
Sunday, March 16, 2008

(Bump) Your Offer to Help

(I'm bumping this only because several have left comments the past few days asking how they can help)

We are so thankful for the incredible amount of tangible support that is streaming in right now from all over the world. I would not mention this except that so many people have been asking...if you would like to do something to practically help us, here are a few opportunities:

> Send Tricia and Gwyneth an ECard. These have already been coming in. You send an email message to Duke, and they print them off (one per page) and bring them to our room. You can make a huge statement about Tricia's miracle and get even more people involved with your messages. Use "7800" for their room number.

> Send a card or package. Ask for our address by sending me an Email.

> Consider becoming a member of "Team Patty Sue" by financially donating to Tricia's Trust Fund. All moneys donated go directly into helping finance everything involving Tricia's CF (including the pregnancy/premature care). This trust fund is a few years old, and we are literally debt free so far because of the donations of hundreds of friends, family and loving strangers.

> (This is the best option, IMO) Take a few minutes to visit my Great Strides Home Page and consider either donating or signing up and becoming a member of our team and helping me reach my personal goal of $10,000 by Sept. 13, 2008. Every dollar raised here will go directly to CF research.

Some things that we ask you NOT to do:

> DON'T send flowers/plants. Neither Tricia or Gwyneth can have any flowers in their rooms, and I only spend sleeping hours at our hotel, so nobody would be able to enjoy them.

> DON'T send stuffed animals/toys. Stuffed animals/toys are a great breeding ground for dust and germs. Tricia's CF and upcoming double lung transplant will not allow us to have many of these things in our lives.

> Don't send live animals or spiders. That's just silly.




  1. We would be honored to help you all in several of the ways you listed. Thanks for letting us know some tangible things we can do.

    You hang in there and be sure to take care of yourself! Your girls would want you to.

    God Bless and rest well tonight knowing you are in the Lord's arms.

    The Black Family

  2. I have just found your blog and just wanted to let you know that you, your wife, and baby are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. What! You don't want a pet spider? Aww come on now! (Just kidding of course!)

  4. We tried to send an ecard but need the room number. Would you be able to post that so the hospital is not overwhelmed with phone calls. We did this for a family member once and it was an incredible encouragement for her as well as an awesome example to the volunteers that had to make several deliveries.

  5. Oh stink...I was going to send you one of our cats! Glad to hear your humor.


    Still praying in SC!

  6. ah man what am I going to do with the lizzards i bought for you guys
    guess i will keep em till everyone comes home still praying for you

  7. A friend send your blog to me and I've spent the last 2 hours getting to know your family...I've read your dad and wife's blogs as well. I've cried a river for all that you've been through. But I tell you...what an amazing story and an amazing family and an amazing wife and an amazing baby!!!! Know someone in GA is praying for your babies tonight.

  8. Nathan, I was touched by your story. I was directed here by a preemie website requesting prayers for you & your precious girls. My son was born at 24 1/2 weeks in 2006. He is now 14 months old, & doing absolutley amazing. He is full of energy & joy. Also, my husband & I are both carriers of the CF gene -as well as his sister & her husband. So I wanted to let you know that we will all be praying for you, your beautiful wife, & your precious daughter. May they both heal & grow stronger every single day & come home to lead very long, happy lives.

    Two passages that were key to us:

    "For with God, nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37

    "And the child grew & became strong, he was filled with wisdom, & the grace of God was upon him." Luke 2:40

    May the grace of God be with you all --


  9. I had just asked your dad today about this very thing and was waiting a response. So now I have one! (I said "75 drs in the ER is one big bill!!" lol )

    Thanks for being so open and sharing with us! Aspiemom

  10. Not sure you meant to be but not sending y'all a pet spider was f.u.n.n.y :) Hang in there but even if you can't know that 1000's will hold you up with good will and the power of prayer.


