
Monday, January 14, 2008

A Piece of Us: West Virginia

This was our first "vacation" together after our honeymoon. We drove to WV with some friends from VA Beach. We went whitewater rafting, and then Tricia and I stayed an extra day to just hang out and camp and explore. This is a little long, and gets slow at times, but it will give you a better picture of the adventurous spirit Tricia has.

FYI, my mother-in-law is wonderful...Sally's on the other hand...



  1. so sweet! thank you for sharing that!

  2. The pictures below are amazing... She is a fighter and i will keep praying for her. I have shared your story with my family and we are all praying for u guys. My aunt and uncle just had triplets in Sept. so we all know how tired it is sitting in the NICU, awaiting that day to hold your precious baby{babies} and watching them all hooked up to the monitors and everything else. She is truly a blessing and ohh so gorgeous! And Tricia has been in my prayers as well. I hope that soon enough she can meet the little princess that u helped create. She will be so amazed by how gorgeous she is.

  3. wow. how sweet of you to share that, nate. i had already fallen in love with tricia and she seems better than i imagined. she is such a beautiful girl with a beautiful spirit and a beautiful voice.

    praying for each of you.

  4. Thank you SOOOO much for posting this. I've loved "getting to know you" through your writing the past week since I found your blog, but I loved learning Tricia. She's beautiful.

  5. Maybe you could repost the slideshow of Tricia for all the "newbies". It is so nice to put a face with a name. She is just beautiful inside and out!

  6. I have been glued to not just your blog, but your entire family's blog, for the past week. I've prayed even more, for you guys, than I've visited your blogs. I told myself that I wasn't going to send you a message, just because I know that you are getting so many and have been trying to respond to all of them. I don't want you to feel like you have to do that. Instead, I just wanted you guys to know how much your faith and devotion to Christ has impacted lives of those whom are lost. I have shared your blog on my myspace blog, as well as through e-mail and the response I've gotten is just phenomenal. I can't tell you how many conversations that I've had, that starts out with your story, and ends with me answering questions about Christ. I really appreciate the fact that you are using this time and this delicate situation to spread God's word.

    Oh, your precious girl is so amazingly beautiful. You know, I use this phrase often, because God never fails to amaze me....I stand amazed! >:0) Her pictures are simply amazing. She is amazing. God's little miracle. Proof that He does exist.

    I loved the video! I can see why everyone loves your spunky, cool, loving wife! It's not hard to see that God has His hand's all over her.

    Thank you, for your amazing blog, and for your strength, devotion, and faith in Christ. Praying that the Lord bless you and your little family just as you guys have blessed the world. >:0)

  7. I love all the faces Tricia makes in the video. She is very funny.

  8. Praying, praying, praying...

    Here's a song that makes me think of your girls:

    The lyrics are:

    Breathe in
    Breathe out
    Tell me all of your doubts
    Everybody bleeds this way
    Just the same
    Breathe in
    Breathe out
    Move on and break down
    If everyone goes away
    I will stay

    We push and pull
    And I fall down sometimes
    I'm not letting go
    You hold the other line

    Cause there is a light
    In your eyes
    In your eyes

    Hold on
    Hold tight
    If I'm out of your sight
    And everything keeps moving on
    Moving on
    Hold on
    Hold tight
    Make it through another night
    Everyday, there comes a song
    With the dawn

    We push and pull
    And I fall down sometimes
    But I'm not letting go
    You hold the other line

    Cause there is a light
    In your eyes
    In your eyes
    There is a light
    In your eyes
    In your eyes

    Breathe in
    And breathe out
    Breath in
    And breathe out
    Breathe in
    And breathe out
    Breathe in
    And breathe out

    Look left
    Look right
    To the moon
    And the night
    Everything under the stars
    Is in your arms

    Cause there is a light
    In your eyes
    In your eyes
    There is a light
    In your eyes
    In your eyes
    There is a light
    In your eyes
    In your eyes
    There is a light
    In your eyes
    In your eyes

  9. I enjoyed getting to see a glimpse of Tricia and also getting to hear her voice. I've noticed that most of the CF females I know have a voice similar to mine, one that sounds like we need to clear our throat all of the time! That's been interesting to learn (I was dx late, when I was 43!).

    Thanks for sharing that personal glimpse into your life, Nate. I want to go back and see that slide show of Tricia again, too. Just think, some day you'll be putting together a slide show of your daughter doing things like "first walk" "first birthday cake MESS", etc! Debbi (Aspiemom)

  10. I've been down that river...but that was BEFORE either of you were even BORN!!! Oh I feel old now! I think I was either 14 or 15 when I went down The New River....with our youth group!

    still praying!

  11. Thanks for sharing this video! It is not hard to see why you (and everyone!) loves Tricia so much. She is very likeable, and would definitely be the cool, fun friend you love to hang out with.

    Both of your girls are beautiful, inside and out. You are a lucky man, Nate! And I know they are both equally lucky to have you as their knight in shining armor. What an awesome family!

  12. Nathan,
    That was Awesome!!! I did not realize you guys made that!! I can't wait to see you guys again!
    I am still praying and encouraging all to read your story. Your story, videos, love for Christ, love for your girls, and the amount of responses from all over the world is so Awesome!

