.

  64. Congratulations mommy & daddy! what a precious gift! can't wait to see pix of baby Gwyneth! I've been updating my blog, church prayer chain, and many friends here in Mexico...God bless!

  65. Congratulations!!!!

    The girls in my office and I are rejoicing with you! We can't wait to see pictures!! We'll continue to pray!

    Whitney Atkinson

  66. Lots of prayers to you, Tricia and baby Gwyneth...& Congratulations :)

  67. Thanking God for the blessings thus far...and still praying.


  68. Rejoicing and crying with you, to God be the glory!

  69. Congrats, Daddy and Mommy. i love you guys and so very proud of you.
    Yes you are good looking, Andy says just like your uncle, who does your uncle look like? Aunt Donna!!!! Prays are constantly with all of you.

  70. Although I don't know you I would just like to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers . I hope that all goes well with Patty & Gwyneth Rose.Love nikki Coventry England

  71. Congratulations.

    Can't wait to see pics of the little princess!

    Love in Christ!,

  72. Praise God - still praying and crying and praying and crying.....
    love you all Denise


  74. Congratulations! Still praying!

  75. Congratulations! Can't wait to see pictures of sweet Gweneth Rose.

    Praying for all three of you....

  76. Sending lots and lots and lots of prayers for all of you from Nebraska!

  77. Wow...what a day! Thank you God, You are Awesome! Congratulations everyone. If I don't get back to work, you might have to hire me as babysitter! Love you, Judi

  78. Praise God for this miracle. Still praying for all of you. God bless all of you and wrap you in his peace.

  79. So excited! Congratulations!!!

    Praying for you ALL!

  80. Congratulations to Tricia and you on your little girl's arrival. Still praying for you all.

  81. Congrats, you're a dad...better yet, Rick and Gail are Gramps and Granny!
    Thanks God.

  82. Praying that the Lord would be so near y'all during this time!!

  83. WOW...we are just plain humbled by your faith and the entire situation. Just as the Leino family so deeply touched our hearts and increased our faith...your story has our family praying, crying and rejoicing with you!
    Congratulations on the birth of your precious miracle!!!May she and Tricia have a beautiful testimony to share with millions who still do not believe...
    Prayers and Hugs from Raleigh...
    Claire Adams <><

  84. What an awesome God we serve. I am praising Him for the safe arrival of your precious Gwyneth, and for bringing Tricia through the surgery. I'll continue to pray, along with thousands of others, for all of you. Can't wait to see pictures. Brenda

  85. Congratulations!!!! How amazing!!! We are still praying!!! We love you guys!!! ~Lisa (in NJ)

  86. Congratulations! I don't know you all, but have been praying for you all ever since I found a link to your site through a friend's a couple days ago.

  87. Wow! What wonderful news. We continue to pray for wisdom for the doctors as they take care of Tricia and Gwyneth. Praying also for strength and patience for the rest of the families. Matt and Kristin Schell

  88. Happy Birthday baby girl.
    Inspired by your story in Texas.
    Thanks for reminding me to treasure every moment of the day.

  89. Congratulations Nathan & Tricia. You must be so proud of your wife Nathan. She chose LIFE and God gave you a beautiful daughter. I can not wait until we see postings of your little white Rose.

  90. Congrats!!! I have a 2 year old former preemie born at 1 lb 8 oz. I definitely did not face the hardships you and Tricia have, but please do email me if you have any questions about having a preemie or just want to talk to a parent who has had one.


  91. Congrats to all three of you! Our prayers are with all of you.

  92. Praise the Lord! Our prayers will continue. Much, much love! Joel and Joanna

  93. Hi...I was sent to your site by RandomlyJoyful's xanga. I will be praying for your little family. God is good. I will be praying that He will give you the grace and strength you need to be strong for Tricia. I will be praying for Tricia's quick recovery so she can be with her little girl. And I will also be praying for your little blessing. I hope that God's presence will surround all three of you daily.

    Your Sister in Christ,

  94. What a miracle! You are all in my heart and prayers. May God continue to bless all three of you.

    Congratulations to Mommy, Daddy, and all of the grandparents.

