
Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Next 24

Gwyneth is officially 48 hours old. The NICU docs have informed me that the first 48 hours are often smooth, but the next 24 can be difficult. If we can make it to this time tomorrow without any issues, we will breathe a sigh of relief for our White Rose. Thank you!



  1. Nate, God has all under control. Your little white rose will be just fine. She will be just like my niece Hannah. Doctors always tend to give you the worst scenario even though everything is going well.

    Will be praying for you all.

    God Bless You!


  2. Praying without ceasing!

  3. I will continue to pray for Gwyneth.

  4. Prayers for the girls continue, and God's Peace for those who love them.

  5. You are so blessed to have both of these beautiful angels in your life...and they are both so blessed to have you ~ watching over them, loving them, praying for them, and speaking to the world on their behalf...
    Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers...
    ~ Dana and Wil Haupfear

  6. I'll be praying for both Tricia and Gwyneth over the next 24 hours...

  7. In my prayers. I will read more to see if I can find out more of your story. I had two children in the NICU.

    One was there for 70 days and the other was there for 10 days.

    May god be with you.

  8. I'm so excited to see what God is doing in your family. I've been asking everyone to pray for you but what's funny is they have already heard. I was going to put it on my blog but wait it's on everyone else's blog that reads mine. It's great to see God's family at work.

  9. Still praying from LU. Will pray especially that the next 24 hours show nothing but improvements that amaze the doctors for both Tricia and Gwenyth!! We were going to add you all to the prayer list at our church last night, but someone already had you on that as well!! It is amazing to be part of the family of GOD!!

  10. Praying for you, Tricia, Gwyneth and your family...

    -The Dobson Family
    Friends of Don and Agnes from NJ

  11. Our Church is praying for you... First Baptist Medford, NJ

  12. God has this all covered in His plan and will pray extra in the next 24 hours for extra blessings.

    Laurie in Ca.

  13. Continued prayers for you from Discover Point church, Conyers, GA

  14. We continue to lift you before the Lord. Strength for Tricia and Gwyneth and emotional stamina for the rest of you. May God feel more real than ever today.

  15. Praying for baby Rose right now.
    I'm glad to see we picked up Hawaii yesterday.

    Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

  16. It amazes me to see that so many people around the world are praying for your family! You are all in my prayers...I also posted a myspace bulletin for yall! Hope many more will join in prayer for you all!
    Still praying in Terre Haute, IN,

  17. Nate,

    My friend forwarded me your page to be praying for you and your wife and Gwyneth, of course. As I started reading, my eyes filled with tears as I realized it was the Nathan Lawrenson that I went to high school with. As I read on, I was reminded of your true relationship with God and your neverending faith. I am praying for you and your family and know that God has a brilliant plan for your two miracles.

    P.S. My best friend (Sarah Rogers) works in the NICU at Duke and I will make sure she gives extra love to baby Gwyneth. ;)

    With lots of love,
    Susan Bullock Wilkinson

  18. Nate,

    My friend forwarded me your page to be praying for you and your wife and Gwyneth, of course. As I started reading, my eyes filled with tears as I realized it was the Nathan Lawrenson that I went to high school with. As I read on, I was reminded of your true relationship with God and your neverending faith. I am praying for you and your family and know that God has a brilliant plan for your two miracles.

    P.S. My best friend (Sarah Rogers) works in the NICU at Duke and I will make sure she gives extra love to baby Gwyneth. ;)

    With lots of love,
    Susan Bullock Wilkinson

  19. Nate,
    I have run into a lot of people at LU that are following your story...
    I was told they asked for prayer for Trish at TRBC the other day.
    We are all in amazement as we watch, wait, and pray. I know you are aware, but this has really shaken a lot of people. Our band is getting together tonight , not to play, but to spend some time reflecting on this and some other
    things as well.

    Thanks again for your display of obedience.

  20. It was great to speak with Tricia today. I gave her permission to ignore me while she was resting. She has shown small signs of responding to our touches and words. Please continue to pray. Love and thanks to all who are caring and showing concern.

  21. You go, girl!! Love, Barbara

  22. Fervently praying for God's hand on your precious Rose.

  23. I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. I don't know any of you, yet received a request for prayer from an e-mail friend. I am overwhelmed, and humbled, by all that is going on in your lives. May God bless you, and keep you, and hold you all safely in the palm of his hand. Please know, I will be praying for all of you as hard as I can.