  11. Life truly is precious. You have such a great family and amazing faith. You, Tricia, and Gwenyth are in my prayers.

  12. I was just about to go to bed when I stopped to say a quick prayer and the first thing that came to my mind was you guys! I literally jumped out of bed and ran to the computer, pulled your blog from my faves, and was ecstatic to see another update had been posted since 12pm today!

    I am continuously praying for you guys and didn't get much work done today because I couldn't stop hitting refresh on your blog to see what the latest changes were!

    There are so many people that do not know you, I am one of them, and care about you guys so much! I cannot wait to hear the day you all get to go home and enjoy the new baby at YOUR home!

    I am so thankful to hear the good news that is coming from Durham tonight!

    I'll continue to pray! Please try to get some rest! Mom and baby will need you soon! :)

    God Bless!
    (Willow Springs, NC)

  13. I'm sooooo excited about Tricia and Gwyneth's progress!!! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!!!! We'll keep praying for even more progress tomorrow. I can't wipe a smile off my face right now!
    ~Sheryl =)

  14. I've been following your amazing journey through I'm a mom to a 2 year old daughter with CF.

    Just wanted to let you know that you all have been constantly in my prayers.

    Know that you are being thought of in Wisconsin!

    (izemmom on

  15. Nate, Tricia, and Gwenyth,
    We received the link to your blog from my cousin, Shane Manning and his wife forwarded from Andy - my son Nicholas has CF. He is 15 years old now and was diagnosed at 18 months. My heart pours out to you all. My family and I are praying for you daily. Dealing with this disease was never allowed to ruin our lives or dictate what we do, instead, it has made us the strong family in faith that we are today. Know that God does work in everything you are going through. It is such an inspiration to read about you and your family. Keep your chin up and know that you are loved and are not alone.

    The Griffin Family
    Rocky Mount, NC

  16. Nate, can you provide us with the last name and room number so that we can send Tricia an e-card.

    I have been following your story as of late, you are in our prayers and many of our friends and acquaintances.

    Thank you for so willingly sharing this story with the world, you are an amazing family.

    wife to Mark 27 w/CF
    Mom to triplets Tristan, Cassie and Ry

  17. we are still praying! thanks for all the updates!

  18. Prayers being sent your way from Lynchburg! I am an LU alum, so yay! I am Elmer Towns daughter in law, I'm sure you have heard of him, ha! I stumbled upon you from a comment on's blog, tonight. I stumbled upon her from Beth Moore, about a year ago. Anyway I AM PRAYING, and I am asking a bunch of folks up here to join us all in prayer for the girls, and you. I was widowed 6 years ago, Dr Towns son Sam, my husband, was killed in a car accident. We had a 3 yr old and a 5 yr old. I have a word for you, well 3. Jesus is enough! He has NEVER let me down. Also, just to make this all more freaky. I have been vacationing at OBX since 1971, so it's like we are related!!!
    Karen Towns

  19. It's a long story how I became connected with your blog, but I am checking it regularly to keep you all in my prayers. My heart aches for you as I read of all the struggles you face daily--hourly. I appreciate you sharing all the details of your journey with us. What a testimony of faith in action. I am so encouraged by your spiritual maturity and complete trust in God. You are living examples of Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

    Clovis, CA

  20. Karen,
    I was one of your father-in-law's students in seminary, and I also knew Sam.

    Please pass on to Elmer what God is doing here.

  21. Sleepless in Colington. I'm nocturnal I guess. Rich printed a picture of Gwyneth for Marilyn. I gave to her tonight. I know she wishes she could be there hugging ya'll right now. Thanks for good news tonight. Still praying without ceasing for His glory to shine through ya'll!!!
    Love in Christ,
    Sister in Christ, NHC

  22. So you want to have an MRI today? Sorry I have to check the blogs first......You guys are all I think about and the blog really does stay open when I am at work- Nate please take care of yourself -you have lots of work to do for your girls - Love you Denise

  23. If we can donate to the trust, is there someone picking up the mail as it appears to be going to Kill Devil Hills.

  24. Nathan- This is Dr. Ron Giese's daughter. I found your site through Patience and have been praying for you, your wife, and daughter. Could you send me Tricia's room # so I can send an e-card? Thanks!

