
Thursday, January 3, 2008


If you can, please partner with us in asking others to pray Tricia.

> Email this link:

> Post a short blog with this link:

We appreciate your prayers and help.



  1. Hi, I saw your post of and wanted you to know that you're family is in my prayers & I will be spreading the word to keep Tricia & the baby in everyones prayers. (((HUGS))) to you both for having to go through this. May God give you the courage,strenght,faith & Love to pull through these tough times.

  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers! Praying for healing for Tricia and health for your baby.

  3. Hi,
    We picked up your blog from the Leino's, and have been praying for you all since.
    Thinking of you lots,
    Alison, Pete and Charlie x
    Cardiff, UK.

  4. Nate, I am praying for Tricia, the baby and you...and the drs. I've asked some family members to pray, also. Thanks for listing the update with the prayer specifics. I have posted a blog in with a copy of your prayer list and reminding everyone to be in prayer.

    I'm so thankful for the answers to prayer so far!! All my Love, Debbi (Aspiemom)

  5. We are friends of Susie Morrison Cummings who told us about what all is going on with you right now - we will certainly keep you in prayer! May Our Lord richly bless you with peace and joy!! - Martha in S. Jersey

  6. Hey Guys...I've heard from many people on my blog that are praying for you three from all over the US. Can't wait to get down there to see you all.

  7. Praying and asking others to do so as well! Our God is Jehovah Rapha and He still heals today!

  8. I'm praying for you guys!!!!

  9. I came across your blog through the Leino's blog quite a few weeks ago. Just want you to know that my husband and I are praying for you all.

    God Bless You!

    Dianett & Sam

  10. Hi Nate,
    This is Chris Byrd, one of Tricia's homeschooling friends from NJ (I know we've met a couple of times --I've got a twin brother Matt). I just want you to know I'm praying for you. Praise the Lord for the prayers He's answered so far! May He put His hand of healing on Tricia and the baby. Grace and peace, Chris

  11. Lifting all of you in prayer today...

  12. Mrs. Tricia and Mr. Nathan,
    I miss you lots and send you lots of hugs. I'm praying for you and your baby girl.

    Mikaela Ramos

  13. Hey Nate,
    Just got off the phone w/ Andy...Carlee and I are praying for you and i'm sending this link to our youth group to have them begin to pray also...

    Steve T--the okie

  14. Nate and Tricia,

    I've sent out some e-mails, facebook, and have asked my seminary classmates to pray and spread the word to pray.

    We are praying for you today!

    Uncle Andy

  15. I added your prayer request to my blog. Our Father is the greatest physician so we are handing this all to Jesus!

    The Julian's in Mooresville NC

  16. Hi this is Julia McKenzie from Fayetteville, NC - found your blog through Jane-Jane's blog -

    wow - I am busy getting this prayer request as far and as to as many people as possible - know that we are standing with you guys and praying for a miracle for your wife and your precious baby.

    The McKenzie Crew

  17. hey you guys...i did post on my blog and on facebook last night...and i just wanted to let you know that I got a ton of emails saying they would be praying for you! Of course, we are too...we love you SO much...Tricia girl, you're on my mind constantly and in my prayers...i'm on my knees for you and your sweetie.

  18. Tricia and Nathan,
    It's Becky Fletcher (now Holloway) from the homeschooling days back in NJ. I just found out about your situation from Susannah Cummings, and I am on my knees for you. I keep a blog as well and have posted a prayer request there too. May you feel God's presence in a profound way as His people join together in prayer for you and your precious baby girl.
    In His name,

  19. Hi! The Murphy's of HHBC in New Jersey are praying for all of you and asking for much wisdom for your doctors,as well as healing for Trisha and your baby. I (Sue) work with your brother-in-law Jeff at Baptist High, and we remember Trisha in her younger days here at HHBC, such a strong, sweet girl. What a testimony you are to us! We've shared your prayer request and blogger info. with our families and other HHBC members!
    Proverbs 3:5,6 -Sue & Steve Murphy

  20. We are praying for you! "And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." 1 Peter 5:10
    Love Heather & Adam Sakers
    Nags Head

  21. I shared your request with the yahoogroup for the orphanage we are adopting from. One of the members posted this prayer on your behalf and I felt you should read it.

    Dear Lord we do not know these people but you do. You have created them and I am sure you enjoy that they walk with you daily. Right now Lord they need a miracle. I pray that you will give the doctors your Godly wisdom. I pray that you will help Tricia's body maintain or better yet, improve. I pray you will give her a peace that you are watching over her and her child. Lord I pray that this baby girl will continue to grow and that you will keep her safe. Lord I pray for her husband. At this time his future is so uncertain and scary, but after reading about them I know his is a man in love with his maker. Give him strength and health to get him though this. Give him a strong shoulder when he needs to cry. Wrap him up in your loving arms and hold him. Lord I pray for Tricia and Nate's parents. I pray that you will help them be the rock the family needs right now but also provide a loving embrace when they feel like the sadness is overwhelming. Somehow let them know they are not alone and that your other children are lifting them up in prayer.
    But most of all Lord I pray that you be seen though all of this. That the one or two people you need to speak to, will hear you or see you or feel you move. Let Nate and Tricia be your will here on Earth. Use them for your kingdom. I thank you Lord for being in my life and using this tool to bring all in your family together to pray for each other and offer comfort.


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