  25. I do not know you personally but my family and I have been visiting Nags Head Church and have heard about what you and Tricia have been going through. Your story has given me another purpose for my life. Since last Sunday my purpose has been to pray without ceasing for your family. I have taken on this purpose wholeheartedly and have found myself growing in faith towards God. He cannot lie, he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So his words are true. I am just to believe them and claim them. He told us that we are and were healed by the stripes on Jesus' back. So I am claiming that over Tricia and Gwyneth everyday that they are healed by Christ Jesus. I am amazed everyday at the strength of you, Tricia, and Gwyneth. You all have truely been inspirational to me! Thank you.

  26. Nate, I posted Yesterday on one of the post that you did. I just wanted to let you know my church is praying for you in Memphis TN, as well as friends and family in MS.
    God is so faithful!!!! We are praying for you all!

  27. Nate,

    I have been meaning to share with you. A dear friend our ours passed away last week due to an 8 month battle with cancer. She was only 48 and the most increbible Christian woman, outgoing and friendly, loved by everyone. I had the opportunity to visit her a few days before she passed away. hardly able to speak, she asked us to sing her this song....

    Total Praise- Brooklyn Tab

    Lord, I will lift up my eyes to the hills, knowing my help is coming from You.
    Your peace You give me in time of the storm.

    You are the source of my strength,
    You are the strength of my life;
    I lift up my hands in total praise to You.

    This song has been playing in my head everytime I check your blog or think of your family in this time. I will try and send you a copy of the song tonight.

    You know, it's amazing how the Lord works. My friend's name was Rose. Rose spent her last days on earth claiming God's strength in the midst in storm...your Gwyneth Rose has spent her first few days claiming the same.
    Remaining in prayer and in Total Praise,
    Whitney Atkinson

  28. Still praying in VA!

  29. I've never prayed for strangers so much before, but you family's story is really filling my heart with hope and joy and sooo much faith!!

    I think it must be Him who brings me back here to pray so many times in a day!

    Lots of prayers going to both your girls!

  30. I don't know if there is such a thing as a prayer revival or if those are even the right words to use, but if there is I believe this is it.
    Know that your band at NHC will be praying for you guys tonight.

  31. I can't tell you how emotional I have been feeling since reading your blog.

    I will pray for all of you. I will also pray for myself because I want to be more like you. You are truly wonderful and insperational.

  32. prayers for you all from Massachusetts

  33. I am forever changed by your story of hope, faith, love and endurance. I am amazed at how much the human body and soul can handle when God is in control. Today as personal struggles and lies from the enemy surround me, it has been your unwavering faith and devotion to obeying His plan for you and your family that has completely inspired me, and given me so much encouragement and hope. May God continue to do His mighty works in Tricia and Gwen's bodies. We are praying!

  34. Nathan, Casey and I continue to pray for your precious Tricia and Gwyneth Rose. Many are praying for you and your girls from here in Wilmington. Thank you for taking the time to keep us all up to date with your blog. Many have been telling me that they are constantly checking to see if there are any new posts and are praying without ceasing. Thank you for saying "yes" to our Lord and bringing new life into this world in spite of all the risks. Your story is powerful, mind-blowing, and incredibly humbling. May God continue to bless you three with amazing miracles. Thank you for sharing so much of yourselves with everyone so that we may all join in prayer and be changed by Him forever. Hope to come see you soon! God's love and peace to you all, Amy Meyer (Nathan's cousin)

  35. Thank you so much for sharing your lives and your faith. I have always been a believer but several times lately I have been brought to tears by your miracles and I have felt my faith growing even stronger. Your family has made a difference in my life. God Bless You.

  36. I'm so glad they let your family in to visit Gwyneth in the NICU. When our 5th son was in there for a mere 9 days at 33 weeks, no other family was allowed in there at all. That was hard b/c it seemed as if no one could really rejoice with us in his birth. They had to live through pics.

    Still praying....

  37. Just wanted you to know, I found your blog through a friend on a web board and have been reading about you all and praying for you all.

    Your faith and trust in God through all this has been an incredible blessing to me and a wonderful testimony.

    I am praying for your family.

  38. Nate,
    I was just imagining what life would be like if we all had half the love and devotion to each other as you are modeling! So many bolt at the first sign of struggle. Your love and loyalty are a great testimony. Thank you. And we are praying for the girls.


