
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Semi-Decision Time

The OB doc came in earlier this evening to inform us that there is a meeting taking place tomorrow morning at 8am among all of Tricia's medical team, including OB docs, CF docs, Neonatal, ICU, etc. At this meeting, they will be putting their heads together to figure out the best plan for every possible scenario. He also informed us that, because of her condition, Tricia is the top patient for just about each of them.

The OB doc will be stopping by Tricia's room about 6:30AM to find out what we might want to do about those possible scenarios. Because the baby has now reached the gestational age of viability, we have to consider several what-ifs. We're certain that the baby will be here early, and pretty sure that it will be in the next several weeks.

Because it will not be a naturally induced birth, we are probably going to have to make the decision of when to deliver. It will almost certainly be a C Section. The doctors basically want to know how far along we are willing to go. Our new goal is to make it to 28 weeks, but that will all depend on Tricia's health.

The further we allow the pregnancy to go, the greater chance the baby has, and the less chance Tricia has.

Please pray as we begin to consider, day-by-day, when to make that final decision. Here are a few things that Tricia has put together to pray for specifically over the next few weeks:

For Tricia:
mucus that seems stuck to come up more easily
strength, still real weak
o2 needs to go down
infection to go away
insulin levels stay where they need to be
gain weight
get more sleep
that lungs aren't further damaged as time goes on
that my body will be strong enough for a surgery when the baby is delivered. No complications as a result from surgery.

For Our Baby:
meeting taking place tomorrow AT 8AM by many important doctors looking out on my behalf & baby's and coming up with a plan
steroid shot given to baby tomorrow, that they work effectively on helping baby be prepared for delivery.
baby to gain and grow properly
baby not to be harmed while I am receiving these antibiotics
making decisions about timing of delivery

A few prayers have already been answered:
Tricia hasn't relied on bipap machine as much today
Tricia's heart rate went down during rest immediately after the prayer yesterday, that it will continue to stay at a safe level
Tricia got more hours of sleep last night than the past week
Tricia feels better, everyone who has seen her the past 36 hours has noticed the change compared to yesterday



  1. Nate,

    Thanks for the detailed update and prayer needs. We will continue to pray, pray, pray for Tricia, the baby, you and all the docs involved in their care. Praise the Lord for the answers thus far!As far as the meeting tomorrow, we will claim Proverbs 3:5-6. May the Lord clearly "direct your path". Give Tricia our love, and tell her we're impressed that she can smile in every picture, no matter what the circumstance! :)

    Love and prayers,
    The Edwards family (NSF Va.Beach)

  2. Praying for the next goal of 28 weeks to be met and for everything to improve beyond expectations. Will also be praying for the doctors tomorrow morning as they put on those thinking caps.

    Thinking about you guys every day.

    ~The Hughes Family

  3. A moment hasn't gone by in the past 3 days where you guys haven't been on my mind and in a prayer. Janet and I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow! We love you three!

  4. hey nathan...i just commented a little further down on your page and felt i should write here instead...just to let you know THANKYOU so much for updating...and remember that Elijah is our miracle baby and GOD DOES work miracles...we are on our knees for you three.

  5. I am just now reading your blog for the first time...I found it through another friends blog. You have another friend (in me) who will keep Trisha and your sweet baby in my prayers.
    Stephanie in CA

  6. A friend of mine referred me to your site. I'm the mom of an 18yo young man with CF. I will be in prayer for you both and your baby. Our God is faithful.
    June in Colorado
    Family Blog

  7. Just wanted to offer words of encouragement. Our God is BIG, HUGE, AWESOME and POWERFUL! He loves giving His children the desires of their hearts. I will pray that He gives you all that you ask.

  8. Nate, Trish and blessed baby girl: May Jesus continue to pour his blessings upon you and give you the strength to follow His will. Continue to pray.....

  9. Praying tons here!!!


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