
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday Morning Update

(This is Rick, Nate's dad posting for him at his request while he goes to visit Gwyneth.)

Today is crucial for Tricia as they gradually wake her up from her sedation. At the same time they are reducing the amount that the ventilator is breathing for her, hoping for her body to resume the breathing. When she wakes her natural tendency will be to fight against the vent, which we hope will not happen, but to work with the vent.

The nurses have encouraged Nathan to talk to Tricia, even while she is unconscious. What's been interesting is how as he speaks her heart rate drops, indicating hearing his voice calms her.

As he was stroking her hair and speaking he noticed her lips move. Then she turned her head his direction and opened her eyes to look at him briefly. He told her who he was and that Gwyneth was doing fine. That brought a smile to her face.

As Nathan came out to share it with us (Gail, Don, Agnes, Janet and Megan) he broke down saying "She opened her eyes and looked at me". Can you imagine the last couple of days, not knowing if you would ever see your loved one look at you again? The relief he was feeling (and all of us - everyone of us had tears) was huge.

So today is starting out great! They'll continue to wake her up and make the transition from ventilator to Tricia doing the breathing as she allows. Her O2 and CO2 levels remain the same.

Your prayers and love shown to all of us has been incredible. Tricia still has a huge mountain to climb, not only immediately from the C section and the complications that come with CF, but our prayer is that she will recover quickly and prepare for the double lung transplant.

I'm sure Nate will come back here soon and share from his perspective.


  1. It brought tears to my eyes also. What a great thing. We are still praying and nothing can stop that. You are all in God's hands. Blessings from Florida.

  2. Thank you for posting Rick!!

    Praise you Lord Jesus for taking care of my family in Christ, the Lawrensons, and their extended families. You are amazing, merciful, gracious Savior and I praise your Holy name for answering prayers. I pray dear Lord that you will continue to work in Tricia's and Gwyneth's lives giving them strength to overcome these trials and come out stronger in the end. I pray Lord for the doctors, nurses, specialists, and any other medical personnel who will deal with Tricia and Gwyn and that you will give them wisdom to make the right decisions. I thank you Lord for allowing me to follow this journey and for bringing me closer to you through it. Amen.

  3. What an update! I've been checking frequently, so the latest news certainly brings lots of hope and more prayers.

    The are many people around the world who have come to know your family and are lifting you all up in prayer!

  4. Thanks for the update! What a blessing for Nate and Tricia to have such wonderful family support at the hospital!

    We're still praying fervently, and part of my prayer today was for Tricia to wake enough to get a glimpse of the miracle, Gwyneth Rose and realize that God has answered her prayer of becoming a Mommy. Now that she has seen Nathan, I know that the answer to my prayer may not be far away!

    God is so GOOD!

    Praying for all of you,
    Laura Edwards

  5. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this incredible news. We love you guys and pray everyday.

  6. thanks rick... praying, we love you.... call me if you need anything at all!!

    rich coleman

  7. I dont personally know you, but I know that it was no accident for me to come across your blog. My husband and I prayed for your family last night and I have not stopped praying all day. I know God led me to your blog not only to strengthen my relationship with him but to help stand in the gap for your family.

    You are ALL AMAZING!!!

    James 1:12
    Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

    -Your sister in Christ


  9. God is amazing! You don't know me and I don't know you other than to read the amazing story of your family. I am praying for all of you and keep spreading your story to all I know. It is a true miracle! Continued healing and prayers for both your wife and gorgeous baby girl.

  10. I am crying tears of relief & joy. Thank you, Lord, for allowing Nathan to see Tricia's loving gaze once again!

  11. What a sweet moment they shared.

    Thank you for the update.

    Prayers and thoughts continue today.

  12. Hearing the amazing story about how Tricia was calmed by Nate's voice and then responding to him brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. Thanks so much for updating. I am checking this blog very often and praying even more. Blessings and prayers coming from Louisiana. Jennifer


    Ephesians 3:20-21

  14. I'm sitting in an appliance store for a private sale, dabbing tears too. What a family, what a DAD! Can't stop praying for you guys!! Praise the Lord for the "Look."

  15. A member of my bible study sent a link to your blog on Tuesday requesting that we all pray. Your story has moved me greatly and the Spirit has led me to pray for your family many times. We do not know you personally, but feel a connection to your family knowing that we are brothers and sisters in Christ. We'll keep praying!
    Sarah- New Haven, CT

  16. Praying right now that you will all see and feel the hand of God this very afternoon. I am praying that the doctors and nurses that you come in contact with are amazed by the hand of God.

  17. Prayers are going up, God is good. I have faith that he will heal Tricia in the way only he can.

    Prayers for strength are going up for you Nate and your family, both extended and immediate.

