
Monday, January 7, 2008

The Time Has Come

Tricia made the decision this morning to go ahead with the C Section as early as possible. Her CO2 levels continue to rise, and her discomfort and lack of sleep is becoming almost unbearable. I'm amazed that she lasted this long, and we are not surprised that it has come so soon.

The doctors have told us that the surgery will take place either this afternoon or tomorrow, probably tomorrow. She will be Anesthetized, Intubated and Ventilated and then operated on. The C Section will take no more than a few minutes. She will be kept under for a few hours to allow her body to become accustom to the ventilator.

If her body does not accept the ventilation, she will be in serious trouble. If her body does accept, she will hopefully be weened off the ventilator until she can breathe appropriately on her own. (this will be important as we look ahead to the double lung transplant)

There are obviously many risks involved. Several things we can pray for:

> Peace for Tricia and I about this decision. We are at peace now, and have been with every decision so far, and God has blessed each and every one.

> Peace for our family. Our parents will be here with us, as well as my grandparents and maybe a few others, but many of Tricia's family either can't be here or will not be here in time for the surgery. In some ways, it's easier to be in the situation than reading/hearing about it from a distance.

> CO2 levels to remain stable or drop. Every ultrasound has shown the baby to be perfectly healthy, which means nothing has affected her so far. That could change at any time.

> The doctors and staff have been incredibly supportive. This is not a delicate operation, but it does involve a lot of risks and there will be a massive amount of people involved. Everything needs to work exactly as planned.

> Without a miraculous recovery, Tricia's Lung Function will never become well enough for her to be placed on the Double Lung Transplant list. The pulmonary docs have told us that, if everything goes well, it will be a minimum of 2-3 months until she will be well enough for a transplant.

> That God will continue to make Himself known, especially to those on the staff here who do not know Him in a personal way. God has always used Tricia's Journey to do extraordinary things, and we have seen God do amazing things already with our story in the past few weeks and months. The stories that have been coming in are concrete proof to us that we have been in the center of God's will throughout this entire process. We want the entire world to know that.

Our family and friends, and the prayers of the thousands who have heard of us have been what God is using to sustain us and give us courage and strength. No matter what happens, we are eternally thankful for all that He has done.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I began praying for you guys first thing this morning before I even knew the latest. Prayers will be going all day long.

  3. I am praying for you...that you will be restored and lifted up.

    And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ,
    after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make
    you strong, firm and steadfast.

    1 Peter 5:10

  4. It is a privilege to read your story and an honor to pray for you both. May the Lord bless you both and continue to give you peace and strength and rest. I am praying specifically that Tricia will get to spend much time holding and loving her little girl. Thank you for the continued updates!

  5. Claiming this verse for your family today.....

    And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

    Philippians 4:7

  6. praying and spreading the prayer request.

  7. You all are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We pray that Tricia's body adjusts well to the ventilation and the baby will thrive outside of her mommy and continue to grow and become stronger and stronger - and we pray Tricia will recover as quickly as possible. We miss you all and hope to see you all soon.

    T, Allison and Colin

  8. Praying for your specific requests! Give Tricia our love!

  9. Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
    Isaiah 43:5

  10. definitely will be praying for you and your family. Will be praying for a miraculous recovery for Trish, and a healthy delivery for you're little girl. That the delivery room will be full of the spirit of God watching over you're two precious girls.

  11. I just sent out to my prayer partners. Our prayers continue for your entire family.

  12. Trish and Nate, I just heard the news about the c-section.Please know the message is making the rounds to your church family and you are all being lifted up to the Lord in prayer as I am sending this to you.Know that love and prayers are pouring out from all over the world for you and the Lord will have you in the palm of his hand! Your brother in Christ. Love,Tommy

  13. Hi Nathan,

    Will definately be praying for you all. In a little note, I am an auntie to my now 15 month old niece who was born at 23 weeeks. I can tell you she is a perfect healthy little girl. God has done wonders with her. There is absolutely nothing imposible for our GOD! He is our ultimate healer.


