
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lots Of Pics

I've been taking tons of pictures of Gwyneth Rose (not that you didn't know that already), and here are some of my favorite from the past few days. Make sure you take the time to notice the details (like the tongue and the toes).
My Beauty
My Cousin

My Pride



  1. Georgeous pictures... I love Gwyneth's eyes! Prayers.

  2. These pictures are breath taking. Tricia looks amazing also for just having gone through such an ordeal. Even though she is still very weak right now I think she may be one of the strongest women I know!!!! Gwyneth is just adorable. Still sending many prayers your way.

  3. Dear Nathan
    Your story have gone around the world and even South Africa is holding their breath for you and your family. I want you to know that I admire your choices and your steadfast faith. And you are doing an excellent job narrating a very difficult story in an overly critical world. Hugs to all of you!

  4. Nathan, Tricia and Little Gwyneth, Just wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you. I won't have my lap top as it is being fixed and I should have it back in 7 to 10 days or so. They are collecting it in a minute :o( I am certain that by the time I next switch it on there will be photo's of the 3 of you together - I can't wait!!!! The pics of little baba are gorgeous and the vid of Tricia is overwhelming - I am so so HAPPY for you all!! Much Love and loads of virtual hugs :o) XXXXXXXXX

  5. We are told that newborns like to be swaddled to feel secure. Why isn't Gwyneth swaddled or wrapped? She looks so vunerable (but oh so gorgeous!!)laying there. Tricia (and yourself) are just amazing with what you are going through. Love and best wishes to all three of you.

  6. Nathan, you are being very productive on your "night shift" tonight! I hope, and pray, that your girls are sound asleep while you are posting their pics! I am fascinated by Gwyneth's pics primarily because of the miracle that she is, but also because our newest little grand-daughter, still tucked snuggly inside her Mom, will reach 25 weeks gestation tomorrow. Imagining her looking so much like Gwyneth, in all the minute details of development, just blows my mind. OK, now that I woke up, prayed for all of you and others, and checked your blog for these wonderful updates, I'm going to try to get a couple hours more sleep :)

  7. Nate, sometimes people have to make choices that are unpopular. Don't be too hard on yourself. It appears to me that you and Tricia have made some diffucult choices that are certainly blessed by God. Although some may not understand, it only takes one look at Gwyneth to see that she is your blessing from him. As to the comparison of your early pictures to her. She is a whole lot prettier a baby than you were.

    Continued prayers for the three of you and hurry home.

  8. Hi, me again from Northern Ireland..!
    Those pictures are amazing and Gwyneth looks absolutely beautiful.
    Tricia looks so proud, and rightly so, as she has come a long way and brought a beautiful daughter into the world.
    Looking forward to the next installment...
    Much love,
    S xo.

  9. She is so sweet and all girl too! When our son was born at 26 weeks, he had long skinny spider monkey toes...your sweet baby girl has the most adorable petite toes I have seen on a micro preemie! I am so glad to share in what God is doing and to be part of your "virus"!
    Many prayers from Goodyear, AZ

  10. Wow Nathan, such an exciting group of postings. All the pics, the video of Trisha was really cool. I see you in Gwyneth's face. Trust all keeps progressing and we are praying here.

  11. Gwyneth is just beautiful. I love it when the pulse ox lights up their toes like that from the inside. She is really looking so good. I used to love how you could tell what kind of day they were having based on how they were laid in the bed. She is just doing so well. And Tricia, wow, that video made me cry. What a miracle they both are. Tricia is also beautiful and looking great. She definately has a light in her eyes. Take care of your self and those gorgeous girls. May God continue to shine His light on all of you.
    Cryssy (micro preemie mom)

  12. The girls are just beautiful. (I know I don't have to tell you that.)

    Tricia doesn't even show visually the battle she's currently enduring. She just reflects the light and life of Jesus.


  13. Beautiful pictures of beautiful girls! (and one cute little guy, too!) Thanks for the 'foot' pictures - always my favorite!

