
Monday, January 7, 2008

And She Will Be Called...

Gwyneth Rose Lawrenson

Gwyneth - A Welsh name meaning, "Fortunate, Blessed" and/or "White, Fair"

Rose - An English name

Lawrenson - A strong English name meaning, "Son of Lawrence" and/or "Endowed with incredible intelligence and charm, flat-out good looking"

So, she will be a Blessed, White Rose in our lives.

With a little thinking, you can figure out how she is named after her mother (hint, hint).


(Be sure to read the Latest Update)


  1. Hi Nate,

    My name is Rose -- I had a book mark once that identified the meaning of Rose as "Giver of Love". From your blog it is apparent that the love of Jesus overflows in your family, so the name is very fitting.

    Thougth I would tell you - I believe the Lord is really moving people to pray for Tricia and Gwenyth (and you). I know I couldn't sleep last night and spent time praying for you all, and have no doubt that was and is the case for many.

    Will be praying today.

  2. A beautiful name.
    Thanks for sharing. Praying for You, Tricia and Gwenyth.

  3. We love her already and can't wait to meet her. From your hint, I was afraid you were naming her Suzy Pat!


  4. Hey there -

    Am keeping up with y'alls journey with prayers and tears... God has used you guys, much like Patience & Jordan to touch the lives of countless people around the world. I'm so proud of you...


  5. its absolutely perfect. she's certainly be the most beautiful of all the roses for patty sue.

  6. Hi guys, beautiful name to add to your already beautiful family. Still praying and spreading the word. Keep hanging. You aren't alone.

  7. Tricia, Nate, and Gwyneth,

    Fist of all, that's a beautiful name! Should be very fitting for a beautiful little miracle!

    We will be praying fervently for you throughout the day! We will also be praying for the moving of the Holy Spirit as many people are being touched and changed through Tricia's journey.

    I was reminded of this verse from 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for MY power is made perfect in weakness."

    We are claiming God's power, strenth, grace, and peace to see you through this day and those ahead!

    Love and prayers,
    Greg and Laura Edwards (and family)

  8. what a beautiful name! i am a firm believer that the meaning of a name is very important and she will be, like you said, a beautiful white rose in your family. will be praying for you, tricia, and precious gwenyth rose.

  9. Tell Gwenyth that her favorite great uncle is praying for her.

    Uncle Andy

  10. Hello there Tricia and Nate,
    This is Danielle Davis. Tricia would probably know me better as Danielle Osborn. I wanted to let you know that we are praying for you both. It is so amazing to see God's hand in your lives. We are praying for the safety and health of this precious little one that God has given you both. And for Tricia's health as well. I have longed to get back in touch with Tricia since we were such good friends when we were little. She is such a special person and I am so glad that God brought a faithful husband into her life! God bless you and our prayers are with you every day.

  11. What a beautifully elegant name!

  12. I love the name... my daughter has a slight variation on that name, Gwendolyn :)

    Tricia, Nate and little Gwenyth, you are in our constant thoughts and prayers. May peace and love and strength surround you.

  13. Thinking of you all.

    I have CF too, and discovered I was pregnant in 2003. At 12 weeks I found out I had liver cancer.
    Forward to the present, I am cancer free, I have a new liver and our son is healthy and the best gift we could have wished for.

    Your beliefs and faith will see you through.

    Lots of love,

    Audrey (UK)


  15. Suzanne means Lily...So they would both have floral middle names:)

  16. Trish and Nate, What a beautiful name for a child who will be blessed with two beautifully Godly parents!Praying without ceasing,Tommy

  17. beautiful name! Praying for you all today!
    Julie in WA

  18. Prayers for all of you today. You are being placed in God's hand.. the safest and best place to be.

  19. Gwenyth, Tricia, and Nathan we are there with you through prayer!

  20. Like Rosi commented above, I have also been kept awake at night for the past few days interceding for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth Rose...
    What a beautiful name...
    Love, Dana and Wil Haupfear

  21. What a beautiful name!

    I will be praying for a safe delivery for your precious little girl. As always, I will continue to pray for a miraculous recovery for Tricia.

    On my knees in Nashville.