  14. You do not know me, but I have been following your story for the last month and am continually touched by your strength and faith. I worked for several years in the NICU with premature infants, and I can tell you that these babies are strong and resilient. I saw many babies born at 24 weeks (one as small as 11 oz!) who grew into healthy, rambunctious toddlers. I will continue praying for all.

  15. You guys have been in and on our hearts constantly since we heard about your story a few weeks ago. There you will remain. We will be praying for you and passing on the word. Nate, please don't feel the urgency to update during this time. Don't go out of your way...just soak in each moment with your girls. We all understand that that is the most important thing.

    Much love to all of you.

    ~Josh, Nicole and Alanna Coyle

    P.S. What a beautiful name!

  16. You guys have a lot of people from Haddon Heights praying, and we each have our own network of prayer partners praying for you too. Trish and Nate, your faith and maturity has been an encouragement and example to me as I go about my "normal" life. I'll be praying for the baby's healthy delivery today and tomorrow and for Tricia's recovery.


  18. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.

    Romans 8:28

    *Praying here in Florida!*

  19. I was awakened often last night with thoughts of you, Tricia and the baby....Praying for peace and continued glory to our amazing Creator.

    These verses kept going through my mind Psalm 139 (The Message)

    We love you guys,
    Julie and Scott

    The Message (MSG)
    Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson

    Psalm 139

    A David Psalm

    1-6 God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand.
    I'm an open book to you;
    even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking.
    You know when I leave and when I get back;
    I'm never out of your sight.
    You know everything I'm going to say
    before I start the first sentence.
    I look behind me and you're there,
    then up ahead and you're there, too—
    your reassuring presence, coming and going.
    This is too much, too wonderful—
    I can't take it all in!

    7-12 Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit?
    to be out of your sight?
    If I climb to the sky, you're there!
    If I go underground, you're there!
    If I flew on morning's wings
    to the far western horizon,
    You'd find me in a minute—
    you're already there waiting!
    Then I said to myself, "Oh, he even sees me in the dark!
    At night I'm immersed in the light!"
    It's a fact: darkness isn't dark to you;
    night and day, darkness and light, they're all the same to you.

    13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
    you formed me in my mother's womb.
    I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking!
    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
    I worship in adoration—what a creation!
    You know me inside and out,
    you know every bone in my body;
    You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
    Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
    all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
    The days of my life all prepared
    before I'd even lived one day.

  20. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, tricia, and the baby. We pray that you will be surrounded by Gods amazing comfort.

    Much Love and many Prayers,
    Steve and Amanda(Schell) Corby

  21. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I know God will take care of you.

  22. I just quoted your update on the site so that everyone is aware and praying.

    I will continue to pray for the three of you each time I think of you, which is often!

    I agree with Melody that Phil. 4:7 is a good verse to claim for today.

  23. Love and prayers!!!!! Your church family's praying constanly for these requests. Nathan and Trish, we know and you know all things are possible with God. We are believing Him for this miracle for ya'll so that it will glorify Him! Love in Christ, Ellen

  24. We are continually praying in Wilmington, NC and updating everyone regularly. Thank you Nate for your diligence. I'm looking forward to meeting the three of you when I visit Whitney and Jesse in the OBX.

    Whitney's Mom

    Jeremiah 29:11

  25. I came across your site thru Suzanne Cummins. With what I have read, God most assuredly is using you to further His Gospel to those you come in contact. I am currently fighting cancer and the joy I feel every time God uses me or my husband is worth the bad stuff that comes with the disease. I will be praying for both of you and of course the little girl who will be coming into this world. My daughter told me that you quoted Jer.29:11 somewhere on the blog. This is the verse that God gave me almost 8 years ago to open my eyes and heart to His majesty love and wonder. Love in Christ,Cheryl

  26. Romans 8:26-27 (The Message)

    The Message (MSG)
    Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson

    26-28Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.

  27. Praying hard!

    Fantastic name by the way...simply beautiful :o)

  28. I simply cannot imagine having to make such decisions as you two have been faced with, but how comforting to know that God is certainly in control guiding your every step. I don't understand how anyone can go through these trials without knowing the awesome God that we serve. We have 5 boys under the age of 7 and our second son has DS. Even though our situation is almost nothing compared to many out there, I know we could have never made it this far with our dependence on Him. Know you are being prayed for by many people you'll never meet this side of Heaven. And, thanks for taking the time to keep all of us up to date on things.