    Miracles DO happen.

  18. In Jesus name I pray for healing for Tricia's diseased lungs. As the sedatives ware off I pray Tricia awakes peacefully to fully experience the wonderous miracle that has occured by God's grace. May husband and wife be united again in consciousness to share the love of Christ and their precious child. This I ask in Jesus's name.

  19. I have been praying so hard for the Lord to deliver you a miracle!! Praise God.

  20. Praise God! We can see his mighty power working on Tricia and Gwyneth. Thanks for taking the time to update us all. Will continue to pray for you all.


  21. praying praying praying!

  22. Been there, done that... we'll meet one day and swap stories Nate. You take good care of your them in the father's arms and take your comofrt in there with them.

    You three and your families are in my Pryaers.

  23. Praise the Lord!!!! Nathan and everyone - Thank you so much for updating your blogs so frequently during this extremely difficult time - I cannot tell you how much this means to us (as we are here in NJ) to know what is going on with our dear Tricia! We love you guys with all our hearts and cannot wait to hear about the next hurdle Tricia miraculously jumps through! We haven't stopped praying for one moment!! ~ Lisa

  24. You do not know me, but I just received an email about you and your beautiful family. I was moved and brought to tears reading all your blogs. I am christian and a huge believer in healing miracles. I have passed your info to friends and family as well as my bible study group of about 30 women. "My faith does not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God. 1Corinthians 2:5 Just know that a whole lot of jesus freaks in Orlando Fl will be praying for you today and the weeks to come. May Gods supernatural strength and healing powers fall upon you at this moment. "The Lord has declared that he WILL restore me to health and heal my wounds" Jeremiah 30:17 (NIV) May God Bless you, Meredith Rosser

  25. Praying, praying, praying...
    the Trasks in NC

  26. thank you, rick. your family is so gracious to include us in this journey.

    much love to all of you.

  27. Our God is an AWESOME God!

  28. Please know that I am praying for all of you.

  29. Yepee! Thanks for sharing Rick! I am so glad you and Gail can be there! I was just about to go put on my makeup (Yeah, I know it is after 12) and I am glad I waited. We will keep praying without ceasing. Even our boys are praying several times a day.


  30. Wow. I'm a total stranger here, and this is the first I have heard about the story of your wife and baby daughter. But I just have to let you know that I will be praying for you and your family. Indeed our God is mighty and powerful. Thank you for the post about just wanting God to save someone that day. I pray that he continues to keep you all in the palm of his hand and blesses you all with renewed strength for each day.

    Joshua 1:9

    Mary Rogers,
    Trenton FL

  31. How great is our God, Sing with me, How great is our God...
    and all will see, how GREAT, HOW GREAT! is our God.
    ~I can hear the music~

    God be glorified in every life, and tear, and prayer, and be merciful to us, How we need you.

  32. Thank you so much for the updates. Did anyone notice that yesterdays hits were over 10,000. That is amazing in and of itself. Thousands are praying for you Tricia and Gwyneth and Nate.
    This update brought tears of joy to my eyes. We will continue to pray.

  33. Okay, this made me cry. How beautiful to see her respond to him.
    God is so good and will wake Tricia in His perfect time and help her with the vent. His hands are orchestrating this journey moment by moment. We serve such an incredible Father, and He loves you all so very much. Thank you so much for the post. Such a blessing and a miracle to see prayers being answered. My prayers won't stop for you as my heart will not let me.
    Continue in the Blessings,
    Laurie in Ca.

  34. The only way that I was able to get off the vent was for my husband to explain to me everything that was going on while they did it. He would talk to me and comfort me because I did freak out with the vent on. I hope that Nathan can do the same for Tricia. It sounds as though he already is.

  35. thanks for the update! I am praying for all of you. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

  36. We love you, Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth! Still praying here in Ohio and beyond.

  37. Please know that strangers everywhere are praying for the three of you. You have the strength to make it through this with the Lord by your side every second. Thanks be to God that you were able to see his works and know that he is ever-present through this very tough time. We will keep praying across the world because the power of prayer is amazing. I was also on a vent after my baby was born and while I don't remember hearing anyone, I know with complete certainty that I did hear my loved ones talk to me. I knew that I was on the vent and I was able to not fight it when they were trying to take me off.

  38. So good to hear! What a wondrous gift to Nate. Yay for love like theirs! Yay for a God like ours!

  39. Dear Nate,

    I am singing as I read the joyful news, "Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness. Morning by morning, new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand has provided, Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me." I will continue to pray that Tricia's respiratory status improves and for little Gwyneth, that He puts just the right people in place to care for every need.

    Love in Him,
    Kathy Jones


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