    Love from Agnes' olld friend Judy

  95. Congrats on your new little one :) I am the Mom of a preemie baby girl that was 1 lb 15 oz, who is absolutley beautiful today, and this was my favorite poem when she was born 18 months ago :)

    ~*~How Preemie Moms Are Chosen~*~
    (Erma Bombeck)

    Did you ever wonder how the mothers of premature babies are chosen?
    Somehow, I visualize God hovering over Earth, selecting his
    instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As he
    observes, he instructs his angels to take notes in a giant ledger.
    "Armstrong, Beth, son. Patron Saint, Matthew.
    Forrest, Marjorie, daughter. Patron Saint, Celia.
    Rutledge, Carrie, twins. Patron Saint...give her Gerard. He's used to
    Finally, he passes a name to an angel and smiles.
    "Give her a preemie." The angel is curious. "Why this one, God?
    She's so happy."
    "Exactly," smiles God.
    "Could I give a premature baby a mother who knows no laughter? That
    would be cruel."
    "But does she have the patience?" asks the angel.
    "I don't want her to have too much patience, or she'll drown in a sea
    of self-pity and despair.
    Once the shock and resentment wear off, she'll handle it.
    I watched her today. She has that sense of self and independence so
    rare and so necessary in a mother.
    You see, the child I'm going to give her has a world of its own.
    She has to make it live in her world, and that's not going to be easy."
    "But Lord, I don't think she even believes in you."
    God smiles. "No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect She has
    just the right amount of selfishness."
    The angel gasps, "Selfishness?! Is that a virtue?"
    God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally,
    she will never survive.
    Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect.
    She doesn't know it yet, but she is to be envied.
    She will never take for granted a spoken word.
    She will never consider a step ordinary.
    When her child says momma for the first time,
    she will be witness to a miracle and know it.
    I will permit her to see clearly the things I see--
    ignorance, cruelty, prejudice--
    and allow her to rise above them.
    She will never be alone.
    I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life
    because she is doing my work as surely as she is here by my side."
    "And what about her Patron Saint?" asks the angel, his pen poised in
    the air.
    God smiles. "A mirror will suffice."

  96. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!
    Overjoyed to hear the news. We are still praying and I have a note on my blog for others to do the same today.
    Much Love,
    The Oehlers

  97. Congrats Daddy! You are all in my prayers!


  98. congratulations!!!!!!!!
    Love Scott, Julie, Bree and Carly

  99. Psalm 139:14 KJV

    I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Praying that God does a remakable work in the lifes of your family.

    Many prayers continue.


  100. Congratulations on your big miracle in a tiny little package. Praying for Tricia, Gwyneth and you!
    Rachel in PA

  101. Congratulations! Praying for your wife and your precious baby girl.

  102. Nate, First of all Congratulations! I know all too well what you are feeling, etc.
    I am a 34 year old woman with CF and I had a baby in 2004 under somewhat similar circumstances. (lung function considered poor, but not yet transplant list) I was thankfully able to carry my son to 35 weeks, but then I started to have severe insomnia, anxiety, heart arrythmia, some major swelling, started to suspect pre-eclampsia, etc.

    MAGNESIUM. TT the the docs about it. If it's safe to supplement her with it......if her magnesium levels are even "iffy", it's worth looking in to. Go to the National Institute of Health and search magnesium deficiency. Watch your baby (as I know they are), our little guy had "5th day crash" of hypocalcemia. (common to children of magnesium deficient moms with gestational diabetes)
    If you can bank baby's cord blood, do so.

    Finally, make sure when she is awake and actively coughing.....she is in an abdominal binder after her C-section. My hospital OB team was not prepared for an experience powerful CF cough and my C-section Dehisced (came open!) and I had to have surgery to repair it that was risky given my pulmonary condition at the time.

    MANY MANY PRAYERS. IT DOES GET BETTER. It took about 6 mos post childbirth of aggressive medical care (mom doing traditional CPT on me 2x day) and a village of people helping with the baby so I could rest, but I finally blew PFT's that were at the level of my baseline prior to the baby. AND my baby boy is doing wonderful. He begins preschool next week. It's been a long road.

    You are covered with prayers here and I don't mean to add stress~~~ those are just things that if I had it to do over....

