
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

(Bump) Tricia

(This was originally posted in mid January. I thought today would be a good day to bump it.)

My wife is the bravest, toughest woman I have ever know. There is no way that I could do what she is doing right now. Lots of pain, even more discomfort, little sleep, locked away in a small, ugly room, poked and prodded by the hour, no sense of privacy...I could go on. It's incredibly humbling that she chose me.

You are my hero, Tricia!

("Fix You" by Coldplay)


PS. These pics span the 7 years Tricia and I have been.


  1. God bless you both, you're in my prayers daily.
    Ann Bauer

  2. I am speechless. Okay anyone that knows me knows that can't happen.

    Nate You have managed to make me teary eyed at 7:21 in the morning. Tricia is extremely fortunate to have you.

    God Bless you both and my prayers are continuous.

  3. Prayed for you three this morning -
    That God would give Tricia good rest and oxygen
    That God would give Nate courage, strength and rest
    That God would keep the baby safe and healthy

    Uncle Andy

  4. You are such an amazing family and all 3 of you are in our daily prayers - may God pour out sleep, peace, comfort, and wisdom for you and for Tricia's medical team.

  5. Nathan, Tricia & PSLawrenson: you are my heroes!. Nate, what a wonderful tribute to Tricia. My prayers are constant, on my walks I breathe for her. I love you guys! We love you all, Steve & Judi

  6. She is so beautiful.
    We are praying for you:)

  7. Your words about Tricia touched me this morning. Watching the video, it's evident the love you two have. What great pictures and memories you have!

    I continue to pray for all of you throughout each day! Debbi (Aspiemom)

  8. Nathan & Tricia, keep putting that one foot in front of the other. God is always present! Thank you for your diligent communication and your faith, which is inspiring to us all as we pray for you! Warmest regards from the Trotters!

  9. That was too beautiful for words. We're praying this morning for rest and strength for you and your family. You and Tricia are blessed to have each other. Just one day at a time...... Love Mark and Sue

  10. The video was beautiful. Your love for each other is evident. I pray that Tricia will get the much needed sleep and your beautiful baby girl will continue to grow stonger each minute. Remember along with prayer, laughter is key it can help relieve anxiety etc. We love you. Russ,Michele & Wyatt Poland

  11. Nathan,
    Brandie passed along your blog to me. I was so touched by your video this morning. You all are in my prayers and of several small groups in our church. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you all. I'll keep checking in for updates.
    Much love,
    Jessica Jackson

  12. WOW!!

    Nathan, You captured Tricia's vibrant, yet humble personality so perfectly! Beautiful slideshow!

    We love you guys and continue to pray,
    The Edwards Family

  13. Could not sleep well last night, thinking of you all. Prayers continue.

  14. AMAZING. Beauty on the inside and out. Thank you for sharing. Still praying. Blessings. Brian and Rachel

  15. Beautiful video of her spirit and your love for eachother. Both of these things come from the Lord and both of these things will bring you through with Gods help. He has his hands on all three of you and I ask Him to keep you safe and at peace.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  16. Nathan, that is the sweetest slideshow I have ever seen...
    Tricia, you look gorgeous...
    Both of you are so blessed to have each other.
    We are praying for you both and your baby girl.
    Last night, I layed in bed awake for hours praying that Tricia would find rest.
    We love you.
    Love, Wil and Dana Haupfear

  17. Just headed out to church here in beautiful VB, but just wanted you to know you both (all 3!!) are in my prayers this morning. Will pass the word to any at New Song who have not gotten the word of your need for prayer just now.

    We all love you,


  18. That was beautiful! It's amazing and so heartwarming to see your dedication to Tricia. I am continuing to pray for your entire family and that the doctors will have wisdom in making decisions concerning Tricia and the baby's care.

  19. if only everyone would love and live the way you do Tricia...we would all be better off. the world would be a kinder place. and all would enter through the gates of Heaven. Your love for life is an encouragement to all of us in blog world.

    still praying.

  20. Dear Tricia & Nathan - I've been following your progress and am praying faithfully. That video is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Your story of faith and love is travelling around the world and is a true testament to the miracles that only God can perform. Grace & peace Jana (from the CFL)

  21. Tricia::
    Your strength, bravery, & commitment to Christ continues to inspire & change us all! To know you is to love you & be changed forever. Thank you for your life & example. We are so fortunate to know you & Nathan both!

