
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

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  1. I may be trainable...we'll see.

  2. Nathan is the most what????????!!!!

  3. I will be praying for each of the items that Tricia listed last night. (And will pray between noon-1 today while the pastors are there.) I am checking your blog regularly for updates and thank you for your faithfulness in updating it when so much else is going on and demanding your attention. May the Lord Bless you...Aspiemom

  4. Nate & Tricia,
    Danny & Suzy Plyler and family and friends are lifting up many prayers for you all from Western NC (Lenoir, NC)! We think ... You People are Awesome!!!!

  5. Hey Nate

    The gang is praying for u and trish down here in VA

    love u both


  6. nathan...thank you SO much for being so great about updating...I am checking a lot and praying NONSTOP...remember that Elijah is our miracle baby...GOD DOES WORK MIRACLES and we're on our knees.

  7. To Nate & Tricia,
    I just recd an email requesting prayer for you. I am sending up prayer for you both and the baby. also, for th doctors, specialist, nurses and all care givers.
    I am passing this prayer request on in our Roper community. I plan to keep updated and will pray for you both. Good luck and God Bless.

  8. wow, I want to introduce myself. I am a 47 year old CF patient in Greenville NC. I would love to talk with you. I have a 20 year old daughter. I am praying for you and your family. God is in control and he is right there. I have enjoyed reading your updates today. My email address is if you would like to e-mail me. I will stay in touch and definitely will be Praying and ask my church as well.I can relate to your situation for sure. With love and prayers, Pat

  9. I will keep you all in my prayers. God is still in the miracle business so we must pray for a miracle that the doctors can't explain away. a miracle so all will know that only God can accomplist it.

  10. Hi Nate&Patricia,
    I have been praying for you at our church, GracePoint, PA. Just read your blog and I too had a cousin w/CF. And I know what CF is and how you need God's healing and substancing help. I will continue to pray for you and all.
    In His Arms, A Christian friend

  11. Dear Trish, Nate & Gwenyth,
    Just want to let you know that my friends & coworkers at Philadelphia Biblical University are praying for you.
    Trish you have always reminded me of a beautiful delicate rose unfolding and growing into an American Beauty Rose, from birth til now. I know your little girl is going to be as fun and special as you are. Mostly I am humbled and encouraged with the Godly woman you have become. Our prayers are the rain sustaining you for your Journey these next few weeks as you continue to blossom for Him and your family. You are continually on my heart and in my prayers & thoughts as well as your family. I love you because you are you. Aunt Millie

  12. Just wanted you to know that my church, Faith Outreach Church, in Gatesville, NC is praying for you. We all received an e-mail telling about your story and the serious of the situation. Isn't it amazing how God does indeed link all His children together to pray for one another. Only He can make a prayer chain that can reach around the world, this is His hand at work. God Bless you all, we will continue to pray. ...ejs

  13. Hello,
    Like so many all over the world, we are praying for all of you! We came across your blog through a prayer request link on another site. As I read your story, I realized that we are so close to your wife's hometown! We are in Washington Twp NJ, which is about 30min from her hometown. Small world! Thank you so much for allowing God to use you and your family to come and know Him better....what a testimony of your faith! We wish you a restful, peaceful, and healthy Sunday!

    Jim and Bethann Lee

  14. Nathan, Tricia, and baby Gwenyth, Me and my family are praying for you. I have a neice and nephew that both have CF. You're faith in God is so amazing. I pray the Lord continues to bless you and your beautiful baby. God is so GREAT! Many prayers are coming your way from Tennessee.
    Michelle and Danny Johnson

  15. Nate, Tricia & baby all are truly an inspiration. Our thoughts & prayers are with you from our family in SW Florida. I happened upon your blog by chance- or so I thought at the time. Now after reading the last few days, I know nothing really happens by chance...God has a plan, much bigger than we can ever imagine. Stay strong. You have so much love & support behind you.

    Love Ashley Lanier

  16. Hi Nathan, Well another miracle to add to the list is the fact that this computer illiterate person is sending you an e-mail!! Dennis & I & our family want to tell you that you have been lifted up in our prayers continually. Lately I haven't been sleeping well.Normaly I sleep like a rock. Every time I wake up and look at the clock I am reminded to pray for you and your family. God has continually put you on my mind. Our hearts and prayers are with you! Praise God that He is still in the miracle business!! Love, The O'Shell's

  17. My daughter, Julia let me know about Tricia and your new baby.

    It is very humbling to read and understand what you are going through. My church here in central NY is praying too.

    I love Psalm 91 and say it everyday. It helps me know that the Lord has everything in His hands.

    Be blessed, stay strong and keep writting your amazing journey.

    With love and many prayers,Rebecca

  18. Hey Nathan,
    This is my first 'blog' experience but I wanted you to know I am praying for you and Tricia and Gwenyth. Your faith and love are beautifully inspring. I am forwarding your blog to Jason so he can be praying also.
    Much love,
    Millie and Jimbo Ward

  19. Nathan,

    Just wanted you to know that many people at Roanoke Bible College in Elizabeth City are praying for you, Tricia & your precious little one! I send out regular pray requests for you all to those in the RBC family and friends. It's our prayer that God will continue to wrap His loving & healing arms around Tricia & Gwyneth and strength you all during this time. He is the GREAT PHYSICIAN!

    In His Love always,
    Lisa Pipkin

  20. I read about your family on mamabear's site..just wanted to say I have your family and Dameron, on my prayer list now..I am from NW AR..and just wanted to say that you are being lifted up!

  21. you so inspire me with all this
    whay a story your lives are. it was listed on houghton colledge prayer list houghton , ny
    i will be praying continualy for you and what a beautiful name for the thrilled to hear your enjoying being a father... what a great gift it is11111111111

  22. wow! What amazing courage you have. I will pray for you every day. I hope and pray that all turns out well for your family. GOD is good and he holds all our faiths in his hand. Life is so precious. I hope with all my will that everything goes well with Tricia and Gweneth. In his name I pray for you.

  23. We're close enough to the OBX for day trips and I can't wait until the day I pass you and your family strolling along the beach and I'll look at my girls and say I Know Them!

    Your story has humbled me. There is prayer in every breath I take for both of your girls.


  24. Nthan, Trisha ....we are so happy for you all, and your miracle. It is eerie how similar your story is to ours. I too, have CF, and on Jan 7, 2004 gave birth to my twins, Paul and Sarah who were born at 26 weeks. They are now 4 and amazing!!! No lasting health problems at all! God Blessed us! And I had my double lung tranplant May 29, 2006 and I am doing fantaSTIC TOO!! Please contact us...if you have time....we would love to support you....and we will be praying!

    Kathi, Drew, Paula nd Sarah Clapham


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