
Monday, June 16, 2008


The results came back late this evening, and Tricia does have Post-Transplant Lymphoma. We'll be talking with the oncologists tomorrow to learn more and what the plan for treatment is.

Tricia has a few things going for her:

1) They've caught it early, which is always a good thing.

2) This is a very treatable/beatable form of cancer, perhaps even forgoing aggressive forms of chemo and other treatments.

3) There are still no signs of rejection, which makes treatment very optimistic (I'll explain more later).

4) When you've dealt with an incurable, life-shortening disease your whole life, as well as other things like diabetes and organ transplantation, cancer just doesn't seem like such a big deal as it might if Tricia were perfectly healthy otherwise. I don't say this to be flippant of cancer at all, as we know the possible severity of cancer and have friends and family who are dealing with cancer right now, a few who are dealing with serious lymphoma. But, neither Tricia or I are worried or scared about this. The doctors seem very optimistic, and, considering all Tricia has been through and still has to go through, this feels like something that God has prepared us for. We're just happy to know what it is so that we can get on with it.

Thank you for your continued prayers. To be honest, our biggest concern right now is getting Tricia out of the hospital and getting us all home ASAP. We're praying that the immediate plan does not involve more time in the hospital, especially considering that Tricia's entire family has a week of vacation planned next week on the OBX...something that Tricia has had her heart set on for nearly a year.

We'll let you know more when we can.




  1. nate, thanks as always for keeping us updated on the latest news. my prayers continue to be yours, tricia's, and gwyneth's.

    may He keep you all in perfect peace,


  2. wow, I am so happy that you are so positive about this. I will be as well and will continue to pray that you get out of that hospital ASAP! I hope you get back in time to greet Tricia's family.

  3. I'm glad you finally have an answer. Tricia and you are in my prayers. I'm also praying for her doctors and that the treatment goes smoothly and successfully. I so hope you both get to go home very soon.

  4. i will keep praying for you all, everything you want and more.

  5. My prayers are with you all right now. Your attitude about this is very inspiring. Thank you for letting us know the results, as difficult and disappointing as it must be for you.

  6. Thanks for the update. I'll be praying for a quick eviction!!!!!

  7. I am praying so hard for you Tricia. I am so glad to hear that you both are keeping positive about this.


  8. I'm glad you guys are so up beat about this and I hope and pray that you guys can be home for Tricia's vacation.

  9. Well, I'm glad you are no longer having to wait for the answer. We are praying for you and so glad to hear that the doctors are optimistic! That is an answered prayer, that they have good options for you, even if it has to be the lymphoma.

  10. thanking God for answers, and praying that you will be home asap.

  11. Praying and thinking of you all at this time.

  12. I'm so sorry it's lymphoma, but your optimism is admirable. You seem very educated about it and prepared to take on this new challenge. You're right it's definitely something she can beat and I am confident she will. Continued prayers from Kansas!
    Carey & Chelsea (cancer survivor as of 5/29/08!!)

  13. I agree, Tricia needs to go home and attend the party. Hopefully they can treat her out-patient. Prayers...

  14. thanks for the update Nate - we're praying in Georgia

  15. Hey Nate and Tricia.
    Thanks for letting us know. I will keep all of you in our prayers.
    I am glad the doctors are optimistic thats very positive. Getting it early is a good thing.
    Long story but I have lymphoma and a rotten prognosis. But you never know all I know is Gods will..I am still here.
    Lots of Options out there. So will be watching for news as you hear it.
    Maybe they will spring you's while they decide exactly what the plan of action is. Then start treatment.

    Sending thoughts and prayers.


  16. I'm glad you know what it is finally. I'm sorry it's cancer, but you guys never cease to amaze me with your incredible faith and how positive you are able to stay. We'll keep on praying!

  17. Oh thank You, Lord, for a clear answer! I'm praying Tricia will be able to recover at home & for peaceful sleep for you all tonight. It does our hearts good to hear the peace in your words. Now let's go after this thing! We love you guys!

  18. My heart sunk when I started reading this post but you put it in perspective for me.
    My prayers continue...

  19. Thanks for the update. Praying for your family!

  20. Nate: Thanks for the update. Both your and Tricia's attitude amaze me and I know it gets you thru the tuff times. I will be praying for you both.