  22. Nate and Tricia,
    I, too, lay in a hospital bed from week 24 trying to get to at least week 26 for my daughter. I did not have any of Tricia's health issues and discomfort, and it was incredibly difficult. I check on you two every day to see if you have made it one more day for your little girl. Just one thought - we put a chart up on my hospital room wall, and each morning we would mark off that we had made it one more day. It was the highlight of my day! The other thing is a scripture that our pastor came and read to us one night in the hospital that brought us a lot of comfort (it is framed over our now 4-year old daughter's bed) - Isaiah 43:1-7. Every time we thought of our daughter being born too soon, we thought of that scripture. Hang in there, both of you!
    Praying in Austin, Texas


  24. Tricia, your dad was great in church this morning talking about your faith and courage and how prayers are being answered. We are all praying for you.

  25. Tricia - You are definitely in my prayers. May you and your family have strength as you go through this. I trust in the sovereignty of our God and know that He has a plan for you in this. All his love and mercy to you.

    Amy (Jenn Kirschner's sister)

  26. My prayers are with the three of you.

  27. Nathan & Tricia,
    Thank you for teaching us what it means to be diligent to enter God's rest in Christ alone.We're at home this morning since several family members have a virus bug, so we had church at home. We sang, studied some in Hebrews(Christ is enough), watched your filmstrip, and spent some time again praying for you all specifically and rejoicing in the evidences of God's faithfulness in your lives. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives.We miss you & love you,

  28. Oh My Goodness the slide show you put togeather Nathan is one of the most beautiful things I have ever will play in my mind I think for the rest of my life...
    Tricia & Nathan the two of you with your faith ..determination..
    and love for one another are a true inspiration(i must add the strength of Tricia is beyond what you think one can endure...her faith is over whelming)
    I passed word along and there are many praying for you from Florida & Texas. We shower you Tricia, Nathan, Your Beautiful Daughter and both your families with all our prayers
    Lovingly all of us from
    Long Island New York

  29. Still here, still praying, watching with amazement as this unfolds. You are both heroes!

  30. The love you two have for God and eachother is just amazing!

  31. Praying for you in California. It is a wonderful sight to see two people so in love with each other and so in love with the Lord.

  32. Nate + Tricia,
    I first heard about you through a Yahoo Group from a woman named Sara Brown - college roommate, I believe, of your sister Janet. I can't get you guys out of my mind and check your blog throughout the day. I have passed your story along to everyone I know. I am humbled by your courage, faithfulness and attitude. You really are a city on a hill - your light is shining before so many, who have never met you.

    It is an honor to be able to pray for you.

    ~Shelley Johannes

  33. looove it! you guys are such a blessing to us, and such a testimony for Christ...i see HIM in all you do!! praise the Lord for using you as His vessels...remember your reward will be GREAT!!!! tricia baby i love and miss you and think of you ALLLL the time!!!!!! i want to call u but know that you have to much else going on...please don't think i don't want to though!! i LOVE YOU GIRL!!!!!!!!!

  34. Tom called me from Asia to tell me what was up and I immediately started calling our family at Blue Ridge Community to have them pray for you as well. You guys are so amazing to us and we just love you both to pieces and know that God has a plan and purpose for all of this. ( I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.)

  35. Those in my ABF (Adult Bible Fellowship) at Cornerstone Baptist in Roseville, MI, are praying for you, and many asked about you this morning.

    Our pastor spoke this morning from I Cor. 15, and talked about our resurrection bodies. What an amazing gift, that someday, we'll all be living in the Kingdom together, and you'll be completely healthy with no pain or discomfort whatsoever!

    Until then, you are an inspiration to me of how to live life with humility and joy and spunk...and with a complete understanding that God is in control and has a divine plan for you and your husband (no matter the circumstance).

    We are praying for you SO often!

    Sara Brown
    (Janet's college pal)

  36. What great devotion you have for God and each other! You make it very plain to see. Hundreds prayed for Tricia, the baby, and you this morning at NHC. Your mom's small group is meeting tomorrow night specifically to pray for y'all. Praying for more rest, and strength for you.