  39. Nate, it will be prayer with out ceasing for the next 24 hours for both of your roses. God is so awesome and the stories of how he is working through the mother / daughter bond with Tricia and Gwyneth's heart rates and O2 and CO2 levels is amazing. The feeling you had when Tricia squeezed your hand and looked at you must have been the best thing. The tears of joy were flowing as I read about it. The prayers and God's faithfulness will continue!
    - Pam C. in Caldwell County, NC

  40. Nate,
    Know that when your sleeping in America, you've got a family of four praying for you in NSW, Australia. Thanks for your heart, words, truth and willingness to take what Gods favor is. We love your great sense of humor too :0

    Natalie, Andy, Noah and Suzie D.

  41. I'll definitely be praying for her :)

  42. God willing, we will carry Gwyneth through the difficult hours through our prayer. Aspiemom

  43. We are still praying for you and can't wait to see your two miracles get better, Nate.

    from Asher and Jacob's Friends

  44. Thank you for sharing your story........blessings to you, Tricia, Gwyneth and all who love you. I cannot get any of you and all your words from the family blogs out of my guys have made such an impact on me...your love, faith and commitment to our awesome God is beautiful and meaningful to read...again, thank you.......many wishes of love and prayers for a speedy and great healing for both girls.......God Bless

  45. Praying for you all in Alaska.

  46. praying for both of your girls.......and strength for you and your family


  47. I will keep Gwyneth and Tricia in my prayers!

  48. Nate,

    I am less than 15 minutes away from you guys at Duke and drive by almost daily. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you and your family in this time of need. We're interceding for you and your family.

    With Love For He First Loved Us,
    Adam Hoffman

  49. so much prayer continues to come your can you keep with all of these comments on your blog? i have had you and your two strong girls on my mind since i first read your blog last night (via a friend who had two micropreemies). you should know, you, and all of your family members who are keeping blogs amaze me. your faith is unwavered, your attitude is uplifting, and i just can't emphasize how moving it is to see such admireable human beings. i think one of the best notes on the commentboard says...PRAYING WITHOUT CEASING...count me in too, you really have moved me, and prayers for tricia's and gwenyth's medical future will not cease. i pray so much that tricia and gwenyth will meet is just so precious.

  50. did i mention that i bought 6 white roses in honor of the birth of your daughter? God's creations, all of them, are beautiful - we are hoping for a very very very safe 24 hours for both tricia and gwyneth. love you denise

  51. hey just wanted to say that I really appreciate it that you are taking the time to Blog even through everything. It really makes a difference to those of us who cant be there but wish we could. I'm so glad things are going as well as expected for you guys. Keep the faith...just to let you know my youngest sister was born extremely premature at 1 lb 3oz, the docs didn't think she would make it but she is seven now and doing just fine:-)

  52. I can't stop crying! With each tear I pray for your girls, for you, and for your family. I'm praising God for the profound work He is doing. He is AMAZING!!! Your story is touching the world and bringing so many to Christ. What could be more beautiful!!! Your faith and love in Christ is moving mountains! God bless you and your girls!
    Praying without ceasing!
    Love, Leslie-daughter of Tommy and Claire NHC

  53. I came across your site and was so very happy I did. I to had a 22week 6day old baby boy in 1999. Those were the hardest days of my life, but God was so faithful and now I have a healthy eight year old boy. One thing I wish I could change about those hard days would be that I would enjoy them more!! Soak up everything that God is doing for your little ones. Also keep a journal so everyone can write in it when they visit. My son loves to read what people said and now every year on his birthday people continue to write in that book. I will be praying for you. If you have any questions please ask.

  54. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loving family until everyone is home, healthy, and thriving. Positive energy to you!!! God bless and take care of yourself in all of this, please!

    :) Kelly

  55. Congratulations Tricia and Nate! Gwenyth is a beautiful little girl! I will be praying for Tricia's recovery and that Gwenyth will grow and become strong so she can go home. I will also be praying for the smoothest NICU journey possible for your family. I'm mommy to another 1 lb. 6 oz. little miracle who will be 3 next month (Feb. 8). The journey is hard but well worth it to bring home a beautiful baby.
    Praying for you.