  21. Thanks for the update. I am glad you all are so optimistic. Good luck in making the treatment plan and advocating what is best for both of your girls.

  22. I'll be praying for a smooth and speedy release from the hospital as well as for quick healing!!

  23. "We pray that [Tricia, Nate, & Gwyneth] may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His Glory, to exercise every kind of endurance and patience with joy." - Colossians 1:11

  24. Dear God! i am so sorry Tricia. father i come before you right now, and i just ask that you are with Tricia's med team who is going to treat this Lymphoma ((sp))cancer. father i ask that you make sure this family of 3 will be able to go to the OBX as planned. father please heal tricia's body. Lord this family as you know is so faithful to and their testimony has touched the lives of so many. father please give this family peace in their hearts. give them knowledge of the unknown. i love you jesus..AMEN..good nite lawrensons'. tricia and nate i hope you have a peaceful evening.

  25. I am so sorry you are going through this. I am glad to hear you have such a positive outlook, and that Tricia's prognosis is so good! And you're right, God has prepared you for this...
    I will be praying for you, esp. that you get to go on vacation with Tricia's family!

  26. We're continuing praying for you all. Your faith blesses me so much! I know God will honor you and your family for that.

    May God's peace surround you in the days ahead, as decisions are made, and you make your way home to the OBX! :)

    Hugs from El Paso,
    Karla and family

  27. thanks for the update. Will continue to pray.

  28. I know you guys are being strong but I am really bummed since I want only the BEST for you guys. You guys are amazing leaders in God's fight for Peace on Earth and I want you to get a break once in a while too....Fighting is hard and everyone needs to be carried once in a while... Tricia is as beautiful as ever...same with Gwyneth...May Peace be with your family during this trial...

  29. Thanks for the update. It is good to know that you two are having peace about this and relying on God fully. As always we will continue to pray for the best.

  30. Praying harder than ever for you both, and feeling God's peace with you as well! You have already demonstrated that you know that His grace will see you through all things!!
    Love to you all,

  31. You all continue in my prayers.

    Amy in Oregon

  32. we'll be praying. you guys can beat this. love, the paulo's

  33. lots of good vibes going her way that she can go spend that wonderful time with family.

  34. Keeping you in our prayers.

    Honolulu, HI

  35. wo!, you tricked me , i thought when it said "negative", it meant the test had turned out 2 be negative!!..well in any case..I`m praying 4 ya! God bless you all & i pray Tricia gets out of hospital asap!

  36. So amazing!
    God has so many plans for your family!

    I am honored to "know" of your story through your blog. It is captivating - as is He!

    Praying for the tree of you!

  37. Thanks for keeping us updated. Your sweet family is continually in my thoughts and prayers.

    I will be praying that Tricia will respond well to the treatment and for continued health for both your girls. Most of all, I pray that you have a speedy release from the hospital!

  38. I know what you mean. My daughter was diagnosed with Epilepsy after being diagnosed with CF, and as tough as it was to hear yet another thing "wrong", epilepsy was NOTHING compared to our other concerns. Sometimes it's sad and other times I think, what a blessing to truly appreciate and see life in a more honest light. When you're dealing with CF, the little stuff truly becomes the "little stuff". Not that cancer is the little stuff, but I know she'll beat it. We'll keep praying for you and I think about you all everyday. Love, Elise

  39. I'm so sorry about the cancer DX but you and Tricia have such a great attitude. I am constantly in awe of your strength and courage to deal with the hand you've been dealt. You and Tricia and your sweet baby girl and my inspiration to go through difficulties with a smile. Thank you for sharing your story.

  40. My prayers are with you all first and foremost to get everyone home for that family gathering on the OBX and also for a quick journey though all of this back to a healthier place.

