
Monday, March 17, 2008

I Blog A Lot...

So, I love the whole blog thing, and because of our life here at the hospital, I have a lot of time to blog and a lot of stuff to blog about. But, sometimes, I feel like I blog so much that some of my most important posts get bumped down so quickly that a lot of people might not get the chance to read them all, which I don't love (and, which is partly why I love the word "bump" so much).

So, tell me what you think. Try to answer the following poll based on how much you actually read of my blog.

If you don't read it all, tell me that I blog too much.

If you read it all and can't wait for more, tell me that I don't blog enough.

If you have just enough time and energy to read all or nearly all, tell me that I blog just the right amount.



I had the comments disabled for some reason...please feel free to let me know why you voted the way you did.


  1. My husband & I LOVE your daily updates & pictures & thoughts. We almost feel like we know you guys - though, of course, we don't. But we do love praying for you daily.

    Greg & Stephanie

  2. I wouldn't know what to do with my plethora of time without reading updates from ya'll! I know how boring that hospital can be and know how nice it is to have contact with the outside world, even if it's through a computer.

  3. Nate,

    I enjoy your blogs because I always find them imformative, funny and touching. Not many people have the nack for expressing their life and adventures happening in their life. You do quite well. Congrats!

    Not to mention I'm a sucker for those cute Gwenyth Rose Pic's. I had a preemie 17 years ago and we could not take a camera in to take pictures of the little ones they did not want to take away from the privacy of the other infants and families. I could understand, I just really wish I had more pics of him when he was a weeee little one. Gwenyth will love her momento's.

    Keep on blogging.


  4. I enjoy here how things are going. I remember sitting in the hospital for hours on end while my son was in the hospital at the age of 3 and again from the time he was 7-9 yrs. old. I wish I could have did something like this at that time. That was 9 years ago. It was a sad time, but I have many precious memories and still am in contact with some of the nurses. It is, also, a great place to live out your life as a believer. It makes people question how you handle all that is going on which is such a great ministry opportunity. My son, Mark, went to be with the Lord 9 yrs. ago. I know he is a better place and thank the Lord for the 9 years but especially the last 2 yrs. He gave me. There is many good memories in that time. I didn't realize how stressful it had been until after the fact. God is faithful

  5. I usually have enough time and energy to read all of your posts, but there are a bunch of videos I have to go back and watch. Like your wedding one, and others. I am mostly anxious to hear more of your love story! It's so sweet! Well, I love everything about your blog, but what I hope for most when I log on is the next chapter in your love story. And pictures of Gwyn...and....and...and.... :)

  6. Dear Nate, I'm a new reader of your blog and was inspired from the word go! I think about you daily and told my husband about you as well. Tellin him about your journey left me in tears, because that was when I realised how blessed I am. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and I can't wait for the day when Trish receives her new lungs!
    Have a beautiful day, lots of sunshine from SA,

  7. I'm a fast reader, so there could never be! It's always so informative, which means we can pray more intelligently for you all! Thanks!

  8. Nate, thank you for the window into your journey. As a NICU nurse of 16 years I feel a bond with your family. I will continue to pray for you, Tricia and darling Gwyneth. As I write, I am at work.... What an amazing journey, both of the ladies in your life boldly fighting. May God continue to give each of you strength and peace that he is truly in control! God is Good!

  9. Personally I enjoy all the information and personality you share by blogging. I check your blog daily and pray for your family often. I say keep up what you are doing.

  10. You blog just the right amount. :) Sometimes you could blog just a "little more." :)

  11. I think it is just about right! I've got to get up earlier in the morning to keep up with all the reading!

  12. I love getting the updates, I feel like I really know you guys. Any more and I will feel that you are one of the family, and feel guilty that I don't invite you to Christmas!!! Seriously I love to keep you and Tricia and Gwyneth in my prayers. My husband even asks how all are doing! Thank you for sharing your most personal journey. God Bless! Steph/Stl MO

  13. Just enough for me!

    I have to give you credit for being able to write like hoe you do,always fresh and heart felt.

  14. Nate,

    sometimes I worry when you don't blog much....Kinda like when I don't hear from my own kids enuff!! It is just right!! And...I think you need to publish a book of all this when you all go back to a "normal" life. you know, back home, with new baby and new lungs!! It would be very inspirational to many that don't use the internet.