    Katie Barber- Mommy to a 26 weeker

  56. Praying that Gwyneth and Tricia continue to do well! Also praying that you and your family are able to get some much needed rest.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. NHC's band, Milepost 13 was praying for Gwyneth, Tricia and Nathan tonight as we met for practice. Praying for tonight and tomorrow to be smooth and continued improvemnt. Hope you are getting some needed rest.

  59. Nathan-
    Greg Edwards' younger sister here again. I have been following your blog everyday now for a solid week. I check for updates ATLEAST a dozen times a day! Just want you to know I am continually praying for you and your girls. God is performing MIRACLES right before your eyes. Thank you for allowing all of us to experience God's miraculous healing power through your family's AMAZING story. May God continue to pour out his blessings and MIRACLES!!!

    Praying HARD in Virginia Beach,

  60. It is 3 in the morning here, I woke up and all I can think about is: Sing Nathan, sing for dear Tricia and Little Rose! ... they will find strength and comfort in it!

    We love you and wait upon the Lord

  61. Glad to hear you haven't had a headache today. I sent out an e-mail to the church yesterday to pray for you to be headache free. The headache is just a distraction and a pain in the, well, head. Glad to hear the great and cool news tonight. It was great to talk to Paulie.

    Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

  62. I was just reading through Tricia's blog and the last entry on her last blog said this:

    8. Pray for our peace of minds, and for our families. This has been a very stressful and scary situation for Nathan and I. Things are beginning to happen so quickly and so much is uncertain. Our faith is not shaken and we firmly believe in miracles and the power of prayer. Please be sending our prayer requests to your fellow friends and family!

    How awesome is that? Exactly what she wanted to happen is what is happening right now!

  63. Nate and Family,

    Praying daily for you and your family. Congratulations on your sweet baby girl. Keep strong in the Lord...He will guide the way.

    Alie in TN

  64. Nate,
    Just found your blog yesterday through a Facebook friend. My husband, Scott, went to school with your uncle Mark. We are praying for your family and are in awe of the way God has worked in your lives.
    Lesley England

  65. My daughter was born at 27 weeks and was 2 lbs. 4 oz. She had stage 4 brain bleeds, couldn't breathe on her own, and had every other preemie problem you could ever think of. They told us that she had a 1% chance of survival and she would never be like other kids. They said she wouldn't be able to run and play, she would have learning disabilities, and that is if she even lived. We had constant prayer and played a tape of healing music in a little music player in her incubator. Today she is almost 4. She is the smartest, most vibrant child I know. Since she left that hospital, she has not been sick a day in her life. It just goes to show that nothing is too hard for God. Keep your eyes and ears on him and not the doctors. Keep your faith strong because nothing is too difficult for him.

  66. Nate,
    I am humbled at your convictions in all of this, you three are quite the trio of strength! I lost my way after my dad and daughter died 3 weeks apart and the Leino's blog reminded me of what it was all about. I have followed your story through them and I hope you know just how many lives your touching and what a difference your story has made in the lives of others.... praying for you all.

  67. we are still praying and will continue to do so
    showering you all lovingly with prayers
    long island new york

  68. You are an absolutely amazing husband & father. Your girls must be so proud of you. Stay strong, I'm praying for you in Florida.

  69. Praying for you, Tricia and baby Gwyneth Rose in South Carolina! It is amazing to see God at work in your lives...truly AMAZING!

  70. I am moved to tears by your blog about your 2 girls. My son spent 51days in the NICU after being born at 28 weeks. Your pictures bring back a flood of memories, both good and some hard. Being the parent of preemies bonds families together. No one can understand it unless they have walked in your shoes.
    I always found it helpful to listen to the nurses that cared for Abraham a bit more than the doctors simply because they were with him 24-7. not saying the docs don't know what they are doing but our nurses were able to temper the doctors words with what they saw on a daily basis. It is not an easy road to be on - one that will cause you to run to the Father on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. He knows the end and He is working. You will never know how many lives you, tricia and litle Gwyneth will touch and how many people may come to know HIM through this. You are in my prayers! May God grant you peace and calmness in your spirit.

    ps. I graduated from Liberty Univ. in 2000 and the Outer Banks is my family's favorite place to vacation!
    We have something in common!