  41. Frustrated and Sad that this was the news you all got, but after following your family since you started the blog, I know that you guys will get through it and come out even stronger. You continue to amaze me with you strength and faith and I only wish I had an ounce of what you guys are made of to get through my own trials I am dealing with... Thank you for showing us how to be faithful followers and to get through lifes obstacles gracefully...Made me think of this song by MercyMe -

    "Bring The Rain"

    I can count a million times
    People asking me how I
    Can praise You with all that I've gone through
    The question just amazes me
    Can circumstances possibly
    Change who I forever am in You
    Maybe since my life was changed
    Long before these rainy days
    It's never really ever crossed my mind
    To turn my back on you, oh Lord
    My only shelter from the storm
    But instead I draw closer through these times
    So I pray

    Bring me joy, bring me peace
    Bring the chance to be free
    Bring me anything that brings You glory
    And I know there'll be days
    When this life brings me pain
    But if that's what it takes to praise You
    Jesus, bring the rain

    I am Yours regardless of
    The dark clouds that may loom above
    Because You are much greater than my pain
    You who made a way for me
    By suffering Your destiny
    So tell me what's a little rain
    So I pray

    Holy, holy, holy
    Is the Lord God Almighty

  42. I'm sorry to hear that Tricia does have Lymphoma. I think I mentioned before that my Dad is currently being treated for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (and I have two kids with CF and asthma, one of whom is also autistic), and he's coping admirably with all the treatments.

    He's currently on intravenous R-CHOP Chemo (with Rituximab) and also Methotrexate chemo into his spinal fluid.

    I'm praying for you all, and hope that this ordeal will be firmly in the past very soon.


    Becky x

  43. You guys are just amazing, what an attitude!!!

    Big cuddles to you all xox

  44. Nate, Trisha and little Gwyneth we are praying for you all and admire your strength. You are growing stronger because of all you've been through. It builds muscle, perseverance! Lord bless you and give you strength as you tackle this part of the journey!

  45. Nate, thank you for the latest.

    Hugs and prayers...


  46. I really appreciate your point #4. Once again, though, your strong faith is amazing. It's hard to imagine that a diagnosis of cancer would frighten you, but see your point. Will pray that Tricia can spend the vacation with her family!


  47. Oops...I meant to say it's hard to imagine that a diagnosis of cancer would NOT frighten you. Just reading about the diagnosis for Tricia has made my heart feel heavy. But, once again, a chance for God to show thousands (millions, even) that He still performs miracles today and loves and care for His children so much!

  48. thanks again for the update, I had been wondering and praying.

  49. Will definitely be continuing to pray!

    And I really hope that you guys get home quickly...

    Blessings & strength,

    Southern CA

  50. I know that we aren't supposed to understand it all. Keep on speaking life in this new situation. I too hope that you get to be home next week. Like you said, you know what it is, now its time to deal with it. I understand that. My last cancer treatment was in Oct. 1990. You go Tricia!

  51. and man oh man, do you all deserve some quality time with the family! I pray that she's home by then so that you can be "normal" parents for awhile and show off that haby girl to everyone.

  52. Thoughts and prayers with you both especially with the talks you are having with the Tricia's team.

    Best wishes

  53. Thanks for the update, Nate! Will continue to pray for clear direction for the docs who will be making recommendations and directing Tricia's care in this. So glad, for you, that the frustration of waiting for a definitive diagnosis is now behind you, and you can get on with eradicating this lymphoma! As always, doing my part to pray you through! :)

  54. I agree wholeheartedly--often the waiting is the hardest part (ooh, is that an old, old song?), and once you know what you're facing, you can forge ahead and deal with it. PRAYING, as always, for God's hand to rest on you all now and touch Tricia again with His healing power. Praying, too, that you can be on OBX for Tricia's family's visit! Blessings on you and your families.

  55. Oh I'm so heartbroken with this news. Even though it seems to be a treatable form, it's like, "Why does she need one more thing to overcome, hasn't she been through enough already?" Thoughts and prayers are with you as you tackle this next obstacle.

  56. God's plans for us are ALWAYS good, even when stuff seems bad. Hold on to Him (and each other) tightly, as He is the only one who can bring you peace.

    Praying especially for Tricia's family vacation, I can only imagine how much she's anticipated it.

  57. Certainly praying, especially that you get to enjoy vacation with Tricia's family. Praying that God continues to watch over you all.

  58. So sorry to hear this, Nate. Good luck with whatever your family's immediate future brings. Please let Tricia know we are praying for her.

  59. The strength you and Tricia have is amazing...I will continue to keep you in my prayers with an extra one that the three of you make it home next week to be with family.