  29. I'm praying for miracles for both your girls.... that Tricia will see your daughter graduate, get married, the birth of her first grandchild...

    Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    Praying for your future.

  30. We love you and are with you today.
    The Oehlers Family

  31. Praying and trusting in God for your family. I've linked you on my blog and want you to know that others are lifting you up as well!

  32. Oh, my goodness...

    I'm praying...

    Keep us posted as best you can.

    You've picked a wonderful name for your daughter. I love it.


  33. It has been a honor to pray for your family. I will continue to lift your family up in prayer. Her name is beautiful and fitting for such a precious gift from our heavenly Father.
    The Julians
    ( Mooresville NC)

  34. I was listening to this song as i read the post and it seems so fitting. He is always near but the urgency to feel Him is so pressing. I lift up nate, trish and lil Gwyn Rose to the hands of our most beloved Savior is able to do immeasurably more than we can realize.

    be near
    by shane barnard

    You are all
    big and small
    and wonderful
    to trust in grace through faith
    but i'm asking to taste...

    for dark is light to You
    depths are height to You
    far is near
    but Lord, i need to hear from You

    be near, oh God
    be near, oh God of us
    Your nearness is to us our good
    be near, oh God
    be near, oh God of us
    Your nearness is to us our good, our good

    Your fullness is mine
    revelation divine
    but, o, to taste
    to know much more than a page
    to feel Your embrace...

    for dark is light to You
    the depths are height to You
    far is near, but Lord
    i need to hear from You

    be near, oh God
    be near, oh God of us
    Your nearness is to us our good
    be near, oh God
    be near, oh God of us
    Your nearness is to us our good, our good

    (psalms 73:28; 139)

  35. Nate, No words to say but that my wife and I are praying for you. Here is a poem I came across and thought of you in that this pathway you are walking He is walking with you. Before you, Beside You.

    I see His blood upon the rose
    And in the stars the glory of His Eyes
    His Body gleams amid eternal snows
    His tears fall from the skies

    I see his face in every flower
    The thunder and the singing of the birds
    Are but his voice-and carven by His power
    Rocks are His written words

    All Pathways by His feet are worn
    His strong heart stirs the ever beating sea,
    His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn
    His cross is every tree

  36. my prayers for you continue. i have also forwarded the latest to everyone I know.

  37. be near
    by shane barnard

    You are all
    big and small
    and wonderful
    to trust in grace through faith
    but i'm asking to taste...

    for dark is light to You
    depths are height to You
    far is near
    but Lord, i need to hear from You

    be near, oh God
    be near, oh God of us
    Your nearness is to us our good
    be near, oh God
    be near, oh God of us
    Your nearness is to us our good, our good

    Your fullness is mine
    revelation divine
    but, o, to taste
    to know much more than a page
    to feel Your embrace...

    for dark is light to You
    the depths are height to You
    far is near, but Lord
    i need to hear from You

    be near, oh God
    be near, oh God of us
    Your nearness is to us our good
    be near, oh God
    be near, oh God of us
    Your nearness is to us our good, our good

    (psalms 73:28; 139)

  38. I will be praying for you and your family... May God support and lift you in your time of need.

  39. praying in Mexico...I am blessed by you guys...put the notice on my xanga...thousands of saints are praying...I LOVE YOU TRICIA!!!

  40. My prayers are with you. May God continue to hold you in the palm of his hand.

  41. i found a link to your site on my friend, susanna's blog. all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. may God continued to be glorified through your lives and bless you in the days to come....

  42. my prayers for you continue. i have also forwarded the latest to everyone I know.

  43. We've been praying for all of you, including your extended family. God will faithfully see you through this new challenge, as He has all along. May Gwyneth Rose be a sweet fragrance of God's glory and grace her whole life long, and her mommy and daddy be blessed beyond measure! We love you guys.

