
Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Tricia is in the OR now. They said, if all goes well, it will be a 15 minute surgery, and then they'll watch her for about 45 minutes. I'm sure, at this moment, they're still preparing her, so it may be a few hours before we know anything.



  1. Nathan know that our office is in prayer. May Tricia, baby and you continue to be enveloped by His love.

  2. We are praying in Ohio.

  3. Banging on the doors of heaven for your family.

  4. Tricia,
    This is Jessica Jolly. I just wanted to let you know you have been in my thoughts and prayers. I have also shared this with some friends so I just wanted you to know you have many prayers headed your way from the big apple. Nathan and Tricia, I love you both. Stay strong. You're whole family amazes me!
    love jessica

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Tricia has been in my thoughts and prayers all day today...I cannot focus on anything but praying for your family.
    Love and Prayers!

  7. Praying, praying, praying.

    Hang in there... I love all three of you, even though we've never met.


  8. A friend sent me the link from your blog along with a prayer request. I just wanted you to know your family is in my prayers.

  9. we are on our knees here in mexico...much love to you all.

  10. Claire and I are in constant prayer for all of you!Your brother in Christ,Tommy

  11. Praying for you all so hard here in the UK you have been in my thoughts all day x x x x

  12. Our candle has been lit since yesterday morning and our entire family is praying for you!

  13. Committing to praying for you right now at 1pm.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Nathan, we are praying for you all.
    Love the Dubec's

  16. Please know that the entire Jackson family is praying today.

  17. “Where there is great love, there are always miracles.” -Willa Sibert Cather

    Love and Prayers,

  18. Praying that things are going well in the OR and you hear news soon.

  19. I keep checking back for updates. I have CF and I'm a Mother myself.

    It sounds feeble to say 'I'm thinking about you' when I don't even know you, however I really am.

    I'll check back again and hope for good news.

  20. Nathan,

    A friend sent me the link to your family's story, and my husband and I will be praying for you from Los Angeles.

  21. I just wanted you to know that I too will be praying for your family. I have also included a link to your blog on my blog.

  22. Prayer for all from PA.

  23. Just read that they are doing the c section. praying for all of you!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Prayers that the C/S has positive outcomes.

  26. Thank You, Lord, that Tricia, Nate and their baby dwell in the secret place of the Most High and shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of Almighty whose power no foe can withstand. You are their Refuge and their Fortress, their God. Because they have set their love upon You, You will deliver them and set them on high, because they know and understand Your name. They have personal knowledge of Your mercy, love and kindness. They trust and rely on You, knowing that You will never forsake them; no, never. Praise be to Your holy and worthy name.

  27. Storming Heaven's gates for you from KY.

  28. Praying hard right now in WA!! Just read your Uncle's post and praying for Tricia's safety as they do the C-section and for Baby Gwyneth's health as she enters this world!

  29. just read the update from the uncle...praying and storming the gates of heaven for you...may God's peace be upon and among you in this storm...

  30. Praying that He will bring you out into a broad place. He will rescue you because He delights in You, Nathan, in You, Tricia, and in you, sweet Gwyneth.

  31. Praying for you in Maryland.

  32. Praying in central Ohio.

  33. We're praying and checking the computer often. Much love to all of you... Joanna

  34. Praying for all of you right now and asking others to do the same.

    For Prayer Support:

    My two little miracle nephews:

  35. Praying hard for you and glued to the blogs. Can't think of anything else today. May God keep you in perfect peace as you are going through so much...

  36. Nathan, Tricia and Family,
    My husband and I visited your church last April with my brother and his wife, Les and Carol Petrie. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June and know that folks from your church have been praying for me. I also have a faithful group of friends here in central Pennsylvania who have been praying for me so I told them of your situation and they are also praying for you. May God continue to hold you all in the safety of His arms.
    With Love and Prayers,
    Marty Davis

  37. Waiting and praying

  38. Storming heaven with prayers from Chicago, Illinois

  39. I just read your uncles blog..
    I really hope Tricia will get through this and that your little baby girl will be strong enough and have a real chance in this life

    You're in my thoughts!