    PS Just a little something that I try to live by:

    The journey of life is unique for each of us and yet the same. Difficulities and troubles come to all, but their impact is determined by whether we walk alone or walk with God.
    Author Unknown

  60. Hey Nate and Tricia,
    You guys have been in my prayers so often- I've even starting dreaming that I hang out with you guys! (We had tons of fun, by the way =) In church on Sunday, my pastor was talking about having a kind of faith that inspires others faith- and I immediately thought of you two- no matter what comes your way, your faith in God is so evident and I thank you both for sharing that with us. Sending much love from Grand Rapids,MI......

  61. Thank you so much for giving us all an update. Our thoughts and prayers are with you to get out of that hospital soon!

  62. Your attitude is amazing. We are still praying that you all get home very soon. Keep on going Tricia - I am sure you will be home with your wonderful family and have an awesome week. You are in our hearts and prayers all the time.
    Tricia and Clan (N.VA)

  63. i am humbled by your faith through all of this. we will continue to pray for all three of you, including that you will be back to the obx soon soon!!

  64. Continuing to keep you ALL in my thoughts and prayers. What a journey you have traveled...each of you. I'm so thankful that this has been caught early. I'm so thankful that the outlook is optimistic. But mostly I am thankful that all 3 of you have EACH OTHER! Praying for an easy treatment plan followed by a healthy, long life together!!!

  65. My prayers are with you...hoping and praying that you get home ASAP to be with the FAMILY!


  66. We are praying for wisdom for the doctors and strength for Tricia. Also, that you get home QUICK for your families vacation. I LOVE family vacations on the OBX. We ADORE the Nags Head and Cape Hatteras areas. Now that I know of a good church, we'll definitely visit next time we are there.

  67. you guys and your faith and trust in God is amazing and inspiring. Will be praying for you all... esp to get you all back home.

  68. Praying for all of you during this difficult time. OBX or bust!!

  69. Been following your journey for months and am captivated by our faith in our Jesus. As I was reading your post and saw the lymphoma spelled out it occured to me that it spells PTL. Who can be against you when God is for you? My prayers go out to your family.

  70. I'm glad that you now know what you are dealing with and will pray that the plan doesn't involve a lot of hospital care. I'll pray, too, that God will protect that family vacation time in a way that EVERYONE is well enough to participate.
    Thanks for keeping us updated.
    We're praying!

  71. Yikes. It WAS caught early though, from reading your posts it almost seems as if the docs were aware it could happen as a complication and were looking for the earliest signs. Hoping for a quick release from the hospital and of course prayers continue.

  72. While this news seems scary to me, I have no doubt that you guys are all over it and ready to face this head-on. As always you guys will be in my prayers. Praying for a very very short stay in Durham and a wonderful time spent with family on the OBX!

    Give both your girls a huge squeeze!!

    Much love,
    The VandeCastles.

  73. Continuing in prayer for you all...isn't it wonderful to rest in the plan of an all-knowing God?!


  74. You guys amaze me with your positive attitude.As always will be praying for you.

  75. Yours and Tricia's positive attitudes and tremendous faith are just invaluable when it comes to helping you face trials in life. My prayers are with you daily, as they have been!

  76. Just b/c I am not commenting, does not mean I am not praying. I still have folks in my homegroup asking for updates on Trish and Gwyneth. We don't know you but love and care for you guys. My 8 and 9 year olds often come into the computer room and ask for updates. It has been a blessing to see how God has used your story to teach my children compassion and create a burden to pray for others.

  77. If you two can be so positive about this then I will be too. I am praying you guys home in plenty of time for the family vacation. And I am thankful for the answers you needed and the optimism of the doctors there. God is so good all of the time.

    Love and Prayers, Laurie in Ca.
    Romans 8:28

  78. I'm praying for Tricia to get to see her family as well as her next steps in treatment. I am praying for you to have continued strength and wisdom to deal with everything in your life. I am praying for Gwyneth to continue growing stronger each day. God bless all three of you!

  79. I'm praying that all treatments will be able to be done at the OBX as outpatient.... you guys need to be home with family!

    Please Lord, we lift Tricia's health up to you, today more than most, pleading with you to heal her body through a miracle or through a non invasive medical process. We DO give you praise for Tricia's health to date, and rest knowing that YOU are in control and that you know. I'm praising YOU for you piece that you have given Nate and Tricia. We love you and priase you, in your beautiful son name, Jesus we pray.

