
Monday, February 4, 2008

The Story of Us (Part 2)

(Start With Part 1)

You can probably get some more entertaining perspective about this part of the story from others who were there and remember watching my idiotic behavior.

The next thing I knew, I was in my dad's office, digging through the guest cards, looking for one that said Kirschner (being a PK has it's perks). I found it and quickly wrote down the phone number.

That afternoon - actually, late that afternoon after spending several hours working up the courage to make the phone call - I called Tricia and again invited her to come out and hang with us that night. I told her that it would be fun and that we were planning on going putt-putting afterwards. (I worked at a miniature golf course for a few summers, and putt putting was one of our favorite past-times)

You wouldn't believe how excited I was when she actually showed up that night (sorry, Joe...I can't remember if you came...). I hadn't told anyone that I had invited her, and, of course, I didn't tell anyone what was going through my head about her, but somehow (I'm guessing it was incredibly obvious) some in the group knew (hey Matt!). (I actually found out later that she had decided that day that she was not going to come unless God had somebody call her up and invite her...but she'll have to fill you in on that part later)

After the formal group time, we headed over the golf course, only to discover that they had closed early because of a little rain. I had invited Tricia to follow me in her car, and because we arrived before everyone else, I got a few minutes to stand outside her passenger side window and talk. :)

When everyone else arrived, we came up with plan B and headed over to Pizza Hut. There were about 12 of us all together, and I can distinctly remember my friend, T doing his best to make sure that Tricia and I somehow ended up sitting beside each other at the extended table. (Thanks, T!)

This was my (and the rest of the group's) first glimpse at Tricia's appetite. At that point, none of us knew about her CF (healthy CFers tend to eat more than they show because of their bodies inability to naturally intake fat, calories, etc.), and we were simply amazed at how much this skinny girl could put away. I believe the food of choice that night (and many nights since) was chicken wings.

I have no idea what we all talked about, who else was at the table, or what I did when I got home that night...all I seem to remember about the rest of that evening is that I had an extremely hard time getting to sleep.



  1. sounds like ya had it bad ! and still do!!!!!!!! :)

    hope today was a good one!

  2. What a beautiful love story! Thanks for sharing that with your readers. I have to tell you that today, I once again, realized what a small world we live in! Upon reading your story (I am a dedicated fan of your blog), whenever you mentioned the last names, I would think that Tricias sounded familiar to me but had no idea why. Today, as I linked over to your SIL, Megans, site, it clicked..... I remembered the last name, b/c it was the last name of a girl, Megan, who went to college at the same small College I did... Houghton College. I E-mailed her through her site to see if that was indeed true and it is. Anyway.... thought that was pretty cool. Thanks again for the openness and honesty of this site. I have said it before and will say it again, I am sure you guys are effecting SO MANY lives. I would love to hear all the stories of lives changed by this site!!!

    Still Praying in NY, Amy

    PS, loved the wedding photo of you two and also thrilled to hear about Gwyneth going ot CPAP YAHOO!!!!!!!!!

  3. I love hearing stories of how people met their significant other!!! I am also a PK (a girl, so my dad was INSANELY strict on me). I met my husband in a chat room!!! It's a pretty amazing story, too. Isn't it fun to look back, and see how God's hand was working to lead you to your soulmate??? I would have never in my life thought I would marry some dude I met on the Internet. But, now I can't imagine my life without him. Thanks for sharing!! :)

  4. Nathan,

    We're really enjoying you and Tricia's "love story"! Greg and I also started dating while in the singles/college group at church, and we can so relate to those "group outings" which were really like early dates! :) Yes, I have a feeling many in the group could look at you both and see the "fireworks" beginning! We also loved the wedding photo from several posts ago. BEAUTIFUL!

    Tell Tricia we all LOVE your story, and we're continuing to pray for her strength, patience, and lung donor!

    Love and prayers,
    Laura E. and family

    P.S. Gwyneth will giggle one day as she hears you recount this story!

  5. I feel so privileged to be reading all these personal & special times I want to Thank You for sharing ALL of this with us....
    What a Beautiful Love Story between the two of you ... I think I have said that a couple of times already, but once more isnt going to hurt =) =) =) =)
    I have to ask if there is going ot be a "part three" =) =)
    Still Showering You All Lovingly With Prayers,
    P.S. Ya know I cant remember what I did before your blogging...=) =)

  6. Tee hee, you were caught and hooked! :-D Another sweet continuation of this love story!

    Best wishes with sleeping and hope your circadian rhythms correct themselves once again soon. :-)

    Good night,
    Marissa :-)

  7. Oh, I can't WAIT for the next installment!! I love hearing (or in this case reading) about how people met!!! Keep it comin'!

    Praying for Tricia to be officially on the transplant list very soon!!

  8. Awwwweeeee! So sweet. My hub's keeps up with your blog, as I do, but he doesn't come as often as I do and usually has a little catching up to do. I think he needs to do his "catching up" tonight so that maybe he'll feel compelled to blog about his perspective on how we met. ha,ha....Fat chance. This is very sweet, though, and I am certain that your precious wife loves and appreciates that you did this for you both. Blessings to you guys.

  9. lovin' this story!

  10. What a precious story! So romantic and innocent! Thanks for sharing it with us. Praying for Tricia, Gwyneth and you!

  11. Keep the love story comin'!

  12. Ahhh i cant wait to hear more.... When's Part 3 coming? I'll keep checking to see if its here. Thinking of you and your girls all the way from Sudbury, On, Canada!

  13. Enjoying reading your story. I went and looked at Tricia's blog today and enjoyed all the photos she shared there.

    Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next "Big News"

    Praying for more good reports on the girls and more sleep for you.

    In Christ.


  14. So sweet!!! My hubby and I had our first date at Pizza Hut too!!! That was almost 15 years ago!!! Must be something in the sauce :)

    Hope all is well...
    Love to you all

  15. I am really enjoying hearing your story. Thank you for sharing it with a bunch of complete strangers!

    Still praying for you in Nashville.

  16. Great have a way with words. :)

    Thanks for sharing. We are still praying in Lynchburg...


  17. What a beautiful couple you are!! Continued prayers...

  18. OK, this may seem like a ridiculous idea, but after reading this wonderful love story, I was listening to K-LOVE -- do you listen to that Christian radio station that broadcasts all over the country? Well, anyway, they are having a contest to turn someone's love story into a love song by Matthew West for Valentine's Day. Just thought this story would be perfect! :-) you can look at if you are interested... just thinking what a remarkable story you have and you are a musician, too!

    Praying for you all tonight!!

  19. I so enjoyed your story, and my prayer is that you and Tricia will get to share this with Gwyneth one day. Love the wedding picture! Waiting to hear more great news, God is SO Good!
    Please let Tricia know that we love her, and will continue to lift all of you in prayer.
    Marge in Maryland

  20. awwwwwwwwwwwwww, love is in the air..........listening and waiting for Part III.
    -Shannon in Austin

  21. Neat story, could we have part three please?

  22. How cute. It brings back memories of the first time my husband and I met 18 years ago. (And I'm only 35) Way to go Nate!


  23. I had to laugh when I read about "how much that skinny girl can put away" - that was my reaction on my first date with my husband (also a CFer). Since both of his sisters have CF also, it's really hard not to overeat when when we have a family dinner at their house!


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