    Shari NC

  15. For me it was a toss up between blogging not enough and enough...I finally chose just enough. I, personally, scroll through each entry watch all the videos posted, click on any links...a regular groupie. Ulitmately we can't have a 24 hour feed, you need your yes, you blog just enough! You do a great job of updating and educating. Thanks!

  16. I found your blog through a link right after your baby was born. CF affects two young nieces in my family, and I find your story captivating and hopeful. I don't always read every single post, but I do check to see the topic. And every post I hope will be "the big one" with hugely wonderful all your posts have, at least, gained you one more fan, and a whole lot of prayers.

    Sounds just right to me!

  17. I check the blog a few times a day and get excited with every milestone. I love the way you write and how open and honest you are about the things happening around you. You, Tricia, and Gwyneth are such a testimony in faith and inspiration to us all. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

  18. I love your blog. I look forward to it and check it a couple times a day. I am very inspired by your stories. I think you are a riot and remind me in different ways of my brother.
    In God's Amazing Love,

  19. Since I check frequently during the day for updates and, depending on the title, feel my heart race (good news) or stomach drop (bad news)I had to say you don't blog enough.

    More, I want more! (Yep, I'm addicted!!!)

    Thanks for sharing your life. I know it's probably a cliche, but there's a lot of truth to the statement, "You'll never know till you get to many people you've touched."

  20. I voted that you don't blog enough, but that is not to say that if you blog as much as you can and want to you should blog more. I based my vote on me showing up here several times a day and that I check it more often than is reasonable to expect a new post! LOL But I love reading about you guys and seeing your sweet baby so I check often cause I don't want to miss a second!


  21. I read it all. You do post a lot, but you're on my reader, so it never gets overwhelming. (Which may indicate that I spend way too much time checking my reader....)I have to admit, when I see you on the list of new posts, I get a little excited. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.

  22. Reasonably speaking, you probably blog as much as your time allows, given that your first priority is to be with Tricia and Gwyneth! :) So I voted for "just right", even though I was sooooo tempted to go for "not enough." Becoming a first-time "groupie" at age 60 has been an interesting experience for me :):):) Seriously, I literally check in a gazillion times/day when I am home, to look for updates and prayer requests...and just waiting and hoping for the great news that Tricia is being prepped for surgery. You are all constantly in my thoughts and a steady stream of "arrow prayers"!

  23. Nathan, I could read your blog all day everyday. Of course I am on bed rest and currently have no life...but still, that's not the point! lol

  24. Love reading the blog and honestly can't wait for more sometimes. Your and Tricia's humor and awesome pictures and joy through such trying circumstances are an inspiration and a reminder that we should all follow your example. Thank you so much for keeping us so up-to-date!

  25. I love your blog/story. It inspires me-keep it up. It makes me more thankful for the blessings in my life. Plus, I get the blessing of praying for others(you, Tricia, Gwyneth Rose). And, thanks to you, I now have a Google account and can leave comments! I just signed up today. May the Lord continue to use your life and story to bring glory and honor to His name. Thanks, Nate. Leigh Ann, Nashville, TN

  26. I read it all and am always checking for updates (even at work where I am not supposed to!) Keep up the good work - it is wonderful to see your girls and their progress. And a glimpse of you every now and then is nice too.

  27. If you blogged any more, my addiction would interfer with my duties as a wife and a mom. If you blogged any less, well, my day just wouldn't be as sweet!

    You were part of the inspiration that got me blogging - so until I figure out how to do that a little more quickly - it's a little more time consuming that I want it to be.

    The perspective and wisdom I gain from reading about your life is truely a blessing! Thank you for sharing your story with me!

  28. I catch your blog via google reader, so I am able to read every single post with no problems. Love it! Might be a good idea to have a crash course post on feedburners or readers like google or bloglines for the folks who don't know how to do that...seems simpler than checking the blog every day & potentially missing an important post. Folks can subscribe to mine via email as well & get email updates whenever the blog is updated. That has helped a lot!

  29. My vote is really all about me I'm afraid! As a fairly new mom myself (of a toddler), my time is limited, but I manage to get in and read just about everything ... I find it is one of the things I look forward to in the day. I really look forward to good news from your corner of the world ... that is my wish for you all. I admire your strength, honesty, spirituality and attitude ... perhaps it will rub off on me some day??? Keep it coming ... it is a beautiful life story ...........