  22. I love all of the thought you guys put into your sweet girl's name! We'll continue praying.

  23. Your family has been on my heart and in my prayers constantly, since hearing of your story.

    I pray that the delivery will be a blessing, that Gwenyth will be a strong fighter (like her mom), that Tricia will receive some relief, and that ALL of you will find peace and REST.

    Thank you for continuing to share your story. We will continue to pray in Houston, TX.

  24. Tricia and Nate,
    BEAUTIFUL NAME! Know that we are getting people from around the world to pray for you. Rest in the knowledge that nothing is a surprise to our Abba Father. He will guide and direct the hands of all those surrounding your precious two girls. Tricia, thanks for being a role model that my 11 year old daughter with CF can look up to. In a day and age when so many her age are looking to pop culture, I'll be pointing her to you. Nate, thanks for being a picture to me of the man I pray will one day come into my daughters life and be the picture of Christ to Bekah, and love her as Christ loves the church. You are both an inspiration and I praise God for your faithfulness to Him.
    Leaving you with Jesus,
    Karen for the Weigners(Quakertown,PA)

  25. I'm praying for you all so much right now...

  26. Gwyneth Rose, that truly is a beautiful name.
    When i think of Tricia and the name Rose, I think of 65 roses.

    Tricia and Nate, i'm thinking of you two and my thoughts are with your little princess too.

    Love, Marjolein

  27. I'm praying that God will uphold you all as He has done for me and my family through recent times.

    I'll also put in a prayer request at our church here in England.

    Thinking of you all and sending lots of love.

  28. Nate, No words to say but that my wife and I are praying for you. Here is a poem I came across and thought of you in that this pathway you are walking He is walking with you. Before you, Beside You.

    I see His blood upon the rose
    And in the stars the glory of His Eyes
    His Body gleams amid eternal snows
    His tears fall from the skies

    I see his face in every flower
    The thunder and the singing of the birds
    Are but his voice-and carven by His power
    Rocks are His written words

    All Pathways by His feet are worn
    His strong heart stirs the ever beating sea,
    His crown of thorns is twined with every thorn
    His cross is every tree

  29. GORGEOUS name for your sweet baby girl...the KING'S daughter!

  30. Tricia, I'm continually praying for you. While preparing today for my ladies' Bible study (the new Beth Moore Psalms study) I read Psalm 121, particularly verses 5 and 7 "The LORD protects you; the LORD is a shelter right by your side. . .The LORD will protect you from all harm; He will protect your life." The ladies in our Wednesday night Bible study at HHBC are faithfully praying for you and Nate as you deliver this precious gift from God.

  31. I'm praying so hard for you guys right now. I also spread the word through my entire office here and my family! Everony will be praying!

  32. She has a beautiful name. I will be praying for all of you!

  33. A beautiful choice. Praying for you all.

  34. We are praying for you all. It is good to be able to pray for your baby girl by name. God has used y'all to bring me to my knees in prayer. You are an inspiration and we love you all!

  35. Trisha and family....many many prayers on your behalf. We know that you are very dear to Amanda's heart. Praying for a quick healthy delivery and a smooth recovery. Matt and Kristin Schell

  36. Hi,

    I am praying for you - and have asked my friends on my blog to do the same. Please know that my prayers and thoughts are with y'all and I'm believing for a miracle.

  37. I am praying for you, Tricia, and baby Gwenyth.

  38. As I sat in a jury duty waiting room this morning you guys were about all I thought and prayed about. Waiting is hard! We are trusting for the miraculous.


  39. Hi Nathan and Tricia,

    We recently heard about your news from Andrea Anderson, and then a friend from our small group here in VB sent me the link to your blog--so now we have all the updated details. We will be praying for you both and the baby.

    Nathan and Tiffany Highfill

  40. Nate,
    You forgot to say that baby Gwyneth Rose would be "flat out good looking!"

    You guys are so inspiring and I am spreading the word of your site!

    In His Love,

  41. I will be praying for all 3 of you throughout the day and I have shared this on my blog so that as many people as possible will be in prayer with you today and tomorrow, especially! I've only just started reading your blog these last few days, but your family's story has touched me deeply!