  25. You are too much fun! No wonder Tricia loves you! Thanks for the info, and the update, I am hopelessly addicted to your blog, and I will faithfully lift you and your precious family in prayer. I am thankful that today was a better day! God is so Good!
    from Maryland

  26. I know you don't know me but I have been reading your blogs and praying for your family. I have asked those on my blogsite to check out your blog and pray for your family.

  27. I posted a prayer request for y'all on my blog, someone left a prayer message, wanted to pass it on to make sure you read it:

    "Father I lift up the Larenson family. I pray that You will move miraculously on their behalf. I pray that they will clearly see and understand that this is simply a testing...You are proving their faith. Remind them that when all looks dark, they need to stand in the midst of the storm and cling to You. If they keep their eyes on You, You will take care of every thing, but they must give EVERY THING into Your hands with faith and thanksgiving. I thank You now for their complete deliverance through this situation, by Your grace and Jesus' name. Amen."

  28. All you have to do is put ICU for the number. The hospital knows where Tricia is and will get the messages to her and Nathan.

  29. My heart breaks to hear of your story. I don't know why God let's this all happens. But He has a purpose for everything. We need to keep remember He's in control over all. Whenever you hear negative feedback on your wife's health or your precious little baby, remember God is more powerful than any Doctor! Just keep having faith as time goes on. No matter how hard it gets, keep trusting. My favorite verse that help me when I was going through a hard time with my father's health last summer was" If you have faith as small as mustard seed, all things are possible through God" I don't know if I have it correct word by word.: ) Just keep repeating that verse! By the way I use to attend Fellowship Baptist Church when your wife was attending there! Praying for your family & strength for you.

  30. Just found your blog on a friend's blog. Your story is powerful & amazing. Praise the Lord for his love towards us! My family will be praying for yours.

    Love in Christ
    Sara from Maryland

    PS Would you consider a ladybug for a pet? ;-)

  31. Hi Nathan, I found out about your blog and your story through another blog, and I just wanted to drop in and say that I admire your strength and love! What a wonderful husband and father you are.
    I had a baby girl last year at 22.5weeks and unfortunately she did not make it... we had hoped I could carry her until 24 weeks but things just didn't work to our favor.

    I know that having a premature baby will not be easy for you, but God knew that you would be the perfect Father to nurture her. She will be able to grow because of your love. You have a long road ahead, but Hold fast in your faith! I will keep you, Tricia and baby Gwenyth in my continued prayers

  32. Praying, praying, and praying.

    Nancy, John, Daniel, and Paul
    (Well, I'm praying now. I'm pretty sure the others are asleep.)
    Hope you all are having a restful sleep tonight.

  33. Nathan -

    I just found your blog and spent some time catching up on your story and the progress of your girls. I am lifting both girls up in prayer and will continue to as the weeks go on! You guys are truly a blessing to us through your unfailing faithfulness to God.

    God Bless,


  34. Now I'm worried because I didn't ask for an address to send a package. I sent something for Meka directly to Duke but it shipped from the warehouse. Did Meka receive the kibble? If no, let me know, and I'll check in to it.

  35. Nate and Tricia, You are both such an inspiration to so many people in the world. What a great testimony you each have! Your blog is a fabulous way to let strangers like me into your lives to enjoy the blessing of getting to know you from afar. Thank you for your faith and being willing to share your kooky sense of humor. You crack me up and make me cry with each post. I find myself checking in several times a day. Seeing what you guys are going through makes me appreciate my health and that of my children all the more.
    "Spiders!" LOL!

  36. question about the stuffed animals: what about ones that are labeled "asthma-friendly?" I saw a few of these at a recent trip to Build a Bear and thought of all of you. :)


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