    I'm praying sooo much for also helps me get through a rather hectic and stressful week that we are having.

    p.s. Mark H@rris' @ll for the Glory of you is playing as I type...

  80. Continuing to pray for you all...
    Moonta, S Aust

  81. will continue to lift you all up, wisdom for doctors and decisions about treatment and hopefully a quick return to home for all of you!

    Raleigh, NC

  82. Well, we will just add this to the prayer list. I don't think God will mind. I hope that you and Tricia get to enjoy your family vacation and that the treatment doesn't have to interrupt that. Thinking of you all.

  83. I'm sorry to read the result, but glad to read your positive attitude about it! Your faith really shows. Many prayers to you, Tricia, Gwyneth and the entire family as well as the doctors treating Tricia.

  84. Wow. Despite everything that lies ahead for you and Tricia, here you are comforting us. You guys are amazing examples of strength and faith.

    Continuing to pray for you in Ohio

  85. Praying for you and your girls. The only way to be in these kind of situations is postive. So postive thoughts coming your way.

  86. Wow, you all have such an amazing attitude about this and that's half the battle. Thank you for once again being such an inspiration and sharing your lives to teach others about God and how He is always in control. We will be praying just like always. Blessings from Florida.

  87. Yet another hurdle for you guys but, if anyone can beat this, it's you guys! Thank you God for the wonders of modern medicine--for both the transplant and for the drugs to use to fight the rejection and the lymphoma.

  88. Family time is so fun and I hope you guys make it home for that! Praying for the treatment and future health. You guys are great!

  89. Tricia continues to be in our prayers.

  90. I just have to tell you that your attitude is wonderful for me to see.

    I have mentioned before that my mom beat leukemia and she swears that her outlook had a lot do with it. She was always positive and never ever felt like her cancer would defeat her.

    My prayers as always are with you guys. From what you've written Tricia's prognosis is very encouraging. I hope you are able to get home and be with family. That in and of itself is a great healing factor.


  91. You guys never cease to amaze me. Thank you for staying focused on God and showing the rest of us His strength through you. I will continue to pray for Tricia's health as well as yours and baby Gwyneth's. Have a blessed day.


  92. I'm so sorry you all are having to deal with this, but I'm continuing to trust that the Lord will guide you all through this and that He will be glorified through everything. You are all in my prayers.

  93. Thanks for the update Nate. I'm still praying and I'm so happy to hear that it seems easily treatable. I'll start praying for an early release so all 3 of you can enjoy next week. Sounds like a lot of fun and we all know, you all deserve a fun vacation!

  94. I continue to keep you all in my prayers. Somehow I knew that you all would take a diagnosis with dignity, grace and FAITH. We will continue to pray for Tricia as she goes through this new trial, as well as the rest of the family. God bless you.

  95. Your family will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

    The Blair's
    Cincinnati, OH

  96. Thank you for the update! I, for one, have no doubt in my mind that Tricia will beat this cancer. She is one of the strongest women that I "know". Her faith, family, our prayers and sheer determination will get her through. I'll be adding extra prayers for your release to happen soon. Your family has alot to celebrate and I would hate to see your vacation ruined in any way.

  97. Sometimes the best news is the worst news -- if that makes any sense at all to anyone but me ;o) I hated waiting around endlessly to figure out what was actually going on with my body. Hearing the diagnosis was freeing in an odd way. Then, you know what you're up against and can make some concrete decisions about how you want to proceed. It is your choice in the end, how to proceed that is. The docs can tell you the options available, both holistic and western medicine, and then it's on you to decide what's right for your body, your spirit, your family. Breathe faith! and prepare a battle - with God as your armour - there is nothing on this planet that can beat you in the end.

  98. The Lord will give you the grace and strength to take this next step in His plan for you all just as He always has. We will continue to pray for you daily.
    The Lockwoods

  99. So glad you know what's going on and can deal with it now. Will be praying, ofcourse. Have a great vacation (I'm just going ahead and knowing that God will arrange that one!)

  100. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you both as you 'decide to trust' each step of the way. Each step is a choice, and you are an encouragement to us all as you choose to believe in His perfect plan each step of the way. This is another step...and you have chosen well.