  30. Your blog is great. I feel like part of the extended family. I pray for you all daily and it is nice to know that all is well. I spent some time in the hospital and it isn't fun. I like knowing that Tricia is able to have "some" fun, like yesterday. I also love seeing the miracle that God is working in your lives. How can you blog "too much" about that???
    Christy in KY

  31. I think that you blog just enough to give you time to spend with your girls. However, I just love reading all your posts, and check back several times a day to make sure I catch any new ones. You have a wonderful way with words and seem to always make sure your sentiments are clear. I also love how much you educate us about what your girls, and other families, are going through.

    Hugs and prayers!!

  32. I think your blog rocks! I check it daily... more than that sometimes, and I have been telling so many friends about it. You guys all rock! Beautiful writing, awesome photos, and an incredible story. You are one blessed guy. And I feel blessed to have stumbled on here.

  33. Love the daily updates and pictures! i check at least 3x a day if i can! thank you! praying, jen in al

  34. I love the udates and when I have extra time, I am able tog o back and read the early posts, pre hospital or early in the hospital. I think that you blog the right amount...there are days I wish I could read more but it would put a dent in my other "to do's", so do what you want and need to do! You could always say, go back and read this entry...if you want people to remember about something. Thanks for sharing regardless!

  35. I love reading your updates! Having only been reading your blog for about a couple weeks, I have taken the time to go back to the beginning and learn more about this journey from when you started the blog (haven't read exactly word for word but have gotten a good idea about how you all started :) ). I have also read parts of Tricia's blog and about Team PattySue, etc. I feel blessed to "know" you and Tricia through this internet space and have been keeping you both and sweet little Gwyneth in my daily prayers.

    I also love the video and slideshows on your blog....brought tears to my eyes every time I watched one. You are both an example of real people going through an absolutely real experience and we should all be greatful that you are willing to share this experience with the world.



  36. Nate, I so much enjoy your blogging. Each time I log on I check my goggle reader to see if there are updates. You do a fantastic job! It also gives me specific things to pray for about Gwyneth Rose, Tricia and you. I have been following since Jan. Made God continue to bless you and your precious girls. Because He first loved us, a sister in Christ.

  37. You blog plenty, but I voted "not enough" just because I can't wait to read more!!! :)

    -Lisa Collinsworth

  38. I love your updates---I have my whole family & all of my friends addicted also....hmmm...I know that's not a good sign!!!!!

  39. Your blogs are one of the first things I check in the morning, mid-morning, afternoon, mid-afternoon and well basically all day. Love seeing pictures of you & your beautiful girls, talking about God and your Faith in Him.

  40. Not enough. Still waiting for the rest of your love story! Ha!Ha!

  41. I tune into "Confessions" about like some people tune into Oprah. And I detest reruns so I am sometimes disappointed when I see bumps. I think you blog just the right amount. And I read every one but only skim the comments.
    I realize you've only given us a glimpse into your lives, but I cannot help but feel like I know your family. If we were to run into each other somewhere I'd half expect you to recognize me since my family would no doubt recognize your, I mean, you.

  42. I love to log on and "catch up" - I love to come here and read about what God is doing in your lives! Thank you for so willingly sharing your lives with us! Sunshine

  43. I eagerly check your blog several times daily, and whenever there is a new post, I am so glad to be able to read it. Again, you really have spectacular writing talents (and photography skills ;-) ) and an open, understanding heart. I truly thank you for sharing your experiences with us, the world. Also, your posts hit the bull's eye as they give exactly what we can know in order to pray for you all.

    I feel you post just the right amounts and yes, the amount varies with each day but that is just fine since that is normal! The most important thing I think is for you to take as much time as you need with your family and also for yourself-- sleep, play with Meka, shop, etc... to keep your sanity. Taking care of yourself comes first before posting upon this blog. :-) I'm sure you know that already and do so accordingly.

    Thanks again for sharing and I always look forward to the next post, whenever it occurs (daily, every other day, a week, or so). :-)

    Take care,

  44. Stopping by your blog always stirs my heart, my mind and my spirit. It is a privilege to watch your family, to pray as He leads and to be reminded of Him through it all. I love the playful, silly and awe inspiring pictures. Tiny little Gwyneth just causes me to be amazed at God's creation. Thanks for sharing your daily lives with us. We only know a tiny part of you but it is a privilege.