  44. you don't know me, but we knew Tricia during her home school years. We've recently been made aware of her blog... We will be joining the others aroudn the world who are lifting you and your precious family up before the throne of grace

    Laurie Rambo

  45. I will continue to pray & keep your family in my thoughts.

    Tricia, you are one amazing lady. Your little girl is very fortunate to have such an awesome mommy. Nate, you are such a devoted husband.

    You all give me such hope. I feel changed having read your story. Your faith is an inspiration. I feel a special comfort just reading your blog.

  46. May prayers be answered for your wonderful family.

  47. Tricia and Nate, Janet called this morning with the news. Can't wait to hear of the arrival of the little sweetie. We're praying for your health and safety too. Much love to all of you, Joanna

  48. May God continue to pour His peace and love on you and your family. We are praying for you in Virginia Beach, VA.

  49. You, tricia and your baby girl are in prayers. As our Great Jehovah Rafah watches, know His plans are for good and true and not destruction. As always, people in NC are praying for you guys

  50. I have been following your journey after finding your link on the Baby Leino blog. Please know that my family and I are praying without ceasing for all of you.

  51. Praying for God's perfect will and healing.

  52. Praying for you often and trusting for the very best for everyone. Beautiful slideshow! Heard of you guys through Patience's blog and pray that you are encouraged by the prayers we are all lifting up!

  53. You don't know me, but please know that you, your wife, and family are in my prayers.

    May God give you all peace, comfort, strength and clarity. I pray for the safe delivery of your baby and the complete healing of your wife.

    God is greater than all of this and he is faithful. Congratulations on your baby-to-be!

  54. Thank you for giving us a lot of details surrounding the procedure. It gives us an idea of how to pray. I know it's been a tough day for you both. God will provide.

  55. Nate and Tricia, God bless you. I am very sympathetic to your situation. I will be praying today and tomorrow and check back on your site for updates. I will also try to get some of my friends to pray for you also.

  56. Just wanted to let you know that I am continually praying for you. I wish I could have come down with Joe to visit you and Tricia. However, my dad has spread you all around the prayer tree at my church, and she is always on the prayer list every Sunday. She is also on the prayer tree at the church Joe and I attend. I have informed all of my friends and they are praying as well. During all the festivities of my sister's wedding over the psat week, we still found the time to all sit down together to pray! Just wanted to let you know many people are praying. Love you all, and miss you! (BTW I love the name it's beautiful)

    Your sister-in-law Carolyn K.

  57. We have been praying for all of you and will continue to do so.

    Clayton, NC

  58. I am praying for you "Three" May God watch over and protect you all... God Bless ... Joni AKA beleache/cysiic

  59. I am praying for both of you and I have sent your blog to all of my prayer warrior friends. We serve a mighty and awesome God. Hang in there and I am also praying God gives you the strength to be there for Tricia and also peace and comfort when you have a chance to rest. Love in Christ to the both of you!

  60. Your family has many people praying for you, myself included! I am 33 with CF and I am just amazed at the strength that Tricia and Nate show. My husband and I have not had to deal with anything like you are experiencing right now and hope that we will have just a fraction of your strength.

    You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Denise A. Kruse
    Atlanta, Georgia

  61. You do not know me, but I'll be lifting all of you up in prayer. Natalie

  62. God bless you and your family. I come home from work everyday, looking for an update, and praying hard for all of you! You are amazing children of God!!!

  63. I cannot even begin to imagine all the emotions you all must be feeling right now. We will continue to lift you up before our all powerful, all knowing God who is able to do abundantly more than we can ask or imagine. Praying for peace for tomorrow.

  64. We are praying for the three of you! We pray the Lord will strengthen Tricia's body and that His comfort and peace will be on her these next difficult days. We pray the Lord will continue to protect your little Girl. We also pray the Lord will give Nathan what he needs to rest in knowing the HE is in control and is taking care of Tricia.

  65. I just wanted you to know I've been praying for your family for the past week. I learned about your story from a friend on Xanga who posted it, and so I've posted it on mine too, and another friend has also posted it. So it's getting around quickly, meaning so many more are also praying!


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