  71. Prayers are going up for both of your girls from NE Ohio. May God cradle them close to His heart in the days ahead...I just recently came across this...A baby was born very early. She was given a list of negative outcomes & obstacles that she would face. She was a fighter and her mom never gave up praying. She left the NICU healthy and a living miracle. Just like her mom believed that God would and could do! Several years later at an outing it started to rain. The little girl stopped and asked her mom if she smelled that smell. Her mom said, " what smell? It's just the rain." "No mom, don't you smell it?" she asked her again. Then the little girl said something amazing...She said that's what He smelled like when He held me! He is holding your tiny Rose tonight & she knows Him. Prayers at every thought! Colleen

  72. Nate, I'm praying for you here!!! and just to let you know,,,my niece, was born at 21 weeks, she fit in the palm of our hands. she is now 18 yrs old, and 4 mos. pregnant with her first baby. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!!!!

    carrie lawson, WV

  73. I am praying so very hard for your wife and daughter. My son was 1lb 12oz at birth and thanks to the PROFOUND POWER of prayer he is a healthy and completely caught up 1 year old little boy.

  74. Praying for both of your girls. I'm just in awe of God's goodness! I love how Gwyneth has her hands curled by her face on the ultrasound pictures in the womb and she is doing the same thing out of the womb. How infinitely precious!
    Angela from central Ohio

  75. Prayers are being said in San Marcos, Texas, for Tricia and Gwyneth! God is in control and is watching over and healing both of your girls!

  76. On our knees through the night for your precious girls...true gems and Daughters of Christ!
    We are ONE in the Spirit...
    Claire Adams <><
    Raleigh, NC

  77. I am so amazed to see what God is doing in and through you and your family! It is wonderful to see the body of Christ rise up in prayer for you guys.I'm amazed at the way I see so many standing in the gap for you!

    Take comfort in who the Lord is: Our Father is heaven is unfailingly GOOD and FAITHFUL. He knows all the details of the girls' situations!

    I am praying for you guys as well!

  78. praying for you guys

  79. Hi, Nate & Tricia! Just wanted to let you know I'm still praying. Believing our great & wonderful God is gonna keep hearing us and knows what a blessing and testimony ya'll are to so many!! Love ya'll,

  80. I stumbled upon your blog while researching prematurity. I am experiencing the NICU journey with my twins, who were born at 26 weeks and are now one month old. Your family's story has touched me deeply. I will pray for your darling daughter and courageous wife.

    Have you heard that premature girls tend to do well in the NICU? They're fighters!

    Sincerely, Hope B.

  81. Nathan,

    I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you guys. I found your blog after someone posted a bulletin on myspace.

    I gave birth to triplets at 26 weeks, so I know NICU life very well. After 15 weeks in the hospital, we finally brought all 3 of our babies home.

    I am posting about you and your family on my blog so that others can pray for you too. I know when our babies were very sick and in the hospital, some days the only thing that kept me going was getting messages on my blog letting me know that they were praying for us.

    I'm also praying for strength for you, as I cannot imagine what you must be going through. God is by your side though, and he'll help you through this.

    Sending you and your family big hugs,


    Oh, and our 26 weekers are now completely healthy, happy babies! No long-term issues whatsoever.

  82. We are all praying constantly for your little one!

  83. PRAYERS HEADING YOUR WAY...YOU all are so STRONG...and I am sure this precious baby girl will have the same strength and FAITH as her mommy and daddy...Hugs

  84. I am so thankful for your story being shown to me. I admire your strength and your willingness to accept God's plan.

    I lost all three of my triplets after they were born at 23w6d. My son and daughter lived for 6 days each and my other son spent his entire 89 days in the NICU before joining them in heaven. And in all honesty I am still angry. I still cry every day.

    I want to be more faithful like you are... regardless of the outcome. I am working on that.

    God bless you and keep you all safe.

  85. Hi nate,
    I my sister who had a lung transplant in feb 99 emailed me yours and tricias story. I want to start off by saying that your faith is awseome and I beleive you are probably changing many lives w/it. I live in Portsmouth va and I to have had a double lung transplant. I was listed in late november 2000 and less than a month later found out I was pregnant. I spent the last 3 months of my pregnancy in the hospital and my son was born at 34 weeks. We are all doing fine. I delivered him on july 28 and moved straight down to duke for my transplant when he was three weeks old and had my transplant when he was 8 months old. Anyway, although they are not exactly the same I understand what you are going through and my husband knows how you feel now too. you are blessed to have family there with you for moral support. Here is my e-mail address incase you want to cntact my husband and I. You are in our rayers and I know God will be with you and give you peace. Here is our address Stay strong.


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