  45. I've been meaning to let you know that I watched the Fraggle Rock video with my 14 month old daughter, and it is now a daily occurrence to watch the video. She even learned the sign language sign for "again" so she could ask to watch it more. I typically limit it to 3 times in one sitting...she loves it!!!

  46. It seems like the days I have time to check here the most are your slower blogging days, and then the days I dont get to check enough, you post a ton and I have a lot of catching up in not enough time- especially the videos. Though dont stop putting them up- I love them!
    Praying for you guys to have a great day!

  47. It's your blog - you should do what you want!

    I think you blog just the right amount. I love that almost every time I check my reader, there is an update. It's fun to see pictures, see how you are, pray for you guys. If I'm having a busy week, then I might not read every word, but I say keep it up!

  48. You could never post too many blogs on your site. You are an interesting, talented and gifted writer with a loving family to describe. And, we all want to be able to pray for you and to rejoice in the many positive things in your life. And, in addition to what you write, the pictures are unbelievable and there can never be enough of those!

  49. I'm glad you blog when you do. I refresh your blog frequently, checking for updates.

    I think about you all a lot, and am constantly praying for your family.

    I do have a question, though - what photo editing software do you use to get such a soft look on your photos? They are all so beautiful!

  50. i am a big blogger too so i read a lot of blogs and i cant keep up i only check 2 times a day and when there are 5 posts to be honest i just look at the pics :)

  51. Nathan,

    What about going back to some of the most important posts (and doing this from now on) and putting a "important" tag on them or something like that? Then people can go back and read the important ones!

    I have to admit that sometimes I go to my google reader and hope to see a blog post and don't - but that, to me, does not mean that you don't blog enough!! I think you blog the perfect amount!

    Thanks for always keeping us updated on your beautiful girls.

  52. You don't blog enough!! i read them all :)


  53. I think you have the perfect amount of updates...I know that when I come check in the morning and before I go to bed at night, there will be something new to read!

    Love it all! :)
    You do a great job!

  54. I always enjoy reading your blog, Nate. The updates and pictures are great. Looking forward to the next installment in "the story of us"!

  55. i chose that you didn't blog enough, only because i check your blog for updates everyday at least twice even when im at school. and i can never get enough pictures of gwyneth! but i also understand that your very busy so you probably blog just the right amount for how busy you are!

  56. I love the fact that you share often and freely!

  57. I LOVE hearing your updates and following your story and being able to pray for your family. I have your blog on Google reader, so it keeps track of how many new posts you do so that way I never miss any....Thanks for keeping us updated!!!!!

  58. It's your story. Blog as little or as much as you want. I love reading it, but I certainly don't think I'm entitled to. Thanks for sharing however much of your story that you feel comfortable sharing. It is a blessing to me. :) -mother of 3 (from my work account)

  59. I voted for "just the write amount," but the truth is, you could blog twice as much, and I'd love it :-) I have an addiction that must be fed! hahaha...I'm sure that I'm not the only one!

  60. I love your daily updates as well. My husband was a living donor of a lung lobe to his childhood best friend, so our hearts and prayers are with you every day.
    And as a Mommy to a little girl as well, I pray that Tricia is closer every day to getting many more hours every single day of quality time with precious Gwyneth.


  61. I really do not think that you need to worry about whether people are reading your blog or not!!! Me, on the other hand, I worry that my family even looks at it!!! My brother tells me that blogs are where people write because no one will listen to them speak!!! I do enjoy your blog. Keep keepin' us updated.

  62. Selfishly I voted for not enough. Although I feel that you do blog enough so that you don't spend too much time away from your girls. I love reading your blog and check in several times a day. When there aren't updates I like to look at pictures since I think Gwyneth is just amazing. She puts a smile on my face everytime I see her picture. I especially love reading your love story, which has not been updated lately (hint, hint). You are such a talented writer. You just have such a way with words. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  63. I won't tell you that you don't blog enough, because who am I to tell you what to do with your time? I'll just say that I check this site multiple times a day and am always disappointed when there's nothing new. ;-) As always, your family is in my prayers.

  64. i voted not enough, b/c your family is an addiction LOL! i am always on hear reading about Mommy and Gwenyth! telling family about you guys and getting my daily dose of a PP says I am a sucker for pics of sweet lil princess Gwenyth. every tuesday @ 9am i am looking for Nate's pics of his georgeous daughter and wife!
    God bless your family Nate you guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. I love waking up, cheking email, then checking on "CF Husband" and his girls. Even though we don't know each other, we ARE family in Christ, and this really makes that real for me. Helps remind me to pray for others all over. I am one of those who tries to read the comments and pray for those who ask for it (when I have time - my 7 month old sometimes doesn't let me ;)). Thank you so much for this outreach!