  13. Nate~
    Thanks for the video of feels like watching friends! Both of your girls are precious, beautiful miracles and we are praying for them daily!!! The pictures of Gwyneth are amazing...she is one blessed little girl! :)
    My son (3 1/2) also loved the idea of being able to "pray for poop" is the only time he is allowed "potty talk" when not actually on one...we are enjoying your sense of humor and frequent updates. Your story has blessed me and others more than you could possibly fathom.
    Praise God for closing Gwyneth's PDA! When our daughter was born (@ 38 weeks, but with extremely premature lungs) the Endocin didn't work as well on her PDA and she still has a small hole...though it hasn't slowed her down one bit (now 18 months and our little miracle)!
    We still keep in close contact with several NICU staff members at Wake Med...they truly become your family. And how blessed are they and other parents to have your faith as a witness to them!?!? God's plan is perfect!!!!
    Three verses keep weighing on me...I pray them for you and your girls and wanted to share.
    "See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God; and such we are..."!
    1 John 3:1
    I pray this during the night for you specifically...knowing true rest is a rare commodity right now... "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed..."
    1 Corinthians 15:51
    And finally, this verse helped me through so many restless nights when our Sara Borden was in the NICU. I would wake up to pump and call her nurse...many times I was fearful of the report (for 2 weeks she was very unstable). God gave me this verse in the midst of anguish and I stopped being fearful and let the Spirit bring me peace...
    "Fear not (little one), for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God..." It is now her life verse...and one of my favorites!
    Sending tons of "cyber hugs" and very real prayers for you!!!
    Claire Adams and family <><
    Raleigh, NC

  14. Hope you enjoyed your time in WV. We get such a bad rap sometimes. And speaking on behalf of my great state, I hope you Tricia return and how Gwynetha "Almost Heaven" West Virginia.

    Know WV is praying for you all.

    God Bless!

  15. What I meant to say is I hope you AND Tricia return AND bring baby Gwyneth.

    It's late....sorry about the typos!

  16. Thank you for sharing.....It's easy so see why she is loved so very much. I pray everyday for you and your family.

  17. Aww. Y'all make me smile and remember what life is all about. :)

  18. that video was awesome. she has the sweetest voice... i know you can't wait to hear her talk to you again. i'm sure it will melt your heart. thank you, thank you, thank you for all you share with the world. God has really enlarged your territory... He really is capable of doing more than we could ever ask or imagine!!

  19. Thanks for sharing that. Been to that gorge, a good few times and it is awe-inspiring - and I am not sure if you went down the New or the Gauley, but either way FUN. I knew Tricia was so lovely, sweet, fun and real from all the photos in the earlier posts, but it was wonderful to see her animated and hear her speak -her wonderful personality comes right through. Great just to see the two of you having fun.

    And thanks for all the wonderful photos of your precious daughter - she just melts me. I know she knows your presence - she looks so precious sleeping with such abandon. And clearly Tricia takes great comfort from your presence. You are so important to them. Among all other things I am praying for your family, I am praying that you are taking care of you and doing for you what you need.

    And thank you for sharing your faith with us all. I know that Tricia has it in equal measure - you both have shown me so much about faith and hope.

  20. I loved the video! thank you for sharing it. Tricia seems like someone I could have tons of fun with. :) I loved learning a little more about her.

  21. The funny thing about watching this video is that although I've never met Tricia, your words describe her spirit and ways so vividly I feel as though I'd already seen the video. I honestly had to think about it! Initially I thought about whether she would be okay with you posting such intimate footage, but then I realized that you are both very open and this is your relationship as a whole. She is a beautiful woman - I pray that her suffering (from the cf) will end soon with a successful transplant. We all anticipate the day that she gets to "meet" Gwyneth, but having just given birth myself, I feel she already knows many things about her - it's something you just 'feel' when you're pregnant! YOU need to continue to discover her so that you can fill Tric in on all the details that she'll need (take a slow video, head to toe. And don't forget the spaces between her toes and behind her ears, those are my favorite!) You are awesome! Thank you for sharing such wonderful memories to give us all more to love about your girls!!!
    Refreshing (and praying) in Ohio

  22. Aw, Nate. Thanks for sharing that awesome video. It was so good to hear Tric's voice again! It's been too long!

  23. Thank you for sharing such a sweet and precious time in yours and Tricia's lives. We look forward to seeing many more pieces of your lives as you BOTH watch little Gwyneth grow up!

  24. This was so great to watch. Pictures just don't show off her sweet spirit as good as this video. I know that if I ever meet her, we'd be instant friends.

  25. Nathan,
    Thank you for the video with Tricia. I have missed her so much and hearing her voice (and throat clearings!) makes me feel close to her. Praying that she will be able to get off the sedatives and vent soon and that she will be able to talk to her little baby girl Gwyneth.
    Love ya,
    P.S. Hi Agnes! Love you too!

  26. Oh I Just loved that! I can see why you fell head over heald for Tricia...she is so sweet and full of fun!

  27. the video! We are native West Virginians and are so glad you enjoyed your time in our beautiful state. We are BIG blog fans and also have a CFer in our family...22 year old Kristi. We check on you daily and pray for you at least as much!


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