  37. What a video!!! Tricia, you are so beautiful and Nate, such a romantic. Your relationship in itself is such a testimony. Praying your anxiety is down and breathing is up.
    Love you guys,

  38. My son watched the video, too, and says "Tricia is HOT!!!" He's 13. Thot that might make Tricia smile!

  39. Awesome video, Nate ~ what a beautiful tribute to your wife. God bless you both and the little baby on the way! My prayers are with you. ~ faithful

  40. I just watched the video, the pictures are lovely. Nate, thank you for sharing.
    And thank you for sharing your beautiful words, Tricia is so lucky to have you at her side.

  41. I've been checking your blog for the past few weeks and wow, this had me in tears. As I prayed for you just now, the Lord reminded me that he is there with you, and he hasn't given you more to bear than you are able to with his help. You are an amazing family - your baby girl is very lucky to have such dedicated and faith-filled parents. I'll be praying

  42. Nate: Agnes and I are so glad that God chose you for us to share Tricia with as your wife. Fantasyic video. (I worked for months on one and I could not get the music to match the two pictures.Limited Knowledge.)
    Thanks again to all who are praying us through these challenging days.

  43. That video is beautiful. We are praying for you and our church is praying for you! Your faith and courage is inspiring and we feel honored to be able to join you in prayer. With love, Chip and Lauren Baggett

  44. Beautiful pictures!

    Still praying in Nashville.

  45. I am praying for you from Norway, too! The Lord is our Shepherd.

    God bless your little family.

    Thank you for reminding me how precious life is, and how loving and caring God is.

  46. Our prayers continue for Tricia to get much needed, healing rest and have decreased anxiety and for the vital growth and development of your litte one.

    Thinking of you daily,

    Emily and Rusty Jones
    Norman, OK

  47. Tricia and Nate... You're doing great. We are praying for you. Even my family in PA is praying for you and calling me daily for updates. Love,Joanna

    PS... You're both very brave and sweet. Your testimonies are going all over the world!!

  48. Praying in Annapolis, MD, a friend of Patience.

  49. As a total stranger, I am in awe of the strength and courage you both have.

    I am also utterly humbled by the strength of your faith.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    L (south eastern NC via Sydney, Australia)

  50. Tricia, the way you have lived your life, and the way you have chosen the path to give life, knowing it could possibly end yours makes you a hero to most of us who have met you through this blog. I pray for two more weeks for the life of your baby, and then many more years for you (Trish)and Nathan.

  51. just leaving a quick note to say
    I can not get you Tricia, Nathan your baby girl (and families) out of my mind..many i have passed your story & prayer request along too are telling me the same thing guys are on the minds of many people who have never met you... but from your show of faith strength and love are totally unforgetable (and blogs)
    Showering you all lovingly with prayers... all of us on long island new york

  52. Praying without ceasing here in Raleigh...

  53. Chuck and I are closely following your comments and lifting you up in prayer through out the day...We are amazed by both of you and your beautiful testimony of faith. I am asking everyone to join me in prayer and I put you on our prayer list at church today! My heart goes out to you and I send my love and prayers for wisdom, strength, great doctors and staff, safety for everyone traveling and for your precious love for one another! We are asking Jesus to pray for you, too! (as Jesus prayed for Peter in Luke 22:32..which says "But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail..") May Jesus bless you both and keep you in the palm of His hand! With Love, Betty McLane

  54. It's so clear what a very special lady your Trisha is and your little baby is so lucky to have her as a Mum! Sending you more thoughts from over here in the UK. I will post a link to this blog on the UK CF message forum to get some more people praying for you. Sending lots of love xxxxx

  55. I've written this message on the UK CF forum now and really hope it helps that there will be more people thinking of and praying for you:

    "I've been following a blog for a while now of a young woman called Tricia from the US who has CF:

    On the day Tricia was due to be listed for a double lung transplant she found out that she was pregnant (unplanned). She and her husband Nate were determined to continue with the pregnancy and Tricia is now 24 weeks pregnant but really struggling in hospital and is currently in ITU. The doctors are hoping they can get her to 26 weeks of pregnancy so that the baby has a chance of survival.

    Nate and Tricia's faith is very important to them and hundreds of people from all different countries across the world are keeping them strong by praying for them. I told them I would post this on our UK forum so that those who pray can do so if they wish. If you just want to leave messages of support for Trisha (she reads them all) then that would be great too!