  66. I love reading your blog and do it whenever I get the chance. There is almost always something new to read and I am so grateful that you choose to share your life with us. I chose not enough because when there isn't something new to read I am sad! Thank you again for sharing your story with the world!

  67. I have you on my google reader so it doesn't matter how much you post, I can make sure to read it all :) I enjoy the updates and the parts of your life that you share so freely. It has been remarkable to watch your daughter grow in the past few weeks and I'm so thankful that someone linked your blog so that I could find it! I continue to pray for your family and for all that God is doing with your story.

  68. I said not enough, but only because I'm still waiting for the final installments of "The Story of Us." Otherwise, I think it is great! I check in several times a day to see if there are any updates from you!

  69. Your blogging is an inspiration to my wife and I. When we wake up in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning or when ever we are on the net we check this cool blog site out. I do not know if you have heard of it before it is called Confessions of a CF Husband! We look forward to all the updates that you provide us with. Thank you for sharing your lives with us all.

  70. I read them all. If I don't have time when I come, I come back later to get caught up.

  71. Nate
    One of these days you are going to be so busy that blogging will simply be a memory.
    Changing diapers, playing in the park, bathing, laughing, family game nights, teeth brushing, painting those cute little toe nails (on both Gwenyth & Tricia), cleaning up messes, and more and more and more. So we will enjoy it while it lasts!

  72. I found your blog a couple of weeks ago through a link on Holly's blog, Seeking Faithfulness. I read the ENTIRE thing in one day! :) I'm absolutely hooked now, and I update my mom almost everyday. We are praying for you guys!

    I wanted to vote that you don't blog enough, but that's only because I'm so hooked! :P I completely understand that you can't constantly write posts and update. In fact, I'm surprised at how much you DO blog! I'm always itching for an update, but it's your blog, so you blog as much or as little as you feel is necessary. I will keep reading no matter what!

  73. My wife and I love your posts....keep them up!

  74. I always wish there were more updates. I check about a ten times a day and I never tire of the baby pics. The one with Gwenyth and Trish is my favorite, except for the one with her on your chest, I cry every time. Oh and the one where she is smiling and looks like you, with the fraggle hat - I LOVE that one. I also love the one where her eyes are open and it's a close up semi-profile shot I think. She is so cute. I really want to hug her. I have two babies of my own so I truly am addicted to little ones. :-)

  75. I love reading the updates. My friend from N.C blogged about your blog & we've been watching daily to see how the family is. You are so personal about your life & Tricia & Gwyneth, it feels like we know you guys. My friends at nursing school say you should get voted husband/daddy of the year :) We have cried about how awesome your trust in God is & the bravery & keeps us inspired. My kids love looking at the pics & watching how your little one is getting stronger & growing.

  76. I always scroll down until I see something familiar to make sure I didn't miss anything :)

  77. I love to sit down and take a break from the life of triplets and read your blog. You are a lot more entertaining than reality TV! :)
    No, seriously I feel like you are friends even though we have never met. I can't wait to hear the newest update and I pray everyday that I will open up your blog and see that new lungs are on the way.

  78. I have your blog on my google reader account and can always see exactly how many new posts you have and can't wait for the next ones. The pictures are priceless, the testimony encouraging, and your faith inspiring. Keep it up and may God bless you and your family.

  79. I love reading your posts. I don't have a lot of time, but will try to at least scan through to the point I left off last time and see how your girls are, and how to pray for them. Thanks for keeping us up to date!


  80. My mom and I have been reading your blog now since the beggining of the year! Doesn't seem that long ago now...We pray for you daily and look forward to hearing about your daily updates on how you and your GIRLS are doing! We would say you blog just enough to make us laugh and cry all in the same post! and then want to return a couple more times during the day just to check in! Thanks for sharing your story and most of all your heart and passion for the Lord!

  81. I voted not enough because I can't get each Chapter in "The Story of Us" fast enough. Please take this under advisement and bring me my next installment!!!!!

    Love to all,
    Susan in WV

  82. I find myself sifting through for updates on Tricia's transplant status and overall health. There is CF in my extended family so I am always interested in other's journey with CF.



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