
Monday, February 4, 2008

The Story of Us (Part 1)

So, I've been wanting to get this down on paper for a long time. It's much more entertaining to have Tricia and I both tell (as in verbally) it together (just ask our friends who have heard it), but this will have to do for now...maybe, at some point I'll get Tricia to give her side of the story.

This part of the story brings about lots of debate when it's discussed amongst my family. My dad swears he told me about Tricia before I even met her, but I'm not so sure about that part. Tricia swears that I get the date wrong. This is how I recall it.

I can remember it like it just happened 10 minutes ago... I was interning as "worship leader" at my home church in Nags Head, NC during the summer of 2000. It was Sunday, August 6, about two weeks before I was set to head out for my second year of college. I was standing on stage getting ready to begin the service when I looked out over the people gathering for worship and saw her. I didn't have much time to stare, which probably wouldn't have been appropriate at that moment anyway, but I made a mental note to remember to find her at the end of the service.

As usual, I stood outside the church door as everyone was leaving, hanging out with friends, saying hello to familiar faces, and meeting new people. Her family was one of the last to make their way stomach and heart are reminding me right now of the feeling I had when I shook her hand and looked into her eyes and introduced myself. She told me her name was Tricia Kirschner.

I asked her where she was from, and she told me her family had just moved into the area. I mentioned the college are group that met on Sunday nights at the church and invited her and her brother, Joe to come and join us that night. She said maybe.

I remember watching her as she walked away, following her family toward their car...I told myself that she was the girl I was going to marry.



  1. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story! It seems I no longer care about any of the other blogs I have been reading. All I want is to see and hear about your girls. I think I check your blog a dozen times a day-- no joke! Thanks for being so honest and making my days a little more interesting. As always, you and your entire family are in my prayers. Can I have permission to mention you and your girls in my blog? You can email me at, or leave a comment on my blog. Thanks!

    Bethlehem, PA

  2. Fate played a hand that day and changed your life...I was a lurker that has now become obsessed with your blog. I even have a short cut to your blog on the desk top of my blackberry, so very sad.So yes I carry you guys with me everywhere I go. I feel like I am part of your family and for that I thank you. Thank you for letting me in, for sharing the good, the bad, the happy, and yes sometimes the sad. I pray daily for your family sometimes many times through out the day even in strange places. Please continue to wear your honest emotions and feeling out for all to see it will only make you a stronger and more devoted man, husband and father. You have an amazing way with words continue to use them for all the word to see and we will continue to gather strength from you.

  3. It would be fun to see pictures of you guys from around that time. You (especially) seem to have *many* different looks/hair styles from the different pictures and videos.
    This is very fun to hear. Thanks for sharing!

  4. morning Nat, and Girls! :)

    may today be a blessing!

  5. That is a beautiful story from your perspective! I am looking forward to hearing Tricia's side. Praying for you all.

  6. Oh my God! He is performing great miracles in your lives. I shall be praying for you, your beautiful bride and your baby with all my heart. May God bless you and protect you all.

  7. Such a sweet start to a beautiful story! Isn't cool when you just "know"??

  8. Two kinds of stories I never get tired of hearing; how couples meet and details of their wedding,and when their baby/babies are born. There is something so wonderful about joining hearts and lives and seeing life created. True life stories and God is the Author!
    Blessings and prayers from Alaska!

  9. Can't wait for the next installment. Glad to hear that Tricia and Gwyneth are doing well. Thank you for keeping us updated!


  10. It's unexplainable, yet I will explain it. I'm speechless, yet words are coming to me now.....

    every click is a prayer to our Lord for healing, I hope...

    we love you and that's just crazy.

    You are words in a box....

    sigh- i love the internet.

    Lungs lungs lungs> We want lungs!

  11. I LOVE these kind of stories, can't wait to hear Part 2 :), oh and thanks for stopping by my blog- it meant alot to me!

  12. I was reading in my local Catholic newspaper about CF. It stated that it used to be that the average life span for CF people was age 16 but now it is 37. I bet a lot of people with CF will lead a long life. Maybe not to be age 70 but hopefully, will live long enough to see their kids grow up. Why do you say Tricia has already exceeded what they predicted to be her life expectancy? With a successful lung transplant, will she be healthy then or will problems cro up?
    I am happy to hear Gwyneth is gaining weight. YAY!!!

  13. I've got Holy Ghost bumps! Looking forward to hearing more of your story.

  14. Sounds like true love from the beginning.
    I'll be praying for more good news today.

  15. I check your blog daily and I usually go to write a comment and then chicken out becuase I don't know what to say or how to put it. Thank you for the "window" into your world. My family are just over in Raleigh, actually Wendell...closer to OBX..., anyways, you have new friends here. Nags Head is a special place for my family and it is especially nice to "know" someone that really lives there. My college basketball coach went to Manteo High School and her parents own the Ace Hardwares at the OBX. One teacher I work with, her husband was also the principal at Manteo High some years ago. Anyways...rambling...I look forward to seeing your family get better and better. My family's blog is
    Wendy York

  16. I'm so excited to hear this story!!! :) Can't wait to hear the rest...and then I'd love to hear Tricia's version!

  17. I love these kind of stories. I could read these all day long. So sweet......Thanks for sharing this ...can't wait to hear what happened next!

  18. God is good - all the time.

    We as believer have to hold on to that thought. I am really encouraged by your post on Satan being the blame. Christians love to give him credit but everything is swifted through the hands of the Father. The Lord is always at work in our lives, making us into what He wants us to be and sometimes that process is hard.

    Hold tight and know that He will never leave you or forsake you. And that this journey is not just for you and family but for the Kingdom.