    BTW, have you checked your counter lately? Over 400,000 visitors! And you're surprised someone recognized you at the mall?!!! We are all in awe of your and Tricia's spirit!

    Refreshing in Ohio!

  14. Oh that girl just emits the fighting spirt, which she only could have received from her mama! Lots of prayers and love to the three of you!

  15. Both of your girls are BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for posting the pictures, the video, and the update. God is good and you have 2 beautiful blessings from Him.

  16. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them! Tricia and Gwyneth are lovely. :)

  17. Oh my goodness, she is SO adorable. The pictures are GREAT and I loved the video of your lovely bride! We love you too Tricia! =-D It's amazing how quickly a person can go from not knowing strangers on the other side of the country, to thinking about them, praying for them, caring for them every day. But it's true and I think of y'all often -- Philippians 1:3-6

  18. Even one so tiny is so PERFECT.
    Thinking and praying for you!

  19. they are both so beautiful. I am so glad they are getting stronger as each day passes. Always in our prayers.

  20. Wonderful pictures! It is great to see Tricia sitting up and with some pink in her cheeks again.

    Praying for another great day for your girls.

  21. I was on early this morning but didn't have time to post comments on each post. I LOVE the new pics you have posted. Awesome. God continues to do miracles each day!

    Trenton FL

  22. I cry every time I come to your, tears of absolute joy at the miracle God has created for your family. PRAISE GOD!!!

  23. ... so very perfect!

  24. Okay, if you start counting the pictures at the FIRST ONE OF GWYNETH, the ninth (9th) picture of her, by her eyes it looks like she's smiling! What an awesome miracle! Way to go Tricia!

  25. Thanks so much for these pictures!! I LOVED them all. Sandy

  26. How fearfully and wonderfully we are made. Love the little toes---WOW

  27. Precious and wonderfully made! For sure. Praying in Nashville -- for your girls and for Alice! My driver's license states and all of my family knows - take anything of use to any other person.....

  28. Tricia is sooo beautiful! A glowing new mommy! And Gwyneth is as precious as can be! She has the most delicate little feet! Thanks for passing on the news about Alice...we'll be praying for her as we continue to pray for you guys.

    Much love!

  29. Tricia, you are beautiful. You look so peaceful and so patient, though I'm sure inside you are in a hurry to hold your daughter. I hope the weeks go fast for all of you.

    Gwenyth, Every time I see pictures of you I think how pretty you are, how nice and cozy your nurses are keeping you, and then I think how I can't wait until they get all the tape off you and put some lotion on your skin! You will be a strong woman little one, who will be able to endure anything, I can tell by the way you are living right now.

    Nathan, thank you again for sharing your life with us.

  30. What a beautiful family you have -- you are in my prayers :)!

  31. What a beautiful family you have! I found your blog through a friend. I am currently pregnant with a son that we were advised to terminate due to his "abnormality" we are clinging to hope and the hope of your story is so refreshing! Prase God!

  32. Wow, they are beautiful! Your girls are beautiful! And what strong and amazing women they are! I can hardly believe that Tricia and Gwyneth have been thru so much, they look amazing! You of course are in my prayers and thoughts always.

    Melissa Morris

  33. WOW!! Nathan, I can tell you are becoming a typical father: 1 picture of your wife, 17 of your daughter!:) Wait til you have GRANDCHILDREN--no pictures without them at all!!

    Praying for Tricia today as they continue to wean her off the went.

    Love and Prayers from VB

  34. She is so gorgeous! When my baby was in NICU the nurses encouraged me to sleep with a blanket/burp cloth/etc so it would have my scent on it. Then the blanket would go in with the baby since they can recognize their mother's scent. I'm sure it is so tough on Tricia not to be with Gwyneth - I'll pray specifically for her mommy-heart which I'm sure is a little sad to not be with her baby. Thanks so much for sharing this adventure with everyone!!!!