  103. wow, God is so good and will continue to be. Blessings for the days and weeks to come. Congrats. You will all be together again very soon and you can hold both your girls in your arms. Love to all.

  104. Gywn has guardian angels near her and with her at all times ... she has 1 on each side of her in her incubator. They will care for her while you are with Tricia.

    Tricia also has guardian angels with her. They will care for her even if you are not able to be with her.

    Father, I lift these two girls up to you ... Place your hands around each of them, protect them both from harm, and continue to give Nate & Tricia peace about the situation. Give the doctors and nurses wisdom, strength and extra TLC when they are caring for Tricia and Gywn. In the name of Jesus, heal them, strengthen them and protect them. Amen.

  105. Congrats....praying for you all....

  106. several of my xanga friends have posted asking for prayer regarding your family. letting you know that another sister-in-Christ is lifting your miracle daughter and wife up in prayers, as well as the new daddy! congratulations!

  107. We have also never met, but I received an email call to prayer for your family. Praise God for the miracle birth of your daughter today. I continue to pray for the minutes, hours and days to come. I am humbled and awed by your family's decision to choose life, in light of the costs. I pray for God's healing on this sweet new life, as well as for Tricia.
    Blessings~ stephanie

  108. Congratulations! I am praying for the three of you. You are all in God's hands...the safest place to be

  109. hey nate...... i just wanted to let you know how much of a man you are!... you are probably the only hero of mine that is a live or even real for that matter. best father in the world nate.

  110. Congratulations!!! Take lots of NICU pics! I didn't take enough when my children were in the NICU. Praying for strength and health for your whole family!

  111. Congratulations!

    Oh, I bet your little girl is just beautiful too!

    Prayers continue for both the ladies in your life.

  112. Congratulations! We will continue to pray for all three of you and for your extended family. Praise God for your faith and the wonderful testimony you have been and are being to so many. I know God is using your life to teach some of the rest of us some lessons.

  113. Wow! Congratulations! Praying for all three of you!

  114. We are continuing to pray for you all. See you soon..... Nate's a dad and Rick is a GRAND dad! He must be really old!

  115. Dear Nathan and Tricia,

    We are so thrilled to hear about your little girl. We are praying for all of you and trusting God to give you the grace and strength you need during these next critical hours.

    We wait expectantly for more amazing stories of grace.

    Ron and Lynn Brooks

  116. Your family is in my thought and prayers. Congrats on your new little girl, I hope she will be strong and out of the NICU soon

  117. Congratulations on your baby girl! May the Lord continue to provide miracles for your ladies.

  118. Oh my gosh....we just remembered we hadn't congratulated the grandparents yet. Congratulations to Don, Agnes, Gail and especially Rick. So glad Rick, that Nate and Tricia finally made you a Grandpa. With all that white hair on your head you've been looking the role for quite some time.
    We're continuing in prayer for you all.

  119. Way to go God!!! We are excited for you all and are still praying!!! Congradulations!!!!

  120. Geesh, you guys will really need a rest when everything is over!! I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster. Congratulations on your baby. Our first weighed in at 3 lbs. I remember the love, fear, and wonder someone so small could be alive. We are praying!

  121. I found this online and thought it fitting for your "new" family.

    A Rose has sprung from a tender root,
    From Jesus, as those of old have sung,
    And it bore a flower,
    In the middle of a cold winter,

    When half spent was the night.
    Isaiah foretold it, the Rose I have in mind;
    Is Mary the pure, the little flower has brought us.
    From God's eternal wisdom, she bore a child,
    And remained pure.

    The Flower, so small, whose sweet fragrance fills the air,
    Dispels with glorious splendor the darkness everywhere;
    True man and truer God, helps us out of all sorrows,
    Saves from sin and death.

    Oh Jesus, until we leave this misery,
    Let your help guide us into joy,
    In Your Father's Kingdom, where we eternally praise You.
    Oh God, allow us this.

  122. I linked to your page from Melissa's. I am praying for your family.

  123. Congratulations!!
    Our family will continue to keep the 3 of you in our prayers.
    The Gibson Family

  124. WooHoo...Daddy Nate! :0)

    Continueing to pray, Andy did a great job keeping his blog updated for us...Wow, what a rollercoaster of a day, can only imagine what you guys must feel like...