    Thanks :o)"

  56. I've read of what is involved with CF and your story has been inspiring. Know that you have touched many lives through your story. I will send your site on to all my prayer warrior friends. Praying specifically for January 18th...for sleep, for oxygen levels, for peace instead of anxiety, for drugs to work, for a successful delivery and then a successful double transplant. God bless you in your path...God keep you.

  57. Nate, you guys were prayed for in our congregation this morning, as well as most of the night last night, by me.

  58. we have never met before but I have been following your blog and this beautiful slide show brought me to tears. You two seem so in love and the fact that you are going through this and still showing your amazing faith in God is so incredible to see. You have shown me what true faith is and I thank you for that. I am praying for you and your precious family. I hope you all have a great night sleep and please know that someone in new jersey is praying for you right now.

  59. What a wonderful slide show of such beautiful photos. I found this blog a couple weeks ago...from a blog that was linked from a blog and I've been checking it daily. Just wanted to let you know that prayers are coming constantly from Louisiana. God bless you all.

  60. What a beautiful slide show! Tricia is beautiful. Continuing to pray for the 3 of you.

  61. My friends, Bari & Wade Marland sent me your link and I've been following your posts every day. I watched the video and cried my eyes out. I haven't been where you are, but the song you used by Coldplay is close to my heart. My second son, Ben was born with Down Syndrome (big shock to us) and he had open heart surgery at 5 months old. He was on oxygen for over a year. He is a fighter just like Tricia! I am pregnant with our third son. I am 31 weeks & trying to keep this little guy in. He wants to make an entrance now. Anyway, I pray for Tricia and the baby every night. God is good! The love Tricia and you have for one another has truly touched me and I thank you for that! God Bless!

  62. I just now had time to watch this video this morning before the boys woke up. The song, the pictures, the memories. You two look like one of the most fun-loving couples I've ever seen and you enjoy the life God's given you despite the trials. What a testimony! Sweet baby girl is going to be so blessed to have you two as parents!

  63. Absolutely beautiful! I actually cried during this!

  64. My daughter in law asked for prayers for you and your family from her blog site. There are people that practice faith and then there are people that live it. You all live it that is for sure. Prayers are with you miracles do happen. God loves you and so do all whom have come across your site and story..

  65. i love to watch this over and over now. to try to "know" tricia better as i pray...

    nate - beautiful tribue to your beautiful wife and brave mother of your beautiful, precious daughter!

  66. Tricia is just beautiful.

  67. Nate,

    How are the girls doing tonight? I would love an update.

  68. Sending you lots of prayers for Tricia and baby from West Virginia! You are all three beautiful human beings. I am new to this whole blogging world but I check in on you all multiple times a day, keep up the good spirits!

  69. You and your wife are living your life together to the fullest, you are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing so much!

    Apryl in NC

  70. I haven't watched this video yet - I am getting ready to - but just wanted to say that the email from the guy who wants to run for Tricia - WOW and the pictures of your beautiful baby girl - I am so honored to get to pray for your family. Now I am off to watch the video - thanks for the updates - our prayers are with you! Sunshine

  71. absolute perfect tribute!!! All God's blessings....still praying.

  72. Yall have been given a beautiful relationship, She is beutiful inside and out. Your an amazing man, husband and father. May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family. we will keep Praying for you Tricia and Gwenyth. God is love, and it shines through you.

    Love in Christ,
    Jennifer from Tn.

  73. The space bar key on my work compute does not like me apparently, so all of my other messages seem odd. Anyway, your story with Trisha is so inspiring. Keep trustin Jesus...

    Michelle in Seoul

  74. Your little girl is beautiful,great pictures! I had people at work today wooing over her. Another friend from work told me today that her daughter @ manteo es was allowed to use her break time at school to pray for your cool!! We love you,

  75. sorry, hit enter too quick, but Bari and I and the girls are praying all throughout each day for you! Get some rest! This is such a GOD-THING!:o)!


  76. Love. Pure. Simple. God sent. Forever. Love.

  77. Your girls are sooo precious! Thanks for showing us the videos and the adorable pictures of little Gwyneth Rose! She is beautiful just like her mother!

    Praying for y'all always,

  78. I look forward to seeing more and more pictures from your beautiful family. Tricia is an angel here on Earth and such and inspiration to all who know her...even if we just know her through blogs.