    I will pray that Tricia and you & Gwyneth all get the chance to spend this next week with family. What an encouragement that would be to Tricia and a blessing for you all.

  101. Prayers are still going here for all 3 of you and also for your families.


  102. When I was getting ready for work this morning, I flipped my calendar to today, and the little saying was "Our God Delights in impossibilities." Oh! That is so true! I am in no one saying this is an impossible situation, I think that HE has delighted greatly in both of your girls Nate!

    Thank you for continuing to share this journey with us!

    You are all SO AMAZING! I can't wait to see what great things God does with all of you next!

    In Awe of his Greatness,


  103. Again, your faith and trust that the Lord knows what He's doing are amazing. Inspiring.

    I'm glad it's treatable and that you caught it early. What a blessing!!

  104. I read every day...although I am a bad, bad commenter!
    Anyway, I have a question, if you know the answer, that would be great!

    Did the cancer generate in the new lungs, and would have even if the donor had lived? Or did Tricia's body produce the cancer? Wondering where it came from and why, that's all.


  105. Thanks for the update Nate!

    My heart is saddened to hear this news, but I'm still hopeful, especially since you and Tricia feel hopeful right now. Beyond anything else I believe (and have seen) that our God works miracles. He can heal Tricia and I'm praying for that. I'll also be praying you're able to go on the vacation. :) You both most definitely deserve it.

  106. praying, praying, praying!!!! Jen in al

  107. praying with you guys as always, and praying for a special miracle that allows you all to vacation with tricia's family next week!

  108. Praying!

    All other emotions I have are a total jumble. Knowing that God is the same today as he was two weeks ago and has you and Tricia and Gwyneth lovingly in the palm of his hand - and holding on to that knowledge!!

    PS: How's Gwyneth???

  109. We are praying for you guys! We are off to SC for family vacation next week, and will be praying all week that you get to enjoy the vacation with Tricia's family!
    If we know anything about you three, it is that you are ALL fighters, and we also know that God is Mighty, so we are praying with optimistic hope of great things to come for all of you!
    Jen Moore

  110. oh wow! Praying for you guys to get out and be able to enjoy the vacation! Thank you for the update and we will continue in prayer! Sunshine

  111. You're being so strong. I have to tell you my heart fell through my stomach reading of your latest challenge. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. I'll be praying for all three of you.

  112. I'll be praying for these requests. Thanks for updating. Kathy

  113. With all that you have going on in your life, it's so generous of you to continue to share you story to those of us that have been following it.

    I hope that you're getting as much from the support and prayers you're getting from your readers and we get from your blog.

    I haven't really coming to terms with the whole prayer thing yet, but I'm definitely thinking of you, and I am an organ donor (and on the bone marrow list) because of your blog.

  114. Good, you have an answer, you can make a plan and proceed. You guys have made it through so much already, I'm sure you'll battle through this latest challenge with the wit, grace, humor, and faith that we all admire in your little family.

    Thinking of all of you!

  115. It is your overwhelmingly positive attitude and faith in God that carry you through times like these. I pray you get home in time to see Tricia's family and that a course of treatment can be found so you can soon put this behind you and continue your life with your beautiful wife and daughter!

  116. As always, prayers are with you and your entire family. The strength of your belief in God is incredibly inspiring.

  117. You are in my heart, thoughts, and prayers. You guys are invincible.

  118. Nate,
    Like so many other (millions) of people, I don't know you but have been following your blog for the last few months. I heard about is through Emily Haager who knows Trisha from the CF camps (I think). Anyways, my husband and I are praying for you guys and think your story is a miracle.
    Knowing Emily really well for the last 7 years has taught me a lot about CF and I respect the choices you guys have made and wish you nothing but the best of luck with this next chapter in your book.
    Prayers from Souther California!

  119. I will keep praying for all of you, and put your name (first names only) in my parish's prayer intention book.

  120. I'm sorry to hear that it is cancer...but happy to hear it is treatable and caught early. You both are my heroes your attitude facing this new challenge is wonderful and as always your faith in God is inspiring. I will continue to pray for you and I hope you get to that family vacation.

  121. All of you are amazing. Your strength, trust, faith, and continued love for each other and our Lord has truly been a blessed testamony for all of us. Continue pressing on andall of us will watch as your flowers unfold.

