
Friday, January 25, 2008

Kill Some Time

(Friendly Warning: YouTube is NOT the most kid friendly website out there. If you stick with the videos on our site, you'll be fine, but wander far, and be careful...but, of course, that's the nature of the internet. Our church uses YouTube as a way to connect with our community, both inside and outside the walls of the church building. I'm only posting this because I've had a few people ask me to post videos of some of the churchy stuff we're involved in.)

If you really want to, you can watch lots of ME at our church's YouTube Link. We have 36 videos, most of which feature ME at some point (that's what happens when you're the best looking guy at church). Even if you don't like churchy stuff, make sure you take a look at the three "TRUNK or TREAT" Sonic-style commercials...they're basically the most awesomest YouTube videos ever in the history of the known world.




  1. wow! What a bittersweet story of Chris Scarborough. It is amazing the impact that the Lord has on us when we open our hearts to him. I am so Happy Chris shared his childhood story...and thank you for sharing the link...

  2. those commercials are sooo funny!!! thanks for sharing!! Danielle in MO

  3. you are seriously hilarious sometimes!

  4. Thanks for sharing, Nathan. You are right, they definitely have you in those videos just to add the "Hollywood quality" to everything! haha.

    Looks like a WONDERFUL church family you have.

  5. where is Chef Luigi (& Nacho)

  6. I haven't checked out the YouTube yet, but I just wanted to say that it's so nice that you're SO humble...LOL - you've got a great sense of humor, and that's a good thing. I'll be sure to check out your videos as soon as I get a chance!

    Still praying for the girls - looking forward to more good news!

  7. Oh My I just finished watching some of the are a HOOT! you want to come up this way to rub your sense of Humor off on a few members here? LOL

  8. I watched a few vids. Cute. Thanks for sharing. What kind of guitar do you play?

  9. I checked out your other blog (of course, now, I can't remember the name of it...sorry) and watched the videos you had posted up from a Thanksgiving concert that you guys had. If I'm getting all of this info wrong, please remember that I'm a mother of three. >:0) I didn't respond then, but the music was GREAT! The atmosphere in the church seemed amazing. Looks like you guys are blessed, and being blessed.

    Okay, on my way to check out your other videos. Thanks for sharing your youtube link.....Oh, hey, have you ever been to Probably a stupid question, but it's a kewl site. >:0) Family friendly, too. (I actually am addicted to both sites, quite truthfully, though!) Blessings to you and yours.

  10. "Most awesome"? Well, yeahhhh!! : )

  11. Love the trunk or treat commercials! I also liked the one with the older couple talking about the changes in the church...will watch some more tomorrow....Hope and pray you have a peacful night...

  12. I just found your blog through the site of a very brave little girl, PW Kennedy.

    What a life God has given your family! Talk about placing your trust in Him for everything. Your daughter is beautiful, and our prayers are with her and your wife (and you for strength) as they heal. I was only able to read through the last two weeks, but WOW, what a miracle.


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