  79. Well, it is almost midnight and I wanted to wish beautiful Gwyneth a happy "First Week Birthday" tomorrow! :)
    What amazing prayers have already been answered in one week and we are still praying for miraculous growth (and poop!) for Gwyneth and that Tricia would be off the vent soon and smoothly!
    Prayers and hugs~
    Claire Adams <><

  80. I love this video all over again. Your wife is a beautiful young woman inside and out, and your love for each other, and now for your little sweet child, beautiful and plain to see.

  81. The two of you share a love most people only dream of. Beautiful, simply beautiful.
    My prayer: Dear Lord,
    Please continue to strengthen Tricia and Gwyneth. Please waken Tricia soon so she can feel her precious White Rose gripping her hand. Please let them both grow healthy and strong. And please, please let this beautiful couple experience many, many more years together. Thank you for blessing little Gwyneth with parents like these. The love they share for You, each other, and for everyone just radiates, lighting up everything and everyone they touch. Thank you sweet Jesus, for these precious people. Amen.
    Love, Leslie

  82. Beautiful tribute to your beautiful wife! Many prayers being said for all 3 of you!

  83. Sometimes there are no words to explain the feelings something evokes...this is one of those times.

    She's beautiful Nate. I know you know that. :P

  84. Have watched this so many times since the minute you put it up and have prayed for Tricia as I watch and cry.Even my teenage boys are following your story and ask often if there's and update on Tricia. You captured so many sides of her in this slide show that I feel like I know her already. Even those of us who've never met her can see why she is so loved. I am more than eagerly awaiting the pictures of Tricia meeting her precious baby for the first time. (PS the music is awesome and perfect for the pictures.)

  85. Once again you brought tears to my eyes...Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos of your wife, and you together...I wish I knew you in person, you look like a lot of fun to be with :)

  86. Beutiful video. Your wife is so stunning. My five yr old just saw the video I explained what was happing with your family. He looked at the pictures and remarked how cute the baby was. He spent five minutes in prayer for your wife and baby. I continue to pray and check daily.
    Katie Columbus,Ohio

  87. ...and yet so humble that you don't realize you, too, are this person...
    "...My wife is the bravest,toughest woman I have ever know. There is no way that I could do what she is doing right now. Lots of pain, even more discomfort, little sleep, locked away in a small, ugly room, poked and prodded by the hour, no sense of privacy...I could go on. It's incredibly humbling that she chose me."

  88. I along with countless others have been following your journey through your blog after following a link from your sister-in-law’s posting on SCS. Although our little guy’s journey was not as difficult as Gwyneth’s, we also had a bumpy start which piqued my interest in your blog. And, now, I’m hooked. I also find it very interesting that our paths have crossed many times – I have family in Elizabeth City and have wonderful memories of times at Nag’s Head, my father played on the banks of the New River as a child and (what finally prompted me to post) my family and I attended Cornerstone Baptist Church in Michigan (as did one of your previous posters). All this just points to the fact that we are citizens of His kingdom - children of God. I look upon you as a model citizen of His kingdom - your steadfast faith, strength and courage are beacons worthy of us all to follow. Your entire family is in my prayers. May God continue to give you what you need to continue your journey.

  89. Wow, what an awesome video. I feel as if I know you a little bit now. You can definitely see that Tricia has such a warm and vibrant spirit about her. I love the picture of your feet in the sunset. God is the best painter I know.

    Mary Rogers
    Trenton FL

  90. Prayed for you this morning and will continue to pray throughout the day. What cute sign language Gwyneth already has! God is so good and he has such a great sense of humor, don't you think?

    Mary Rogers
    Trenton FL

  91. I find myself logging on to your website many times a day for updates. I know you hear lots of stories about peoples lives. Here goes mine. In early 2006 my husband and I found out we were pregnant. Low and behold I am a CF carrier. We got my husband tested, he is a carrier too. Needless to say during pregnancy we found out little angel had CF. It was so hard. That pregnancy seemed like eternity. So many mixed emotions. At one point I did not want this baby. Satan took over. I would have never in my right mind even think of aborting a child. I am so against that. All of a sudden I am sitting in the garage watching my son(who is only a carrier) play and ride his bike. I reach down and rub my belly. My baby kicks me. All of a sudden something comes over me and I knew at that moment everything was going to be ok. Peace came over me and I felt like a ton of bricks were taken off my shoulders. I had always thought to myself, God doesn't talk to you. Oh yes he does. I knew right then he would watch over me and my baby would be ok. My son is now 14 months and is the chunkiest child I know. He is 95% for weight and growing like crazy. His lungs are perfect and has only been sick 1 time with a cold. He is my angel. Nathan you take care of your angels. I know everything will be ok. God Bless you and your family. I will participate in the great strides walk in March. I am walking for your precious family this time.