    When things seem more stable I will stop by and give you a hug in person!


  125. Make a joyful noise...YE-HA! Prayers are being sent with every breath I take. Love to ALL, Barbara Kay

  126. Congratulations! I've been following your story (even though I work at UNC's NICU) and have been praying for you all. I'll say more prayers for Gwyneth Rose and Tricia tonight.

  127. Hi. An online friend directed me to your blog today. I have been praying for y'all and will continue! May God's blessings be abundant.

  128. Matthew woke me up at midnigh to tell me the news! I am so happy that your baby girl is fine! We are praying for Tricia's health, she is so brave! I know that you will be wonderful parents! I can't wait to tell the kids tomorow morning!
    Rose is a french name too!...and it means tulip! (just kidding!) ;-)

  129. Congratulations, and Praise God the giver of all life. Enjoy every precious moment you are blessed with. I am believing God with you that you will have many!

  130. Congratulations!!!!! My entire family has been praying for both Tricia and the baby...we will continue to keep praying too. Yay for God's wonderful miracles!

  131. Congratulations! I am praying for all three of you. Welcome Gwyneth Rose!

  132. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  133. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  134. Praise God. His mercies are new EVERY morning!
    Thank you, Nate, Tricia for allowing even strangers to get a glimpse into this most intimate time in your lives. Because of your witness, many many people may come to know our God and King. Bless you both and that precious little one now in our world. Welcome little Gwyneth! Tricia...hang on have a BEAUTIFUL future with your precious cargo and hubby. You did an incredible job getting her here thus far but you job's not over yet! Keeping your entire circle of family and friends in my daily prayers.

  135. Congrats "Daddy" Nate, Way to go Tricia! Welcome to the world baby Gwyneth Rose! Go Girl Power! We love you guys and are praying hard! Bailey,Alex,and 3yr old Cydney are praying daily for the three of you as well, they fight over the meal prayers:0)

    Wade,Bari,and the girls!

  136. Prayers and good thoughts to all of you!

  137. Keep the faith. Us like so many have never met you but are so touched by your story and join with you as your brothers and sisters in Christ to lift up these sweet precious lives. We will stand by at our computers and fervently pray for your girls, I know they are your world and remember they are in HIS hands and HIS will is perfect. Keep pressing on ! Our hearts ache for you all and we pray our prayers comfort you!

  138. Congratulations--little ones are such blessings and miracles from God! I will be thinking of and praying often for the 3 of you in these next crucial days. Thank you for your testimony.

  139. Congratulations. We are lifting Daddy, Mommy (what great names) and Gywn up in prayer.

  140. I have a friend whose 18 year old daughter was a 25 weeker and weighed less than Gwyneth...she starts college this year! Praying it will be the same for your little girl.

  141. I am also someone you have never met. I've been praying for your family this week. What an amazing testimony your family is.

    Congrats to both on you on becoming parents - it's the best thing ever. I will continue to pray for both of your girls!!

  142. Just heard of your story and am joining the thousands who are rejoicing with you and praying for you!

  143. CONGRATULATIONS to you & your family! :o) Praying that Tricia will be alright soon. God bless!!!

  144. Nate,

    I know you have hundreds of folks praying for you....

    Now that I have found you, you have one more (well, two, counting my husband!) I was fortunate to come upon your blog by "blog-jumping"....I know God led me here and I am so thankful that He did. What a blessing you, your wife, and your daughter are to someone who doesn't even know the three of you--and I know that I am not the only one!

    Praise God on the birth of your daughter, and I will continue to be in prayer as you all face the coming days.

    Devin in Illinois

  145. I will of course be praying for you!
    I am a fellow CF-er and had a souble lung transplant almost three years ago. So much of Tricia's struggle resounds with me. She sounds like a girl I would love to hang out with! I am so glad that you have a beautiful baby girl--there is nothing I would love more than to get married and have my own children. You are both an inspiration to the CF community. :)
    Thanks for the blog, and I will continue to pray for both of you and Gwyneth!!!!

  146. Congratulations! Your story continues to amaze me every time I read a new entry. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us who don't know you....I wish I did after reading all of your enteries!You have helped me to renew my faith and to really count my blessings in life every day. I hug my family closer every day as I pray for you. I will continue to pray for your recovery and for Gwyneth to grow big and strong!