  35. So cute little girlwas yelling..BABY MORE BABY!!

    We look forward every moring to seeing how everyone is doing:)

    Thinking of you always:)


  36. She is just beautiful. I pray she continues to be very healthy and I pray that Tricia gets to meet Gwenyth very very soon.


  37. Nathan and Tricia, the pictures are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for opening up your life for everyone to see. Watching God work through you is awesome. I recently had a miscarriage. It was completely devestating and the grieving process has been hard. One of the hardest things I've dealt with is not being able to see what my baby looks like, even at an early stage of pregnancy. As I looked at your pictures, I wept. Even though Gwyneth isn't my child, it gave me a glimpse at a baby still intended to be in the womb. Thank you for being so open. -Wanda

  38. AWWWWWWW they are two precious! Gwyneth is absolutely beautiful. Tricia looks radiant!


  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Nathan- your girls are beautiful! Hope today is a wonderful and peaceful day filled with joy!
    Palmers praying in Indiana

  41. I love that pic of Tricia. She's so beautiful. Those pics of Gwyneth are just amazing. I LOVE her tiny toes. The feet pics are great. :-) What a miracle! Still praying.

    Angela in central Ohio

  42. Beautiful pics and what wonderful news to hear your wife speak again.

  43. Tricia

    You are beautiful !!!!!!!!!!

  44. Wow we can't wait to come and see all three of you again soon! I love you all very much

  45. Wonderful photos! Gwyneth is growing! Celebrating all the good news.

  46. Oh Nathan, the pics of Gwyneth are beautiful, love the tongue. And it's wonderful to hear Tricia speak. I can see God's hand working. When I started reading last week, the situation was so different. Thank you for sharing your journey with the world and helping my faith to grow. :)

  47. YOU LOOK MAHHHH-VELOUS, Tricia! Oh my goodness! You simply glow with the love of Christ shining right through. Gwyneth is also looking quite spectacular. Good job, Nate, getting pictures to us!

  48. After reading your name on another blog, I wandered to your site to read the story that accomponied the prayer request.It is such a joy to see a couple who, at the root of everything, are first and foremost dedicated to their Lord. Your willingness to trust him and accept what he has given you is inspiring. I offer my prayers for all in need.

  49. You have no idea who I am but I wanted you to know I am praying for you, Tridia, and Gwyneth. I am a mother of two and I can't imagine how you feel right now. Your words are so beautiful it fills my heart with hope and joy. My family and I have been going to the Outer Banks for vacation for about 20 years. It's our home away from home. I will pray for you all!!!!!!
    Wendy York

  50. Nathan and Tricia - I'm one of those "random" readers that came across this when a friend of mine shared the link to it on her blog b/c she had seen the link on one of her friends' blogs, who had seen it...well, you get the idea.

    I'm sitting here while my 3 year old is napping, and with her perfect timing, my 9 month old has woken up from her nap. I just wanted to say that your entries have touched my heart so much! I've just spent the last 1.5 hours reading every single post on your blog, starting last September. I pray that God continues to heal your beautiful girls and have no doubt they are both miracles, and am positive that the ways God has used, is using and will continue to use your story and journey to expand His Kingdom are coutless.

    You have a gorgeous family, and your dedication and commitment to your wife and daughter, with little regard for your own comfort is admirable, and I have no doubt that God brought you two together because there are few who could/would be what you are being for each other.

    May God continue to bless your family beyond imagination!!

  51. Oh what beautiful girls!

    Amazing how Christ has used your family for His glory.

    God Bless


  52. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing!!

  53. Hi-I went to Fellowship way back in the day. We are praying for your guys up here in Alaska!
    -Meggan Green Judge

  54. Great Pictures, Gwyneth is a Perfect baby! Beautiful Hair and Love her eyes. Blessings Tawny!

  55. We LOVE Gwyneth Rose!!!
    She is so beautiful and she has the cutest feet ever!!!
    We continue to update our families, friends and local churches, asking them to join us in prayer for your two beauties every day!
    We love and miss you guys!
    ~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

  56. Both your girls are gorgeous and continue to be in our prayers (as do you)!


    With Love,

    William's Mom

  58. Tricia looks beautiful and it was incredible that she has her voice back, that moved me to tears. Gwyneth just takes my breath away, she is gorgeous. It sounds like she is doing well! I ventured over to your Dad's blog and she looks just like your baby picture. Uncanny!

    Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers...

  59. Tricia, You are beautiful - inside and out! Since I met you in 2003, I have been in awe of your quiet, peaceful spirit - it is such a wonderful testimony of your faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Agnes and Don did a great job of bringing you up as did Gail and Rick with Nathan! I am just so proud of both of you! You guys have had so much to deal with and have had to make decisions that no one ever wants to make. I believe that God is very pleased with both of you!
    I, along with Tommy and Cathy and the rest of your Nags Head Church family, am praying, praying, and praying some more for the three of you and your families! I am also praying for Alice today!
    Much love to you all, Claire Drake

  60. They both look like they are doing so well. WE're still praying for all of you.


  61. Amazing pics.! Gwyneth looks great.
    I'm so glad to see Mrs.L awake and smiling. We're praying for you.
    Love Ya,
    Amy Anderson

  62. Even tho it will be a while off... I am praying for that sweet day when you get to hold your baby girl and smell that preemie smell up close and personal! There is nothing better than having Kangaroo Care (skin to skin) time with your little one!
    Keep on growing Baby Gwyn!

  63. Holy Cow!! I am seriously doing a dance for you all and for Alice right now!!!!

    I just yelled "Gwyneth Pooped" and I have mentioned your story to him but he hasn't been reading it as I have and had to ask me to repeat what I had yelled to him in the other room. hahaha So praise for poop and lungs tonight going on in Kentucky!! :)

    ~Ashley B.

  64. I wrote the previous post and it cut out part of what I said which didn't make it so funny. haha Anyways...I had yelled about the poop to my husband

    Ashley B.

  65. How beautiful your gals are Nathan! So wonderful to see Tricia getting back on her feet...well, at least to the chair. And the video of her talking...reminds me to be thankful for the small things in life that I meaninglessly take for granted each day. Tricia it's wonderful to hear your voice...and sense the peace & the love of God that is so present within you. Ok, now to the pics...although we only went to NHC about a year before moving away, we have come to the conclusion that Gwyneth most definately carries the Lawrenson Gene! (Counting from the top, down) In pic #10...she's most like Andy. In pic # 12...she reminds us of you,her "already-way-so-wrapped-daddy" Lastly, in pic # 20, she has the calming expression of her grandfather, Rick. Tricia, don't worry, good things come to those who you don't already know that & I believe that God will over the years allow this sweet little girl to blossom into a beautiful rose, like her mother...but never losing the ability to be goofy from time to time...sometimes it just makes sense to stick your tongue out at the world! Take care y'all & prayers for the continued healings...and transplant.
    - Heltsley crew

  66. a friend notified me about your family, and when i saw your request for a jewelry-maker, i thought of another friend...see hope this is helpful, and so glad your wife is awake

  67. Tricia looks beautiful!

    I love the pics of Gwyneth and her tiny little features. What a precious miracle.

  68. Isn't God amazing?!? What precious pictures of Gwyneth, created in the image of God. I'm 36 weeks pregnant right now, so taking a glimpse of Gwyneth makes me think of what my own little girl must look like. Your blog has been an inspiration. My family has been doing through a very difficult time for the past 6 months, but everything you guys are going through has given me such perspective. We may be facing some challenges, but we're all healthy and I praise God for a great pregnancy so far.
    I know that Jesus will bless you and Tricia and Gwyneth for your decision to choose life! I'm praying that He will keep you in perfect peace and that He will bring healing to your girls.

  69. what a sweet little baby yawn! is it okay if we link to you?

  70. She is so beautiful! My little guy was only in the NICU for a week and the pricks on his feet broke my heart. I hope your little one continues to do well and I am praying for all of you.


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