  92. What a great slideshow!! I feel like I know you guys! Praying for you all the time! And thanks for staying so consistent in updating your blog- I check it all day long! :) God Bless You!

  93. Hi Nate,

    In every picture in this video, Tricia's beautiful smile and twinkling eyes take over my heart. Each one different than the other, yet fueled by the same spirit that lives in her heart, Jesus. The beauty of Jesus shines all over her. The best smile is yet to come, and I pray soon. The one that lights up that drab room when she lays eyes on her precious daughter for the very first moment she holds her. Ah, now that will be the million dollar winner of the Kodak Moment. Make sure you are sitting down because it will knock you to your knees. Praying for your girls and will not stop. And I am praying for you Nate that the lord will sustain you with good rest whenever possible and the peace in knowing your family is held up in worldwide prayers to God. Praying today for anxiety to not touch Tricia, and peace as she fully wakes in His time. I just love you guys so much.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  94. I pray for you and your family everyday. I am so touched when I read your story. It makes me think of my own life and children and not to take so much for granted. Your love for your family is amazing and they are truly blessed as are you. Keep praying.
    Jennifer in CA

  95. What a lovely tribute to your amazing wife. I do not know either of you personally, but keep you both in my thoughts daily (along with your new daughter). I actually had a dream about Tricia last night. That is how much of an impact your "story" has had on me. I continue to pray for you all. Much love...

    Staci C., Fort Worth, Texas

  96. Thank you for sharing this.
    I am praying for you .
    Tricia is so beautiful,-her spirit is amazing. She has been an inspiration to me. Choosing to live each day with CF, and live more than some do who are completely healthy. What joy in her face!
    Will be in prayer. krista

  97. The love between the two of you is amazing and it shines brightly through those pictures. You are blessed beyond words! What a great tribute to your wife and the love you have for her. Gwyneth is so blessed to have such loving parents.

  98. What a great video. You really captured the love you have for your wife. She is very lucky to be loved by you.

    Stephanie CF 32

  99. Again, nate, this pics are priceless. I especially love the wedding photos! What an beautiful girl...I can't imagine how loved she is by everyone who knows her.

  100. Nate...funny that I in Norfolk found out about your blog and plight through a blog coming from Iowa. Anyway, your attitude has blessed me and helped me. Your love for your "girls" and God is so obvious, it is truly an inspiration. Thank-you for sharing with us. Patience has taken wings for me as I read your writing...
    ~ a pregnant mom

  101. Hi Nate! My 22 year old daughter and my brother's 11 year old son both have CF. Because of that we have gotten involved with CF Foundation fund-raisers over the years.

    On behalf of the CF gang in the Raleigh Chapter I called my cousin that lives in Kitty Hawk tonight to ask if he would be willing to serve on a committee to explore the feasibility of a new Redbone Fishing Tournament at Nags Head to raise mone for CF research. One thing led to another and he told me about your blog (I guess he knows you and Tricia or has friends that do).

    Anyway, I've been reading your blog for the past two hours, mesmerized. I got to this part with the pictures of Tricia over the past seven years, with the Coldplay song in the background (I think it's Coldplay...hey, I'm music's from the 70's)and I really felt like I knew you both for years. I'll be checking in from time to time and will be praying for all three of you. God bless and be with you!

  102. Don't give up hope Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth- God says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." I am praying for you daily- you CAN and you WILL get through this. You are a beautiful example of what love is.

  103. Nate, I have to say man, I'm looking at this slideshow and I was struck with what seemed like a selfish thought. I don't take enough pictures. Kinda dumb if you think about it. But then I sat there and thought some more about what I would do if something happened to Jen (my girlfriend of 6 1/2 years). Your perseverance inspires me daily. Your love for Christ and your wife and your daughter amazes me. Stay strong Nate. I love you brother. Jersey gets a bad rap dude, but know the Medford crew from Fellowship Alliance Chapel will be praying for you.