  147. Congrats on becoming a daddy! I only found your blog this week as well and have been checking frequently and lifting up your family in prayer. Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth especially during these next couple days! May God hold you all close!

  148. Congratulations! And praying constantly for all of you!

  149. Congrats to you both! We will continue to pray hard for all three of you. Can't wait to see the pics!

    Love, Kim, Matt & Blake Dubec

  150. I am so touched by your faith I have been praying all day for you special family!!!! Phoenix, Az is praying!!!!! Your faith is amazing, and I know the the Lord is blessed!!!
    Autumn and Eddie Miles

  151. Congratulations on your miracle baby girl! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May the miracles continue!
    God Bless You! Sandy Amenta (April's mother)

  152. Congratulations to you all. What an awesome God we serve. We will continue to hold your family up in prayer. The days ahead will have their ups and downs, but God will never be closer than during those times. Your faith is such a testimony to His faithfulness! May you be blessed!
    (Amherst, OH)

  153. Congratulations!!! What a day!
    We will continue to pray for you and the entire family.
    God is good!!! Love you,
    Chris, Jerry, and Alex

  154. Congratulations on the arrival of Gwyneth Rose. Can't wait to see pictures! Praying fervently for health for Tricia and the baby and peace for all of you who love these two precious girls. (Fayetteville, AR)

  155. Congratulations to both of you. I just learned of your story through a friend on Myspace. You three have been on my mind all day. I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

    Tami Foytik
    Powells Point,NC

  156. Carol, Richie, Jake, Luke and I offer you our CONGRATULATIONS!! The kids are praying for you every night before bed and we are continually lift you up before God countless times each day! You both(now three)are a shining reflection of Christ and an inspiration to all of us. We can't wait to see the pictures of Gwyneth.


  157. we have been praying and crying all day what a day for you I will continue to pray for trish and little gweneths health and recovery and Nathan you are in my prayers as well god bless all

  158. We are PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING for all 3 of you!!!!! Congrats on your sweet baby girl!! I know you have hard race ahead of you, but you have got the best coach in the world, our heavenly father, and from what I can tell a whole bunch of cheerleaders down here on earth...I'm one of them!!! Although we've never spoke or met...I am committing to pray for you!!!!
    Love in Christ,

  159. How small you are in this universe but oh how BIG you are in GOD's heart! Thank you for sharing your miricale with us. We love you and we are still praying for each of you.
    George & Paula

  160. So many lives are being blessed by your family sharing their faith and trust in our Father. Congratulations to Nate and Tricia and the Grandparents too!
    We know many here are praying.

    Whitney's Mom
    Wilmington, NC

  161. Nate, Tricia, and little Gwyneth,
    praying for God to continue to hold you ever close in His hands
    blessings, healing, & His peace~

  162. You are a daddy and you sound so proud! We are praying for you here in Texas.

  163. A link to your story has been placed on the Duke Lung Transplant Friends Website --

    May the Lord be Glorified through your tesitmony of His Grace, Mercy and Miracles in your lives.

  164. Congratulations to you all!!! I have been following your story for some time now and have said many, many prayers for you all and will continue to say many, many more. You guys are such an inspiration to everyone -- God certainly chose the perfect parents for Gwyneth!!! God Bless you all...

  165. Congrats to you all!!!!! God is awesome and we will continue to pray.

    Katie, BJ, Mackenzie, and Allen jr.

  166. Congratulations on the birth of your baby daughter! My the Lord bless you and give you strength as you continue on this journey. Praying for you and your family...

    Tammy ALLEN
    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

  167. I will pray for you guys. Almost 6 years ago, my twins were born at 25 weeks weighing on ly 1.2 and 1.3 pounds. They looked so much like your beautiful girl. We went through the many hurdles of the NICU. The strange noises, the fear that they might not make it through the night, the PDA surgery, a blood clot that threatened the right leg of one. So many emotions, so many days of tears, but all with TRUST in the Lord and knowing that HIS will was what would be best. Many thoughts and prayers will be coming your way for both your wife and your baby girl. Hang in there, be strong and trust in the Lord!


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