  40. By watching you counter, I know the world is praying... that thing is moving by leaps and bounds! Praying for you in the hours to come...

  41. praying in SoCal; waiting on heaven for God's perfect response.

  42. Tricia, Nathan, & baby,
    We are praying, praying, praying! Sending you lots and lots of love! Ina, Mary, & Capt. Kenny

  43. All of NJ, PA, and DE is praying for you guys! (The entire tri-state area!) We love you and haven't stopped thinking of you every moment today! ~ Lisa (in NJ)

  44. Praying in Pa & hoping for good news soon!

  45. Praying for you from Iowa.God is there, may his presence be felt and your entire family envelpoed in his loving arms

  46. I don't know you, but I have been praying all day for you, and I have been checking back frequently for updates. I have told others about your story and they are also praying. Prayers from Indiana!

  47. I'm not sure how I came to find you guys but we are praying up here in Canada! Can't wait to hear news of your little blessing!

  48. Praying for you in Ca. Asking God to guide the hands of the doctors for a perfect procedure. God is holding Tricia and the baby in His hands and will bring them through safe. May all of you experience Gods peace as He continues to watch over you.

    Laurie in Ca.

  49. I found out about Tricia through a bulletin on MySpace. I want you all to know that we have started a prayer circle in Elizabeth City and will keep the family, especially Tricia, in our thoughts and prayers.

  50. There is a group of people at Areva in Lynchburg praying.

  51. It is now 2:15 pm. My 2 girls and I are praying!

  52. Please know that my Office and my Small group are praying for you guys!

    Erin Suders

  53. A true testament of "in all things give thanks". Like you said in an earlier post, Nathan, there is no pain that cannot be used to glorify God. My heart is heavy with thought of you, Trisha, Gwyneth Rose, and all of your family and friends. I feel the overwhelming bond among the thousands that are choosing to help you carry this burden. God is great, His timing perfect, His plan without fault. I pray, and cry for you. Thanks so much for allowing us to share our love and prayers for you. I feel so inadequate in words, but our Jesus knows our hearts and yours. I know He is smiling at the faith you have helped bring out in so many. We love you. George and Paula

  54. Lots of praying going on down here in FL for all three of you...
    You are in my constant thoughts and prayers and I refresh your blog throughout the day...At nihgt, I lay in bed and cry out to God for you. During the day, I spread your story and join friends in prayer...
    God is in control. When we can't see his plan, when we can't trace his hand, even when we just don't understand, we can trust his heart.
    We love you.
    Dana and Wil Haupfear

  55. On Nate's Uncle's blog he gave an update that Gwenyth was delivered. She is stable at 1lb 6oz and Tricia is back in ICU getting stablized on the ventilator which was expected.

  56. Praying for all of you!! Welcome to the world little one!!

  57. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth Rose!
    ~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

  58. I am praying for your girls from OK. I have also posted the prayer request on my blog.


  59. Praying for your family in Jackson, Mississippi.

  60. The very gates of heaven must be shaking today...may God continue to reign down his love and peace and perfect plan for all of you...

  61. We've been praying in VA. Welcome little Gwyneth Rose.

  62. Thanking Him for miracles and praying for strength for both of our girls. Birthday blessings to you precious baby Gywneth.

  63. Praying in So Cal.


    the real update

  65. Tuesday's child is full of grace. Welcome to the world Gwyneth! Still praying.

  66. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth Rose! You are so loved! Continually praying for you and your parents.

  67. My family and I are praying for you in MN! Your story has touched our lives. May God be with you and may you feel His love and peace.

  68. Welcome to the world Gwenyth Rose praying that you will be a fighter just like your special mommy.


  69. Happy birthday, little miracle girl.

    Psalm 127

  70. We are praying for you in Minnesota. God Bless.


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