    Prayers and continued support from Southern California.

  122. I will keep praying for you all.
    Elsie from Ohio

  123. Praying! You guys amaze me!

    with much love and hope,

    William's Mom

  124. Continuing to send up many prayers and positive thoughts for you all. I love your outlook on life and all that it has in store for us. Through your journey you make us stronger.

  125. Thank you so much, Nathan, for keeping us updated. It is good to read that you both have such a healthy "attitude" towards what you are dealing with. The three of you have already been through so much and God has quite obviously carried you every step of the way. I, too, have no doubt that He will continue to carry you and lift you up in His arms. A friend told me (and I believe this as well) that Christ has a plan for all of this and will use Tricia's suffering to continue to bless others in countless ways. Just think of all the people that are being educated about post-transplant lymphoma because of your willingness to share. Thank you. God's mighty love and peace to you all!

  126. Praise God for giving Tricia and you the strength to not fear this new development, but trust yourselves to his care. We'll be praying for quick and effective treatments and healing for Tricia, so that you have the family time next week you've been looking forward to!

  127. o.K.!! Lets keep asking the Lord for continued blessings, particularly getting Tricia home for family vacation! He knows the plans!
    Gods ways are perfect..

  128. I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis but am glad that it was caught early (that you know what it is) and is very treatable (without much side effects/pain). More importantly, I'm happy that you all, even the docs, are optimistic about this situation and this is definitely a positive as it shows your strength and faith.

    Praying you all get back to the OBX very soon in time for what is going to be the most fab family reunion vacation next week! :-) Enjoy and don't let the diagnosis bug you all too much. It all will work out smoothly, Lord willing.

    Thanks for sharing the results with us.


  129. I just wanted to say what an inspiring family you guys are. Your positive attitude, strong faith and love are wonderful examples for many.

    I will continue to keep Tricia in my prayers.

    PS. Love the video of Tricia


  130. We will continue to pray for you, all of you. God is so good and his mercies are new every morning. He abounds with grace and love and it is so incredibly humbling to see how strong both of your faith's are in Christ. Tricia's unwavering fear of complete and total trust in Christ is very inspiring!

  131. I am so sorry Tricia has to deal with this on top of all she has been through, but I am battling Lymphoma and it truly is treatable. She will be absolutely fine after this. So glad her lungs are taking too, you all really are a miracle.

    Hugs to you al

  132. The prayers are going up on your entire family's behalf!! I pray that you all will be able to spend the vacation week with Tricia's family in the OBX.

    Kelly Brown

  133. I am so sorry that you have another hurdle but admire your strength. I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!

  134. Praying that Tricia will have the best possible outcome with the treatment with no side effects.

    You are right Nate.. CFers are the toughest people I know! CF is not just one illness.. it encompasses many many illnesses rolled into one big one called CF. I don't know of any other illness out there that affects so much of the body, and has treatments which cause even more problems. It's like a ripple effect.

    This is just one more hurdle for you guys to get through together, and thankfully God will be there with you every step of the way. You and Tricia both continue to be my inspiration!! You are never far away from my thoughts and I pray for you several times during the day. I'm so thankful to have met such 2 wonderful people!!!!!!

  135. I am continuing to pray that you can get quick and effective treatment and that you will still be able to go home for the immediate future.


  136. Praying, Praying, praying..May God keep her in His care and get you all on your vacation!

  137. My mom had lymphoma and beat it. Tricia will, too!!

  138. Thanks! Nate for keeping updated
    on Tricia. I am continuing to pray
    for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth. You guys are amazing in my eyes and in GOD'S.
    Jessica from Wanchese, NC

  139. Just letting you I am praying for patience and strength as you wait for news on whats going to happen. I know the waiting at times is the hardest thing.
    Prayers for today.

  140. Oh dear... sending you millions of positive thoughts that all goes fine... a ton of hugs to you all... take care

  141. I have a special needs child. Often people tell me that our story puts things into perspective regarding their own personal challenges. Like you , I am always optimistic, and really that is the best way to fight these things.

    I've been following your story for a few months now and can honestly say I feel the table has turned on me. Your never ending journey helps to put my challenges into perspective.

    God bless you all. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.


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