  42. Found your blog as a call to prayer. I will be praying for your two special girls!!

  43. I got an email from a friend who's daughter has CF and asked me to pray for your family. My 20 month old daughter's name is Gwenyth Rose as well (coincidence? I think not.) and rest assured that my husband and I will be praying! God is good, as you know, and He will hold you all in His amazing comfort over the next few days.

  44. Just wanted you to know you've got one more family praying for you!
    My husband is a respiratory therapist and his clinicals working with CF kids is what brought him to practice in pediatrics. They have a special place in his heart.
    Praying for peace and healing...

  45. still spreading the word and praying!!
    love you tricia!

  46. Continuing to pray. Excited to see God's faithful hand upon your lives as you greet your daughter soon.

  47. Rest in Him and know that the body of Christ is holding you up before the throne. May the Lord overwhelm you all with His grace, peace, and all surpassing power.

    Dave McIntyre
    Belo Horizonte Brazil

  48. Still praying here in Virginia Beach. You all have been in all my thoughts and prayers (awaking in the night like so many others) and I anxiously await news of little Gwenyth Rose's birth and quick recovery for Tricia.


  49. Hi Nate and Tricia,

    Just to let you know that I will be thinking of you all the way from the UK in the county of the White Rose (Yorkshire). I wish you all the luck in the world.

    From a fellow CFer.

  50. She certainly will be blessed. Many prayers going out for you both, all 3 of you - and all the family too.

  51. Praying fervently - for each of you!

  52. I've not met you, but I feel I know you! I work with the youth at a small church in Gates County. Got your story through Chowan Bapt. Assoc. youth leaders group (through Andy). I'm a liver transplant recipient and a new mom, so I'm relating to your story on several levels. I've linked to your blog on a couple of mommy boards - everyone is praying for you. The name is beautiful. May God strengthen your family moment by moment.

    In His Love, Sallie

  53. My prayers are with you all today. What a beautiful name for your miracle baby. Your faith and strength in this difficult time is an inspiration to everyone. It's been a blessing to read your blogs and follow this story. May God bless all of you richly. You're right--what would we do without His unfailing love?

  54. What a beautiful, perfect name. Our family is praying for yours.

    Sheri, Michael, and Grace Tubbs

  55. Hi.

    I work at Philadelphia Biblical University and one of the staff here has been keeping us updated on your situation. I was struck when I read about you and your wife. She was born a week before me. My husband and I got married a week before you did. We could so easily be in your situation. We could so easily be you. Sometimes it is hard to put yourself in another's place, to think what they must be feeling. I know I can't possibly know what you're going through, but I can put myself in your situation a bit easier than others because if it happened to us, we would be in the same place. My husband, Josh, and I wept for your family and prayed fervantly for you last night. I don't even know you, but we are praying for you because you are our family in Christ. Praise be to God that he gives us the freedom to cry out as ones with hope.

    We will continue to pray.

    And Gwyneth is such a lovely name. :)

    ~ Becky

  56. So many prayers going up for all of you. Look at all of the people Tricia's journey has touched. God has prompted me to pray and pray for you. Just like many people have commented I have been awakened in the middle of the night with your family on my mind and heart. Praying for little Gwyneth and Tricia. God is so powerful.
    Betsy from TX

  57. How amazing a young couple facing adversity has such tremendous love and faith in our Lord God that people all over the world are touched by your lives.
    There is purpose in all that are continuously in my thoughts and prayers. My faith is deepened by your example.
    May God bless you 3 and guide the medical team thru this course.
    I am forever touched.

  58. I am praying so hard for Tricia and baby Gwenyth! Such a beautiful name for what I am sure will be a beautiful baby!

  59. I have received your blog from Miriam Litman (and have since passed it on to my entire MySpace friend book). Since reading of your story I have been hooked. You, Tricia, and now Gwenyth are in my prayers!

    Jessica Schacht

  60. A beautiful name. Thanks for sharing. We are still praying. I have prayed often for Tricia to get some sleep. May the Lord grant your family a miracle.

  61. A beautiful name. Thanks for sharing. We are still praying. I have prayed often for Tricia to get some sleep. May the Lord grant your family a miracle.

