
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

You People Are Awesome!

Yesterday, no less than 863 People visited this blog! My guess is that several thousand people were praying for us yesterday. Tricia continues to feel better this morning. God answers prayer!

Thank you so much!

And, today marks exactly 24 Weeks, which means our little girl has a shot at surviving if she needs to come early!



  1. I've been praying for Tricia. So encouraging to hear that she's having a good day. Praying that she will continue to inprove and be able to rest.

    Found your blog from the Leino's.

    In Him,

  2. Praise God for sustaining your girls thus far!!

  3. Awesome, Nate. We were thrilled to hear that Tricia rested better and got a good report from the Dr. We are praying for you both, everyday. I am amazed at your's and Tricia's strength and faith!

  4. I found you through Patience Leino and I wanted to let you know I'm praying for you, Tricia and your precious baby girl...believing we serve an awesome God who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine.

  5. Yay (in no particular order) for the Internet, for friends, for prayer, for reaching 24 weeks, for feeling better. :)

  6. Praising our Savior this morning for another blessing upon your family. We prayed this morning for your family. God is always good. We will be keeping up with you through your blog. The Julians from NC

  7. you, Tricia, and your daughter are in our prayers. Much love, and in the knowledge that God is faithful and brings good to his children who call on him, Larissa

  8. A BIG WOO HOO to GOD for answering our prayers!

    you may want to remove 10 of those hits from your list yesterday...I KNOW I checked your blog at least once an hour on my own...just couldn't stop praying and thinking about you guys.

    still praying in SC!

  9. Praise be to God for His love-
    will keep praying but please stop scaring me :) Love Denise

  10. Tricia & Nathan - I learned of you thru the Leino blog.... I live in Ohio and I'm praying God's mighty touch, protection and healing. Please be blessed by the words to this song....

    Blessed be your name
    When the sun's shining down on me
    When the world's all as it should be
    Blessed be your name

    Blessed be your name
    On the road marked with suffering
    Though there's pain in the offering
    Blessed be your name

    Every blessing you pour out,
    I turn back to praise
    When the darkness closes in, Lord
    Still I will say...
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be your name
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be your glorious name

  11. Praise the Lord that your little girl has made it 24 weeks.I pray for her as she makes it through each day and praise God for each and every one.I'll continue to pray for Tricia and Nathan all the family. Yours in Christ,Tommy

  12. We are praying for you Trica and God is faithful With Christian love, Bunny and Jimmy Brock Edenton NC


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