  104. Thanks for sharing this video - Tricia is a beautiful lady!

  105. What an incredible sentiment to your wife. It's so wonderful to see such unconditional love, especially in young couples. The two of you have such a zest for life, based on the videos I have seen and your posts. I wish you and your family the best. You have a beautiful family. And you Nate have a beautiful heart! Although I have no ties to anyone in your family or among your friends I have completely been drawn in to your story. I check on your girls daily, each day cheering on each milestone one of them makes.
    Robin - in Louisville, Ky.

  106. She's such a beautiful person, you can just tell without meeting her! I continue to pray for both of you!

  107. WOW! Tricia is not only amazingly beautiful physically, but her personality is awesome...and I sniffled the whole way through it watching her amazing spirit! Nate, you are right...your wife is very very strong!

  108. WOW!! Just beautiful Nate! I will continue to pray for you all.

  109. Beautiful!! Tricia truly has a smile that can light up a room! :)

    Praying for you guys continuously. Hoping this is just another little bump for you guys, but with both yours and Tricia's strength and God's help you will be over it soon. Let's look forward to the fanily vacation!!! :)

    God Bless!!

  110. I loved this the second time through as much as the first time I saw it! =)

    I remember thinking the first time I viewed it (and before I figured out how to comment on a blog =) ) that it is the perfect visual for the is not about how much life you live...but how you live your life =)

  111. I am Robin. My Husband and myself have been on the board of directors for CF in Texas. Today my daughter,sent me the link to your blog. I hope that you do not mind that I sent the link to a best friend, whos daughter is 17 and is a CF kiddo. Now....Please know someone far away is thinking only good thoughts for your family. Prayers and blessings. breathe and focus....Your family is so amazing that I have no other words, and tears...just know that we will be reading and praying. Always, Robin

  112. Truly BEAUTIFUL... you both are amazing.

  113. What a beautiful video...I don't know if that song was out when my daughter went inpatient for her bone marrow transplant...but I do remember promising her I would try to fix her.
    God bless.
    Please know your entire family is in our prayers.
    Faith Clark
    mom to MIOP patient Brenna

  114. Nate & Tricia,
    I really don't even know what to say. You are both an inspiration to me. Tricia, for you to risk your life to give birth to a precious little gift from God without thinking of the possibilities for yourself is such a testimony to your faith & love. That is not something that is the "popular" choice in our selfish world today. I admire you for your choice. I don't believe that God makes mistakes and I don't believe that any baby is a mistake. People are just too selfish in this day to think about someone other than themself. I love that you thought of Gwyneth. Now you have this wonderful little lady to take care of & she has been a gift to countless people in her short life! I can only imagine the number of people who have been touched by your story. Nate, you are an inspiration to me in many ways, too. You take such wonderful care of Tricia & Gwyneth & they are blessed to be loved so much by you. The love you have for your family is so evident in the photos that you post & in the words that you use to share your story. I hope that you blog forever. I know that may be alot to ask but I don't know what I'd do without your stories & updates! I am praying for all of you & I am so happy that the doctors have found this problem early. I believe God has wonderful things in store for your sweet family & I believe that you are blessed for blessing so many.
    Emily in MS

  115. as i was watching the video this morning, my four yr old daughter woke up and came in the room. she saw maybe two pictures go by and said with all sincerity, "wow, she is beautiful". i responded, "yes, she is a beautiful person." and now, thanks to tricia, she also wants a "very big" wedding dress someday too! prayers are with you as you journey on. thanks for sharing

  116. Wow.....

    That is all I can muster....just WOW.

  117. Oh, if every woman could have a man love her like you love Tricia!

    I pray for you three to have many many more memories to make for many many years to come.

  118. Way Cool Nate...... Each new video gets better and better with the photography.  The love she has for life and you and our Savior shines in her eyes and smile.  My prayers are continuing for Tricia and for you and Gwenyth.God Bless and keep on loving.....

  119. Thanks for sharing! I don't think I saw this video before.

    A lot sure has happened since January!!!

    Praying for you daily.

  120. That was awesome!! Tricia seems like such a fun girl! You both look so cute together. Praying for you Tricia and Nate as you walk through this.

  121. Beautiful!!! Ya'll are both so lucky to have one another and Gwyneth is blessed to have you both for parents!!! Praying peace for you both and that this does not interfere with the vacation with Tricia's family....