  62. I found your blog from an e mail on CF4Christians. Know we will add you all to our prayers.

    Julie Remington

  63. What a lovely and thoughtful choice of a name. We'll be in prayer asking for a miracle in the coming days and weeks.

  64. You are covered in prayer in California!! My girls and I prayed on the way to school and we are absolutely in constant prayer!!

  65. Nathan, My grandaughter was born almost 9 years ago at 2lbs. 7oz. The miracles that God does in these little bodies. You and your family are in our prayers.

  66. UHG I misspelled your daughters name on my blog tonight, I am SOOO sorry. I fixed it:)

  67. So does this mean its a go?!? Gwyns coming home?!?

  68. I have to tell you as a NICU nurse, I didn't feel overly optimistic about Gwyneth back on Jan 8. I'm so thrilled that I was wrong and she had virtually no problems. She truly is blessed by God and I'm so happy for you all.

  69. Bore da Nate!
    I've been reading your blog for a few months now. I am the same age as Tricia and I have a baby boy, Levi. Being Welsh, we love the name you've chosen for your beautiful daughter.
    To see the love that you have for each other is wonderful. Gwyneth is so blessed to have such loving parents.
    I don't really have any right to comment, but I have been so greatly encouraged by your blog that I wanted to say thanks for sharing.

  70. Her initials are GRL...perfect for a GiRL :)

  71. I see you are up early and getting ready for a very special day, my prayers continue to be with you this day, and the days ahead. I am so very excited to see you as a family living and enjoying the simple pleasures of life and family. Love and Prayers from Maryland.

  72. I remember reading this the day you wrote it and LOVING the name. I love it still.

    And I love you and Tricia and the beautiful, healthy baby who is Gwyneth Rose.

  73. Beautiful! By the way did you take her pug picture this week??

  74. Haven't been here in a few days, baseball, homework, projects, and E.O.G. preps have kept us pretty busy. I LOVE the name and the fact that y'all took the time to look up the meaning so she could have such a wonderful name. I also was awaked this morning around 4:30 and could not sleep. Hope all is well with everyone.

  75. The meaning fits perfect. A beautiful name for a beautiful baby!!! Gwyneth I'm sure is one of the most beautiful and meaningful roses in Tricia's garden.

    Praying always!

  76. God has known the plan all along. When we brought our first home I wanted to know where the instruction manual had been put. Praying for His peace to fall over you both as you take Gwyneth home with you. He is still the same God who spoke the following words to Jeremiah. "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jer. 33:3 Make sure your relationship with God is tight firstly, then be the best husband and being a dad will come shining through. So excited for all of you!

  77. Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth,

    Look how far God has brought you in a few short months!!!



  78. She's one of the 65 roses for Patty Sue, but 65 Roses is like a name for Cystic Fibrosis, by calling her "White" Rose, (instead of finding another name for a first name that would describe Rose) she is like the pure, innocent, rose that is full of hope out of all those 65 Roses.
    Or am I thinking too much about this one....

  79. Ok, Nate, I will admit it. I am lost! How is Gwyneth named after Tricia? Would you kindly explain it to me? Thx! And,hope Gwyneth is home now!

  80. It is so amazing to look back and see how truly miraculous these last few months have Tricia was so sick and able to make it through the C-section and then recover enough so quickly to get her new lungs. GOD IS AMAZING!!!! And it is so incredible to see how well Gwyneth has question is, since Tricia was put under for the C-Section, did you or someone else video tape the birth, so Tricia (and you and the family for that matter) can watch it later? Thanks!!! Praying Gwyneth is home today and all 3 of you are adjusting well. :)

  81. Beautiful name!

    I am stumped as to how she is named after Tricia though. Other than they are both blessed?

  82. I found my way here through Jessica Claire's site and wanted to say that I will be praying for you and yours. Just over two years ago we had a miracle baby, born at 24 weeks after months of a difficult pregnancy. The doctors urged us to terminate the pregnancy because the baby would be born with considerable brain/physical disabilities. Miraculously, she was and is perfect! We learned well the power and the uplifting benefit of prayer. God also used our daughter's story to touch many lives of those who do not yet know our Savior. I'm sure He is using you and your blog to do the same. Tonight is our church's prayer meeting and I will add your family to the prayer requests. May God's peace and strength surprise you daily!


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