    Beth Johnson
    Montgomery, Al

  19. I believe the statistic is 37 years life expectancy for a child born with CF in 2007.

  20. sounds like a match made in heaven. by the way, that picture is gorgeous!

  21. Nathan & Tricia
    I think I might have meantioned a a few posts ago that in my eyes
    YOUR "story" is a
    Praying & Thinking for You guys so very often every day...
    even when I wake in the middle of the night is the 3 of you
    who first come into my mind
    (I look foward to Part 2)
    Thank You Both for sharing your "story"

  22. What a beautiful love story you guys have. God has truly blessed the 3 of you with each other. I pray for healing for your girls. Thank you for sharing your story.
    Mooresville, NC

  23. You should really write a book on your story! So many people would love to buy it and read it. It's a true love story! I come check three times, four times a day to see if anything new is up. I love that wedding picture, Tricia is so beautiful! Can't wait to read more! From Sudbury, On. Canada

  24. My God can extend life expectancy without taking his feet off of the planet/footstool.

    Lord do miracles for your glory!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Oh man, that is so romantic. I always wanted someone to look at me like that, so I could love them back. Now I fear it may be too late. (I'm 47.) So I can relive my younger days vicariously through your stories - if that makes any sense. Your blog is awesome. Praying that Tricia and Gwynneth have a great day today, with you.

  27. Sounds like an awesome story and I especially liked the date - that is my husband and I's anniversary (Aug. 5) so I believe that you have the date just right! :)

    Continued prayers for you and your girls! Sounds like they are moving forward and continuing to do well. God bless all of you.

  28. Love it....I can't wait to hear the rest of it!

  29. sounds like something right out of a book or movie, lol. can't wait to hear the rest :)

  30. you do not know me, however, I check your site daily, you sir are a lucky man, you have a beautful wife and daughter! may your life continue to be blessed.I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers
    God Bless~

  31. oh and btw, you are the featured post today on this incredible site.

    Just thought I'd share.
    -Shannon in Austin

  32. My husband said he knew he was going to marry me the first day he saw me, which was in church over 14 years ago. I used to play in our church orchestra & as I walked back to find a seat before the sermon one Sunday morning, my husband leaned over to his best friend & told him, "I'm going to marry her." We have been married for almost 11 years. God certainly made us for each other, as he made you & Tricia for one another. We are praying for you every day. Thanks for sharing such a sweet memory!

    Sara in MD

  33. What a beautiful story! I can't wait to hear the rest. :)

  34. looking forward to hearing the rest of the story:)

  35. I am a fairly new reader to your story, my son actually missed a day of preschool because I was engrossed!! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your two girls are in wonderful hands. In the hands of God, doctors, family and you. So I pray for all of those people caring for them, but as a mother of boys I find myself praying for you, Nate. I can't imagine the toll this is taking on you, but you are doing a great job. I pray that God gives you strength and courage to face each day for your beautiful girls. God Bless.

  36. so amazing. such are love stories.

  37. In the past you've mentioned that you would like people to let you know if they've mentioned you on their blog, so I wanted to let you know that I just wrote a blog mentioning you and Tricia.

  38. May God bless all of you guys. Your faith has been such an inspiratiion to me. Your baby is such a beautiful miracle.
    I have cf and I am 39 and still going strong. My baby will be six on Valentine's Day. My pregnancy and his birth was a miracle too.
    Thanks for sharing with us, many people all over the world are being touched by God through you guys. Love and prayers.

  39. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story, looking forward to part 2!

    Your situation makes me speechless, so just know that my thoughts & prayers are with you and your wonderful girls.

  40. Such a lovely story and am looking forward to hearing the next part!

    I've been wondering often HOW one knows that he/she is the 'one' to marry?!? I am still single (have only had one serious relationship that didn't work out) and I asked people I know this very same question but... they just say you'll know... and can't explain exactly why. I certainly wish I knew for sure and am hoping I'll find the 'right one' someday soon. So if you can explain how, that'd be excellent! If not, then it's definitely one of the world's mysteries!! ;-)

    Hope you all are well,
    Marissa :-)

  41. Your blog is totally awesome! What a wonderful gift you're making. I can't stay away from it. I hope you've saved it somewhere just in case blogger can't handle all the traffic!!

    I love the pics of you holding your precious daughter. We could not hold our son until he was three months old. He was 1lb, 2oz and 10.5 inches, in 1990. He's a strong healthy boy now, age 17. (Against all earthly odds.)

    Thank you for allowing your story to be shared with all of us. You have a gift of writing. Thanks for using it to honor Him.

    I'm praying for you and your girls and that you'll receive lungs soon for Tricia.

  42. Oh I can't wait until part 2! My fave stories are how we met/wedding & birth stories.

  43. I'm not exactly sure how I came across your blog but I am hooked too! Just seeing that tiny baby reinforces my belief in God almighty!!! Praying each day for all three of you! God has a plan for each of you and know your story will continue to be wonderful! Praying for the transplant to happen soon!

  44. Look at Tricia in the wedding picture, the pic of her giving the thumbs up Or her picture on the True Confessions of a CF Husband home page....Really any picture of her....
    from all I have learned through your posts and from my son, Tricia is a TRUE BEAUTY INSIDE AS WELL AS OUTSIDE
    May God Continue to Hold the three of you in his hands and Bless You Always
    Praying for You & Your's

  45. Beautiful love story... long may it continue.

  46. OK I can see I am going to be here the rest of the night reading this entire story in one sitting. I am entranced, in awe, in love with your story from the first time I started reading your blog. If you showed up at my door tomorrow I could invite you all in like your old friends I have known forever, and I think that is cool. I cant go a day without checking in to make sure everyone is okay and see whatever new photos you have added.


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