  122. I am praying for you guys. You are such a beautiful testimony and example of two people who cling fully to the Lord and each other. Your love for each other is clearly evident in your pictures and words.

  123. You guys are a match made in heaven. I love this video and am praying for Tricia as her tube will be coming out. I noticed comments were cut off so I am saying it here. Love and healing to Tricia, Gwyneth and you Nate. I am sure you are Tricia's hero too.!!!

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  124. Nate:

    One of my favorite songs of all time...Somehow I missed that the first time... how beautiful to see photos of Tricia during her 'good' days. (Not that any pics of her are bad... we've just grown so accustomed to seeing hospital pics...)

    Two weeks ago I had the pleasure and pain of attending the memorial service for Zach, the little CF'er/tx recipient that you had prayed for... and after the slide show, his parents asked his MD to speak... the first thing that he said was that he was so glad to see the pictures of Zach's life outside of his office and the hospital... he was truly touched, having never seen what an impact his medical skills had, even if only for a short time.

    Still praying, praying, praying.

  125. Precious pictures of the two of you! Thanks for sharing with us "strangers".

    Praying for wisdom, patience and strength as you face this new challenge.


  126. Tricia, you are a strong woman!!! I envy your strength. You are beautiful. Nate, you too, are strong and I envy your talents!God is so Great!!!! Thanks!

  127. praying for many more of those beautiful memories...
    The Lord bless you!

  128. I must admit that I tune in daily now to see how you both are doing, after finding your blog several months ago. The power of your story is unbelievably compelling. I have to think that in the bad there is always some good and by sharing your struggles and celebrations you are helping someone thank you. I finally wrote for the first time today, because last week after reading your post regarding Tricia's possible new challenge of cancer I thought of the song 'Fix You' by Coldplay and how fitting it seemed. If you ever both have the time away from all that you are dealing with, you may enjoy renting the documentary movie, called 'Young at Heart' about the Young at Heart chorus, a group of senior citizens that tour the country despite their many setbacks and disabilities. The song 'Fix You' is sung by them in the movie and their story is very touching. I believe you both would also find it so. Please take care and again thank you for sharing your story.

  129. She is absolutely beautiful. I loved all the pics of Tricia. I was curious if you have any pics of when she was pregnant with Gwen. I bet she was glowing!!!

  130. loved it the first time and am loving seeing this again! Praying for ya'll, jen in al

  131. So beautiful. May god continue to bless u each and everyday :)

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. This is awesome, just as good the second time around, thanks for the blessing! I was in the grocery store about a month ago, and this song came on, I thought of Tricia imediately, and stopped to pray for her!
    I will continue to lift her in my prayers.....God is still in control!
    Love and Prayers from Maryland

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Well, not only is God using your story to show miracles and his faithfulness,along with shedding light to CF and Organ donation; He is showing the world what "true" love is when God has ordained a marriage.

    How you stick it out through thick and thin with Christ in the middle. How even though marriage is tough at times, it will reward you throughout the years with a friendship, companionship, and bond that is so strong.

    So many today, refuse to allow God lead them in their lives and marriages, so many take their spouse for granted, whom they made a sacred committment to God to love and cherish, and so many want to pervert the image of "True love" by redefining marriage.

    Thank you for being so raw with your emotions and life. I am very lucky to have a marriage and love that you have and show daily on this blog, my prayer is that others will know it too!!!

    TRICIA we are praying for healing!

  136. Praying for you all. How did the chest tube procedure go? Give Tricia a hug and let her know she's our hero!

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  137. Simplying praying for you all.

  138. You guys are awesome! Praying for you.

  139. Tricia is lovely and so are you. So glad you found each other.

  140. Tricia is such a beautiful person. I have never met her, but after looking at pictures of her feel like I know her.
    She is a hero to so many people.
    I am praying for Tricia and your family.
    God Bless.

  141. I do not know you except to happen upon your blog today. Our family has been through some rough times lately, but nothing compared to this. Your hope and love are true blessings to those that find you.
    Sincerely and gratefully,

  142. Nate... That was amazing, she is amazing, you guys are truly placed here to touch thousands. Your family is always in my prayers and thoughts. Truly thank you for reminding me not to give up on my own battle. There's so much I'm not doing. And she is a reminder of that!

    Much love and Blessings,
    Christine and Shaylin


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