
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The People Waiting

In the meantime, check out My Dad's Blog and My Uncle's Blog as they're updating today about this experience from their own personal perspectives.



  1. In prayer today for your family.

  2. Coming before the throne as a stretcher bearer...lifting and praying for your precious family today...

  3. My heart and prayers are with you all. I can not even begin to describe how moved I am and for the first real time in my life feel the calling of the Holy Sprit.
    Thank you.

  4. I am praying today with "groanings which cannot be uttered".

  5. Praying in Illinois.

  6. Besides leaning on God, there is nothing greater than having your family surrounding you during this time. Your dad's last post briefly mentioning the decisions you all have to make if it comes down to it started the watery eyes. I'm so glad you all have the support that you do and will continue to pray today and over the next several days as things are definitely starting to happen.


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